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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read July 02, 2010, 04:15:18 PM #1951

I still have a lot of to do song's on itg. Also backing my stuff up so I don't have to start all over again... It's kind of a a pain when the machine acts up and says "No Profile Data" and then erases all of your scores.  Angry

Edit: Added you on GrooveStats Wink

« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 04:25:36 PM by NSX »
Read July 02, 2010, 10:08:52 PM #1952

If it says "No profile data" take your card out so it doesnt do that. It only erases it when it's "Saving Profile Data"

Arguably one of my best days for ITG ever, because of the very last unscreenshotted accomplishment, but first:

#2 Under KevBo

Taken from KevBo

#3 under Kevbo and 1 other



98.36 Go 60 Go, card bugged out
99.50 Vifta med handerna card bugged out

And finally, bold face and increased font size added for emphasis:

My First Quad:
The Promised Land (10) 100.00%

And my card bugged out for that set -.- Figures
Read July 02, 2010, 11:50:53 PM #1953

There's no excuse for you to not to 98 Vertex at this point.
If I can consistently get a high 98 now. You should too.
Read July 03, 2010, 01:40:03 AM #1954

I never play it... Hence the 7 greats and many excellents. I'll 98 it just for you though
Read July 03, 2010, 09:27:11 AM #1955

I never play it... Hence the 7 greats and many excellents. I'll 98 it just for you though

yay! Cheesy
Read July 03, 2010, 04:54:10 PM #1956

warmup set on DDR - 0, 9, 3 on kcet, rebirth, dead end
warmup set on ITG - 99.0x, 99.24, 99.3x on bend your mind, utopia, xuxa

then it was all downhill from there lol

I dunno, 82% vertex^2, ~15 until the last run in asian crosscounter at which point I totally bombed it and got 97 something.

edit: oh yeah I played until about 32% on indulgence expert then stopped because I didn't feel like continuing.  319-7.  allan is my witness.
Read July 03, 2010, 07:32:53 PM #1957

Flagged Music Pleeze, No Princess, Spaceman, and Disconnected Disco tonight.
9's are so much fun! Why did I ever leave them.

Also made a painting on a 24x18 canvas in one night. I feel Accomplished.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 07:35:47 PM by Keby »
Read July 04, 2010, 12:57:26 AM #1958

Nice Keby! Your accuracy must be increasing pretty good.

Yo allan, dont know if you saw already but take a look at this

The final hour 99.59 22 ex
and raver raver raver 99.41 18 ex      Did that on friday and saturday I just got 12ex on raver raver raver with a miss and 2 greats. But really good for me. Oh and almost took the record from tuan on infernoplex.. got 98.32
Read July 04, 2010, 12:54:12 PM #1959

almost took the record from tuan on infernoplex.. got 98.32

Oh man...  :sweat: I believe I had a 98.38? Jeez Mose's your killin' me, that was pretty close.. You've already taken Heaven away from me, must you try for my Infernoplex now x_x;

nonetheless nice scores!

« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 12:55:43 PM by NSX »
Read July 04, 2010, 01:31:44 PM #1960

Yeah it was close but even if I beat it you could probably take it back.
Read July 04, 2010, 03:27:04 PM #1961

3 on Latency Lovers, haven't played that song in at least 3 (actually more like 4 lol) years. Guess not playing Extreme in forever gives you beginner's luck when you play it again?

« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 12:24:49 AM by Iori241 »
Read July 05, 2010, 10:23:29 PM #1962

Okay, so I'm trying to work on timing now since I'm able to play hard stuff whenever I feel like it now. This is how I did for the 5 hours I played today, just working on timing. No hard shit, maybe just a little... :O

Gettin' better at this song

Machine record for me

Sight read/Machine record

Yay for another Machine record

Played this about 3 times because of the stupid slow down that always messes my score up.. and this is the end result of my rampaging attempts. Not gonna play this for awhile lol

I swear I'm gonna up this to at least 99.73+ and take the machine record as well.

Eh, another machine record!

Finally 99ed this.. Only played this about 4 times, maybe 5...

This song rocks.. Had to have the machine record for it =)

Dropped a hold at the end of the song... Upped my score by a whole %

Wake the F UP.

Not too bad...


Damn you Euphoria... Got WAY better at this song the last time I played it.. Used to get like 86% on it lol.. Lookin' to 95 it soon.

