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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 26, 2009, 01:47:05 PM #1276

I like being aweful at ddr!

Not much for itg lately played the other day. Pure aweful (though I was in some BAAAD shoes so I blame it on that) hopefully this sunday will be tight for me and I do decently =(

How's uber rave coming for you disco? ^^
Read March 26, 2009, 08:09:54 PM #1277

I was down at acme today

Got an 88.57% on Killing Fields from MGD 3.
whew what a simfile that is.
Read March 26, 2009, 09:04:44 PM #1278

I like being aweful at ddr!

Not much for itg lately played the other day. Pure aweful (though I was in some BAAAD shoes so I blame it on that) hopefully this sunday will be tight for me and I do decently =(

How's uber rave coming for you disco? ^^

Still haven't played it =/ There's a chance I'll go next week and if I'm gonna pass it any time soon it'll be then.

I played DDR today but did horribly. Maybe it was just the machine, I have no idea.
Read March 26, 2009, 11:29:31 PM #1279

Still haven't played it =/ There's a chance I'll go next week and if I'm gonna pass it any time soon it'll be then.

I played DDR today but did horribly. Maybe it was just the machine, I have no idea.

Well im playin sunday. I've givin my legs lots of time to recover and im HOPING sunday will be a good day (I hate being randomly good one day then randomly another my legs are stiff and locked up)
So ima try uber rave then. That song is just sick. Hopefully I don't pscyke(sp) myself out on the end run
Read March 29, 2009, 11:32:31 PM #1280

Today!  Heaven and Monolith down!  Yeah the scores suck, but I passed them both for the first time, so I'm happy anyway.  Next time I won't be quite as conservative at the beginning of Heaven, I still felt good at the end.  And maybe I'll figure out how to do the middle part of Monolith and not completely suck at it.

Read March 29, 2009, 11:58:50 PM #1281

AAA'd some random 8-foot song sightread on Ex2 (CS) no bar, then went and got 98 greats somehow on HVAM on DDRMax CS.  Wonky shit.  I was ridiculously inconsistent on DDR this weekend. Tongue  Pretty consistent on Mario Kart and RB2 though lol.
Read March 30, 2009, 12:50:35 PM #1282

Today!  Heaven and Monolith down!  Yeah the scores suck, but I passed them both for the first time, so I'm happy anyway.  Next time I won't be quite as conservative at the beginning of Heaven, I still felt good at the end.  And maybe I'll figure out how to do the middle part of Monolith and not completely suck at it.

monolith and heaven at the same time whuuut?

I passed monolith ages before I had the stamina for heaven ><
Read March 30, 2009, 08:04:31 PM #1283

I'd probably attribute it to technical difficulty rather than stamina.  For instance, I have far less stamina now than I did two years ago, but I can pass Xuxa now, and couldn't even come near it two years ago.  It's not that it wore me out physically--that was back when I could still pass PSMO--it's just that it used to be too technical for me to pass.
Read March 30, 2009, 10:26:38 PM #1284

Heaven is slow and easy, it's just long. I need to remember to give it a shot actually. Monolith was like the second-to-last 11 I passed because of that awkward BPM and lots of uncomfortable turning.
Read March 31, 2009, 08:22:37 AM #1285

Heaven is slow and easy, it's just long. I need to remember to give it a shot actually. Monolith was like the second-to-last 11 I passed because of that awkward BPM and lots of uncomfortable turning.

I still have to pass 5 or 6 11's to complete the set.  I'm pretty sure they're doable, Monolith has just been a goal of mine ever since I first saw it.  The part in the middle with the triple-single pattern has kicked my butt for ages, but I was finally able to fumble through it enough to pass.  Heaven isn't a very technically challenging song at all, but it's NONSTOP 16ths and jumps for like 4 minutes, which gets very tiring.  Next goal.... Heaven without the bar.  Couple months, it'll happen.  Might have to start trying some 12's to build the stamina further.  Any recommendations on a general doability order for stock 12's?
Read March 31, 2009, 11:37:35 AM #1286

The order of 12s I passed is:

Go 60 Go
Hardcore of the North

still working on Bloodrush... it's no help that the song is furiously offsync on upgrades -_-
Read March 31, 2009, 02:10:51 PM #1287

The order of 12s I passed is:

Go 60 Go
Hardcore of the North

still working on Bloodrush... it's no help that the song is furiously offsync on upgrades -_-

interesting order.

also magicker i find it odd you passed monolith so soon o.o if i remember right monolith was the last 11 i passed (either that or hardcore symphony i know it was one of those two that was the last)

as far as 12's for me

bang (!)
hardcore of the north

though to be honest by thetime i started passing them i could pass all those so the order doesnt mean a whole lot

as far as go 60 go, determinator, and bloodrush, well go 60 go ive just never actually PLAYED lol but i could easily pass it, determinator is coming its just not an easy song, bloodrush will never happen, ever.
also, vertex is dumb xD
Read March 31, 2009, 02:12:47 PM #1288

HAY while im here why i dont actaully post some accomplishments

97.2x on high and bumblebee expert
97.6x on birdie, with 6 greats no less
88 on july

thats pretty much all i can think of right now

my fa is getting alot better, first expert double star is coming Smiley
Read March 31, 2009, 03:32:25 PM #1289

There's only one really insane part of Determinator, and if you can get past that the rest is cake.

