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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read December 22, 2009, 10:15:58 AM #1451

:aaa #112- Get Up n' Move x-edit (28p) is this good MA?
:aaa #113- Butterfly x-edit Oni (5p) couldn't get a pic for this cause I did it in a course, got 17p right after in a regular round. But hey, first SDP.

Dead End- 2g and 32p, this is down from like 14g and not even a full combo (sup foosimoo)
Fire- 29p 2g sightread, this is kinda fun, I'll AAA it next time hopefully.
Scorching Moon- 19p 2g, I like the MA on this, but I did a turn at one point and it had me facing backwards. :|
Waiting 4 Tonight- 42p 2g sightread, 2 is the best number ever
Maximizer- 35p 3g (all very early in)

passed all the non-Dead End groove radar specials
played On the Break to get Extra Stage
full comboed Saber Wing with like 25g, it felt off and my legs were tired
got a pad miss in Horatio to end the round :/
passed Saber Wing Headshot on x2
played Pluto Relinquish oni as a joke and got about halfway through it, maybe next time haha?
Read December 24, 2009, 04:18:56 AM #1452






I don't even know why I post these here, no one ever says anything or posts anything.
Read December 24, 2009, 11:20:10 AM #1453

I would post some kind of "Oh yeah?!?!?! WELL LOOK AT THIS!!!!" AAAs but I haven't been getting any...I haven't been accomplishing anything lately, haha. 7g on HVAM, that's not acceptable. I guess I just need to play more or something.
Read December 25, 2009, 03:17:44 PM #1454

I'm back and better than ever Smiley

Light Emitting Diode Expert (2 ex) - Can totally quad this

Destiny Expert (6 ex) - Wow, beats my old score by at least 0.5%

Determinator Expert (1 miss) - NICE, this was right after Destiny

AAA (2 ex) from Foti's Songs on our machine

Wings Of Despair (38 ex) - Eh, I can do better I think

Disconnected Hyper (10 ex) - Can do better, but very good I think

I Can Walk On Water (1.1x speed) - Doesn't show in modifiers, but I've gotten 99.96 on 1.0x

Flower Forever V2 - Finally starred the song

Radioactive Rats - Played this yet??  Its pretty cool I was able to FEC it

Yeah, more of this from me soon.  I'm back in it!
Read December 26, 2009, 05:06:41 PM #1455

Awesome stuff Chris May, I was wondering where you were all this time!  Huh

Anyway I'll keep it short.

Xmas AAAs:
Maria I Believe (22p)
Silent Hill oni (22p)
Silent HIll heavy (17p)

Yesterday AAAs:
Flow heavy (29p)
un deux trois (17p) (this was #123 Cheesy)
try 2 luv u (13p)
Into Your Heart (39p) (this is a super weird X song with odd offsync triplets, so that was cool)
Inspiration (12p)
Gorgeous 2012 (16p)

the best part being

Read December 27, 2009, 06:06:12 AM #1456

7g HVAM, 9g Silent Hill, something is wrong here. I blame Euromix2!
Read December 28, 2009, 06:16:19 PM #1457

7g HVAM, 9g Silent Hill, something is wrong here. I blame Euromix2!

Don't blame the machine when you know that it's just the fact that Thomas Howard is too hardcore for you.
Read December 29, 2009, 05:42:20 AM #1458

from sunday:




from yesterday:




and from today:


#135, SDP #2










Fuck you guys hardcore. I could post a Legend of Max AAA and I wouldn't get a single comment. Why bother.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 08:45:37 PM by discovolante »
Read December 30, 2009, 08:28:29 PM #1459


but at least you have something thats actually good to post Sad
Read December 31, 2009, 09:49:59 AM #1460

It is impressive Disco, you just get so many AAAs that I guess we can't always throw roses, ya'know?

In all seriousness, does having Marvelous timing constantly on help you pull these off? I have over 30 Black Flags on DDR Extreme because most of the time I can't tell if I'm drifting early or late until it's too late and I smack that one great and fubar my attempt at a AAA.
Read December 31, 2009, 04:13:17 PM #1461

It is impressive Disco, you just get so many AAAs that I guess we can't always throw roses, ya'know?

In all seriousness, does having Marvelous timing constantly on help you pull these off? I have over 30 Black Flags on DDR Extreme because most of the time I can't tell if I'm drifting early or late until it's too late and I smack that one great and fubar my attempt at a AAA.
i would imagine so, the few times i played sn2 (because i play ddr TONSSS) i noticed that my PA was better (though still not comparable to my FA)

i imagine it would be like itg not having the dashes before and after ex and below telling you if you are early or late
Read December 31, 2009, 08:31:57 PM #1462

It is impressive Disco, you just get so many AAAs that I guess we can't always throw roses, ya'know?

