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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 13, 2013, 12:30:43 AM #2726

Fiesta 2 dump:

SS'd Unique S17 finally

Epic failed What Happened D23 w/ nearly 300 misses XD

Take Out [Shortcut] D19 - B w/ 40, the run in the middle is a tad relentless.

K.O.A. D18 - A w/ 18; I think I can cut that in half.

2-2 S21 - A w/40; easy to A Cheesy

2-1 S21 - A w/44; tough to A :O also WTF?! Last time I played this chart back on NXA, I could only get a high D/low C on it. This totally blew me away!

Pavane D22 - C w/ 79; 1st try :/

Hi-Bi D20 - C w/ 95; what are u supposed to hit in the middle?
Pump It Up Fiesta - Hi-Bi - Another Double 20 - C

^ Not me ^

Beat # No. 4 [Full] S17 - A w/ 6; misses were all bracket steps.

Faster Z D20 - B w/ 61; I'll A it next time.

Today's dump:

FFF S17 - A w/ 17; getting better at this.

Ignis D17 - A w/ 9; I still think this is harder than the D19.

Achieved 10,000 calories burnt on USB! XD

Will o' the Wisp S19 - A w/ 7; pretty good.

Wanna Train - A w/ 12; this music train is comprised of five different charts for Wanna. It starts with a S11 and gradually increases difficulty up to S15. Light stamina tester.
Read April 13, 2013, 02:57:32 PM #2727

FAE2-1 21 score is impressive! I decided to try it out today to see what the chart was like. My reactions went like this:

- Huh, didn't start with a three panel hit like the other FAE 2-1 charts.
- These runs don't seem as clunky as the easier charts.
- [At the BPM stops near the end] picardwtfisthisshit.
- [After the end of the song]
Read April 19, 2013, 12:39:04 PM #2728

As an (almost exclusively) no bar player, it can be hard to stay competetive when you're the only one playing that way. I can't even begin to compete with the scores most people post here because they're done with the bar on 13's or something similar.

I want some motivation, so does anyone have no-bar high scores on Singles or Doubles that they want to post up that I could try to beat? It might give me something to do when I play the game solo.
Read April 19, 2013, 05:18:23 PM #2729

You and me suko, throw down. I got chu
Read April 20, 2013, 12:47:35 AM #2731

Vacuum D22 - A w/ 50; now to improve my S21 miss-count (66)

What Are You Doin'? D24 - B w/ 145; started strong but fizzled out about 75% of the way...
Read April 28, 2013, 07:11:12 PM #2732

Hey guys. Landed some good stuff/got scores back up to were I was a year ago.

Aztec Templing (whatever it's called) (15 from Tachyon Alpha) - 83.44
It's Not a Meat Dish, Yo! -  93.11
8-Bit Trip - 94.69
Scythe something (another 15 from T-Alpha) -92.88

Going to seriously to start working on the tachyon series this summer. Gotta go fast!

Read April 28, 2013, 07:50:36 PM #2733


Evan and I have been warming up no bar these days.
My first challenge to you is to break 85 on 9000 Miles hard.
Read April 29, 2013, 08:25:38 AM #2734


Evan and I have been warming up no bar these days.
My first challenge to you is to break 85 on 9000 Miles hard.
Never heard of that. Got a link to it? I mostly only have officials on my machine (Entire DDR catalogue, ITG 3, Rebirth, Rebirth 2, DDR Encore, and a handful of personally selected customs charts).
Read April 29, 2013, 02:32:03 PM #2735

All from last friday:

SS'd Step D15 & I'm the Best D13

Into the Sandstorm [Train] - A w/ 25; LiaDZ Cranky Mix was intense to play. Cheesy

Trato S22 - A w/ 103; finally got this stamina beast!

Passacaglia D22 - C w/ 112; this is still hard...

Read April 29, 2013, 04:29:17 PM #2736

Never heard of that. Got a link to it? I mostly only have officials on my machine (Entire DDR catalogue, ITG 3, Rebirth, Rebirth 2, DDR Encore, and a handful of personally selected customs charts).

85% on 9000 Miles hard no bar

If you beat it i'll try and match your score.
Read April 29, 2013, 04:40:29 PM #2737

A 12? Ain't going to happen. I won't be passing it no bar. I'm not a stamina player and experience has shown me that my score would be hilariously bad, if I could pass it at all. My LIMIT is 12's, and that's with the bar, when I'm in conditioned shape to play ITG/DDR. I'm not conditioned for ITG right now and am looking for challenges more in the 8-10 step range.

