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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read December 02, 2008, 12:59:52 AM #1201

Tell Hard- 7e, 99.69 sorry Julia Sad

Tell Hard - 3e, 99.84 (or something ish iunno). Sorry Ethan Tongue
Read December 02, 2008, 02:57:31 AM #1202

Tell Hard - 3e, 99.84 (or something ish iunno). Sorry Ethan Tongue

Oh you had to go and do a thing.
Read December 02, 2008, 01:46:20 PM #1203

Oh you had to go and do a thing.

It's what I do.
Read December 06, 2008, 01:04:47 AM #1204

Xuxa Expert - 76.72% PASS! Cheesy (first 11)

Utopia Hard - 97.29 (40e, 5g)
Renaissance Hard - 96.47 (34e, 6g, 1 pad way off)
Cryosleep Hard - 97.54 (36e, 1g sight read)

Did all this in 6lb boots somehow.  I didn't even plan on playing ITG2 today.

edit: Tournament would probably be either on GK's Ex2 or on a homebrew ITG2 setup, depending on how many people would be coming.  I've talked to GK about hosting a tournament with a homebrew setup already and they said it could probably work.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 01:07:29 AM by DancingTofu »
Read December 06, 2008, 02:12:02 AM #1205

so for the first time in months  i went and played itg (and a tiny bit of ddr beforehand, which i suck at)

as far as dider, 18 on holic, 17 on sexy planet

itg i got some decent scores for how long its been which were all nice but i want to die





Read December 07, 2008, 02:49:39 AM #1206

I find it funny that I'm finally starting to catch up with you on difficulty and you've almost caught up with me on timing. Cheesy
Read December 07, 2008, 11:35:33 PM #1207

lol that is knda funny, but since my lack of playing i have lost ALOT of stamina, so 12's give me some trouble now Sad

so im focusing on my accuracy.

hopefully ill be playing more now though Cheesy:D:D

Read December 30, 2008, 09:09:36 PM #1208

since my card didn't work i couldn't play any customs but yeah. I passed MAX300(Max2) and I found it easier than it used to be. i think i got an A+ or a S- on Sunshine expert. Failed Robotix expert at the last step and almost failed Destiny expert at the last step but passed with a 73 i believe it was. I need more stamina  Cry
Read January 03, 2009, 08:13:22 AM #1209

So I'm at the biggest tournament of my life right now, Rocky Mount FEC 1. There are about 110 people here, maybe 80-90 of them already seeded. I have no idea how I'm going to place, but I already have not seeded very well. I might buy back in to play the qualifiers. We'll see!!!!!!! Wish me luck please!
Read January 03, 2009, 09:23:17 AM #1210

So I'm at the biggest tournament of my life right now, Rocky Mount FEC 1. There are about 110 people here, maybe 80-90 of them already seeded. I have no idea how I'm going to place, but I already have not seeded very well. I might buy back in to play the qualifiers. We'll see!!!!!!! Wish me luck please!

damn :O goodluck

and im going to play itg today for the first time in awhile (again)

wish me luck and maybe i will finally get that elusive **
Read January 03, 2009, 11:42:04 PM #1211

Thank you xexy, and good luck on your doublestar.

My matches/qualifications went like this:

Qualifier: Rain of Sorrow on Right (or Left, I can't remember)- 14 greats, four goods (two were me) and a miss (not me). I think they called it "18 greats" and I seeded something like 55th.

First Round- Vs. Wakalaka (I don't know Wakalaka's real name... he posts on AIJ sometimes and plays a lot of double. He lived in Japan for a while and will probably be there when I'm there which could be awesome!!)
1- I'm higher seed, I pick Kiss Me All Night Long, get 3g to his 14g.
2- He picks bag for some reason, gets like 40 and noncombos and I get 24g.

Second Round- Vs. Foosimoo (Ryan) (This is Brendino's brother who is also really good... but I didn't really know anything about him and barely talked to him. He apparently has quadded like a ton of 10's including Soapy Bubble and is really good at ITG. DDR, well...)
1- He lets me pick for some reason, I go with Luv To Me AMD and we tie with 2g.
2- He picks Tears, I get 12g and he fails out. The backgrounds on the machine were exactly the same as Ground Kontrol's, I got SO lucky.
3- We have to random, we get Memories. He gets 7g and I get 8g. Shit. One more random...
4- Dead End. :[ :[ :[ I lost really hard.

It was single elim so I was out really fast. But the match was close, I just had no idea what he was good at and so I had no idea what to pick. Turns out, I should've gone with Dynamite Rave... I saw Ryan playing it later and he got like 7 greats. What the fuck was I thinking picking Luv 2 Me?!??!?!


Qualifier: Charly (Halloween Mix) on mirror- 97.07. Some pad stuff, but the organizers didn't seem to care. I seeded 54th which was fine with me. BTW the song is from ITG Rebirth.

First Round- Vs. dan0 (From Delaware. I think his name is Dan, and that he has a wife and kid. Most random match ever I guess, though we were pretty close.)
1- I picked side so he picked song, which was Walking on Fire. I got 98.95 (UH???) and he got 99.01. I played really well for me and he played really bad for him, if that makes sense. Dedicabs are nice.
2- I picked Lipstick Kiss, we were close up until the drills, he got nervous and broke combo and I ended with like 98.7. That song is so easy. Everyone in the audience was like "WHAT DISCO WHY DID YOU PICK LIPSTICK KISS?" Because... it's easy and everyone hates playing it. Durrrh.
3- We have to random and we get a song from ITG Rebirth called Space War, an 11 at 200 BPM with lots of slowdowns and speedups. We were both sightreading it, and I'm glad neither of us vetoed it cause I got 92 and he got 86. Good match yay!

