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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read October 29, 2013, 04:12:42 PM #2876

got a really good score over at the B&I last Saturday. i didn't even realize i got 0 greats on this until i looked at the screenshot later. it's my first 9 done on pad where i got 0 greats as far as can remember.
Congratulations on your first FEC (Full Excellent Combo). A little more practice and you might get a 99% soon.
Read October 29, 2013, 06:27:46 PM #2877

which reminds me that i need to look up those unlock codes and get that stuff unlocked ASAP...

Here u go
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand more 5-panel scores

Phantom -Intermezzo- S15 - Gold S w/ 7

N S16 - Gold S w/ 2

Hello William S19 - A w/ 5
Read October 30, 2013, 06:29:36 PM #2878

Yeah, no problem we will get all that done very soon! We will shoot you a text when all is done.  Grin

Awesome sauce Smiley I just want to make sure you guys are aware since you don't have facebook accounts! Wouldn't want you to miss the event, since there are ALOT of awesome people flying from all over to participate.
Read October 30, 2013, 08:13:16 PM #2879

wicked sightread
Read October 30, 2013, 08:55:25 PM #2880

Awesome sauce Smiley I just want to make sure you guys are aware since you don't have facebook accounts! Wouldn't want you to miss the event, since there are ALOT of awesome people flying from all over to participate.

 Embarrassed Who else is coming, aside from the people from the PNW?!
Read October 31, 2013, 10:43:49 AM #2881

Right now, I have confirmed Ian, Dirk, Oliver... People who will probably show up are Aleta, Sean, Demir, Danny.... Alot of others have also expressed alot of interest

(maybe if you had a fb you could see Tongue idk why you are so opposed, just make a throw away account)
Read October 31, 2013, 01:18:33 PM #2882

Right now, I have confirmed Ian, Dirk, Oliver... People who will probably show up are Aleta, Sean, Demir, Danny.... Alot of others have also expressed alot of interest

(maybe if you had a fb you could see Tongue idk why you are so opposed, just make a throw away account)

Not sure who those people are.  Embarrassed

Are they gods at ITG?  Lips sealed

I dunno why I've always been opposed to Facebook, lol. BUT, I do have access to it, so I will check out all the info on the tournament.

Thanks for setting all this up Sara!
Read October 31, 2013, 08:39:20 PM #2883

Not sure who those people are.  Embarrassed

Are they gods at ITG?  Lips sealed

I dunno why I've always been opposed to Facebook, lol. BUT, I do have access to it, so I will check out all the info on the tournament.

Thanks for setting all this up Sara!
I mean...Ian just 99'd an 18 so theirs that LOL but yeah most of those guys are pretty darn good. Looks like we all need to step up our game.
Read October 31, 2013, 10:16:36 PM #2884

I mean...Ian just 99'd an 18 so theirs that LOL but yeah most of those guys are pretty darn good. Looks like we all need to step up our game.

Oh boy, lol! Well, yeah definitely need to start pushing myself harder. I need to pass 18's!  Sad
Read November 01, 2013, 08:36:38 PM #2885

Yeah so Evan passed his first 18...

Read November 02, 2013, 12:20:49 AM #2886

Wow, congratulations!  Cheesy

That is some crazy stuff! Gotta keep pushing and pushing, I feel an 18 coming on soon!  Roll Eyes

Also, I wanted to post couple of Abbye's scores!

She passed a few more 15's! BEAST!

« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 01:26:25 AM by APHR »
Read November 05, 2013, 07:43:15 PM #2887

Yo my second 11 quad!

Sight read(this didn't feel like a 13 but I was pretty cold)

another sightread/no cmods woo!

New 15 pass even though this feels like a 14

So new high score on this but the up arrow stopped working midway during this/it was way sticky.
I tried to do another run and I got half way though with about 130 excellents and then decent/wayoff streamed a who section because the up arrow kept sticking. So expect an 97-98 in the weeks to come.

Read November 05, 2013, 08:21:45 PM #2888

Good work Andy! That 17 man! Almost had it! Keep pushing it man, I know you will get it!

Haven't been playing much lately... Losing the desire to play, even thought about quitting. Sad

I wish I had more access to new charts and stuff, been play the same charts over and over. Makes things a little boring. Sucks the USBs still don't work properly, I don't have much of a chance to practice over half of the packs for the tournament.  Sad

Ugh...  Angry
Read November 05, 2013, 08:50:37 PM #2889

SS'd Shanghai Romance S16 yay!

Hard Core Rock Mix S21 - A w/ 128; painful sightread >.<

Vacuum S21 - A w/ 39; still can't do that ending...

2-X S23 - B w/ 91; i think i've figured out the 24th mess.
Read November 05, 2013, 09:37:22 PM #2890

Good work Andy! That 17 man! Almost had it! Keep pushing it man, I know you will get it!

Haven't been playing much lately... Losing the desire to play, even thought about quitting. Sad

I wish I had more access to new charts and stuff, been play the same charts over and over. Makes things a little boring. Sucks the USBs still don't work properly, I don't have much of a chance to practice over half of the packs for the tournament.  Sad

Ugh...  Angry
Thanks Chris! Yeah I've been pushing pretty hard to get my stamina up. Hoping to get more 16's and my first few 17's in the next few weeks before the tournament.
Don't give up man! Just talk to Tony and he'll put more material on the machine. He's really good about that stuff.
It's a little hard though because stuff like speedcore can't all be on the machine because it has bad words or bad images.
Evan really wants you to get an 18 and so does Sara and myself! I know you can do it. Everyone hits dead spots but pushing though just makes you better.
Maybe try focusing on things you don't normally play? Quadding gimmicked charts or something.
Also that 17 is like 227 for days but I'll get it.
Anyway keep playing man, keep beasting.
Read November 05, 2013, 10:29:28 PM #2891

Thanks Andy!  Cheesy

Working on those 18's, rough stuff. We Luv Lama (18) is brutal... I get about 4:30 minutes in and I crap out and Marunouchi Surviver (18) is just plain dumb, lol.

