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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 04, 2008, 10:35:54 PM #976

90.6% WorldMAX Smiley
Read April 05, 2008, 07:09:00 PM #977

It's not that amazing, but it's at least a ** Tongue .
Read April 05, 2008, 07:49:24 PM #978

AAA long train runnin (extreme)
Read April 09, 2008, 12:18:24 PM #979

ha. being away for so long, its even more depressing to see all your scores.

b'd SMMM (first pass on a ddr machine)
73.xx on hardcore symphony, finally passed the bitch
76.xx on mythology, again, first pass.
70.44 on july, i can up it, i just keep playing it as a warmup and not play it again to score.

that only leaves me 2 11's, infection (gay) and monolith (h8 mai lyfe)

not a whole lot for scoring since HS and myth were on an upgrade (an AMAZING upgrade btw) but 94.0x on boogie down hard, 94.0x on WKWTD expert.
Read April 10, 2008, 11:29:34 PM #980

Crosspost from the D-Rave forums:
Quote from: M477
Fire [FS] CZ: A 48 misses

Pumptris Quattro CZ: B 68 misses

...and now the failures...

Chimera CZ: 289 misses

Bemera CZ: 321 misses
 Tongue Tongue
Read April 19, 2008, 04:21:44 PM #981

Love Is a Danger Zone 2 [FS] CZ: A 61 misses (2nd time played)

Witch Doctor [A] CZ: C 102 misses (improved from a horrendous D Tongue )

Witch Doctor #1 [A] CZ: A 57 misses and sightread

FAEP 1 [A] CZ: D sightread (I forget the amount of misses.)
Read April 19, 2008, 06:47:41 PM #982

I played one song.

1 great Centerfold Heavy. If I had to pick one song to play ever again in DDR, this would be it.
Read April 23, 2008, 09:05:41 PM #983

My friend was visiting from Japan so we took a few videos the other day which will probably be posted sometime soon.  ZDR and I played one round together that was pretty good, though not incredibly hard songs -

so all on vid -

Infection Hard
Walking on Fire Hard
Hardcore Symphony Hard

MTJ       ZDR
100.00   99.80
99.80    99.90
100.00   100.00   =D  =D 

Some other good scores on Expert as well, will post those later though
Read April 27, 2008, 10:53:26 AM #984

Here is the screenshot for MTJ - ZDR Hardcore Symphony Smiley

I don't have screens of the other two, but I have video.  Now to upload Sad  Even on high speed it seems like it takes forever.

Here's some other scores of recent notability:

While Tha Rekkid Spinz - Expert 1 ex

No1Nation - Hard 1ex

Oasis - Hard 1 ex (right after no1nation)  GRRR!!!

Max Forever - Hard - YASU left, ZDR right, pay no attention to the MTJ on the left

Wanna Do - Expert - pretty good score imo

Spin Chicken - Expert - I know I can do better

Disconnected Hyper - Hard - Sorry Matt, I took your score by 1

Drifting Away Expert - Blue till about 50 Sad

Gargoyle - That one off groovestats - I am very happy to star it

Summer in Belize - Expert - Great was in the weird "bling" part after the 16ths

Monolith - Expert - FINALLY I DOUBLE STARRED!!! - I hadn't starred it even before

Read April 27, 2008, 11:31:16 AM #985

That's the Hardcore Symphony Video...First upload, so I am not sure if it works.  Let me know Smiley

Read April 28, 2008, 09:42:41 AM #986

Vid works well and was awesome Cheesy .

I played some PIU Pro and NX2 Saturday night.

Hasse Mich HD: 98.44 and SS w00t

BotW2 [FS] CZ: A 103 misses; major improvement from my first sightread score of 202

Faster Z CZ: B roughly 60 some misses

PS - cool scores man!!
Read April 29, 2008, 08:25:53 PM #987

StrangeProgram Easy 11 off groovestats, tiring, but gets less tiring the more I play.  Will beat Medium 13 soon.

Blue Army Full Version 9footer

Stop! and Go Hard

Duel (from MGD)

Two more videos:

Yasu's Utopia of Doom Sad

Gargoyle Yasu vs. ZDR

« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 11:17:11 PM by zdr »
Read April 30, 2008, 09:51:04 AM #988

God damn that is awesome...good job mate.

