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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 26, 2010, 04:40:17 PM #1776

Sakura-Con 2010 - DDR

look at what I found on youtube.

Some guy took a video of me playing when I got that 93 on chromatic blitz
Read April 26, 2010, 11:24:28 PM #1777

Absolutely beasted today.  7 new scores, 4 of them machine recs.

no screen shot: 95.92 on pink fuzzy bunnies with three misses.

no screen shot but explained in next screen shot.  I'm really bummed I didn't get a screen for it.  I got really excited and called keby and then I went to the next song Sad
Screen is of one of the four machine recs.  Tricky Disco of course is one of them too.

In case you can't read it, I had a blue combo on tricky disco until 75~80%, then got 8 in a row on a 16th run and finished with 10.  Still beat my old by 1 but damn I thought I was going to quad it.

On both the 95.21 and 95.41 attempts I had a silly miss, I want to try to star this next time.  Up from 93.

I played this probably 15 times.  I can consistently get ex in the 30s but I can't reliably combo or FEC it.  Best FEC is 31, 98.88.  This score is the only time I got less than 30, but the fucking mines ahhhhhhhh.  Would have been 99.35

And then two self explanatory machine recs
I'd seen this chart before, but it was my first try ever.  I didn't know about the 24ths.  Suck it allan Cool

Right after ICWOWICF (next set but still!)
Pretty sure this is a PNW record on it.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 11:26:11 PM by manyminimoos »
Read April 27, 2010, 09:53:01 AM #1778

Oh my gawd...

So, I had my camcorder recording my sets, but I got to Extra Stage and turned it off, because I never do very well on Extra Stage. Well, I wish I had left it on, because apparently I'm better at Extra Stage than I thought.

It's AAA #74 for me, and I'm stoked to have gotten my first Extra Stage AAA at the same time. It's a shame I didn't catch it on video.
Read April 27, 2010, 10:29:24 AM #1779

Oh james I always knew you had it in you to start kicking ass again.

Now I have twice the motivation to kick more ass.
Next weekend lets both try and 96 Euphoria.
Read April 27, 2010, 10:37:59 AM #1780

You can bet I'll get those back you bastard
Read April 27, 2010, 05:49:01 PM #1781

I decided after yesterday, btw, that I'm not only going to "quad tricky disco if I have to [in order to remain machine rec #1]," but rather I'm just going to quad it regardless.

ICWoWICF I can probably SDE, loituma was probably a perfect storm kind of score.
Read April 27, 2010, 11:24:39 PM #1782

I love long songs Grin

Love Is Eternity from the SSSC Pack

I was more concerned with conserving energy rather than accuracy. This is from TCP's Cosmic Apocalypse Pack.
Read April 28, 2010, 11:07:09 AM #1783

Not exactly a "new" AAA, but it's the first time I've AAA'd Freckles on video.

Suko - AAA - Sobakasu FRECKLES (KCP Re-Edit)
Read April 29, 2010, 05:15:29 PM #1784

A couple recent ones nothing too special, just customs: 94.70 on Operation Evolution 92.xx on Forever-In This Moment,98.17 on Destiny, and passed Denjin K two days in a row with a 92.40ish and 90.xx the following day. All of these except Forever were played on an upgrade itg cab.
Read April 29, 2010, 06:35:51 PM #1785

A couple recent ones nothing too special, just customs: 94.70 on Operation Evolution 92.xx on Forever-In This Moment,98.17 on Destiny, and passed Denjin K two days in a row with a 92.40ish and 90.xx the following day. All of these except Forever were played on an upgrade itg cab.

Hey dude did you get an R21 version of the DenjinK megamix? if so, could you throw it my way? I would love to play it again. Also 2 days in a row? You beast! good job!

That or I want to get it hacked on the machine.
Read April 29, 2010, 08:42:58 PM #1786

I think this is what you're looking for:
Read April 29, 2010, 09:09:24 PM #1787

I think this is what you're looking for:


.....oh my.....dear god......I know none of you guys care as much as I do, but sweet lord the audio is just god awful.
but thanks! I'll be at acme next weekend to play this, not this one. Finals. D:
Read April 29, 2010, 11:14:58 PM #1788

song length
Read April 30, 2010, 08:45:53 AM #1789

Unless Tuan played this at Narrows, I have reason to believe it will work at acme. If not, tough luck for me, because I'm not willing to drive an hour+ just for one simfile.

