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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read June 18, 2010, 11:32:45 AM #1926

Nice scores Allan! You've improved. I'm not one for custom songs that much, so I'll probably never play Flash's charts.

Man I should try Sail Away again! I wonder if I can even get a 98 on it *strokes chin beard*

Oh and Chromatic Blitz. I truly thought someone would've beaten my score by now. I thought Tuan was gonna be the one to do it. He's been the closest so far.
You guys are getting so close every time. It's fun to watch! but just so you know, 218 excellents is not scary at all.
Read June 19, 2010, 12:31:54 PM #1927

GOT 100% on the song coming out. Sweet!

« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 03:09:09 PM by Rudo »
Read June 20, 2010, 03:37:26 AM #1928

Bunch of new scores and stuff.  I have most of the doubles high scores on the Max2 machine at Malibu Raceway now.  Shit's pretty illin'.

8 on Yozuro no Muko
26 and a good on Fantasy...again
11 on Share my Love
7 on Look to the Sky, which is apparently a new PR for me.
re-SDG Absolute.  Still a fun chart; I still get greats in dumb spots and nail the ending.
14 on Paranoia KCET
FC Waka Laka with terrible PA

26 on Era
29 on Freckles
27 on Spin the Dicks
crap on Sweet Sweet <3 Magic.  Insane chart
47 on Little Boy, also insane
26 on Look at Us
30 on It's Raining Men, while singing

So yup, that's me.  I'm still not spectacular but maybe one day?
Read June 20, 2010, 09:30:22 AM #1929

GOT 100% on coming out finally. Sweet!
So many gay jokes could be said about this...
Read June 20, 2010, 05:29:05 PM #1930

Okay, so after having some free time to play some itg2, this is what I accomplished:
Improved on Heaven with a 98.51. So far Rudo's the only one to even get close to my Heaven.. And apparently that was his first time playing Heaven on foot, so I was really impressed.

I got 11 on Sunshine again, but got the great at the pause again... Anyway, that ones for you disco =P

Passed freakin' Uber Rave somehow with a 94.83%..

And as you can see that I got a lot of machine records at my local arcade; record holders before were either mykl or james lol.

Oh and there's no need to fear Allan's new Puma's since I was supposed to have the Sail Away score, but got pad error, hit a bomb, and dropped a hold  Angry (my score was 98.28%). That songs soo easy to me now. Next time I'll have it for sure.

Last of all, I passed The Pride of The Tyrant( a 14 block). Failed the first time, but succeeded the second time.

That's about it folks! All screen shot's below. Oh and don't mind the name Jube, forgot to change it after my friend was using my usb Wink.

Read June 20, 2010, 06:37:20 PM #1931

Haha man now I have to play sail away. You've gotten a lot better! Nice pass on Pride of the Tyrant! I love Rhapsody, and that song.

Too bad I can't play in the next two days D:


I'm going back to colorado till the end of July on Tuesday!
Have fun while I'm gone!
Rumor has it that an ITG2 Dedicated cabinet has made its way back to Colorado, I heard this from a friend I trust a lot so I do have hopes of it being true. If true I won't get out of practice hooray!
Hopefully it's R21 at least......though wouldn't it be fun to play on an r8 machine? or something earlier? hoo hoo I'm excited!

Please don't hold tournies while I'm gone! I would love to participate!
Read June 20, 2010, 06:57:36 PM #1932

Yeah, you really should play Sail Away the next time your there, I'm sure your more than capable of getting a 98+ on it.

Have fun in Colorado and beast on some itg when you get back! Don't miss us too much =P
Read June 20, 2010, 07:30:50 PM #1933

Yeah, you really should play Sail Away the next time your there, I'm sure your more than capable of getting a 98+ on it.

Have fun in Colorado and beast on some itg when you get back! Don't miss us too much =P

Yeah seeing both you guys get a 98 gives me high confidence to shoot for a 99.20 on it
Read June 20, 2010, 10:40:55 PM #1934


Flash's Raver Raver Raver:

98.38 Indulgence
98.91 Be Alive

Pumas getting the job done
Read June 20, 2010, 10:55:21 PM #1935

Man you guys are ripping my scores apart!

