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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
3vi1 5hR0OmS
Read March 01, 2013, 10:44:35 PM #2701
Read March 02, 2013, 02:05:20 AM #2702

I finally have a stable working USB dedicated for Fiesta 2. ID # is PIU4382.

Mission Possible -Blowback- S18 - A w/ 5; chart and bga are awesome!

Passacaglia S20 - A w/ 25; honestly, it didn't feel like a 20 (maybe 18 material).

Dawn of the Apocalypse [Full] S21 - A w/ a whopping 111; the vocalist has a throat of steel.

Monkey Fingers S15 - Gold S w/ 12; I think this is the first time I've ever FC'd this! Cheesy

Pine Nut S20 - A w/ 12; getting better at this.

Trato de no Trabarme D24 - F w/ 465 (lol); big surprise Tongue
Read March 03, 2013, 06:35:03 PM #2704

Okay so I hardly play pump but here is some of my new improvements.

My first half doubles full combo

My very first NightMare pass

A hold dropped because the pads are getting not so great :/

So I played it again because it was BS

I honestly felt like these greats were a LOT of BS just because my timing was pretty damn on as you can see...
Read March 03, 2013, 11:51:46 PM #2705

More Pump converts! YES!! Grin

If only Fiesta 2 had the ability to save screenshots onto USB, that way I don't have to bore u guys with my witty and sometimes overused comments. Tongue

But anyway...

SS'd Shanghai Romance S14 finally

Take Out S20 - A w/ 21; this felt really energetic!

Pavane S17 - Gold S w/ 6; yeah!

Chopsticks Challenge [Full] D19 - A w/ 16; oh man! This is tiring!

Hypnosis (Synthwulf Remix) D20 - A w/ 33; the majority came from bracketing at the end.
Read March 04, 2013, 10:18:18 PM #2706


Lolitabot: 11 perfects and 1 mine 99.53
Utopia: 5 perfects 99.77
Chaotic White: 9 perfects 99.63

I need a new pump game to play >:|

« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 10:20:31 PM by NWKJ »
Read March 05, 2013, 10:56:21 PM #2707

First song of the day.

Last song of the day.

God i'm glad I don't have to play this again.
Read March 06, 2013, 07:08:33 PM #2708

I'm just knockin them down.
Official #11 and my second 10 footer( flagged it on the jump before the last run the try before this)

Would have got this tonight if I wasn't lazy

Then after some solid FA I decided to play a little game called
[size=18]FUCK THE SCORE[/size]

WOOOOO passed this I don't give a FUCK.

Then I got tired... Sad

Read March 13, 2013, 08:10:29 PM #2709



Should have got the 99...pad shittttttt

I played this right after and actually combed the first run a LOT better but then couldn't move for the second run.
Read March 13, 2013, 11:48:32 PM #2710

I love Fiesta 2! Cheesy

Final Audition Episode 2-X S23 - C w/ 140; 24ths!!

Beat # No. 4 [Full] D19 - A w/ 15; chart keeps going and going...

Good Life S15 - SS Cheesy

Gargoyle D20 - A w/ 14; fun fun fun!

Allegro con Fuoco D18 - A w/ 7; *ditto*

Love is a Danger Zone -Cranky Mix- D24 - D w/ 158; pwnt by extreme turns...

Magic Girl D21 - C w/ 78 & 48 combo XD; my bracketing isn't the best. Tongue



I'm the Best [Full] D14

Jonathan's Dream S16 (I love this song!)


FFF D22 (the regular one) - B w/ 74 & 3.8 million pts; sup, Ben! ^__________^

Cleaner S22 - A w/ 61; almost got ur score, Ben (off by about 6000).

Infinity Remix D20 - A w/ 26; earthworm mod is back. @_@

Ignis Fatuus D23 - B w/ 92; HAAAA! WHAT?! HOW?! (got a D last time I played it)
Read March 17, 2013, 12:23:45 AM #2712

What my warms ups have resorted to...not sure why I even wasted time playing these or uploading these but whatever.

FINALLY got the 99! With a bullshit pad miss on an 8th note.
Old best was 98.99 with like 81 FEC so this feels good.

This was 1.1 rate but i'm sensing a pattern here with the pads...

Stopped being a Bitch and said fuck the score.

Sightread/first pass
Read March 17, 2013, 06:45:15 PM #2713

Just curious, but did you do those easier quads no bar?
Read March 17, 2013, 08:43:36 PM #2714

Just curious, but did you do those easier quads no bar?

This has been my only no bar quad to date. They way to tell is if I say I did it no bar(which isn't almost never these days) or by looking at my speed mods and mini percentages.
I'm sure I could do them no bar but they wouldn't come as easy because I don't play no bar. 5.1.1 was partly no bar lol
Read March 17, 2013, 09:00:29 PM #2715

Ah. I see. I didn't think most hardcore players would play things like Butterfly with the bar....but to each their own. Nice scores.
Read March 18, 2013, 03:32:31 PM #2716

Ah. I see. I didn't think most hardcore players would play things like Butterfly with the bar....but to each their own. Nice scores.