But, thanks for trying?  Angry

« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 04:44:41 PM by Suko »
Read April 30, 2013, 11:46:22 AM #2738

Well Scott, how about this long term challenge:

Pass 20 double 10's and 5 double 11's from ITG, ITG2, ITG3, ITG Rebirth, and ITG Rebirth 2. (That's 20 and 5 total, not each) All 10's must be above 90% NO BAR. All 11's must be passed no bar, score is not an issue.

We can compare scores on songs if you wish. Yours will probably higher on the 10's seeing as your FA is totally better than mine, but I'll probably have higher scores on the 11's unless you enter beast mode which is a possibility.

If you want a short term challenge:

Triple Star (99%+) 4 Double 9's from ITG, ITG2, ITG3, ITG Rebirth, or ITG Rebirth 2. (Not 4 each, just 4 total.)

Everyone else can give single challenges, but it would be nice to see more double played on these forums.
Read April 30, 2013, 02:56:30 PM #2739

Triple Star (99%+) 4 Double 9's from ITG, ITG2, ITG3, ITG Rebirth, or ITG Rebirth 2. (Not 4 each, just 4 total.)
I like short term, one shot challenges, so I will see what I can achieve on this one.

Basically, what I was asking for in my older post was for anyone who had no bar scores to post them, even if they're not your best score. I would just like to know where my scores stand next to others playing in a similar style. I know that the vast majority of you guys don't do no bar, but if you do some day and get a decent score, post it here! I'd like to have some scores to try and shoot for.

If they're above 10s, don't expect me to chase after them. After 11 years of playing, I have decided that I'm good at PA/FA and semi-freestyling. Stamina Beast Mode is something I've never quite been able to grasp...probably being a 230 lb 6'-7" giant makes that difficult, but that's just a lame excuse, so whatever.
Read May 02, 2013, 03:46:45 PM #2740

Yo Scott
So I played Max 300 no bar and got 60 and 3
That song is like a hard 9 now days.
considering most of my no bar challenges would be ITG 9's and 10's I think you should go for it.
Read May 02, 2013, 05:39:28 PM #2741

I played Max 300 no bar and got 60 and 3
That song is like a hard 9 now days.

Not to sound like a total anal rule snob here, but I have never understood this mindset. Max 300 is the benchmark and epitome of 10 to which all charts are compared to as it is the first real 10. It's not even the easiest 10 out there and certainly not the hardest, it neatly falls somewhere in the middle.

I have seen a trend that difficulty ratings have changed their meaning. 9's are harder now than they were originally, 10's are harder now than they were originally etc. Just look at La Samba de la Vida in Rebirth 2 or Cyborg Bear Assault from Tachyon Delta. La Samba de la Vida is far, FAR harder than charts like Oasis, My Favourite Game, Vertex [HARD], and Hand of Time (All ITG 1 10's) and Cyborg Bear Assault is blindingly fast and far harder than 14's like Chromatic Blitz or 3y3s. This inflation is...really really weird to me.

I understand that players are getting better and harder and harder charts are in demand, but I really think it makes more sense for difficulty ratings to be comparable throughout the ages and introduce higher and higher ratings to songs. Admittedly subjective and nigh impossible to enforce, but No Gravity from Rebirth 2 is probably harder than Max 300, and it's rated as a 9. I think that's backwards and unhelpful to people who haven't yet seen the chart which is the whole point of difficulty ratings. /rant over.
Read May 02, 2013, 06:17:38 PM #2742

Not to sound like a total anal rule snob here, but I have never understood this mindset. Max 300 is the benchmark and epitome of 10 to which all charts are compared to as it is the first real 10. It's not even the easiest 10 out there and certainly not the hardest, it neatly falls somewhere in the middle.

I have seen a trend that difficulty ratings have changed their meaning. 9's are harder now than they were originally, 10's are harder now than they were originally etc. Just look at La Samba de la Vida in Rebirth 2 or Cyborg Bear Assault from Tachyon Delta. La Samba de la Vida is far, FAR harder than charts like Oasis, My Favourite Game, Vertex [HARD], and Hand of Time (All ITG 1 10's) and Cyborg Bear Assault is blindingly fast and far harder than 14's like Chromatic Blitz or 3y3s. This inflation is...really really weird to me.

I understand that players are getting better and harder and harder charts are in demand, but I really think it makes more sense for difficulty ratings to be comparable throughout the ages and introduce higher and higher ratings to songs. Admittedly subjective and nigh impossible to enforce, but No Gravity from Rebirth 2 is probably harder than Max 300, and it's rated as a 9. I think that's backwards and unhelpful to people who haven't yet seen the chart which is the whole point of difficulty ratings. /rant over.