Oh my gosh, I love this so much. A NEW GOAL!!!
Read June 20, 2010, 10:57:54 PM #1936

Nothing too good today or yesterday

18e ... and 1 decent 1 dropped hold 1 miss destiny
18e ... when I quit at last stop around 80% with one miss on monolith
99.81 hybrid
6e on flying high three times in a row
machine rec on chroma blitz on hard but with a terrible score.  what a bad chart.  synched so late.  worthless song.  don't care to try again.
99.55 indulgence on hard.  also synched insanely late but at least the chart's fun.
99.64 candyman.  don't care.  

« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 11:02:33 PM by manyminimoos »
Read June 21, 2010, 07:39:20 PM #1937

More cowbell:

Flash's Be Alive:

Sex and then some:

Read June 21, 2010, 10:54:42 PM #1938

Did terrible on do u love me but apparently it was a machine record only because I FECed it, 99.39.
Quit on the beginning after I read a run wrong.  Score when I stopped, including the ex+shit I got on that last little run: 455/6/3/0/31.  six.  I thought I was going to SDE it Sad
Read June 22, 2010, 05:01:09 PM #1939

4ex 99.85 Flying High
15ex 99.39 Spin Chicken
16ex 99.40 You Wanna Me (machine record!)
90.04 Epileptic Crisis
26ex 99.23 Vifta Med Handerna
97.10 Summer Speedy Mix

So nothing too impressive but hey, at least I'm playing again!
Read June 22, 2010, 09:52:23 PM #1940

Had some kind of super saiyan DDR genius shit today:

Flash's Bring Me to Life (the one with the fucked up bracket stomps at the end)

And this but who cares anyway crappy song
Read June 24, 2010, 05:49:37 PM #1941

Played at that arcade in snoqualmie yesterday and AAAed xenon in my warmup set, hahaha
Read June 24, 2010, 10:15:37 PM #1942

Played today and got some nice scores.
99.34 Etude for a Dragon

99.90 One thousand cranes 3ex

99.58 on Down... There you go Allan

Cant figure out how to get the pics on here but oh well.

Read June 25, 2010, 10:30:06 PM #1943

Had some kind of super saiyan DDR genius shit today:

lol, super saiyan DDR genius shit... This is what I'm going to call my "lucky days" from now on, if you don't mind. ^_^
Read June 26, 2010, 01:58:31 PM #1944

99.58 on Down
Read June 27, 2010, 12:36:13 PM #1945

Got a nice score coming right up

Heaven 98.90
Read June 29, 2010, 09:04:19 AM #1946

Hey guys! Long time no see haha.
Turns out I was right about colorado! We have a new Dedicated Cabinet out here hooray! It's r23 and the pads are WAY to sensitive haha. Random way offs from double triggers yay! It's cool though it's been getting better since I've been playing on it non-stop for a week.

It's fun since it's an unhacked machine, I even had to re input the song unlock codes haha. Also 4x overhead is a beautiful thing. So yeah I've got a lot of work ahead of me if I'm going to be catching up to you allan anytime soon, so I figured the best way to start was from the beginning. Which is why all I've been playing for a week is 9's and 10's

Current combo is 40,167 haha
Read June 29, 2010, 09:44:57 AM #1947

First time I'd played Uber Rave in many months, I think I could at least 96-98 it:

Me vs Tuan in a battle of the Gods (I wont post the Chromatic Blitz he beat me back at >.<)

Getting better at this:

Koko Soko, great song:

Record is 13ex:

They call me Crazy LooOOOoooOOooop. Well basically:

Read June 29, 2010, 09:53:20 AM #1948

It's fun since it's an unhacked machine, I even had to re input the song unlock codes haha. Also 4x overhead is a beautiful thing.
Sometimes it can be a lot of fun to "get back to the basics".
Read June 29, 2010, 02:34:24 PM #1949

Sometimes it can be a lot of fun to "get back to the basics".

Yeah I've played every chart on ITG 1 so far haha.
Even thought it's r23 they don't have custom songs on I don't mind much. I like the officials a lot.
Read July 02, 2010, 10:27:42 AM #1950

Ahhhhhhhhhh teal notes!!!!

No bar bitches. Hard shit:

You can tell I'm bored right now posting this garbage....

Edit: Got on Groovestats finally... I've spent 7 days and 11 hours of song time on this stupid game in the last year and a half...

« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 10:49:55 AM by Gerrak »
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