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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read November 08, 2008, 01:20:40 AM #1176

I remember when team PoOR would go months without a AAA.  Seems like you get one any time to touch an Extreme cab now. Tongue


ho ho




no. not at all. I played once today, got nothing, got pissed off, went home, decided to go back, and remembered how easy 175~ BPM songs are, got 4 AAA's. that is all. I have been doing shitty lately.
Read November 08, 2008, 02:50:59 AM #1177

regardless those are pretty sweet. i've only got end of the century out of all those. i could never get love shine in all those years.
Read November 08, 2008, 11:04:19 AM #1178

Wow thank you Davyn. I think you could get Senorita if you tried, it's pretty easy.

Love Shine was a total fluke though, I bet someone could pick it on me in a tournament and I'd not even SDG it. Pain in the ass.
Read November 09, 2008, 10:58:37 PM #1179

I black-flagged Love Shine back in like... December 2004? January 2005? Somewhere around there. 4 years later and I still haven't AAA'ed it rofl  Sad
Read November 11, 2008, 08:51:52 PM #1180

All my best DDR scores (4 on A, 2 on Mobo Moga, 2 on Magic Door, AAA on 321 Stars) are at least a year old.  I think I got 2 on Mobo Moga again a couple months ago, but I've gotten really bad at Dance Games.

Despite sucking all day, I was proud of a FEC on something (can't remember what, and I lost my Flash Drive), 98.37 on No. 1 Nation on Hard, and 97.60 on Hybrid.  I got to meet a couple new people and see some friends, which was cool.  Pretty much everything else sucked, especially biking home in the rain for 2 hours.
Read November 12, 2008, 01:51:59 AM #1181

I only played a bit today at ITG, but it was cool to see Charlie, Brandon and Julia again. Y'all are great, great, GREAT.

Hybrid Hard- 99.55 (Sorry Charlie, I felt like such a dick for playing this but I had been meaning to for a while Sad)
Kirby Super Star Boss Medley Hard- 97.55 (I could've done better)
Route 1 Expert- 93.99 FULL COMBO. This is my file and it was really hard to FA, but apparently not to combo. I got the foot switching down pat.
Unfounded Revenge Double Expert- 75.xx, this was so hard just happy to pass it. Charlie got a (SUPER SPINNY) video that I'll put up at some point.

so yes I played one official today

edit: Oh wait I played Xuxa hard also and sucked it up.
Read November 16, 2008, 09:08:03 PM #1182

Played SN2 for the first time today. It was alright I guess. I really like Angelus and Why Not, the other songs ranged from good to ok to a few that were really, really bad. All of these except for Why Not were sightreads.

#91- Why Not (with a pad NG... got it on the same step three times in a row. I'll count it because I know I'll play this song again, it was awesome.)
Truth- 1
Raspberry Heart- 0, 2 goods and an NG sightread/first song of the day. Then 1g FC later. I wish I had played the right side first...
Faint- 3
Silver Platform- 6 (what a weird title)
Pluto- Pass. I do not like this stepfile one bit.
Read November 17, 2008, 08:12:48 AM #1183

Two quads recently:

Breakneck Bombing 3 step remix Expert

And then 2 days later:

Breakneck Bombing 3 step remix Hard

Check it out on Mungyodance 3, I really can't believe I nailed the expert pattern
Read November 17, 2008, 02:53:24 PM #1184

Tried two songs from TCP's Cosmic Apocalypse Pack

Lawn Wake IX: 76.xx epic pass Cheesy

Cyber Induction: 87.62 another epic pass Cool
Read November 21, 2008, 01:11:46 AM #1185

Anyone else AAA 20, November today?

Fun stuff. #92.
Read November 22, 2008, 06:42:40 PM #1186


For Charlie

On the right, he was pretty happy about this!

Also on the right.

And yes, on the right. Insane GA IMO. I'm pretty bad at it.

Now me:

WATRFEOUHFIUAEH I can do well on GO now? If I can just get those triples down I could FC/98.5x this no problem.

Meta Knight's Revenge. I could do better, but this is still my best.

Tell: 90.75, going for the 96/FC hopefully by 2009
Running Hell: 19e and a lot of shit at the end. I think I'm just gonna fix the file. I had an FEC for almost the whole song.
Speedy Cat expert: 96.6x whaaaat
Charlene: terrible. Why can't I match my best on this at Tilt!?
Route 1: 94ish? I need to improve this, it's not hard when the volume is up.
DuckTales: 98.54ish Cheesy

And some other shit. Good day overall, glad to be back to 11-12s.

