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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read February 22, 2010, 07:21:48 PM #1626

I'd watch that... although I've seen HDVO been comboed so many times in the last week it's not even funny. People are ACTUALLY good at that song here, it's sick.

Anyway, from yesterday:
#242- Dynamite Rave eurobeat (32p) played it slower than usual, felt good
#243- sp-Trip Machine X-special (20p) finally fuck
#244 & SDP#4- Dynamite Rave Air Special (9p) also finally
#245, Double #1- Butterfly x-edit Oni (32p) atrocious MA, but I finally got something on double hahaha

flagged on the bounce again twice in the same fucking section cause I doublestepped it like a homo
fucked up centaur again several times
some other shit

forcing myself to get on the bounce today no matter what, and trying the oni out.
Read February 22, 2010, 08:26:48 PM #1627

Scott I know you always get on ITG sometimes because they barely move more than 10 degrees from side to side haha, but oh man, if you don't double step it, you move, full 180 degrees back and forth so fast. It looks so funny.
Show us at the tourny. I'll try to have Null join us and he can bring his camera. We'll record it for posterity.
Read February 22, 2010, 10:45:41 PM #1628

I passed HDVO.  I got waaaay more non combos than Kev (FC to the run, then kinda stopped because I straight up couldn't do it) but I got 87xxxx.  Also 5 on chaos heavy but that song's cake.

96.81 epileptic crisis hard, I can finally almost full combo it
99.28 popcorn (11 and a mine)
99.68 remember december after saying "I can't 99 this anymore."  Basically got most of my 11 ex in two big chunks.
Read February 22, 2010, 10:56:44 PM #1629

Nice failing score on HDVO. I can't time those 16th note gallops for my life. Aren't they kind of off beat?
Read February 22, 2010, 11:02:09 PM #1630

Hey I passed.  I just had 16 misses and a handful of goods and boos.  70ish greats? 
The music is 12ths but the chart is 16ths so yeah the gallops (and the runs...) are off.  The runs are dense enough to where it doesn't matter but you kinda have to force yourself to do 16ths on the pairs of two.
Read February 22, 2010, 11:19:47 PM #1631

ohhh the way said it I thought you failed it, sorry. Nice job though! look at my great count.....I felt like I was playing with my skill level from 2004 hahaha.
Read February 23, 2010, 01:02:14 AM #1632

No it's not.

Also, Freestyling any song will get you sweating if you can make it groovy enough. Why would you freestyle an 8? My personal preference has always been 4's and below, otherwise there's just too many arrows in my opinion.

The ReaF at Acme is indeed offsync trust me. As are several charts on ITG3 and Rebirth. Didn't mean it's off in general. As for freestyling of course I'd pick more like a 3-5 to freestyle but I just resort to freestyle if I mess up my 8s or whatever  Roll Eyes can get my spins and running man and so forth in there anyway.

Recently, though nothing special:


Me and NSXX had an epic duel on Chromatic Blitz today. We both failed in the run but oh well was fun anyway. He made it further than I; don't think either of us were totally on our game hehe
Read February 23, 2010, 11:19:00 AM #1633

Oh ok, I though you were saying its like a half second off, I was like no....

Yeah it's a little late, but not bad enough to really hurt your score. At sakura-con I can go through as many songs as I can to make sure they're on sync. I'll be working arcade staff, so I'm sure KDDR, James, and I will be able to do that. I don't think anyones gonna have time to do it before hand.
Read February 24, 2010, 05:14:47 PM #1634

From yesterday.

#246- Captivate Chikai (39p) this was funny cause I had never even fake AAA'd it, just kinda came out of nowhere. Smiley
#247- Faint (30p) so random, I had it on shuffle from the song before but I don't really care.
#248- AM-3P 303 Bass (23p) right after flagging it on the 3rd to last step
#249- Star Gate Heaven remix (32p)
#250- Star Gate Heaven (30p) boring #250, wanted Angelus
#251- Blind Justice (34p)
#252- Party Lights (24p)

re-aaa'd Dive to the Night w/40p
passed Sakura on x3 cause random is awesome
AA'd Mikeneko Rock on x3 for the same reason

5 or 6 on Cachaca, all from the last set of triplets to the end. so mad.
3 and 37p on Angelus, I finally understand this so I'll get it soon
61p 4g on xmix3, all in Taj he Spitz and Party Lights rofl, x4.5
61p 1g Paranoia Eternal x-special FUCKING DRUGS
2g on IMLTY
2g on Ballad For You (so gay, might as well get these tomorrow)

So yeah good day.
Read February 25, 2010, 12:37:04 AM #1635

Just popped in to play a few games.

#253- l'amour et la liberte (40p)

2g on the votum remix

that's it
Read February 25, 2010, 10:47:29 AM #1636

passed Sakura on x3 cause random is awesome
AA'd Mikeneko Rock on x3 for the same reason

I always disliked how they hid the song from you when you chose Random on post-Extreme DDR games. Playing random is my favorite thing to do on Extreme, but on SN and later I always risk the situation you mentioned above, and that just ain't cool.
Read February 25, 2010, 04:42:20 PM #1637

oh, I wasn't being sarcastic, I actually think the retarded random system is fun. I love trying to pass the shit on x3 that X throws me. it's so dumb. hopefully they'll change it but for now I like how stupid it is.

drop out x3 1nc AA
tl100s x3 AA
Max300 x3 got to the slowdown and failed... 900 is a bit fast.


