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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read January 20, 2008, 01:40:41 AM #926

S final audition another nightmare

S mobius strip nightmare
2 misses Run nightmare

« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 03:07:53 PM by Davyn »
Read January 21, 2008, 04:38:27 AM #927

96.87 (2g2m) Mr. Firefight CZ [took the record back from Mr. Firefighter himself]
Clear Treme - Vook of the War CZ (which means my endurance is coming back)
Cleared a bunch of 7-9's on Accelerando mode.  Also Chimera HD sightread Acc.
Clear Monkey Fingers CZ Mach 1.2.

Turns out I had a fever setting in and hadn't noticed.  Playing a bunch of hard charts really messed me up, I could barely walk for awhile because I was too sore.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 08:40:55 AM by ancsik »
Read January 21, 2008, 10:57:13 AM #928

15 greats on A heavy.
11 greats on Love Love Sugar.
I need better scores >:
Read January 21, 2008, 11:24:28 PM #929

I did some more sightreading last Sunday at the Waterfront:

LIaDZ 2 [FS] CZ: B 178 misses

Try to B.P.M. CZ: C 130 misses

Bleh Tongue
Read January 22, 2008, 11:39:13 PM #930

AAA golden sky!
AA d-vision!
pass a 12 on pro! then failed a 14 because i didn't feel like trying!
i think i'll attempt double on pump and see how that goes.  it wasn't good last time i tried, haha
Read January 24, 2008, 05:21:21 PM #931

15 greats on A heavy.
If that's an arcade score, that's pretty good.
Not super good, but pretty good.

My best is 4 on that, but my average is closer to 12 or 13.
Read January 24, 2008, 06:15:55 PM #932

stopped on monolith ex at last stop, 6ex 3g 6 or 7 misses when i quit
passed some 12 on pro, couple of shitty machine recs, decided dignity isn't worth trying when i saw a 16th run
4 xepher oni
Read January 25, 2008, 12:12:11 AM #933

1 AA heavy double
7 lom heavy single
6 monolith cz on pro
Read January 26, 2008, 02:18:35 AM #934

Hasse Mich HD: 96.54 (I'm improving Cheesy)
Read January 26, 2008, 04:13:31 PM #935

1 miss Fly nightmare
Read January 26, 2008, 05:18:29 PM #936

3 g Love Shine ROFL
Read January 27, 2008, 01:07:20 AM #937

Improved my Fire CZ miss count: 80 to 57
Read January 27, 2008, 06:41:54 PM #938

Did a 4 song set consisting of TLOM, PSMO, 300, and Unlimited on an Japanese Extreme cab. 90 sec song selec, 30 sec mod selec between each song. A, B, A, B and a B overall. Probably the closest I've ever coming to passing out playing DDR.

Trip Machine Phoenix finally unlocked at the arcade. Doesn't list its BPM, so failed 1.5 Huh, but passed on 2 when I tried it for the second time(still counts as sight reading, right? Tongue). Not a good score worth remembering, but it was a damn fun song. Can't wait to play Paranoia Hades though!
Read January 27, 2008, 10:52:07 PM #939

77g/2go/2miss on Macho which is apparently better than my old score or something.  I suck at that course.  And by that, I mean I suck at telephone operator. (FC'd Cap Jack <30g and FC'd Crash! 10g.)
Read February 01, 2008, 11:44:59 PM #940

Extravaganza [A] CZ: 164 misses D (I finally passed that chart Grin)

FAEP 2-2 [A] CZ: 154 misses (I think) D

Wi-Ex-Doc-Va CZ: a stunning 117 misses B (That was the song of the night Cool)
Read February 02, 2008, 10:30:17 AM #941

95.9x Final Audition 3 CZ (machine record)
93.97 Beat of the War 2 CZ (0.20 from machine record because I messed up a part I usual hit perfectly)

Xuxa HD Accelerando is way too much fun.
Read February 02, 2008, 05:27:36 PM #942

I played some actual Pump last night.

1 great 1 miss Extravaganza CZ.

6 misses on Papa Gonzales CZ. I should go for the FC on this.
Read February 03, 2008, 12:16:43 AM #943

I played a little NX today and busted out a

B with 77 misses on LiaDZ CZ,

an A with 12 misses on Witch Doctor CZ (I know I can do better),

and tried Pray NM for a change. I got an A too (seeing as how I'm a strictly singles

Read February 03, 2008, 12:53:35 AM #944

AAA #1 321 Stars (Hot Step Diff)

934/299/81 FC Hot Step Difficult (I did horribly on Which Doctor and Twin Bee; AAA'ing 321 Stars helped.)

Everything else sucked.

Oh, and there were doughnuts there and we didn't get kicked out because we were ninjas.

I guess 46 on So Deep is okay, but I did so horrible in the last bit (only had 2 greats up until about 1/4 of the way through) that it felt like shit.
Read February 03, 2008, 02:46:02 PM #945

AAA #1 321 Stars (Hot Step Diff)

Read February 03, 2008, 02:55:34 PM #946

It had to happen some time.  There were 5 other people watching and none of them saw any greats on it either.

I can't guarantee it was a AAA because it was on a course, but of the 6 people hanging around the machine that song nobody saw a great including me.  I was looking for colours and I didn't see anything but white and yellow. (I was looking for reds and blues for combo breakers, because I was trying to full combo to the course, and it wasn't until the end of the song that I yelled "HEY WHERE ARE MY GREATS?!")

I'd SDG'd 321 Stars a few times and it's really a pretty easy song, but I expected to AAA something like Look to the Sky or Magic Door as my first AAA. Tongue

I think it was the doughnuts, hot women (well, one hot woman), and the fact that I was trying to FC not AAA.
Read February 05, 2008, 07:42:59 AM #947

Passes Euphoria and Energizer last night. Failed Determinator.

Only have 5 songs left to pass on Expert: Bloodrush, Determinator, Pandemonium, Summer ~Speedy Mix~, and Vertex2.

Not that i'll ever get any of those. I can't move fast enough for Determinator. I fail the last stream in Summer. Haven't tried Bloodrush but im' not looking forward to doing the turn around cross overs. Pande and Vertex2 are way out of my league.
Read February 05, 2008, 12:33:04 PM #948

Passes Euphoria and Energizer last night. Failed Determinator.

Only have 5 songs left to pass on Expert: Bloodrush, Determinator, Pandemonium, Summer ~Speedy Mix~, and Vertex2.

Not that i'll ever get any of those. I can't move fast enough for Determinator. I fail the last stream in Summer. Haven't tried Bloodrush but im' not looking forward to doing the turn around cross overs. Pande and Vertex2 are way out of my league.

Summer still drains me, I still haven't v2'd yet, bloodrush is tiring, determinator just seems downright ridiculous sometimes, and pandemonium, is just pandemonium.  Good job
Read February 05, 2008, 03:12:42 PM #949

^__^  Thank you.
Read February 06, 2008, 01:17:55 PM #950

99.69% 9ex Breakneck Bombing (off mgd), the 11 foot expert version...definately not an 11...but it made me feel good for that

Some high 99's on some 10's...another 99 on an 11...I need to start taking pics with my card again...o hell, I just need to start playing more again
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