Yeah I mean I don't really see the point of playing songs no bar these days. Even if i'm playing DDR I still use the bar. I like to let go of the bar when I get a great or two. Sometimes I play Ten's no bar to lol at my scores. I can play songs like Destiny, Delirium, or Xuxa no bar but with hideous scores. I even play doubles with the bar.

Ugh this probably isn't the place for this rant but here it is.
Lately with the progress i've been making i'm starting to notice a big divide in how I play ITG and what I enjoy from it.
I get a MASSIVE high from beasting pendulum 14's or 15's or DForce songs but I have to have a COMPLETELY different mentality to perform at that level.
My mind set is quite literally, "fuck the score, let all those misses go, move forward, move faster, conserve energy, take a deep breath, who cares how many miss/way offs/decents/greats I get as long as I just prove that I can pass this darn thing, go hard."

If i'm playing for score it's about foot concentration, and I can feel the tiny imperfections in my timing that allow for excellents. Keeping a blue combo is such a rush, and a mental and physical struggle. But the more harder songs I pass the more I realize the difference between quadding something like Ants verses something like a pendulum 13. Both aren't out of reach goals but  both require very different technique. I think with the bar it gives me the opportunity to see the light for each of those two very different goals with minimal strain on my legs and technique.

but at the end of the day no bar DDR S4R is still something that gives me great joy. rant end.
Read March 18, 2013, 05:02:38 PM #2717

We each should play the game we enjoy it.

Please don't mistake my question as positioning for an attack on your playstyle. I gave up my "No Bar or GTFO" stance a while ago. Now I just want as many people to play the game as we can get.

Personally, I enjoy playing the game no bar because i get to move and flow in a way most don't even know is part of a chart. Songs like Frozen Ray are so much fun because of the spins, same for the gallops in Twilight Zone and So Deep. I just can't do those with the bar. I just wouldn't get nearly the joy out of it.

Pretty much I'm like the guy in that video (Windu?) made that shows the different types of dance game players. The retardedly happy DDR player doing no bar spins, grinning like an idiot. That would be me.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 05:04:58 PM by Suko »
Read March 20, 2013, 08:22:18 PM #2718

We each should play the game we enjoy it.
Couldn't agree more Cheesy

Not many achievements:

SS'd Destination [Shortcut] S15 & Nobody S15

Interference D19 - A w/ 14; a Fiesta EX favorite of mine!
Read March 24, 2013, 04:20:45 PM #2719


Read March 25, 2013, 11:29:01 PM #2720

Fiesta 2:

Vacuum Cleaner S20 - A w/ 28 & broke 6 million points; just gotta finish stronger...

Witch Doctor [Shortcut] S20 - B w/ 56; end is 195 bpm dumpstream. Tongue

Crashday [Full] S22 - A w/ 89; least it's < 100.

U Got 2 Know S18 - A w/ 12; this has got 2 be the toughest S18 EVAR!! Everybody got 2 know that!

Destination S18 - A w/ 5; done right after U Got 2 Know. I destroyed the old record of 2.0 million with 3.2 million.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 11:39:09 PM by M477 »
Read March 26, 2013, 12:13:00 PM #2721

I got this over the weekend. Not too shabby considering this is the second time I've ever played this song on doubles.

No bar as usual.

Read March 26, 2013, 01:40:15 PM #2722

That's honestly my favorite double 8 of all time. I love the awkward 7/4 meter and the switch between pad walking and jacks. This chart helped me start playing doubles.
Read March 26, 2013, 07:17:34 PM #2723

BAHAHA how I managed to do better without the Cmod is beyond me YOLO!

Glasses Slipped

Got something to hold my glasses

Get Me Tuan!!!

Opps coming out of the slowdown haha

I've never choked so hard in my life...
I was so stoked on my FEC that I great attacked the second burst after the middle run

Tried again and FFC the death run
Pad on an 8th note
Miss because I slipped
first FEC

Not my best but I just wanted to see if I could pass it still...AND I can.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 07:20:34 PM by AndyBurnsDDR »
Read March 29, 2013, 08:04:34 PM #2724

Went to Big Al's Vancouver for the first time today and they apparently removed the DDR machine some time ago, meaning I was forced to play PIU for some time and still broke several machine records. All pics/vids are sightreads.

Online Nightmare Sightread 96.72% PIU PRO 2 AC

Dream To Nightmare "Freestyle" Sightread 75.24% PIU PRO 2 AC

I think I'll throw this in too for good measure even though it is months old.
Haunted Rhapsody (Full Version) Expert DDR Freestyle パフォーマンス

After all, high scores aren't the only accomplishments in dance games. Smiley
Read April 01, 2013, 02:09:57 AM #2725

Made a visit to Power Play...


Good 99

lol this

99 again
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