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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 13, 2011, 09:36:26 PM #2176

Mr/Mrs. Record holder for this one: im coming for you!

IIRC, Coming Out Expert's been quadded on that machine already.  Undecided
Read April 14, 2011, 11:11:32 AM #2177

I think that in the case of quads, the newest quad takes #1 and bumps the older quad to #2.  We should ask the now defunct team zzyzx though, since between the five of them they quadded Hustle Beach about 8 times. Grin
Read April 14, 2011, 01:26:32 PM #2178

Yeah, I believe that's how quads work since Rudo took Tuan's quad on Always in my Heart, correct?
Read April 14, 2011, 01:50:30 PM #2179

That sure is correct... lol
Read April 14, 2011, 03:39:09 PM #2180

Yeah, I believe that's how quads work since Rudo took Tuan's quad on Always in my Heart, correct?

That sure is correct... lol

Read April 15, 2011, 02:10:44 PM #2181

In the case of a tie of any kind, the person who held a FFC (blue combo) the longest gets the record. If that is a tie, as in the case of a quad, the record goes to the most recent score.

Nice 99 Nimm Smiley A solid one at that. Rest assured they'll now roll in fairly regularly just keep doing those 9s for timing.

Speaking of ties...
Didnt get the record because I lost my FFC at the beginning. See? Sad


99.80 Lemmings on the Run

« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 02:16:15 PM by Gerrak »
Read April 15, 2011, 10:54:25 PM #2182

I remember my first Tri-Star... Tribal Style with a 99.09% back in '07- I was so happy when I got it  Kiss

On another note, I have some scores to show off too!

This took me forever to *** for some reason... Finally did it >_<!

Would have quadded this if I didn't get all my excellents in the beginning where the slow part is. Also, I don't even know this song all that well! =\

Gotta Boogie Down on Friday Smiley

« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 10:57:06 PM by NSX »
Read April 16, 2011, 10:06:20 AM #2183

Well, that was quick. Pulled this off last night.

Read April 16, 2011, 09:48:37 PM #2184

Me Tuan and Rudo played a serious marathon epic day today. 4.5 hours of 12s 13s and 14s raaaawr!! 4300 "calories"
Redeemed myself
Finally also...
And 99.29 Monolith, which I spaced on screenshotting
Read April 17, 2011, 09:39:03 AM #2185

Me and Allan beasting on Holy Orders yesterday:

And Also passed my first foot switch song (forgot what the song was called) thanks to Allan for making me play those kinda songs.  Grin
Read April 17, 2011, 10:58:27 AM #2186


I haven't played ITG for a solid 3 weeks now.
Stupid digipen. Supid Finals....

How many of ya'll are going to sakura-con? I'll be staffing again this year as well as plan to put many simfiles onto the machine that you will all enjoy.

also at the tournament:

me = owned. I'm so out of practice now it's ridiculous.
Read April 18, 2011, 09:47:36 AM #2187

How many of ya'll are going to sakura-con? I'll be staffing again this year as well as plan to put many simfiles onto the machine that you will all enjoy.
I *might* be attending, depending on if I feel like waiting in line for several hours and if I feel up to tolerating certain people/person's presence. Of course I'd be more likely to attend if I knew some of you all were going Smiley

If I put together a more complete pack of songs to replace the Customs Pack 1 can we put that on the machine since this was only a small number of the songs originally I suggested be put on the machine? So like we got a "Keby's pumpin kicks" pack, I'll put together a "Gerrak's badass tunes" or something and include the better charts from the other Flash packs, H1N1, etc that people are playing. Including several 14s and epic long/marathon songs of course. Keby also you should put the Dragonforce pack on since god damn Tuan and Rudo keep making me play them anyway...

Can we also clean up the Sakuracon and foonmix packs and eliminate the retarded charts and songs no one ever ever play and resync the many songs that are offsync? Whoever put these on in the first place needed to do a better job of making sure it wasn't a bunch of shoddily written and synced songs. Stuff like "trololololo" and (KEBY) She's a lady where the charts are on there to be funny, but the chart is so offsync that no one plays it more than once, if at all. Please if something goes on the machine make sure it's been played on USB or something to ensure its not a POS and offsync. This all prob belongs on another thread but whatever Wink
Read April 18, 2011, 04:19:54 PM #2188

oh trust me, the stuff going on the machine is stuff from AIJ. Quality stuff I can assure you.
Yes, I'll put Dragonforce on there, lol.
btw Allan how much stuff from groovestats do you have? All the sims are gone off the site so if you have any the ACME machine doesn't have. Let me know.

Lol She's a Lady.....what a joke of a chart Wink

Okay back on topic guys, sorry.

Old PIU scores.

