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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 12, 2009, 10:56:09 AM #1301

Hey all, I havent really posted here much but I intend to start since I see many of you at acme bowl frequently enough!

My new accomplishments =)
Vertex^2 74.1% (expert 13) yesterday 1.5 mini. Ugh pain in the ass song
Pandemonium 85.9% (expert 13) yesterday 2x mini
One Winged Angel 85.xx saturday (expert 14) x5 mini fuck yeah (82.xx yesterday sad day)

We need to find a way to organize an ITG2 tournament without getting sued or anything... I wonder if acme would be willing...

Keep kicking ass gentlemen    -GRak
Read May 15, 2009, 08:04:48 PM #1302


Tream Vook of the War CZ: A 15 misses, which is totally awesome Cool

FAEP 1 [A] CZ: C 59 misses

and... I decided to try out Naissance 2 [A] NM and found out that it's a total BS chart with unnecessary BPM changes. I failed it three times Lips sealed.
Read May 16, 2009, 10:10:45 PM #1303

'grats on reply #1337, M477.

Gerrak, you wouldn't get sued for running an ITG2 tournament.  Talk to Bill about it, and don't hesitate to use rulesets and such that I've used if you have the need for them; they're open source as far as I'm concerned.  Just try to give people 6-8 weeks notice and avoid conflicting with other events and you could probably get a good number of people to show up.  If you run a hard (9's and under) tournament on the side and I'm not pre-occupied, I'll enter, and try to bring some other Portlanders with me.  As long as you have a "no being a dick" clause in your rules.  I hate being at tournaments where people are intentionally being assholes about song selection and pad arbitration when they clearly don't need to.

Anyway, accomplishments today:
14 Colors oni Cheesy
32? From pop'n music difficult (nonstop course, 97177xxx)
9 on Yozoru no muko
15 on Trip Machine luv mix
80 and a good on Max 300 (closest I've come to a FC in a LONG time)

GA (these are all 90% or better; didn't bother to get pics of anything else):
305 on There You'll Be
125 on Be In My Paradise
270ish on Living in America
FGC'd the first 150 or so steps of Last Message...didn't do so well on the rest of it.
Read May 17, 2009, 03:45:12 PM #1304

Flagged Hyper Earlybeat in the Eurobeat nonstop. I think that was the only new score from the tournament.
Read May 17, 2009, 05:23:24 PM #1305

Yeah Gerrak, please if you are interested at all, talk to Bill about running an ITG tournament! It'd be really neat to have one in my opinion.
Read May 18, 2009, 08:48:02 AM #1306

    I figured getting sued wouldnt be that much of a problem, I just never hear about ITG tournaments and I know they got f'd by ddr...  I'll definitely talk to masterman and see if I can't try to make that happen; I left a message on his machine today so hopefully I'll get the ball rolling soon. Maybe hold it in mid-July sometime? I'd want to do something that encompasses the full scope of difficulties, not just a timing tournament which we might as well run another lame DDR tourney. After all some of the best play at acme =) I could see using some custom songs as well for the last few matchups maybe, songs from most likely; if that were the case I would let people know in advance what they were so theres no advantage to people who might have played them already. Theres 2 other DDR machines at acme: a 7th mix and a Supernova machine, so there'll definitely be room for some other play besides those competing.

New accomplishments:
Loituma 99.04%
Heaven 91.78% 700 combo at the end hehe
Ub3R R4vE 82.18% end is god damn killer -.-

« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 12:34:06 PM by Gerrak »
Read May 18, 2009, 11:33:56 PM #1307

There's been tourneys at Acme before. They were ITG/DDR mixed. From what I remember you'll have to set up a meeting time with Masterman and the Acme staff, and if they're open to the idea they'll tell you what dates will work (they have private parties and will probably give you a timeframe in which to finish the tournament). They're concerned with making it too difficult for random people to play other games since there would be a much higher number of people in there than usual, which would keep them from making as much money that day. And pay-to-play tournies aren't really an option either, nobody would go. I wouldn't be able to make any July tourneys. Maybe August, but I totally suck at ITG now. Smiley
Read May 19, 2009, 12:20:21 PM #1308

I suck at itg overall but id go just for fun
Read May 19, 2009, 12:46:42 PM #1309;topicseen#new
Please post if interested =)
Read May 19, 2009, 01:59:36 PM #1310

'grats on reply #1337, M477.
I never realized it Tongue

I'd be interested in an ITG tourney Grin
Read May 22, 2009, 11:02:46 AM #1311

Got these on Wednesday. Was feeling nimble as shit Wink

« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 11:20:58 AM by Gerrak »
Read May 26, 2009, 01:52:07 PM #1312

Damn nice ones, Allan.