I did super on this =)

.....FAIL -_-

I quadded this like 5 months ago.. Decided to play it to get it on my card. Same machine, here's proof if you don't believe me  Wink  

Just sucks that I didn't have my card with me at the time I got it... Yes, its an easy song, but its my first quad Cheesy

Yeah, that's a lot of screen shot's. And that concludes my 5 hours of play for the day.
My card is now up to 67% completion I think... Used to be like 25% lol

« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 10:28:48 PM by NSX »
Read July 06, 2010, 10:16:42 AM #1963

Damn keby your timing must be getting a lot better. But then again the TIMING WINDOWS AT ACME ARE TOO SMALL AND NEED TO BE GD FIXED unlike your nonhacked machine... Maybe we can get that fixed someday

Didn't stop me from 3 here though:

I haven't played this in a very long time, going to try to 99 before long:

Btw Tuan, that Infernoplex score I would have had were it not for a pad miss. I got like a 98.3x with the miss. I'd work on raising it, as it won't be up there long between me and Rudo Wink

My card is now up to 67% completion I think... Used to be like 25% lol

Almost up to my 96 Smiley Groovestats showing me at 98.09 for ITG 1/2, not too bad. Need to raise my Vertex^2 and Determinator....
Read July 06, 2010, 11:39:32 AM #1964

Don't worry I'll have Infernoplex 99ed soon. Just need to get up there sometime.

I'm not sure, but I think the timing window may have been fixed... Kevin will need to clarify that though.
Read July 06, 2010, 12:09:40 PM #1965

Yeah you just might want to raise it up a little tuan.

played Operation Evolution and got 96.91. Almost a full combo, just messed up in the end.
That last purple run got 6 misses and 1 decent I think.
Read July 06, 2010, 01:00:56 PM #1966

Two close calls on Inferoplex... Yeah maybe this Saturday haha

Nice Operation Evolution, my best is 96.xx, but that was on an upgrade I always play on. I'm curious to see how well I can do on a Dedicab.
Read July 06, 2010, 03:12:55 PM #1967

Nice, That song isn't that hard just those purples. Oh yeah and it seems like your timing is getting better, I like those scores you got.
Read July 06, 2010, 03:46:45 PM #1968

Hai guys.
I've been playing a lot of easier stuff lately.

Lol, the machine pads are having wiring problems. It causes input errors. The Way off and Great were not me. I pinky promise.

This machine was basically untouched before it came to colorado, which is why every time I play a song I'm getting machine record #1

Apparently Wyoming's dance game community did not exist.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 07:09:33 PM by Keby »
Read July 06, 2010, 07:32:56 PM #1969

I really wish I was more closer to a dedi-cab... The upgrade I normally play on doesn't have that sensitive step to it like the dedi-cab does... I'm really jealous of those scores.. I can't do Romeo and Juliet on an upgrade because of the hands; the pads are just not sensitive enough... I can only get like an 98.51% on it. I guess I'm managing myself pretty well though on an upgrade, so I'm not complaining too much. Its just when it comes to hands I fail..

You guys are really giving me a tremendous amount of motivation to up my scores.

Keep up the good work guys Cheesy

There maybe a possible chance for a tournament at my arcade (laser tag fun zone). I'll give you guys updates if anything happens. =)
Read July 06, 2010, 08:58:35 PM #1970

Played some Pro 2:
97.8x (59p SS) I'll Give You All My Love (11)
Combo'd the opening ~400 of Treme Vook of the War (13, Long) with only 1 great, made it to 59% (~650 steps in), then apparently blacked out.  Not trying that chart again for a month or two.  Should be able to 96+ it once I'm in better shape.
Read July 06, 2010, 09:26:49 PM #1971

Alright, I didn't get to play much today, but this is what I got during the hour I played.

During my second set of play. Will try and SDE it.

Finally 99ed this sucker. Got the great at the end =(

More easy stuff

Too many excellent's and that miss was me (Curse me for using extra steps lol)

This ones for you Zach  Grin
Read July 06, 2010, 11:12:54 PM #1972

Nice stuff NSX, I'm a bit jealous of that Hybrid as I've never been able to 99 it. :S

Actually played a set of ITG today, too bad Tilt's pads can't keep a hold for more than 2 seconds!
99.16 on Ize Pie, somehow a machine record

If I actually buckle down to play like 10 games worth I might do something of note who knows
Read July 07, 2010, 10:25:26 AM #1973

Thanks disco, I've never been able to 99 it for awhile either, but I guess now that I've gotten a lot better I decided to try it. I was feeling pretty confident in 99ing it.

So, does this mean your back in Oregon?
Read July 07, 2010, 10:17:58 PM #1974

I didn't reset the timing windows because you guys didn't want me to last time I asked. I can do it when the machine is fixed. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
Read July 07, 2010, 10:20:01 PM #1975

I didn't reset the timing windows because you guys didn't want me to last time I asked. I can do it when the machine is fixed. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

I still vote that you don't.
I don't want it to be easier.
I love the challenge.
We are getting better because of it.
Everyone should see it as a good thing.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 12:00:02 PM by Keby »
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