I know that, it's just that xexy is the only person that's even commented, and then I had the day where I got 10 AAA's in one day, and no one said anything and I just felt a little unloved, you know what I mean? I hate to ask for attention, but especially on this site (which is the closest thing to home turf for me) I hate feeling alone. Thank you though.

In all seriousness, does having Marvelous timing constantly on help you pull these off? I have over 30 Black Flags on DDR Extreme because most of the time I can't tell if I'm drifting early or late until it's too late and I smack that one great and fubar my attempt at a AAA.

That's definitely part of it. If it makes you feel better, according to DCS I have about 73 pre-X flags (and I can't begin to tell you how many sightread flags/reflags/new flags I have ON X) that are partially due to no Marvelous timing. If I see myself getting perfects, I totally try to find the window to get back on my MA, and it helps a lot.

The big thing though is that there are speed mods from x.5 to x8 all in increments of x.5 (in addition to x.25 and x.75 which I don't use). This allows me to do stuff like play x4.5 from 125-135, x4 from 136-160, x3.5 from 161-185, so on and so on. Then there's the fact that there's no giant score bar obstructing the bottom of the screen, so reading around 640 is super doable. (Maxx Unlimited is GREAT on x2 on X) That is probably more what helps.

That and the fact that the pads aren't total arse.

xexy: There actually is a function that not only tracks whether you're early or late but also tells you how many non-marv's you've gotten so far, but I have no idea how to turn it on. I'm gonna try and find out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 08:37:56 PM by discovolante »
Read January 01, 2010, 11:09:20 AM #1463

well since our machine is going to shit, and i can barely play customs ive been playing officials, most of the scores ive gotten are pretty easily upable for me, but still, most of them are 10-15% higher than the score i had just a few months ago.

but off the top of my head...

85.xx on tell (took the #1 score, i was happy)
85.6x on hardcore symphony, fec'd the two last streams, had i kept my fa like that in the beginning i could have done alot better, i can definatly 90 this
bunch of random *'s and **'s on 9's, though out of all the ones ive ** i still dont haev da roots or birdy... -.- both times i would have gotten very nice **'s on them i got an echo W/O (down arrow) and that put me under 98%

i cant think of any others atm, but basically every 11 i have upped my score to an 85+

oh yeah, upped monolith to an 84 something, that was cool.
Read January 08, 2010, 07:11:37 PM #1464


from a while ago:




#147 sightread





#152 sightread

#153 sightread


and now these are all from yesterday













so yeah
Read January 09, 2010, 07:49:48 AM #1465





Read January 09, 2010, 05:28:03 PM #1466

keep up at this rate and you will have AAA'd 99% of all ddr songs
Read January 09, 2010, 10:09:35 PM #1467

98.03 Blazing's Konata Zone with a black flag somewhere near the end

I seriously thought I was gonna full-excellent-combo it Angry
Read January 11, 2010, 05:39:10 PM #1468

keep up at this rate and you will have AAA'd 99% of all ddr songs
What are the 5 songs you only have A's on I wonder? I guess I don't really know any charts from post-Supernova.

A little more e-peenage, but nothing too special:

96.90 Summer (13) blah blah
99.81 Riders, Unite! (10) 5ex
99.73 Spacy Crazy Girl (9) 5ex timings getting better at least
86.23 Determinator (bs12) working on it...
80.94 Vertex^2 (13) also working on it...

Some of you are getting LAZY. Get your asses down to Acme more! Just a few months until tournament season.

Read January 11, 2010, 05:54:22 PM #1469

I'm in colorado, but I've been workin some songs.

96.10 on Pandemonium expert. On an upgrade cabinet. That's my only notable accomplishment in the past month and a half.
Read January 11, 2010, 10:33:54 PM #1470

Nice scores everyone. Gerrak, I think you can really do better on V^2. I'm pretty sure I have better than that at Acme. Keby, that's a totally insane Pandemonium. I only got an 89 at Narrows so I'm gonna have to work on that a bit.
Read January 12, 2010, 07:49:19 PM #1471

I need to learn vertex^2 better... Too many stupid fucking jumps in that song and just seemingly random steps that somehow manage to fit the totally erratic nature of the bassline , I really can honestly say that's not a very enjoyable chart to play but fuck it pisses me off so bad I have to get good at it.... Gotta try to beat that pandemonium score too. I been sick and lazy all winter break, just now getting back on my game.
Read January 15, 2010, 06:23:45 PM #1472

i passed summer, AAA'd paranoia respect on beginner, FC'd Maxx on double, and 99'd ride the bass

Read January 19, 2010, 03:04:25 AM #1473

Read January 19, 2010, 06:29:50 PM #1474

from last Friday



from yesterday:








Read January 20, 2010, 10:45:42 PM #1475

Mmmm today was a good day

Technically wasn't today actually, the rest are:


I guess all that time on the internet made me good with my hands. Er...


Miss was pad. So sad. My bad

You guys gotta get down here more Wink
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