I thought I was an accuracy nut but then you see crap like this and it makes me realize I'm just a grain of sand on the beach...
Read May 03, 2008, 11:45:41 AM #989

haha dont feel bad suko, you still own the crap out of me

passed energizer expert with a 62, im going to try and up it to 70 today, i think i can

mythology 81, that was awesome i didn texpect that

93.xx on fly with me sightread, i was gold till about 50%

72.xx on monolith (first pass)

also, after passing delerium and hardcore symphony i was still unable to pass zodiac Sad but i passed that! wewt
Read May 04, 2008, 09:52:34 AM #990

Okay, so I'm going to play a coupla games of DDR today. (as it stands, I haven't played since March)

I'm committed to it now because I said it on the internet.
Read May 04, 2008, 11:41:25 AM #991

Thanks guys.  I remember when I felt like I'd never be any better...You just have to stay committed and enjoy what you do, soon enough you're getting 99's on 11s and 12s... Smiley

Son of a....

Daugher of a...

Mother....(i hit a mine and missed a hold, that killed an awesome score)



Dang it...(pad way off)

Freakin...(this has happened before on this song)

A...(this song obviously never wants me to triple star on dedicab)

Good score

Good enough for me (for now)

« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 12:58:52 PM by zdr »
Read May 04, 2008, 11:48:11 AM #992

haha dont feel bad suko, you still own the crap out of me

passed energizer expert with a 62, im going to try and up it to 70 today, i think i can

mythology 81, that was awesome i didn texpect that

93.xx on fly with me sightread, i was gold till about 50%

72.xx on monolith (first pass)

also, after passing delerium and hardcore symphony i was still unable to pass zodiac Sad but i passed that! wewt

Wait, you passed Delirium and Hardcore Symphony but not Zodiac?  You're a crazy man!
Read May 04, 2008, 12:07:11 PM #993

i can actually score better on most 11's then i can zodiac now, but yeah i passed those before zodiac.

im happy now i have officially passed every 11, im working on 12's now, sofar i have delerium, !, and energizer (though ! is pathetic)

but before i really start to work on 12's i want to bring up my lowest 11 score to at least 75, i think there are 4 11's below 75, but i think i can get most of them above 90 (except monolith and hardcore symphony)

nice tri stars, i hate you quite alot.
Read May 04, 2008, 12:57:55 PM #994

i can actually score better on most 11's then i can zodiac now, but yeah i passed those before zodiac.

im happy now i have officially passed every 11, im working on 12's now, sofar i have delerium, !, and energizer (though ! is pathetic)

but before i really start to work on 12's i want to bring up my lowest 11 score to at least 75, i think there are 4 11's below 75, but i think i can get most of them above 90 (except monolith and hardcore symphony)

nice tri stars, i hate you quite alot.

You hate me?

Yeah, Monolith is definatly the hardest 11 for me, good luck
Read May 05, 2008, 04:12:52 PM #995

Faster Z CZ: A (finally) 53 misses

Phantom [A] CZ: A 50ish misses

BanYa P-Guitar Mix CZ: D 159 misses (2nd try)
Read May 06, 2008, 07:29:16 PM #996

8 greats on Sakura (Heavy), 1x no bar

In the middle of a terrible set. wtf. Huh
Read May 06, 2008, 09:44:08 PM #997

4 misses Feel The Soul full song Crazy
4 misses It's My Business full song Crazy
1 miss You Fell In Me nightmare
Read May 06, 2008, 10:28:49 PM #998

Passed Naoki Standard Oni Course - 2 Goods, 169 Greats, 344 Perfects, 1002 Marvelous.
Re-FC'd Burning Heat - 76 Greats (3x lol)
Nailed the ending on Absolute after not playing it for a year, but fucked up on the beginning.

Biggest accomplishment since March. . .

Played some DDR.
Read May 07, 2008, 10:04:11 AM #999

You hate me?

Yeah, Monolith is definatly the hardest 11 for me, good luck
and looking at that again i ment get most of m11 scores higher then 80, not 90 lol

yeah, i can pass them all consistantly but HS and monolith are just tough to score on for me
Read May 09, 2008, 10:58:23 PM #1000

Freckles - 6 (can't remember if that's a PR or not lol)
Candy(*) [Standard] - AAA
Nailed all the 16th's and ending of Absolute again, but fucked the rest of the song and got 12 greats

17 Sai (DMX) - FC
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