I agree with you all the way. I've even enforced that same mindset with my ITG friends but it gets shot down because when you're passing 16's or above 13's start to feel like 11's and 11's start to feel like 9's and so on. Also i've noticed the higher difficulty you can play the better your scores become on lower difficulty songs. Example, I was getting 40 FEC on Xuxa a fairly solid 11 IMO back last summer and could barely pass 13's.
Now that i'm passing 15's all the time with above 90 percent i'm getting 98's and 99's on 13's and getting less than 9 on solid 11's like Xuxa.
My prediction is once i'm passing 16's with above a 96 percent i'll be quadding 11's and 12's regularly. If i'm 99'ing 16's passing 17's then i'll more than likely be closer to quadding 13's.
That's kinda how I view that whole thing.
I'm not trying to say Max 300 isn't a 10 because it is a true bench mark but I feel like we've all grown up a bit now and Scott has had his own dedi  for a while now and if he's playing ANY ITG 10's or 11's he's pretty much above and beyond Max 300 for the most part. That's all i'm really getting at.

Read May 03, 2013, 01:53:25 PM #2743

Yo Scott
So I played Max 300 no bar and got 60 and 3
That song is like a hard 9 now days.
considering most of my no bar challenges would be ITG 9's and 10's I think you should go for it.
60 Excellents and 3 Greats? Or are we talking DDR rating and that's 60 Greats and 3 Misses/Boos/Whatever?

Given your skill, I assume it's the first one. To which I can try and beat it, but the absolute best I've ever done on Max 300 (with the bar) is something like 6 greats. So....I don't know if I'm getting close to that one anytime soon. Thanks for posting the score, though. It at least shows me how much I need to improve to catch some of your scores.

If style could be awarded points, I would totally challenge everyone to AAA no bar Paranoia (KCET) while doing the 360 rotation in the middle of the song. Same thing for Frozen Ray. I'm super proud of AAAing those, no bar, and doing them with stylez.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 01:55:28 PM by Suko »
Read May 03, 2013, 05:11:20 PM #2744

So it has occurred to me that I can warm up on 14's now(lol not really).

One Winged Angel - 91% sara made me do it 2 songs into my warm up.
Impulse (hard) - 82%
Since 1983 - 65% was nailing the 24ths until my legs locked up. Had a combo till about 63% then failed out. Best run I've ever had on it
Not a meat dish - 92.11 Getting consistent at 152 24ths! YEAH!


forgot this from last time
You've got the cash reserves of a tortilla - 95.32

« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 05:25:50 PM by Keby »
Read May 05, 2013, 01:29:04 AM #2745

Last Friday night:

Witch Doctor D19 - A w/ 13; combo'd the beginning until the start of the long trill.

Accident D20 - A w/ 19; ending needs work...

Ugly Dee D11 - F w/ 13; HARDEST D11 EVAR!!! >_<

Caprice of DJ Otada D22 - B w/ 93; didn't like this chart...
Happy Redneck
Read May 08, 2013, 10:11:38 PM #2746

see how you do on magic girl d21 go.
Read May 13, 2013, 11:29:43 AM #2747

This Friday come and see. Grin

Also, eating a hearty dim sum meal for lunch makes u godly in the evening. Cheesy

Phantom Intermezzo S21 - A w/ 32; my goodness! This chart doesn't show any mercy.

No Rhyme No Reason D20 - A w/ 32; weird D20.

Overblow D20 - A w/ 23; energetic chart!

Repeatorment Remix S19 - silver S w/ 6 greats & a good; so repetitive...

Bemera [Shorcut] S23 - B w/ 51; ARGH! ALMOST AN A!! 210 bpm 16th note double taps are inhumane!
Read May 15, 2013, 06:41:06 PM #2748

100.00 Golden Sky (Step Brothers)

but more importantly
100.00 ROM-eo & Juli8

but more importantly still
98.22 Pandemonium, up from the former record of 97.3 or so

And raged on Inside the Winter Storm again today, good hearty Dragonforce 15.

Stay thirsty my friends.
Read May 16, 2013, 08:58:00 AM #2749

but more importantly
100.00 ROM-eo & Juli8

No bar and do the spins or GTFO.
Read May 16, 2013, 09:14:06 PM #2750

Got my pump setup working.  Arcade pad minus the bar.  I can clear some 10s (piu pro difficulty scale) but more comfortable with 8s and 9s right now.  Need to lose some weight and build my stamina up again
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