And then.

1- He let me pick song AND side. What a nice man. I picked the right and went for Cryosleep. He got a great right in the beginning and we were actually close up until the second slowdown where I got like four greats. It was 98.75 to 98.10 in his favor. I was excited just to be playing Duk at this point.
2- He picks Go 60 Go. I hadn't played it in about two years maybe? He gets 99.12 (lol) and I get 94.9x which is at least a new record for me. I had fun, and Ryan was really cool.

And yeah that was single elim also. So I was knocked out right then.

Basically, we need a dedicab in Portland. Even if I never get better I want the opportunity for other people to be this good so we can at least have tournaments.

Anyway, we got done with everything pretty fast today so there might be ITG hard and DDR double tomorrow. :1 MORE UPDATES, AND VIDEOS BY WEDNESDAY PROBABLY!!!!!1!
Read January 04, 2009, 04:10:12 PM #1212

lolololololololol dukamok lololololoolololol

how the fuck did that happen?

nice playing though sorry you got the shaft and were playing against duk
Read January 07, 2009, 03:29:04 AM #1213

I'll be trying to get an event going with 50+ people some time soon.  DSR^2 had close to 40 people there and 31(?) participating, so I think it's not too unreasonable, especially if we can get a dedicab.  Hell, I'm even willing to go up to Seattle and use Suko's for the tournament if he and his friends would let me. Tongue
Read January 08, 2009, 09:37:10 AM #1214

Get Suko to loan us the dedicab for a weekend and we'll be good. We need two days for a given tournament in case we go overtime.

And Charlie, I want to talk to you about a ruleset. We can't do what we did at Kumoricon where the higher (or lower) seed picks first song AND tiebreaker. We need to have random/chance as a tiebreaker each time. Stuff like that.
Read January 10, 2009, 03:51:04 AM #1215

We need to have random/chance as a tiebreaker each time. Stuff like that.
We did.  Were you cheatin'? :[
Read January 13, 2009, 11:27:36 PM #1216

1043 Combo, Stage 10 on Marathon Course "Dancemaniax" on DMX 2nd Append J-Paradise.
Read January 16, 2009, 11:50:56 PM #1217

took the number one score ont hese, pretty cool

and finally

was very happy, second FEC and very first double star

passed heaven which wasnt too bad, after my 4 months of not playing coming back trying to rebuild my stamina being able to pass that again just shows im making progress
Read January 19, 2009, 10:10:10 AM #1218

97.52 on Meta Knight's Revenge ex. Finally got a decent score on this thank you mini.
98.49 on Agent Blatant ex. (trying to 99 this now... stupid slowdown.
97.4x on The Legend (Intense), had a solid 99 until the end of WoF... I'll try again when I'm not tired.
98.39 on Promise

Oh and I have a pack with all these silly simfiles I keep posting scores from coming out soon! Yay!
Read January 20, 2009, 03:19:20 AM #1219

I can't believe you got 8 on memories.  I'm not your friend any more.
Read January 21, 2009, 01:47:51 AM #1220

I'd rather you not be my friend for not picking Dynamite Rave against Foos. Sad I would've won it easily...
Read January 27, 2009, 07:46:24 PM #1221

Played a bit recently.

DDR at Charlie's birthday-

2 on memories. Of course.
4 on Breakdown, finally on Extreme too now >_<
7 on Exotic Ethnic, this is an easy AAA once I get the beginning!

and some other shit I'm sure.

ITG today-

99.25 on Tribal Style, 19e and a dropped hold right at the end. LOOOOVE OUR PADS. Ah well, it's a machine record anyway.

Dahhh tied with Bryant. I'll 99 it next time I go, that great and WO were not me.

This was funny. No excellents in the 32nd note run hahaha, but greats and dropped holds during the hands! (I don't really know if they were me or not.) 99...

Finally. The freezes threw me off cause I was thinking I'd drop a hold on the left arrow and instead I just got excellents after each one. :/ SDE next time I hope.

This was pretty cool. The song is Fight Against Smithy (from SMRPG) made by yours truly of course, and although it's not the hardest pass, it's tough to combo and score well on so I rated it a 13. Maybe that's not correct though, cause I passed it twice today haha... gotta give the rest of the 12's and 13's a spin next time I go.
Read January 27, 2009, 11:48:29 PM #1222

Did I get anything decent?  I remember getting one or two things that were okay.  19 on Break Down maybe?
Read January 28, 2009, 12:14:56 AM #1223

Of the ones you wanted me to take a picture of, there was the Breakdown score, something that looks like 14 or so on Yozora no Mukou, 11 and 2 goods on Broken My Heart, and 20-non greats on Sync heavy.
Read January 28, 2009, 03:05:46 AM #1224

Right.  Added those and Still In My Heart to my Recall.  I really need to make a Great Attack account for Recall.
Read February 11, 2009, 10:54:44 PM #1225

woo 3 double stars now Cheesy my stamina is starting to come back, i can play heaven wheneever it just tires me more then it used to

and who the hell is URZA? he came and pwnd our machcine Sad
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