I know, I gotta keep pushing but it is just so hard to want to keep playing sometimes!  Sad
Read November 05, 2013, 10:59:39 PM #2892

Not sure who those people are.  Embarrassed

Are they gods at ITG?  Lips sealed

I dunno why I've always been opposed to Facebook, lol. BUT, I do have access to it, so I will check out all the info on the tournament.

Thanks for setting all this up Sara!

Ian (Archi) (also my boyfriend) wrote the pendulum pack, is better than rynker at stamina + footspeed. He is pretty much amazing at the game.

Dirk (Dirksy) has passed a ton of 18s, but his FA needs work Smiley he is a socks player tho.

Demir (Drazu) has passed a bunch of 17s, working on his footspeed for 17s.

Oliver plays mostly 13-15s. I think he recently got his first 15 pass.


Also I passed a 16 today on a sightread. It was lol. I also attempted a bunch of 17s and got into the songs but overall didn't do anything exciting. I almost passed gate openerz, did a bunch of other crap. My pads are really bad. There are a couple 17s I think I can get within the next couple weeks. I'm going to push really hard to be consistent by the tournament.

PEZ - Flower Forever - 16 - 85.21

« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 11:02:01 PM by Pez »
Read November 05, 2013, 11:05:16 PM #2893

Wow, congratulations!  Cheesy

That is some crazy stuff! Gotta keep pushing and pushing, I feel an 18 coming on soon!  Roll Eyes

Also, I wanted to post couple of Abbye's scores!

She passed a few more 15's! BEAST!

OMG! I missed this! Tell her to KEEP BEASTING, it would be very impressive to see abbye attempting 16s during the tournament. Will you guys be at acme on Saturday? I might go there to play (maybe)
Read November 07, 2013, 08:04:33 PM #2894

Score dump

not a 14 imo

up by over a whole percent.


« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 08:06:00 PM by AndyBurnsDDR »
Read November 07, 2013, 08:33:23 PM #2895

This is nothing I can really brag about but I'd like to post a personal achievement that I... achieved a little while ago.

This is the first ever song I did not miss anything on the ITG machine (albeit I still have a shit ton of Greats and I can never be perfect at any song yet lol)
Welp, I'm making progress, and I'm definitely not the same player I was when I was a 12 year old playing standard mode on DDR.

I'm hoping that with practice, I can actually fully concentrate on the game because I still feel like I "let" myself mess up and end up getting at LEAST one miss and sort of "ignore" my leg movements.
Anyone have advice on how I can beast like you guys?

« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 08:43:35 PM by OrangeChicken »
Read November 08, 2013, 03:19:29 PM #2896

@ Kevin

When I watch you play on Sundays the first thing I've noticed was your stance/form is wide. What I mean is that your feet tend to hit the entire panel. If you watch players like Mad Matt, Happyfeet, Parrax, Rynker, etc., they are very narrow in their stance.

For me, when I play I try to be narrow by thinking about keeping half my foot on the center panel at all times.

For instance, when I hit the up arrow, from the middle of my foot down to my heel remains on the center panel. Also, I think about looking robotic. My upper body doesn't turn, sway, and shift. I try to prevent extra movement. Extra movement leads to burning out faster.

Also breathing is very important! When I play hard song like 16s I focus on breathing. I breathe through my nose and out of my mouth, always! Never through your mouth. When you breathe through your mouth, you generally use your chest to intake air. When you use your chest, again you are making unnecessary movements. When you breathe through your nose you should be using your stomach to intake air. Using your mouth/nose to take in air and you feel your chest expanding, you are breathing wrong. When you intake air with your chest, you are using muscles in your shoulders and chest which can fatigue you faster.

To put it simply:
1: Work on footwork, narrow your stance.
2: Stabilize your upper body.
3: Breathe through your nose, and fill your stomach not your chest!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 05:42:12 PM by APHR »
Read November 09, 2013, 06:31:00 PM #2897

Kevin, it depends on what you're striving for. Accuracy or Stamina? I'd say most of the advice APHR offered is for intense play on hard charts. If you want to focus on accuracy and getting higher scores, I could offer you some tips.
Read November 09, 2013, 07:59:02 PM #2898

Any advice would help guys, I'd like to beast at ITG someday so that I can at least be a peer lol, even if I won't be flawless at the game.

So, how does one not suck as much as I do?
Playing some Pendulum on In The Groove

« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 09:00:31 PM by OrangeChicken »
Read November 10, 2013, 12:03:47 AM #2899

I'm an old diddler from "back in the day".  I probably don't have the best advice to give these days. I think PEZ and the "newer crowd" will be who you want to take advice from. Plus, they'll be more likely to see you in the arcade and help you out.

Now, if you want advice on how to AAA, then I could give you some help. But I'm dead serious, most of my advice is completely contradictory to what you need to do to beat 15's.
Read November 10, 2013, 12:13:09 AM #2900

Now, if you want advice on how to AAA, then I could give you some help. But I'm dead serious, most of my advice is completely contradictory to what you need to do to beat 15's.

If you're talking about timing for just regular ol' songs, that's just something I have to develop on my own since it's not a technical thing.. ya gotta feel it.

As for learning how to beat 15s... yeah I'm not going to be able to do that in a 100 years lol.
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