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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 07, 2010, 10:02:08 AM #1826

AAA #75, Jet World. Rainault, ddrcoder and I had a bet going to see who could AAA it first.

25 more to go.

Suko - AAA #75 - Jet World

« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 10:04:40 AM by Suko »
Read May 07, 2010, 11:32:21 AM #1827

There's a Groove 2005? or is there a joke I'm missing...

Haha no there isn't Tongue it was Groove 2001

Donno where I got 2005 from, I guess I had it right the first time after all lmao..
Read May 09, 2010, 01:56:54 PM #1828

s'all good lol. that song was a pain in my ass for a while, haha.

AAA #300- Doll Oni

Obviously I was shooting for Max 300 for number 300 but I capped out at 2 on that shit and now have a mental block on it, AWH YEAH. I'll get it later.

here's the pic to go with that

« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 04:08:25 PM by discovolante »
Read May 09, 2010, 06:26:58 PM #1829

mmmmmm some stuff from this week.


I'm stupid because I play stuff like Moldy Oders (joke came from James)

Speaking of James. Today he played tricky disco today and would've destroyed Allan's record if he didn't mess up the

He had 5 excellents going into it and within the last 15 6 more.
Read May 10, 2010, 12:16:26 AM #1830

blue until a few steps before the slowdown.. oh well.   I'm so bad at the last 20% of that song; when I got 10 I had blue to 80.  One of these days.
Read May 11, 2010, 09:09:49 AM #1831

Keby, I'm pretty sure you could pull 98+ on Go 60 Go. You should play it in SM a bunch to get the 64ths down pat.

#301- Uranus Oni
#302- Da Capo, with 20p Shocked Shocked

3g 3misses on on the bounce oni, should get it.
2g on Angelus in shit easy parts, ugh.
Read May 11, 2010, 09:28:55 AM #1832

Some new ones from recently:
Taken from Amber's 99.4x

Whoopdie do. This songs late and hard to time..

I already mentioned this but thought I'd post:

In bigger news:
Taken from Ambers 99.72:

Stupid KevBo's ridiculous record on this... Still my new personal best. I think I could do better though

Was hardly trying and I got better... Scores improving every time I go

My e-peen is preg_replace('/(.{49})/u', '$1 ', 'THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS') big (diameter)
Read May 11, 2010, 09:42:27 AM #1833

Your e-peen's not as big as mine. You have to post pictures of yourself looking like a douche in front of your scores.

like this.

btw, in all honesty, that 99 on Night Time Story is pretty legit. shit is hard. but you should SDP Charlene because even if it's late it's still pretty easy.
Read May 11, 2010, 10:25:05 AM #1834

Oh guys I forgot to post a screen shot, but I played Robotix the other day for the first time in ever.

I got 21 Excellents and 10 greats.

10 GREATS?!?! What the hell was I thinking?
Read May 12, 2010, 09:03:13 AM #1835

Some more AAA's yesterday.
#76 - Sexy Planet ONI
#77 - Living in America


Read May 12, 2010, 10:49:21 AM #1836


I love Living in America!
Nice AAA's there dude.
Read May 13, 2010, 09:48:25 AM #1837

I miss Living in America Sad pun intended, but I actually do miss playing the song too..!

some shit

discovigilante- (B)Leading Cyber (11p PFC) for AZNATOR!

that was ridiculous #303

then this

#304, fixed triplets for the win

bag- 2g, 37p
Love this Feeling- 1g, 27p, great was in the start of course Sad
Read May 13, 2010, 12:54:51 PM #1838

Did they really fix the triplets in Burning Heat? Dang, I always loved playing people at that song 'cause everyone else I know sucks at it because of those triplets.
Read May 13, 2010, 07:07:28 PM #1839

tricky disco - 4 in first 20% and 3 more in last 15 steps.
Read May 13, 2010, 08:11:08 PM #1840

tricky disco - 4 in first 20% and 3 more in last 15 steps.

