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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read July 15, 2013, 01:03:01 PM #2776

11 Misses on What Happened D20
Bracketing Beast Cheesy
Read July 17, 2013, 10:24:26 PM #2777

maybe i'll get a usb

« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 10:37:23 PM by Davyn »
Read July 18, 2013, 10:31:51 AM #2778

U totally should! Also, was that u last Friday night? I played U Got Me Rocking [Shortcut] no-bar and got a decent score. I guess i just didn't recognize u after so long.

Just about any USB should work.
Read July 18, 2013, 01:35:52 PM #2779

yeah, that was me. and i figured you just didn't recognize me Tongue i think we're friends on facebook too...

edit> found an old USB at the house with saves going back to nx2. I'm PIU3719, until I get a chance to change it

« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 07:39:34 PM by Davyn »
Read July 20, 2013, 02:02:54 AM #2780

what happened d20 - 3 greats, 5 goods, 1 bad, 4 misses. got offsync on a bracket run and got the goods and a lower score, but lowered the noncombos to 5.

full combo panuelito rojo d18 with 3 greats and 1 good, not bad, but i've fpc'd it before. Sad

1 miss we got 2 know d18. S coming soon i hope.

9 misses gargoyle d20, kinda embarrassing Tongue but i'm happy to clear it again at least. 3 or less would be satisfying.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 02:05:31 AM by Davyn »
Read July 20, 2013, 11:03:26 PM #2781

I miss Pump already. Sad There's a Dave and Busters nearby that has a Supernova 2 machine with Doubles Premium enabled, but DDR doubles feels like playing hop scotch or dancing around land mines and the pads suck. Going to have to drive two hours to play some Pump Infinity!
Read July 24, 2013, 09:42:33 PM #2782

How do I post scores on the forums?  Angry
Happy Redneck
Read July 26, 2013, 12:50:42 PM #2783

AAA #2 (not counting my re-AAA on Air) and some other stuff

Flag list because I'm a noob:
1. Look to the Sky - 1
2. Golden sky - 10
3. Kind Lady - 2

« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 01:02:34 PM by Crab Hat »

* Pic-07262013-003.jpg (461.43 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 1716 times.)

* Pic-07262013-005.jpg (415 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 1858 times.)

* Pic-07262013-006.jpg (434.48 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 1833 times.)

* Pic-07262013-008.jpg (444.73 KB, 1280x960 - viewed 1857 times.)
Read July 26, 2013, 01:45:39 PM #2784

Look to the Sky and Kind Lady were my first two AAA's! Go man go!

btw, try Look to the Sky: True Color Mix. IMO, it's a bit easier to AAA than the original.

Also, no-bar or GTFO!
Happy Redneck
Read July 26, 2013, 01:55:44 PM #2785

I'm pretty sure I can get LttS True Color eventually. It does seem a lot easier. And all the Golden Sky and Kind Lady whoring I did last night was no bar; I find those songs easier no bar anyways. =D

I'm going to challenge myself by playing tricky stuff like Memories, Da Capo, Heaven is a 57, etc. I can't even SDG those right now but maybe soon I'll be able to.

Oh and I wish the pads weren't so weird. They're in great condition, but everyone says they register differently which makes the game a little harder. Extreme makes a hell of a lot more sense.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 02:01:23 PM by Crab Hat »
Read July 26, 2013, 03:00:17 PM #2786

Pads are always a little different, no matter how well maintained they are. I can't tell you how many AAA's I've barely missed getting due to minor fluctuation in the pad. But, it's part of the game and there's not much you can do about it but make yourself play THAT much better to minimize the chance of "pad crap".

Good luck on your AAA's dude!
Read July 27, 2013, 12:23:51 AM #2787


What Do You Really Want? S19 - A w/ 8; i wish i had bigger feet...

DJ Otada S19 - A w/ 11; vast improvement!

Cleaner S23 - C w/ 132; better than a "D."

