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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read September 10, 2007, 02:17:08 PM #751

i dont play ddr anymore Tongue and useually my sets sonsist of a 6-9 step a 10 i love and an 11 because 11's are fun ^_^ i guess\ ill just work on keeping beat while stepping and maybe start stomping full time i hardly ever do so when i do i mess up, see greats in PA theme XD the stomping threw me off
Read September 10, 2007, 07:43:27 PM #752

It might be an internal syncing issue.  If you feel that you were on beat, but got lots of greats, retry the song focusing less on the music and more on the technicality of the steps.  Normally I say never play a song twice in a row, but when I need to get my syncing reset to a different version, I'll usually play the same moderate level (8 or 9) song twice in a row or more until I get a good score on it.  If I don't do that, it will take me about 4 hours of constant play to adjust, and that isn't fun at all.

I think you said you play on the keyboard too, and that's probably the problem right there.  Your internal syncing is possibly set for your stepmania.

EDIT (I don't take credit for this wisdom; if this works, thank zeppy):
If that doesn't help, another thing you might want to try is aiming to get as few Excellents as possible, and not even caring about greats.  My great counts are always way lower with marvs on because I try to marv attack.

Oh, and I think I have, like, a 96.xx on PA theme, and I SDG 8's and easy 9's; that songs rhythms are weird.  You might want to practice some different easy songs for accuracy.  Touch Me is a pretty easy one for me to time. (in fact I need to make sure I play that.  My old home pads broke 2 songs after I got a 97.96% (read: highway robbery) on it and I haven't tried it again since.
Read September 10, 2007, 07:58:10 PM #753

well i have heard things about r21 having issues...
as for playing on key its not really sm its itg2pc and how would it be different? i sat for like an hour syncing that damn thing >_<
Read September 10, 2007, 08:36:47 PM #754

R21 only has issues with upgrade cabs, and you have a dedicated cabinet so that shouldn't affect you. On our machine, everything became really late or early. (mostly early) When I played on an R21 dedicab everything felt really, really easy because it was all on beat.
Read September 10, 2007, 08:41:20 PM #755

Quote from: "xexy"
well i have heard things about r21 having issues...
as for playing on key its not really sm its itg2pc and how would it be different? i sat for like an hour syncing that damn thing >_<
Timing windows might be different.  I didn't realise you were using ITG2pc.
Read September 14, 2007, 09:18:19 PM #756

I reassured my title as best Didderer in Remond Cheesy Not much of an accomplishment though >.> More people need to play DDR in my town.
Read September 14, 2007, 09:34:30 PM #757

Well, I'm still the best didderary (check the grammer: Dance Dance Revolutioner, or Dance Dance Revolutionary?) in Milwaukie. ;P  In fact, now, I completely dominate.  I used to just be a little over the competition when I first claimed the title.  Nearest superior is in Oregon City. Tongue

Anyway, I think the solution is more for you to come to the DDR than for the DDR to come to you. ;P
Read September 14, 2007, 09:42:15 PM #758

Can I have Portland? I mean there's NO one that plays anymore...
Read September 14, 2007, 09:48:18 PM #759

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Well, I'm still the best didderary (check the grammer: Dance Dance Revolutioner, or Dance Dance Revolutionary?) in Milwaukie. ;P  In fact, now, I completely dominate.  I used to just be a little over the competition when I first claimed the title.  Nearest superior is in Oregon City. Tongue

Anyway, I think the solution is more for you to come to the DDR than for the DDR to come to you. ;P

Can't do that for another year D: unless it's visiting people Cheesy
Read September 14, 2007, 10:12:41 PM #760

Quote from: "discovolante"
Can I have Portland? I mean there's NO one that plays anymore...
You might have to fight zeppy over it.  You've probably managed to get better than him by now though, unless he's been practicing without telling anyone.

Nikki: I wouldn't mind you visiting.  Just do so every weekend and we're set.  :wink:
Read September 14, 2007, 11:38:35 PM #761

zeppy doesn't play though... he thinks DDR is a waste of time.
Read September 15, 2007, 12:44:25 AM #762

Quote from: "discovolante"
zeppy doesn't play though... he thinks DDR is a waste of time.
A'ight then go for it.
Read September 15, 2007, 12:50:57 AM #763


Read September 15, 2007, 12:32:30 PM #764

N-Joi UR Ground KontrolAIDZ.
Read September 15, 2007, 01:11:38 PM #765

offtopic:  Somebody go and play Brilliant R.E.D and tell me if it sounds like deep roar... also the double heavy/gxpert chart is amazing
Read September 15, 2007, 02:44:38 PM #766

I finally Tripled Starred my first song on itg2, Tribal Style 99.09% I also got 89.20% on Determinator.

Read September 15, 2007, 07:43:37 PM #767

i passed hasse miche and sepia. Got an 83 on xuxa. Fun stuff.
Read September 15, 2007, 10:24:51 PM #768

9/1/1/1 Be Lovin (95.73% DP) EDIT: Pic
133/10/1/15 LoM (B)
EDIT: 854/197/33 (M/P/G) Pop4 Diff [FC] - 96750959
34 fc; 30/0/1/0; 30/2 HVAM
34 [sync] oni

And 367 Max Combo on DMX lol

I had a couple others from today, but my phone's dead and I didn't get pics with my real camera.

Oh, and there are 777 scores on DDRecall for Sweet Sweet <3 Magic.

Charged my phone.  The other scores were 17 on Secret Rendezvous and 16 on V Heavy.  Not great, but whatever.
Read September 19, 2007, 06:26:36 PM #769

aaa under the sky expert.

yesterday no bar:
1 miss witch doctor 1 cz, terminal depository cz, for you cz
Read September 19, 2007, 11:27:34 PM #770

passed xtreme vook of the war today... i was pretty happy. i think thats the first 3-flaming-skull-w/e i've passed. or would have passed with stage break. yeah.

something around 12-16 misses. WOO improvement.
Read September 22, 2007, 09:59:49 PM #771

I went to the Avalon and played DDR Extreme and Dance Maniax 2nd mix, without Charles! I managed to play some easier songs on wild on DM by myself without dying xP whooohooo
Read September 22, 2007, 10:26:34 PM #772

Heavy Doubles AA #3 La Copa De Vida [picture]
22 and combo breakers A on I DO I DO I DO doubles [picture]
24 and combo breakers A on IRRESISTABLEMENT doubles [picture]
30+miss on Pop4; killed on I'm Gonna Get You, but failed hard on IRRESISTABLEMENT.

Fuck yeah; gotta get that miss out of there though.  Got it 30 steps in.

Also, 38 on Be In My Paradise Extra Stage FS; missed the left arrow on the last jump though. (did a bar jump)

First attempt HVAM:
Second attempt:

I considered going for an FC today, but I think I'll save it for another Saturday.
Read September 24, 2007, 03:09:12 PM #773

I got a S- on Summer in Belize and Fleadh Uncut Expert yesterday.
Despite our machine is lagging very badly, many little kids screaming, and redemption games in the area.
Read September 24, 2007, 11:29:37 PM #774

Quote from: "Da-RiSiN-sMoKe"
I got a S- on Summer in Belize and Fleadh Uncut Expert yesterday.
Despite our machine is lagging very badly, many little kids screaming, and redemption games in the area.

when it lags pull it out a bit, i went the other day and OMFG lag was aweful but we pulle i out and it was fine,


78.xx on the begginning

82.xx on tricky disco

88.9x on bounce
Read September 26, 2007, 08:56:17 PM #775

Got mah SN2 today, but can't play it 'cause the chip for my pad is snapped in half. Sad  Gotta get another chip and resolder everything.
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