That last run always kill you. Granted your doing a lot better, but still. I feel you should have quadded this by now.

Also I played SO MUCH Pump it Up Pro 2 today!
Utterly beast today too! I've never been so good at this game. I'm already passing 12's on crazy!

so close to a 100 percent!

This game is REALLY HARD! Much harder than 4 panel dance games. My gosh it takes so much more endurance out of you.

I'll take the record on this song next time I go

Guys lets go play PIU Pro 2 more. I love this game

« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 08:35:58 PM by Keby »
Read May 13, 2010, 09:49:32 PM #1841

piu is pretty challenging compared to 4 panel games; PIU has some pretty difficult patterns as to where ddr/itg theyre a lot simpler, but i'm sure you already knew that lol. I find the timing to be really easy, probably easier than itg. I'm somewhat okay. I can't do anything too difficult unless the patterns are really simple, then again I don't really play piu all that much..

Random score at my local arcade today:

Beat Jame's old ass score on bumble bee, his record on the machine was 99.67 I think. He probably doesn't care about this anyways, But I did take #1 for machine record.

I was kinda bummed that I got those misses and greats.. All because of the one pause in the song, Oh well I'll just get it next time lol.

Donno if this is stepping up my game or not, they were pretty random scores and I only played like a total of 3 games.. Anyways enough ranting from me!
Read May 14, 2010, 01:15:03 AM #1842

That's still a pretty decent excellent count on Sunshine. Now that you know the stop you'll probably FEC it next time.
Read May 15, 2010, 03:12:03 AM #1843

Keby> If I go to power play, I'm just going to go down the list and pick any song that says "KEBY" for high score.  You will be pissed.  Guaranteed.

97 on tricky disco double, sightread.  Decent chart, the single chart is better.
99.59 electro tuned (DDR chart)
Almost FEC (one way off) on 300SMMM hard double.  Such a good chart.
I forgot what else, nothing too notable.
Read May 15, 2010, 04:21:31 PM #1844

Passed Holy Thunderforce(14 foot the one on groovestats) with an 86%. Don't know anybody else in this community that's actually passed full length Rhapsody songs. I beasted though lol.

Too lazy to put up screenie.
Read May 15, 2010, 11:34:39 PM #1845

didn't do too well today but managed two machine recs

10-7-5 in this set lol.  My consistency at it is kind of frightening.  Also my consistency at getting ex in the end.  3 between 20 and 40% on 5ex run, two in last run.  Oh well.

woo ITG1/2 *** #99!!!
Read May 16, 2010, 03:36:19 PM #1846

Hey James how come you didn't post that SMMMO score here? I thought it was pretty good. Nice July but why are you guys playing Tricky Disco? teamfucktrickydisco4lyfe

#305 woorp

#306 uhb pose?
Read May 16, 2010, 09:20:59 PM #1847

I've already posted the SMMM score here haha just not the pic.  It was a few weeks back.

Played a bunch of pro2 today.  Beat almost every single keby score that I went up against.  100 cowgirl haha, my first fpc on pump! 98.6 on energizer with a miss... uhh a few other decent scores but nothing eye popping.   Oh, passed moonlight with an 83, I was pretty glad I passed.
Read May 18, 2010, 09:18:00 AM #1848

You gotta lay off the Tricky Disco bro. I know it's a good chart but playing 1 song a day is pretty dumb... I don't think I've ever played a single song 3 times in a row out of principle. You won this one, pick another song to play over and over lol
Read May 18, 2010, 11:54:59 AM #1849

I never play a song more than three times a day as a rule, and almost never twice in a row.

When I broke that rule to try and get Max 300 I got a huge mental block on it.

Then again, if I had to play Tricky Disco as many times as I played Max 300, I'd probably go insane. It is just... the worst song to be played as much as it is.

But hey, it's your money.
Read May 18, 2010, 04:59:59 PM #1850

I played it 3 times that day.  Sue me.  

I want to quad it.

ps I have played the same song 41 times in a row before. 
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