Read April 18, 2011, 05:55:21 PM #2189

I only have maybe a dozen at most groovestats songs that aren't already on the machine. I would throw on a number of others though from various packs I/we've accumulated however. I think in order for me to go I'll need someone to just call me when they're an hour from the front of the line so I can cut in like last year hehe. If that's not too weak
Read April 18, 2011, 06:26:27 PM #2190

and if I feel up to tolerating certain people/person's presence.

Sorry, you're stuck with me. Wink

In all seriousness, though, we assembled the Sakuracon and Foonmix packs and believe that all of the charts are good for their difficulty level - we tested them extensively - however, we do acknowledge there are HUGE syncing issues that keep anyone from being able to realize this.  We knew this almost immediately, in fact, but have never had a chance to fix the sync due to poor communication between people who have access to the machine.  The machine has plenty of space so these packs will not be deleted (aside from one or two egregious oversights if we find them) but we have sync fixes for all of them that will go on with new content.  Smiley

Read April 18, 2011, 06:41:05 PM #2191

Please if something goes on the machine make sure it's been played on USB or something to ensure its not a POS and offsync. This all prob belongs on another thread but whatever Wink

I can't speak for Keby's contributions to the Sakuracon pack, but the few charts of mine that wound up having issues were checked on USB beforehand - there is, for one reason or another, a slight shift in sync (and volume) between USB and machine packs.  Explosive is a file where this really shows - it was a little off, and I forgot to tweak it before loading it on the machine, but it was no where near as badly synced via USB as it is in the SC2010 pack.

Where we really got hurt last year was that Keby and I were figuring out the upload process as we went, I couldn't get to the convention center until pretty late on Thursday, and we didn't have a computer on hand that was set up to do all of the tweaking we needed to do as we found errors.  This time around, I will be there when the machine is set up, with sufficient equipment on hand to not only load new songs, but to play through the new packs and fix errors as we find them, so that, come Friday (when people will actually be seeing it all for the first time), everything we've added will be synced correctly.
Read April 18, 2011, 07:52:26 PM #2192

Listen guys. The packs I'm putting on probably have certain songs you've been playing like tacheon alpha and stuff. I don't think it's going to be necessary to put a pack together of stuff when we can just get full packs.

Also allan. I unless you're making a pack with songs YOU'VE stepped, I don't think your name should be in the title. Lets just make a "Customs 2" or something.
Read April 20, 2011, 10:23:09 AM #2193

Also allan. I unless you're making a pack with songs YOU'VE stepped, I don't think your name should be in the title.
Sorry somehow introducing 3/4 of the songs I'm talking about to the regular players and playing at Acme 3x as much as anyone else, and putting together the pack and actually making sure the songs are good charts and well synced seems like as much "right" as anyone to have their name on a pack. Considering you wrote like 3 good charts and 12 gimmick charts, joke songs, or offsync charts for your "Keby's pumpin offsync kicks" pack. Plus I'm fairly sure I've seen a couple of the songs in your pack elsewhere anyway.

Don't bust my balls over symantics like this, I really don't care what the pack is called, but I found your comment a bit pointless and insulting Tongue I also wanted to put together more than just a bunch of these giant packs, 90% of which are absolute garbage songs or charts, and actually have a pack of the "better" (in my opinion at least) ones.

That being said, I'm rather doubtful I'll even make it to Sakuracon since again, I don't think I can handle being around my ex, so if you could please just put on the Illinois Tournament Pack and the H1N1 pack, that would be peachy and would take care of all the songs I would put on the machine that you aren't already except the few from Groovestats that I can give to someone later.

Thanks and give Canada my regards (and then whoop their asses!)

« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 10:25:49 AM by Gerrak »
Read April 20, 2011, 06:21:06 PM #2194

I think it makes more sense for song packs added to the machine to have a naming convention that designates where the songs came from, unless it's a mega mix pack.  For mixed packs, it should be a description of the purpose of the songs.

Man, this thread is on a tangent.  Let's get this thread back to accomplishments!
Read April 25, 2011, 09:22:26 PM #2195

All I gotta say is...



Thank you... That is all  =)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 09:35:41 PM by NSX »
Read April 25, 2011, 09:53:06 PM #2196

:,) I'M SO PROUD!!!!!

I'll be passing this again during the summer. I'm hoping for 93+

« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 10:33:08 AM by Keby »
Read April 25, 2011, 11:33:41 PM #2197

Congrads again, Tuan. I was there to see it of course, since I had the measly 10% on the other side  Grin

There was literally an audience of like 30 random people lined up and watching by the time he got halfway through 'dem Flames.
Read April 26, 2011, 09:24:49 AM #2198

Pff Tuan such a noob. I can 99 that song with one leg tied behind my back.
Read April 27, 2011, 02:12:51 AM #2199

I wonder which is trickier:

...or its ITG equivalent Tongue
Read April 30, 2011, 08:32:28 AM #2200

2e On a Day Like Today 99.93
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