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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 11, 2008, 08:37:10 PM #1001

Boten Anna 50 ex - 99.33%

Disconnected Hard - New Quad #23 on ITG - 100%

Music Pleeze Hard - Flag Sad - 99.94%

Robotix pad crap - 98.87%

Robotix second try - 99.12%

We Know What to do - 99.83%

Sunshine Expert - New trip star - 99.28%

One False Move - New Trip Star - 99.10%

Do You Love me Expert - New Trip Star - 99.24%

My Favorite Game SDE - 99.69%

Queen of Light Expert - New Trip Star - 99.54%

Get Happy Expert - New Trip Star - 99.29

Utopia Expert - New Double - 98.10%

Thanks to "Randa" for making me get most of those new trip stars.  Up to 75 on expert now Smiley

Read May 12, 2008, 06:02:53 PM #1002

Played some home version ITG last Saturday.

It was on my mem card, so I have all my scores saved on it, but I don't really want to bring all that out right now, so I'll just post what I remember and maybe update later.

3210 combo, all on hard
FEC Touch Me (98.88 I think)

New **'s (everything on hard):
The Game
Land Of The Rising Sun
Do U Love Me
My Favourite Game

New *'s:
Hardcore of the North (hard)

I also played some homeversion DDR.  Re-AAA Look to the Sky (True Colors), SDG Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ - FC'd it twice in a row.  Can't remember much else.
Read May 13, 2008, 12:35:47 PM #1003

MTJ scored 99.66 on Disconnected Hyper Expert - 9ex - you can find it on this channel

ZDR Flagged Boogie Down Expert - can find on same channel

We also had a plethora of pretty damn good scores yesterday, and got most on video.  I 92+'d Bloodrush finally.  Upped my tell score to 95.25.  I'll post some links in the video thread in while
Read May 13, 2008, 04:46:42 PM #1004

I dunno looks like 11e to me
Read May 13, 2008, 05:02:38 PM #1005

I'm pretty happy with either one Ethan =D  We got some other good scores as well, a few 100's in there..I got mellow (for the second straight time =D, I played it at tilt the other day, which is pretty much my only record there now since all the scores got erased, and now the pads aren't very good :/ )  and ZDR got... fly away, or flying high one of those fly songs. 

As far as experts, nothing too exciting.  Did get 97.78 on Summer, which is good for me.  Can't think of anything else exciting Tongue 

Read May 13, 2008, 06:53:23 PM #1006

I dunno looks like 11e to me

My bad...I meant 11.
Read May 16, 2008, 10:41:54 PM #1007

More videos up on my channel, Matt kicked my ass on a lot of them, but its all in fun. 

Some scores from today (no card, didn't

*99.89 Disconnected Disco Hard - 2 excellents
*99.77 Disconnected Disco Expert - 6 excellents and oversensitive mine (recalced)
*99.64 Dcode Expert - 7 excellents
*99.50 Anubis Expert - 13 excellents - I know I can do better
*99.41 Bouff Expert - 10 excellents, 2 greats (last two steps great great)...groan!
*100.00 Mellow Hard - Quad #25
*99.27 Energizer Hard - 21 Excellents 1 pad way off (recalced)
*99.32 Mythology Expert - 19 excellents 1 great (pad?) Didn't recalc, didn't want to sound whiney...
*99.58 Oasis Expert - 9 excellents and a dropped hold...NOOOOOO
*99.74 Xuxa Expert - 9 excellents - my last score of the day and the one I'm most proud of.

If I can ever get a "micro" usb cable for my Razr2 phone, I'll upload some photos to my the meantime, you're just going to have to believe me

Read May 17, 2008, 07:07:02 PM #1008

2-1 CZ: C (after 75645869138246675923 tries) 89 misses Cheesy

Canon-D CZ: A (after 6926475654647 tries) 47 misses Grin
Read May 18, 2008, 08:00:29 PM #1009

I have no idea what these "CZ" accomplishments are, but I'm sure they deserve some props Smiley

So props!

Last two days:

#26 - Tell - Unexpected, first time trying at 4x

#27 - Stupid Boring Song

I'll take this - Liquid Moon - 3ex

Xuxa - 3 ex - will quad soon

Mythology - 3 ex - may quad soon

Dcode - 2 ex - may quad soon

Energizer - 16 ex - finally no wayoffs

Monotone - Expert 12 on Groovestats - First try on pad

91.04% on Infernoplex Expert 13 on Groovestats Smiley
Read May 18, 2008, 09:05:29 PM #1010

CZ is Crazy mode on Pump it Up.
Read May 18, 2008, 09:53:08 PM #1011

18 on Trip Machine Luv Mix sightread at the Avalon lol.

The pads there are okay right now, but it's now public knowledge that they're getting rid of DDR soon.
Read May 19, 2008, 09:35:06 AM #1012

Quote from: zdr
I have no idea what these "CZ" accomplishments are, but I'm sure they deserve some props
With all your tri- and quad-stars, u deserve a lot more props than me Tongue
Read May 20, 2008, 10:59:28 AM #1013

We just got our DDR Extreme back after it being MIA for over a year. I'm saying "goodbye" to SuperNova and "hello" to my true love.

