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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 02, 2010, 07:11:17 PM #1651

Yeah I'm redoing all of the hacks before Sakuracon. Expect some REALLY cool stuff.
Read March 02, 2010, 08:41:47 PM #1652

Also, forgot to mention. I passed my first 15 footer at Tom's house.

Max Forever. Oni steps. got a 72% or 73% on it. It's around 6 minutes or something. Not the best score, but hell, I remember 4 years ago I could barely pass it on my fingers hahaha. Oh we grow up so fast >.<

Tom took a video of it. I'm pretty sure he did. I'll ask him for it so you can have proof.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 09:27:37 PM by Keby »
Read March 03, 2010, 12:44:57 AM #1653

This is actually an old score from about a year ago.  It is what I consider my greatest sightread accomplishment.
In case you've never played this song, it's kind of like wild rush from DDR -- many small rises in bpm.  When I say sightread, I mean I have never heard or seen the song/chart, so that's why I'm so proud of it.

This one's new though from today.  I dropped a hold... (would have been 99.53)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 05:31:53 AM by manyminimoos »
Read March 04, 2010, 01:42:25 AM #1654

Oh's on <3

my best on that song right is 92.
Read March 04, 2010, 01:55:11 PM #1655

My best is 889xxx on hdvo first pass too. Lets race to see who can AA it first haha
Read March 04, 2010, 06:02:03 PM #1656

I'm in. I need to force myself to play that shitty song.

Although, the version I have is (obviously) fixed considerably. Is that fair?
Read March 04, 2010, 08:30:56 PM #1657

Not really
I'm in. I need to force myself to play that shitty song.

Although, the version I have is (obviously) fixed considerably. Is that fair?
probably not fair, but who cares right?
it's on guys! Good luck!
Read March 04, 2010, 08:35:36 PM #1658

I think most of HDVO is the same SN2 and X because if they turned it into all 16ths, there'd be far fewer steps, haha.  Just the gallops in the first half I think.

I was so close!  Oh yeah I guess I'll mention that I used mirror and that may constitute CHEATING lol
Read March 04, 2010, 08:50:38 PM #1659

It's just that the beginning is all 12ths like it should be. That's going to help my MA and PA a hell of a lot. It's not hard at all now until the speed-up.
Read March 04, 2010, 09:31:34 PM #1660

Ethan, if you meet that one dude and he's amenable to having vids taken, see if he'll do double.  I saw the groove radar lookin picture that you posted and he has got to be just plain ridiculous at double.  If I wanted to see someone good at 4 panel I'd just go to the midwest, but nobody here is that good at double.
Read March 04, 2010, 09:42:33 PM #1661

I can ask, but you know how the groove radar works, right? It doesn't really have a lot to do with AAA's or marv timing.

If I remember correctly, you raise the stats like this:

Chaos- combo Chaos Oni a few times and you get 200
Voltage- 200 is impossible, you have to MFC FAXX oni to get it. Those who have sdg'd it (the best thus far) have like 198. so I guess that has to do with marv timing.
Stream- I think you have to play Pluto Relinquish Standard and combo it a bunch of times.
Air- play Dynamte Rave Air Special a bunch
Freeze- play D2R Freeze Special a bunch

so I don't actually know how good he is at double. I know he doesn't have a ton of WR's on double while he has almost all the easier ones on single, including some really retarded shit like 7p on on the bounce heavy and stuff. so I'll see what I can do; I kind of hoped of taking vids anyway.

I think most of the best double players are in Tokyo and Osaka, but I'll be going back to Honshu pretty soon so I can try and meet them then too.
Read March 04, 2010, 09:50:00 PM #1662

I used to like to think I was really good at double and then last night I failed faxx heavy.  lol
granted, it was a sightread, but still ;__;
Read March 05, 2010, 06:53:33 AM #1663

So I met T.T, sort of. Didn't really talk to him cause I was with a crowd and he was with his, so it just seemed awkward. The good news is he seems like a normal person, he has a girlfriend and shit, he just plays a SHIT ton of DDR. The disappointment is that he's only good at like 13's and down, above that he's mediocre to awful (like at 18's). Oh Japan.

Anyway I got this weird shit

:aaa #263- Dynamite Rave Oni (51p) extra stage, picked random, got this, used x3 which is too slow, felt weird man but I'm glad to have this shit out of the way. now to improve my MA hahaha. last DR also.
:aaa #264- La Senorita Virtual (43p) could not get the original

flagged Maximizer again, twice
had less than 20p on a thing called love and then fucked it up at the end for some reason, ended with 2g
flagged Uranus about three times on heavy, gotta get this.
passed Arabbiatta x3 random extra stage, no turn mods. improved my score actually. I'm gonna put this shit on left and AA it or something, it's just so stupid.

and that's that. I'm gonna go back on Sunday for an extended session and hopefully get to talk shop with T.T, he seems like a cool guy.

James I'm not sure what you want out of the dude on double, but if it's being good at shit like FAXX on double you're probably SOL. he's not even that good at it on single. Sad
Read March 05, 2010, 11:06:10 PM #1664


I dunno what the miss was, just a fluke I guess. Was about a third of the way in on a not hard part...

Also got another pass on Chromatic Blitz, just a 78 but was at the end of my play and I was by no means fresh. Lots of new 99s on some Flash songs I put on my chart as well Smiley
Woo speed and staminas getting better
Read March 06, 2010, 02:31:09 PM #1665

Good job : )
Read March 06, 2010, 09:00:20 PM #1666

This song is not off sync.


Also by far my greatest accomplishment today was when I played my friends simfile for Black or White by Michael Jackson, and A GROUP OF PEOPLE SANG THE ENTIRE SONG WITH ME WHILE I PLAYED!!!!

there was about 14 people total I think. Children too!

it all happened around 4:40

beat that bitches! It's one of the most awesome dancing game experiences I've ever had.
Read March 07, 2010, 08:54:33 AM #1667


really random
Read March 07, 2010, 04:20:30 PM #1668

First time playing it at the arcade. Not too bad.

First time playing this in months.

A little bit of a sight read for this one.

First time playing this one ever. Steps threw me off a little lol

Raped the shit out of this song haha Video:

Last song of the day. This is my second pass. Beasted the beast Roll Eyes
Here's a video of that one

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 04:27:49 PM by NSXX »
Read March 08, 2010, 12:27:40 AM #1669

lol, third times a charm right?
I swear, this song is the first in awhile I honestly think I might be able to quad. No joke. It's just so consistent, I love it.
James played no bar. I did earlier too. I didn't expect to pass it either.
Read March 08, 2010, 01:10:10 AM #1670

I was beating keby until the first long 16th run!!!
Read March 08, 2010, 09:58:34 AM #1671

gg guys, good luck quadding that Keby...





JAMES: T.T is not at all adverse to being filmed playing double, so is there anything in particular you want to see?
Read March 08, 2010, 02:47:02 PM #1672

Well I wanted to see hard things but you said he's not all that good with speed/stamina, so anything.  I like doubles videos.
Read March 09, 2010, 03:57:29 AM #1673

Oh sure, I'll leave something since I visit here once in a while anyways

# 942 - Brilliant 2 U Stream Challenge Double

# 943 - Dub-I-Dub 2008 X-edit Heavy Double
Read March 09, 2010, 06:36:53 AM #1674

lol Aaron

and James, I'm seeing him again on Thursday I think (Japan time of course) so I'll ask him then. also he might be a bit better at harder stuff than I thought... when I saw him get 15p on Unreal randomly, he said he "really liked the double chart" so that could mean anything.
Read March 09, 2010, 08:05:23 AM #1675

oh also these




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