Read April 30, 2010, 09:36:04 AM #1790

Yeah, it won't work. The limit is 10 minutes.
Read April 30, 2010, 02:49:26 PM #1791

.....oh my.....dear god......I know none of you guys care as much as I do, but sweet lord the audio is just god awful.
but thanks! I'll be at acme next weekend to play this, not this one. Finals. D:
I feel your pain kinda. Tried to get the most I could get out of the marathon option when playing Soldiers of the Wasteland with NSXX last week (and Gerrak the week before), 9 minutes and 45 seconds. Props to Tuan for trying to beast the "14-footer" challenge mode [more like a 16-block].
It took a LOT of sound editing to get it into OGG and under 5 mb to the point that the audio was terrible, but playable.

Hope to get at least get 90% next time I stop in.
Read April 30, 2010, 02:53:08 PM #1792

I should mention that I'm planning on changing the OGG file size limit to 10mb. There's not really a reason right now for it to be 5mb. If 10mb causes lag, obviously it will get changed back.
Read April 30, 2010, 02:55:28 PM #1793

I should mention that I'm planning on changing the OGG file size limit to 10mb. There's not really a reason right now for it to be 5mb. If 10mb causes lag, obviously it will get changed back.

actually I changed that to unlimited at sakura-con........and as far as I one changed it back. That and it should stay at unlimited.

I know this because in the sakura-con pack, the song Little Bit of Feel Good is a 7mb OGG  file.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 03:23:44 PM by Keby »
Read April 30, 2010, 09:57:55 PM #1794

Unless Tuan played this at Narrows, I have reason to believe it will work at acme. If not, tough luck for me, because I'm not willing to drive an hour+ just for one simfile.

I actually played it at my local arcade down here in Lacey, It's only like 3minutes away from where I live lol. The pads are pretty good, just about as good as the ones Narrows has. Apparently me and Travis are the only ones that really ever play there. The rest are a bunch of kids and ddr beginners.

Anyways scores for ITG time!

Site read this and got a pretty decent score.

Finally passed this shit again (second pass)... I nailed the run, but my legs were giving out on me near the last half of the song. I'm getting closer to getting my Chromatic Blitz back again so be prepared Keby for a Speed and Stamina battle!!

Thanks Keby I'll be taking this Cheesy

Edit: I also took back Emerald Sword with a 97.55 I think.. I hit a bomb at the end lol...

« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 11:28:36 PM by NSXX »
Read May 01, 2010, 12:12:02 AM #1795

Nice score on space space shooter!

I haven't been down to acme in like 2 two weeks because of finals. I've been itching to play recently. I'm almost done with my sophmore year of college though.

I haven't played chromatic blitz since sakura-con. I will next weekend though if we all want to meet up at acme for a little dance game party yay!
Read May 01, 2010, 08:21:22 AM #1796

13p. Japan record is 10. You bet I'm going for the SDP on this shit.

Played a lot of harder shit but nothing of note... probably going to get at least one before the tournament here on the 29th. Wish me luck!
Read May 02, 2010, 05:48:27 AM #1797

pics are deciding to be dicks on facebook now

#297- D2R (29p)
#298- Rin Toshite (30p)
#299- Ballad For You (17p)

and this

Read May 02, 2010, 01:19:41 PM #1798

Damn disco, 2 greats on max 300... Almost pfced it..

So I finally broke 90% on Chromatic Blitz on Saturday.. 3rd pass lol. I don't have my screenshot because usb thing went dead on me while I was playing.. but Zach (Dr.Z) got it on video that day. My excellent count was like 105 and I had a bunch of stupid misses... Anyways, probably the next time I play it, I'll finally take it back...

Played So Deep (long version) and got a 97.xx%. Haven't played it in like 3 months, personal best is 99.10%, but its also the first time I've played it on a dedicab too.

97.xx% on Hearts of Ice (18ex, 1gr, and 1 dropped hold) I cheated all of the hands in the song and was laughing part way through because I didn't expect to get all of them by just stomping/bracket raping them lol.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 03:02:13 PM by NSXX »
Read May 03, 2010, 01:05:07 PM #1799

Another solid pass on Chromatic Blitz on sat... 81, I think I got a bit of work to catch up to you guys...

Anyway some new ones:


On purpose:
Read May 03, 2010, 07:47:17 PM #1800

Lame, I was hoping for loituma/i can walk on water and i was hoping for some beastly improvements.  you're leaving yourself open to having scores re-taken!!!
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