My last 11 was Pandemonium hard, which I still think is way too hard for a hard chart, even an 11. Monolith and Hardcore Symphony were right before that.

Fuck, I need to replay a lot of 11s and 12s.
Read April 09, 2009, 10:52:23 PM #1290

well lets see

ive gotten LOADS of expert stars (just 9's though, but a 10 should be coming soon)

98.89 on discconected hyper hard, WTF? we relcalcd it, i missed the tri star by 3 ex, 3 -.-

i played i can walk on water i can fly (from GS) on foot for the first time, almost FC with a 95, WTF? i BEASTED that song i honestly think i could star that, which is INSANE.

i then played it on hoff's metal pad on open itg, i no bar'd it like a champ Smiley

sunday im gonna try to no bar heaven on the dedi, i think i can.

i found out im actually ALOT better no bar then i thought i was LOL, even though i rarely play nobar

passed vertex on a homepad so i guess ill do it at the arcade now (i have been trying to learn how to read slow xD)

nothing else i can think offff.. got my drivers license? quad irl?

ill post after this sunday (if this sunday is like last saturday ill try uber rave again)
Read April 12, 2009, 11:35:44 PM #1291

13 on Spin the Disc

Got my first 95% GA on love LOVE squared love whatever.  The one that's really pink and stuff.  Anyway, 3 perfects, 4 goods, 206 greats.

Anyway, NON-greats:

39 on HVAM (first 90% to go on my record).  I got 429 later without really trying too hard, so I think I could probably 95 it if I really focused.
12 on LTTS colors mix
41 on Destiny Lovers
31 on My Sweet Darlin'
25 on A (heavy)
13 on Kind Lady
23 on I Do I Do I Do
37 on Irresistablement
41 FC on 321 Stars
Read April 18, 2009, 04:47:11 PM #1292


Com'bak CZ: S 3 greats
Read April 18, 2009, 10:33:05 PM #1293

I hate this game
Read April 21, 2009, 06:24:58 AM #1294

Hey! At least you made top ten!
Read April 21, 2009, 01:00:34 PM #1295

More NX2:

Wi-Ex-Doc-Va CZ: A 66 misses

and finally a Bemera CZ pass with 267 misses (D)
Read April 24, 2009, 04:25:47 PM #1296


Yayo's Dokudenpa - 1st try Grin
Read May 01, 2009, 09:53:25 PM #1297


Sightread and passed Tream Vook of the War NM with 200 misses and a D woot!!! Grin
Read May 07, 2009, 03:30:19 AM #1298


i passed qusar
wow i had no idea i had that in me, first try with 82%.. i wasnt even out of breath at the end of it, also got an 88.88 on fly high (from gs i think?) which is 2.2k steps 6 mins long... again really not even out of breath.... this is interesting... is my stamina shooting up by leaps?

tried uber rave, I WAS SO MOTHERFUCKING CLOSE OMAOGRHAIUEGBRAIEULFGNRIALU;WEFNIAWUEFNAIWUELF but twords the end i turned my body the wrong way and failed.. -,- so thats coming soon

consistant summer passes are coming soon

pandy soon, determ soon

im gonna start trying some harder stuff now, operation evolution is one i have in mind for a 13, once i pass most the stuff im trying to right now (determ, pandy, summer(consistant) uber rave) ill probably start working on my FA again, and watch my stamina go byebye XD

2nd or 3rd play on hand of time i got a nice 94 or so, ill star it soon (that one will no doubt be my first expert star)

i got some really nice 97.xx on the 3 fly songs in itg, but i wasnt paying attention to those, i was sad cale beat me out with some **'s on those =/

i had a 97.8 on boogie down (took it from urza Tongue) but cale got that from me as well XD ill have to get a good ** on it to take it back, but that shouldnt be TOO hard

hmm, got my cobalt flux, still breaking it in, which i will work more on now that i fixed the up arrow

cobalt flux + openitg + nice 5.1 sound system + garage = win
and when i get paid on friday, bar building time Smiley

Read May 11, 2009, 01:43:54 AM #1299

I now have scores for every nonstop set on DDR Extreme submitted on DDRecall.  I'm 13th on the rankings. Tongue  I can probably get to 6th or 7th if I wind up getting back into it again.  Maybe I will. Tongue

29 greats on Fantasy (Melissa) on 3x...surprisingly easy chart at this speed.  I'll make sure to full combo it next time though.  Got a good and a miss. :/

224 on Gamelan de Couple
252 on Holic

Not a great day for GA, but oh well.  Gamelan de Couple is surprisingly difficult to get greats on when you're not PAing. ;P
Read May 11, 2009, 08:26:05 PM #1300


U Inside My Dim Memory [FS] NM: A with 70 some misses

2-2 CZ: After putting a little extra effort, I pulled off a C with <120 misses

No Despair NM: D 2nd try with about 80 misses

Wi-Ex-Doc-Va NM (not CZ Tongue): D miraculously, with 230 misses

Pumptris Quattro NM: epic fail Lips sealed
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