Heartbreaker D16 - Gold S w/ 7 greats; i'm starting to like this chart!

Vacuum Cleaner D27 - F w/ too many; WELL I'M BOUND TO PLAY IT SOMETIME!


U Got 2 Know D18 - A w/ 5; beasted the ending middle run!

Bee D19 - A w/ 33; decent first run...

Vacuum D25 - F w/ ~280; 1st attempt -_-

« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 12:25:14 AM by M477 »
Read August 03, 2013, 12:32:57 AM #2788

All with "Faulty sensor" mod active:

BP Classic Remix 2 S18 - A w/ 3; sightread.

Canon D D22 - B w/ 77; 3vi1 5hR0OmS recorded me. He'll post that vid in the very near future.

FFF S17 - A w/ 11; broke 3 million pts.

Take Out D22 - D w/ 157; HAAARD!!

Achieved level 16 after several days of pump-grinding
Read August 03, 2013, 02:10:13 AM #2789

All with "Faulty sensor" mod active

lol. i was wanting to play today but i didn't feel quite up to it. shoulda gone!

got this last time

« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 02:22:06 AM by Davyn »
3vi1 5hR0OmS
Read August 03, 2013, 06:07:02 PM #2790

Late post: Matt playing Canon D doulbe 22 last night
Read August 05, 2013, 11:54:46 AM #2791

Updated link:
Canon D double 22

Now less pixelated Cheesy

« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 11:56:09 AM by M477 »
Read August 07, 2013, 11:14:40 AM #2792

Bleh, that chart is ridiculous on NM and CZ...nice job!

Also it seems that stage break has been turned off now? Last time I was there it was on and it made me upset.
Read August 07, 2013, 11:47:22 AM #2793

Thanks! If i wasn't lazy in the middle part, I probably would've A'd it.
stage break has been turned off
Yes, sir!
Read August 07, 2013, 11:27:46 PM #2794

First pic on this forum! Just got this today at ACME! Beast of a chart! 241 BPM is rough to stream!  Roll Eyes

Got this one today as well! Forgot to post it earlier!  Lips sealed

« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 12:05:56 AM by APHR »
Read August 08, 2013, 05:22:40 PM #2795

Dang if you didn't get those two way off's then you would have beat me by 2 excellents!

You're right 240 is rough!

Read August 08, 2013, 08:10:04 PM #2796

Good work Andy! We need Tachyon Delta on the machine at ACME, I wanna try "Oh Delia" so bad!  Cheesy

SCORE DUMP!  Embarrassed

In case it's hard to tell what this song is, its Slam (16). Not my best attempt at it, but passed it nonetheless!  Huh

This one was pretty brutal! The non-stop streaming in the middle was hard!

I had a difficult time with this one, played it 2 times before I passed it.  Roll Eyes

For a shorter 15 stamina chart, it was pretty brutal!  Grin

I possible could double star this, gotta try it again!

I wish I didn't miss!  Angry

Gotta get faster!  Tongue

Was trying to beat Kevbo's record on the machine...  Undecided

Sightread this one with my girlfriend, Abbye a.k.a. ROSE.  Kiss

Read August 15, 2013, 09:44:17 PM #2797

Highest 99 on a 14!  Grin

Gah, almost had a Quad on this one. Got my Excellents towards the last 20% of the song. Played with the background off because I wasn't actually trying to score.  Undecided

« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 10:01:28 PM by APHR »
Read August 16, 2013, 09:55:06 PM #2798

Very nice Chris! I'm slackin lol
Read August 16, 2013, 11:27:15 PM #2799

Very nice Chris! I'm slackin lol

Read August 17, 2013, 01:20:04 PM #2800

Napalm S19 - A w/ 6; all were in the ending run...

SS'd Forward D13 - first try

Enter the Dragon [Full] S17 - Gold S w/ 4; mad fun chart!

Ignis S23 - B w/ 75; if i cannot drop any holds, i can most definitely A this!
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