I guess playing ITG for almost a year has made my accuracy mad-good for DDR. I've only gone to play Ex three times since it has returned. Since then, I've been knocking out some AAAs almost every trip!

I've had this song black flagged for over two years's finally over.

I wasn't expecting this!

Along with some other black flags, both old and new, I also got 2 greats on V...sooooo close!

Read May 20, 2008, 09:38:10 PM #1014

Great AAA's.  I can't get those for anything, they just give me problems.  But maybe its because Supernova timing is stricter than Extreme (is this true?).  Also its either a "perfect" or "not perfect", I wish Marvelous showed...Oh well, no excuses, nicely done.

This is what we call ITG hell:

The great came after the slow down...RIGHT after the slow down, too tense:

This excellent came somewhere in the beginning:

This excellent came right after the last pause:

This excellent came 3 notes from the end:

And this excellent happened after the song Tongue #28

On a side note:  I'm going to quad Monolith hard soon, and hopefully I can get over the 1 excellent expert hump and finally quad an expert song, preferably pandemonium........geeez

« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 09:42:47 PM by zdr »
Read May 21, 2008, 03:57:08 AM #1015

Great AAA's.  I can't get those for anything, they just give me problems.  But maybe its because Supernova timing is stricter than Extreme (is this true?).

Read May 21, 2008, 09:46:45 AM #1016


Did I also mention we have the original Supernova dedicab with no timing patch?  So the songs constantly are off.  I played max300 today and it was at least a half beat off...

Ok then, I just really suck at AAA's

May 24, 2008

#30 Charlene Hard


« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 02:12:40 PM by zdr »
Read May 24, 2008, 09:19:44 PM #1017

If it's any consolation, my great count on SuperNOVA is consistently 1.5 to 2 times what I get on Extreme.  The timing on unpatched ones bothers me less because I can adjust to it.  The patched ones are too close to the timing of Extreme for me to change without playing a LOT of songs, and there aren't a lot of songs on SuperNOVA that I'm typically wanting to play.
Read May 24, 2008, 11:26:16 PM #1018

Dignity CZ: B (!) 83 misses; I can almost do the triple freezes with my feet only.

2-2 [A] CZ (NX2 chart): A 58 misses (improved by 20)

Solitary 1.5 CZ: A 9 misses; I finally get single-digit-misses.

Wi-Ex-Doc-Va CZ: B (still) 114 misses; I'll get it down to double-digit-misses soon.
Read June 01, 2008, 12:18:51 AM #1019

LIaDZ CZ: A w/ 33

Solitary 2 CZ: A w/ 11

2-1 [A] CZ: D w/ 101 (bleh)

2-2 CZ: C (!!!) w/ 122 It took me forever to finally C this chart.


Chimera CZ: EPIC FAILURE W/ 242 XP
Read June 09, 2008, 07:38:19 PM #1020

1 great on Control Factor Hard (from MGD) - I'm calling it a quad
5ex on Breaking the Habit Expert (from MGD) - 3 ex were in the last 10 steps total chokage

5 days till DSRsquared Cheesy
Read June 15, 2008, 06:53:20 PM #1021

Made it to my third match before getting eliminated at DSR Squared. Tongue

Lost 2-1 vs Hooby, Won 2-0 vs Ryouga, Lost 2-1-0 vs. Sumner.  Got the first tie of the tournament. Tongue
Read June 15, 2008, 09:57:05 PM #1022

My matches were:

Vs. Elisa, won one then lost one then won one
Vs. Sean who eliminated me in two
Vs. Gaffetch or something who I beat pretty easily
Vs. Wesley who I beat in two
Vs. Bryant Hoob who I lost to with REALLY close scores

I really hope ZDR uploads the video of the me vs. Bryant match because that was insane.

The final four were:

1. MTJ
2. ZDR
3. Licyeus
4. Sean
Read June 15, 2008, 11:31:15 PM #1023

My matches were:

Vs. Elisa, won one then lost one then won one
Vs. Sean who eliminated me in two
Vs. Gaffetch or something who I beat pretty easily
Vs. Wesley who I beat in two
Vs. Bryant Hoob who I lost to with REALLY close scores

I really hope ZDR uploads the video of the me vs. Bryant match because that was insane.

The final four were:

1. MTJ
2. ZDR
3. Licyeus
4. Sean

Yes, great job, it was nice to meet you.  I got EVERY match on tape on the final day, minus the cam being skewed to the side at one point, however I did get your matches against Bryant and I will upload.
Read June 18, 2008, 08:20:53 PM #1024

I AAA'd EVERY song from both D2SSR and DSR Squared all in 1 session (on stepmania)
Read June 18, 2008, 09:58:57 PM #1025


I sucked at DDR today for some reason.  Oh well.  Couldn't get any SDG's except for some really easy stuff like Look to the Sky, and certainly couldn't get any AAA's, which is what I was really going for.  I think I might have improved my score on The First (nonstop course), but I still felt really shitty about how I did (36 greats I think, didn't even FC).  The important part is that I actually got out and played a little DDR.  I still felt really good today because zeppy and I killed some monsters I've been having trouble with (and I was doing better than him too, at least in dodging), and Art said that GK should be getting Bubble Bobble soon!  It will be really nice to finally have a game that I can play for an hour on one credit there. Cheesy
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