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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Happy Redneck
Read September 06, 2008, 01:38:44 PM #1101

99.05 What's Going On? nightmare
Read September 06, 2008, 09:58:10 PM #1102

Just takes some time and motivation.  Soon enough you'll start triple starring everything.  Then quads even become easier (though I still find them not "easy").  Just keep it up!
I need to start playing regularly again. Tongue

I'm pretty sure I have the stamina - I got 77.xx on Wanganator's Nico Nico Douga sightread, and that's about 11 minutes of 8 to 11 difficulty steps.
Read September 06, 2008, 10:35:56 PM #1103

Heaven Long Version is an entire bitch.  I hate playing that song.  Good job on being able to 80 that!

I don't hate you though Xexy...even though you hate us all Sad  haha
ha you are cool <33 if youre ever in spokane hit me up and we will go let you beat every single score on our itg dedi xD

19G on holic (im so bad at ddr for some reason) had that for awhile.

and disco, i ahte you
Read September 07, 2008, 08:30:42 AM #1104

I ahte me too man

I ahte me too
Read September 07, 2008, 10:32:49 AM #1105

I ahte me too man

I ahte me too

I olve you guys
Read September 07, 2008, 08:41:22 PM #1106

htats iepc
Read September 07, 2008, 09:54:14 PM #1107

oyu ugyz r 2 gud @ htat.
Read September 10, 2008, 11:04:29 AM #1108

94.89 Bloodrush Expert - will star soon
97.15 Hardcore of the North Expert
99.75 I think I like that sound Expert
99.70 Techlo Expert (rebirth)
Read September 10, 2008, 05:58:47 PM #1109

In the last few days-

#81- Xenon
AM-3P double- 1 (again)
Lom- 11 and a pad boo

I feel like there was something else but IIAM
Read September 10, 2008, 07:08:41 PM #1110

94.89 Bloodrush Expert - will star soon
Haven't you starred all the 13's already?  Star that ASAP.
Read September 10, 2008, 07:20:37 PM #1111

I strongly doubt that Chris has starred Vertex^2.

No offense to him but like three people have done that in the world and they have also mostly come close to quadstarring the game.
Read September 10, 2008, 09:17:39 PM #1112

Haven't you starred all the 13's already?  Star that ASAP.
dude bloodrush is a BITCH to score on compared to the 13's (not couning v^2, and yes coudning pandy, if you have the stamina to do it its just 8ths)
Read September 10, 2008, 09:33:05 PM #1113

he probably meant 12's
Read September 10, 2008, 10:14:10 PM #1114

I haven't starred Bloodrush, Determinator, Euphoria - All the really hard ones (except bloodrush I'm sure I could star on a good day)

I have even starred Summer Speedy Mix, missed out on starring Panda by .03.  AND, for the record, I STILL haven't beaten Vertex^2.  Whats wrong with me?  I don't know.


#34 WTF

That's just fine.........

And how can I double this when I can't even pass V2...Infernoplex Groovestats

Notable Mention:
99.21 Visible Noise Expert
This Rock and Roll Expert - 2ex 99.89
99.80 Expert - 4ex 99.80
99.81 Temple of Boom - 5ex 99.81
AND 99.22 on my new Groovestats file Freestyler

Also, though Pandemonium basically are 8ths, they are at about twice the speed Bloodrush 8ths, making them basically 16ths.  That said, 8ths at 330 are the same speed as 16ths at 165 (br is 158).  So yeah, Pandemonium is definitely harder than Bloodrush, however Bloodrush has the slow part which is SO F'ing annoying.

And I take no offense.  I recently saw Kevbo score 99.90 on Infernoplex...8 ex?!  I'm nowhere near the skill level of some of those people. 
Read September 11, 2008, 08:58:35 AM #1115

im well aware pandy is MUCH harder then bloodrush stamina wise, but its still jtus constant 8ths it doesnt ahve that slowdown i know that its constant 165 bpm 16ths, but whats uber rave? 175bpm 16ths Tongue just saying bloodrush is much harder to score then pandy if stamina isnt the issue.

and really you havnt passed v^2? that seems really odd xD
Read September 11, 2008, 09:39:10 AM #1116

I'd say they are about even.

Bloodrush is infinitely easier to combo than Pandemonium, which has those step jumps that throw people off. Also it has 960 something steps, whereas Bloodrush doesn't even break 800. And is slower.

Not to mention Pandemonium has candles which are almost as hard to FA as crossovers.
Read September 11, 2008, 05:59:10 PM #1117

I got 99.5x (9? 8?) on Tribal Style Expert last weekend. Alright score? Maybe. I can't really play hard songs anymore thanks to breathing problems, but this was at least an OK score for someone who can't swallow solid food.  Undecided
Read September 11, 2008, 07:05:48 PM #1118

If you got 9 or 8 the score would be a bit higher, I got 15 and 99.52 or so.

That is good though considering everything.
Read September 11, 2008, 09:25:29 PM #1119

If you got 9 or 8 the score would be a bit higher, I got 15 and 99.52 or so.

That is good though considering everything.

I think he meant "9 or 8" to fill in the x on the 99.5x?
Read September 11, 2008, 09:55:03 PM #1120

I think he meant "9 or 8" to fill in the x on the 99.5x?


Read September 12, 2008, 04:57:24 PM #1121

Yeah, what ZDR said.
Read September 13, 2008, 12:05:30 AM #1122

Great day at the Dedicab tonight: 4083 calories burned and:

#35 Oasis Hard

#36 Why Me Expert

#37 Land of the Rising Sun Hard

Quad on "Never Ending Story" from Flash's Exclusive! (2nd try, first try flagged)

Go! Mahalo Mix from Flash's Exclusive (4 ex)

I requadded While Tha Rekkid Spinz and Mellow Hard as a breather and a last song.  I also attempted Flash's Through the Fire and Flames, only got about 60 percent, will pass soon.  Good night though.
Read September 13, 2008, 01:26:53 AM #1123

Nice Chris, you own hard as usual.

Pro is fun, but our pads have gone through the ringer. Too many stompers, and now the shit echoes terribly for just about any sixteenth run, giving us lots of Greats and (mostly) Goods. So some of the scores with only a few greats or goods I just will recalc, other things like the 12's I dunno.

I don't think there was a single good score outside of the ones I got in pictures here. I almost passed Another Truth again, but the end kills me pretty hard. I'll keep going for it.

See what I mean? First song of the day. Did not misstep, two perfects it is.

Got a new 12 like I said I would, this one was fun. Comboed a few of the non-drill 24ths which made me pretty happy.

Not bad for a basic sightread, first pass for both of us of course. That's Chris on the left. I think I could do better now that I've played it and maybe on better pads. Right before this I got 90 or so on Funky Tonight. Huge gap.

Sightread, we'll call that 8. Fun song/chart.

My goods were worse. :/

JKWN Chris and I play Sunshine CZ

If anything, an interesting contrast in styles. Chris is basically athletic/athletic and I'm athletic/sloppy. Lots of doublestepping from me, stuff I should have tried to flow.
Read September 13, 2008, 01:48:07 AM #1124

Pro's having problems?  That's distressing. :/  I think Kyle's in Europe right now; highly doubt he'd be letting pro go down the drains in its debut location.
Happy Redneck
Read September 13, 2008, 02:07:55 AM #1125

97.51 Ra crazy. i currently have the machine record
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