#254- Votum Stellarum (40p)
#255- Flight of the Phoenix (18p)
#256- Dream Machine (36p)

flagged moonster
1nc sightread on Trip Machine Phoenix oni
Read February 26, 2010, 05:07:16 AM #1638

Ethan, do me a favor and AAA Be In My Paradise, IMLTY, and Ballad for You all in one set.

Preferably while freestyling.

edit: also, just play everything on 1x and you'll never have to play Max.[period] on 3x <3

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 05:08:52 AM by DancingTofu »
Read February 26, 2010, 07:34:33 AM #1639

sadly, BIMP isn't in X and I'm not gonna try and find an SN or SN2 because I won't be able to do it anyway... IMLTY and Ballad For You are both fucked up pre-X.

and no, the fun is in trying to pass it all x3. :]
Read February 26, 2010, 11:14:59 AM #1640

BIMP isn't in SN2 either. :< I miss it so much... 
Read February 27, 2010, 06:55:51 AM #1641

Man...that makes my ass dribble slowly. :<

edit: I was going to do all three at Tilt!, but all three files are just barely over the size limit.
Read February 27, 2010, 09:14:44 AM #1642

ok so kindre drunk, but that's the point (sry these typos are halfme being drunks but half the keyboard being really sticky and im lazy so)

only played a few games today, but to kill time, I went to brunswick zone in Ikebukuro, played one game of DDR drunk of my ass and did this:

played ranking course 3 which is
u cant touch this
put em up
always onmy mind
here it goes again

played in x4.5
PFC the whole course


rePFC u can't touch this, put em up and always on my mind
aaaemot.gif #257- Here It Goes Again (Huh?p) too drunk/stupid to count my perfects so I'll just play it on x4.5 again to get a p count

um so yeah

for anyone that cares it's the Hokkaido record and like 26th overall i think
Read February 28, 2010, 04:03:48 PM #1643

Hey guys check out what I did on Tom's machine.

97% on sail away.

I guess I'm not to bad a ITG haha.
Read March 01, 2010, 12:05:21 AM #1644

Beast Grin
Read March 01, 2010, 04:00:36 PM #1645

Hey guys check out what I did on Tom's machine.

97% on sail away.

I guess I'm not to bad a ITG haha.

How'd you like our dedicab Keby? Tom and I spent 3 hours on Sunday night openning every single panel and cleaning them out thoroughly. We plan to replace every inner sensor with a brand new one (or one that registers an 8+ on Tom's rating scale). Next weekend I plan on installing replacement neon rings into the subs. Eventually I'm going to buy new decals for the thing, then it'll look brand fuxing new!

Btw, we're vid documenting all of this stuff and we plan on making a ITG/DDR maintenance series on youtube. STAY TUNED!
Read March 01, 2010, 05:05:38 PM #1646

Won't lie.......kinda like your guys machine better than the one at acme.
you know....because of the free play part ^_^ haha
Seriously though, other than the room getting humid and the pads getting sticky, I like the feel of the arrows better. It feels more firm when I step.

.....that and I have a biased towards the original ITG2 theme. ITG3 is awesome, but the 3D graphic for fantastics are just like "HEEEEYY LOOOK HERE! YOU'RE DOING SO preg_replace('/(.{49})/u', '$1 ', 'AWEEEEEEEEEESSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMEEEE')!!!!!!!!"

it gets annoying.

The acme machine is still fantastic, but I like your machine slightly better for various reasons.
Read March 01, 2010, 11:32:05 PM #1647

I like your machine better because it's the only machine where I can play "The Twist" followed by "Let's Twist Again" in the SAME SET.

Also, totally lame dance game accomplishment: today I went to Pink Gorilla and played four sets of DDR, and was able to be consistent! Consistently sucky, but consistent... I got between 10 and 20 greats on every single song I played (6s-8s.) Normally I'll get, like, 4 on something tricky like My Sweet Darlin, and then go and get 45 on Freckles.
Read March 02, 2010, 04:08:31 AM #1648

Whoopdie do

More 99s on easy stuff...



Could have avoided those greats on Asian Crosscounter but I've only played it a couple times and don't know it very well...

When are we going to get the Acme machine's offsync songs taken care of anyway? Speaking of 97s on sail away which I'd like a chance at....
Read March 02, 2010, 08:34:42 AM #1649

Nice scores Gerrak!

You know since half of PNWBemani is going to be on staff for sakura-con this year including me and since bill's ITG machine will be there, We can probably go through each song early in the morning after we're done setting everything up. That's something I actually plan to do when I get time at the con.
Read March 02, 2010, 04:22:22 PM #1650

Yeah Gerrak go back and 99 AZNXC, that song is easy, and fun imo. Nice scores.

:aaa #258- Venus Heavy (34p)
:aaa #259- Passion of Love (32p) this was easier than I expected
:aaa #260- Venus Oni (58p) ugggh shitty MA but whatever
:aaa #261- Long Train Running x-treme (37p) yep flagged this with 19p fml
:aaa #262- on the bounce (25p) team AAA:d with Kaze who got 19p. thought that was pretty awesome!

finally got another 14. I'm gonna start whoring the Maxes when I get back to Sapporo, because now I have more AAA's than there are available in Extreme, so I might as well get some tens. (or pardon me, 15's and 16's)
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