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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 19, 2010, 10:26:16 AM #1851

I'm going to sue you, James. Playing Tricky Disco more than once a day is disturbance of the peace OHHHHH

Nah but people here play the same songs OVER and OVER again just to get scores. I have never understood doing that, and it showed with the whole Max 300 thing. Over the span of the four days I spent just trying to get that song for #300, my scores went way up (from 10g to 2g the first day) to shit (not being able to even SDG it).

Then I saw TT/Tada try to take the world record on Tomorrow Perfume, and his scores got progressively worse the more he played it. Then I left and he got 3p.

Anyway going tomorrow. You guys want any shoutout videos or anything?
Read May 19, 2010, 10:45:25 AM #1852

Ohh I'll take a shoutout!
Is music in rhythm on DDR X?
play that, or just play anything, do really good, and shout my name
Read May 19, 2010, 10:49:38 AM #1853

Yes it is, and I've been meaning to get it. Cheesy
Read May 19, 2010, 12:57:08 PM #1854

You should give me a shout out too Cheesy Never really gotten a shout out before so that'd be cool !
Read May 19, 2010, 03:55:21 PM #1855

okay but who are you. give me something to connect to the username!
Read May 19, 2010, 04:49:35 PM #1856

Tuan should upload a new avatar that doesn't have a broken link.
Like this or something:

Read May 19, 2010, 11:02:49 PM #1857

Today was a "meh" day.  Scores that COULD have been good...

Tricky Disco - 8 and a great (sets the tone)
Sweet World - 98.1 with a FEC what
Little Red Riding Hood - 4 and a dropped hold
Boten Anna - 98.6 with a hideous slow part

Read May 20, 2010, 07:20:20 PM #1858

No luck with Music in the Rhythm Sad I'll try next time, but that second stop is just a fuck gay, argh.

#307- Higher Oni (23p)
42p/3g iFuturelist oni argh
22p/1g Abyss not in jacks Sad

and this
discovigilante Great Attacks I'll Make Love To You

<3 u guys
Read May 20, 2010, 08:25:05 PM #1859

oh I forgot this hilariousness

Read May 20, 2010, 10:23:46 PM #1860

Also 94.40 on Expert

Yeah yeah

And most notably:

Read May 21, 2010, 09:01:49 AM #1861

Pretty stoked about this! #308 Cheesy
Read May 21, 2010, 11:08:07 AM #1862

Nice job. I've almost got it too. I just need to play it on a machine with great pads. Good pads just don't cut it when you're trying to AAA, no-bar, double step through that song.

Btw, did anyone ever reply to my question about Burning Heat? Was it "fixed" in some mix after SN? 'Cause up to SN1, it still has the odd beats it did in Extreme.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 11:09:30 AM by Suko »
Read May 21, 2010, 11:19:35 AM #1863

Thanks dude, but do you have to mention that you play no bar in every single post you make in this thread? We get it. You might as well just make it your user title or something, haha.

Triplets were fixed for X, not just Burning Heat. bag and Kiss Kiss Kiss and really anything with triplets in it is fixed now. SN2 was the last version to have the old triplets I think. The downside is that now Mikeneko Rock and bag have really weird parts in them that weren't there before. :S
Read May 21, 2010, 12:40:36 PM #1864

Thanks dude, but do you have to mention that you play no bar in every single post you make in this thread? We get it. You might as well just make it your user title or something, haha.
Ya, I guess I do mention it a lot, but it's because getting high scores and AAA's without the bar is significantly harder than most players (these days) realize. The bar offers a lot of consistency to those who use it. I don't give people crap for using the bar and I don't consider it "cheating" either. That argument died years ago. However, I do keep a distinction between scores done with and without the bar. I see each as their own achievement, but for me no bar vs bar scores are in two separate categories.

Although, since I think I'm the only person in this whole state who plays no-bar by default, perhaps it is a mute point and no one gives a shit about these achievements because they're "lame" by comparison to most player's scores.

Meh, whatever. Nice AAA on HVAM and thanks for the info on the beat fixes with X.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 12:42:02 PM by Suko »
Read May 21, 2010, 03:44:01 PM #1865

ethan, your MA on ~easier 9s (pre X ratings) is astounding.  9 on sexy planet is just disgusting, nice.

allan, nice chromatic blitzezeez
Read May 21, 2010, 04:38:53 PM #1866

Yeah Suko, I know you don't think using the bar is cheating or anything, and I don't consider not using the bar wimpy or anything, it just doesn't matter. You said specifically once that you are so tall that you can't use the bar comfortably, so why not leave it at that? We all have our limitations or preferences or quirks but at the end of the day, it's the scores on the screen that mean anything.

I guess, if you are going to post scores you might as well mention you did them no bar, that's cool. But the way I saw it was like, I got a score, and you were like, "hey I did good on that once too! NO BAR!" It was very 2003. But hey, your scores aren't bad at all. I know I certainly don't have ~70 AAA's without using the bar; I probably have 10 tops, and most of them I got with the bar first Tongue

James: Thanks, I'm honored to read that Cheesy

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 04:40:41 PM by discovolante »
Read May 24, 2010, 09:54:41 AM #1867

Yeah yeah whoopdie fuckin do

Owned this shit. Like Loituma or ICWOWICF only more like 160 or 165

Needs more competition, where'd the rest of you go? Btw I can't seem to get Rudo's Down or Vita Med Haderna (or whatever). Wtf this guy's actually really good...
Read May 24, 2010, 10:58:40 AM #1868

We're all too poor. I don't have enough money right now.
i promise I'll come back in like a week.
Read May 24, 2010, 03:55:23 PM #1869

Did Rudo ever play at Illusionz?
Read May 24, 2010, 06:10:27 PM #1870

What's the record on Vifta Med Handerna on your guys' machine?
Read May 24, 2010, 07:31:12 PM #1871

Yeah I used to play at Illusionz
Read May 24, 2010, 07:33:07 PM #1872

Oh!! No shit! I think I used to see you there quite a bit then!
Read May 24, 2010, 07:35:11 PM #1873

Haha.. not sure if I remember you
Read May 25, 2010, 03:18:44 PM #1874

What's the record on Vifta Med Handerna on your guys' machine?
like 99.35? by Amber.

Yeah, Rudo is pretty good. Timing is very consistent.

I'm gonna be taking a break from dancing games for a bit. Hopefully you guys will still be there when I start up again. I expect Allan to quad everything when I return Tongue

Be warned, when I come back, I'm gonna beast like no other..

Almost passed Blue Army. Got like a 75%. 

Anyways have fun everyone =)
Read May 25, 2010, 05:36:21 PM #1875

like 99.35? by Amber.

Thanks. Gerrak there's no way you can't get past that if you try. It gets a little early towards the end if that helps.

for me, just these:

re-done #98

#309 wort

2 on Tsugaru
that's about it
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