Finally passed Flower Forever yesterday.  73.something%, but passed.  Of course my little brother beats the same song on the same day with a 77.something%.  Bastard.

Also got another 98.6% on Dragostea Din Tei, I'm going to triple star that one if it kills me.

I'll be back at Acme on Thursday if anyone wants to hang out.
Read May 27, 2009, 10:33:03 AM #1313

Got like a 92.7% on For a Lifetime last night (8.5min, 3500 steps). Was pretty god damn epic.
I'll be back at Acme on Thursday if anyone wants to hang out.
I'm going to see about heading up Thurs as well. Some more should come chill too
Read May 27, 2009, 12:24:06 PM #1314

Got like a 92.7% on For a Lifetime last night (8.5min, 3500 steps). Was pretty god damn epic.I'm going to see about heading up Thurs as well. Some more should come chill too

I would! if I wasn't in colorado till July! RRRRRaaawrrr
Read May 31, 2009, 03:11:22 PM #1315

AAA Witch Doctor Heavy on max2.

Read May 31, 2009, 11:32:55 PM #1316

AAA Somewhere Over the Rainbow on Extreme
1x, default, no bar.
I feel I have achieved the impossible.

also AAA on Miracle
1x, default, no bar.

Today was a good day.
Read June 02, 2009, 12:02:50 AM #1317

AAA Somewhere Over the Rainbow on Extreme
1x, default, no bar.
I feel I have achieved the impossible.

also AAA on Miracle
1x, default, no bar.

Today was a good day.
Go AAA some onis bro!  :O
Read June 11, 2009, 12:22:50 PM #1318

i passed operation evolution first try (from gs)
wow... that song was hard, 84.xx but im happy i passed

still working on an expert double star... was doing GREAT on driving force classical... then pad decent, got pissed and walked off

not much else lately that i care abuot
Read June 13, 2009, 10:03:22 AM #1319

Two awesome 14 passes yesterday at Acme Grin


xynn's Lawn Wake 13; ending is a brutal 192 bpm 16th run Shocked

I also set a few other machine records, but GRAK or NUGG or whoever could probably beat 'em Tongue

« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 10:05:54 AM by M477 »
Read June 13, 2009, 11:22:23 AM #1320

When I get back I'm going to beat that Chromatic Blitz record
Read June 15, 2009, 09:58:52 AM #1321

I also set a few other machine records, but GRAK or NUGG or whoever could probably beat 'em
Nugg and Kddr take all my god damn scores off the machine so I feel your pain. And I failed chromatic blitz the one time I tried it; shits god damn hard. Pretty damn impressive you actually passed it, means I gotta get off my lazy ass and do it too.... sigh... Lawn's Wake sounds like a headache too I gotta try it.
94.42% Summer Expert the other day, new personal best
Read June 15, 2009, 11:46:49 AM #1322

Nugg and Kddr take all my god damn scores off the machine so I feel your pain.
Amber (NUGG) keeps taking all my scores off the machine so I feel your pain.
Read June 15, 2009, 12:03:16 PM #1323


yesterday here in colorado I got 100.00% on Disconnected Disco.

Hellz yes.
Read June 15, 2009, 12:15:34 PM #1324

yesterday here in colorado I got 100.00% on Disconnected Disco
I watched Amber get a 104% on that the other day. It was fucked up....
Read June 15, 2009, 01:46:21 PM #1325


yesterday here in colorado I got 100.00% on Disconnected Disco.

Hellz yes.
Nice!  Any quad is an impressive quad IMO.
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