Yeah Julia and Charlie have both improved a lot and I'm hella proud of them. Brandon is kicking my ass about as hard as he was before at stamina charts, but I'll catch up... Heaven looks doable.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 06:53:14 PM by discovolante »
Read November 22, 2008, 06:46:25 PM #1187

Oh and here's my 20, November AAA with lots of shoutouts. I forgot both Bryant and Josh and feel like a dick for it. Sad Srry guys.
Read November 23, 2008, 01:15:50 AM #1188

I'm really happy about that FC on Max 300.  First 10!

I also got 88.xx on Hybrid Expert today which was pretty fuckwin. Cheesy
Read November 26, 2008, 11:15:34 PM #1189

Whoo. Good time at Tilt!, I ran into Bryant so what ensued was basically some epic one-upping all night. I got some videos cooking, but until then I got scores for both of us:

Out of the Dark- 99.04, this was awesome. Here's the kinda crappy picture:

Clockwork Genesis- 97.15
Temple of Boom Hard- 90~, this was fucking amazing.
there was something I forgot that he will remember I hope!  Huh There are two vids of him playing too.

THIS WAS THE BEST: Tell- 92.58

I keep improving by about 2% each time, with pad misses each time too... shooting for the star next time I play.

98.08% Xuxa, this is kinda out of sync on an upgrade with R21? Gotta try a dedi.
96.35% Just a Thought... hadn't played this in years.
98.15% Hand of Time, I think some greats were pad... ah well, no point in recalcing.
95.89% Utopia, this is actually pretty good for me and just 00.05 from the machine record. I could 98% if get the silly part down, haha.

And there's a vid of me playing. Awesomely.

So yeah.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 12:32:09 AM by discovolante »
Read November 27, 2008, 01:30:59 AM #1190


^visible noise



Read November 27, 2008, 02:27:15 AM #1191

I am getting very scared of you disco, next time we play I'm going to have to be on my guard Smiley

I have a bunch of new stuff, but this was the most notable:

« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 02:29:24 AM by zdr »
Read November 27, 2008, 09:27:16 AM #1192

Pfff, you have no reason to be scared of me if you can do crossovers like that with good FA. Haha.

And besides, when is the next Oregon-wide tournament we could meet in?
Read November 27, 2008, 11:02:10 AM #1193

I'm trying to think of a tournament or something I could set up at Lava Lanes, I already know its fine to do so, I just don't know when.  Also I wouldn't be able to compete Sad 

Read November 27, 2008, 02:44:36 PM #1194

First and last urls both link to the same video.

In which I heard myself talking in video form for the first time.

Read November 27, 2008, 03:53:47 PM #1195


yeah everyone sounds different recorded than in real life. it makes me nervous. Sad

Chris: That sounds awesome, I'd love to come to your tournament and not own you or be owned by you!
Read November 27, 2008, 04:29:37 PM #1196


yeah everyone sounds different recorded than in real life. it makes me nervous. Sad

Chris: That sounds awesome, I'd love to come to your tournament and not own you or be owned by you!

I am pretty sure people sound exactly the same recorded than in real life... just not to themselves Tongue

Also, we need a video of me drinking a glass of vodka then playing rhythm and police on doubles.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 04:43:40 PM by Hooby »
Read November 28, 2008, 06:26:13 PM #1197

You guys want me to get another tournament going after MEW Con?  What date works for everyone?  I'm thinking February.
Read November 28, 2008, 07:21:21 PM #1198

Absolutely. What venue?
Read November 29, 2008, 08:00:53 PM #1199

Tell Hard- 7e, 99.69 sorry Julia Sad
Tell Ex- Comboed all of the stepjumps up to the run and then my legs turned into butter. Why did this happen. Going to star...
Utopia Ex- 97.27, I got like 10 greats in the right foot part. I should probably watch this in Stepmania sometime cause the rest is easy peasy.
Bang Ex- 92.72, has this always been this easy? I could star it.
Running Hell- 13e and some misses all at the end. Got a feet video which I'll try and match up with the stepmania file for MAX FUN. Fucking run.
Route 1- 96ish
Mythology- 95.57. God damn it. I had like 11e up to the runs and then broke combo way too much, some were pad. I'll do better... my previous was like a 90.
Vertex- 90. Forgot most of the end.
Hand of Time- 98.72, most of the excellents and the one great were in the first slow part. Yep.

Great seeing everyone today. Must repatch Ducktales.
Read November 30, 2008, 06:35:47 PM #1200

Hey, if it's a Sunday you ALREADY KNOW that I am ready to go down to Portland Chinatown for some hella tournament ACTION!
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