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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read January 19, 2014, 03:45:31 AM #2976

Something's up with me today. I didn't do as well as I had hoped for, even failed Granite on medium (11) when I usually pass that. In fact, I felt "lazier" and less motivated to push myself today. I mean, I ate a nice amount of food before playing, warmed up, and kept myself hydrated, made sure I didn't go past my limit without gradually warming up. It seems I wasn't able to perform at my fullest today. Does anybody have any tips for getting better, in general? I won't ever become a decent stamina player this way.

Positive attitude does wonders. Don't say you can't, but say you can. Limit does not exist! Tongue
Read January 20, 2014, 10:19:12 PM #2977

Positive attitude does wonders. Don't say you can't, but say you can. Limit does not exist! Tongue

Oh my god. I passed my fist 13 evarrr! This is pretty big for me. I re-read a lot of this thread to keep me motivated. I almost thought I was going to fail this again but I finally made it (although I barely survived from dying near the last few arrows in the stream).

Here's a snap of me standing here for proof:

I really appreciate all the advice and help here. (Especially Chris and Abbye!) I'm finally going somewhere.

I have a question:
I've been improving on playing more "bracket-style" and moving a lot less, and standing up higher while my feet swiftly and softly glide across the pad with my elbows supporting my weight, but I still don't have enough stamina to attempt this 13 again. How can I improve my stamina?

« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:20:45 PM by OrangeChicken »
Read January 20, 2014, 11:10:21 PM #2978

Hey Kevin,

Congratulation, amazing job! Keep practicing and you'll just keep getting better and better!

The best advice with regards to getting more stamina is to keep practicing. Something I always say to myself is, "its not practice that makes perfect, its perfect practice that makes perfect." Keep in mind everything you've been working on and keep practicing.

Read January 20, 2014, 11:58:59 PM #2979

Oh my god. I passed my fist 13 evarrr! This is pretty big for me.

I almost thought I was going to fail this again but I finally made it (although I barely survived from dying near the last few arrows in the stream).

Yay!!! Way to go Kevin!!! Too bad Chris and I weren't there to see it. Next time we are there together you gotta do it again. Keep playing hard Smiley
Read January 22, 2014, 05:19:32 PM #2980

Oh my god. I passed my fist 13 evarrr! This is pretty big for me. I re-read a lot of this thread to keep me motivated. I almost thought I was going to fail this again but I finally made it (although I barely survived from dying near the last few arrows in the stream).

Here's a snap of me standing here for proof:

I really appreciate all the advice and help here. (Especially Chris and Abbye!) I'm finally going somewhere.

I have a question:
I've been improving on playing more "bracket-style" and moving a lot less, and standing up higher while my feet swiftly and softly glide across the pad with my elbows supporting my weight, but I still don't have enough stamina to attempt this 13 again. How can I improve my stamina?

NICE JOB ON THIS. How do you improve your stamina though? Just keep playing the game. It comes with practice. Your body just gets better without you being aware is part of it.
Read January 22, 2014, 05:20:31 PM #2981

I need to beat Chris' score. Getting Closer Smiley

Seriously though. I need to watch you play this. This blows my mind omg. I can't believe it.
Read January 23, 2014, 04:13:41 PM #2982

Seriously though. I need to watch you play this. This blows my mind omg. I can't believe it.

I can totally believe this having watched her BEAST The Power (hard) at Seans. There is a monster inside haha.
Read January 23, 2014, 10:46:40 PM #2983

I was surprised by how I felt playing. I didn't feel tired and I didn't struggle like I had anticipated. I hope I can clean it up overtime.

A sight read for me. Played right after I passed Fuwatanity. I was really hoping to break 90 on this.

I am working up to Greif and Malice. But I still cant stream at 200 consistently ARGHH!!!! Its not getting any easier
Read January 27, 2014, 04:05:52 PM #2984

Failed with a higher score than my actual passing score lol

This is fun

This is SUPER fun

The break down for this chart is nuts

Beast sightread was Beast.

on the upgrade :/

New best


mines and miss weren't me

I never play this song ever so I thought this was good for me
Read January 29, 2014, 10:12:24 PM #2985

Shout outs to Chris! I'm sure you can destroy this but i'm happy I finally got it.

Read January 29, 2014, 10:22:50 PM #2986

Way to beast Andy on your achievements. Stop getting so good Smiley

A good sight read for me. Super happy that I was able to pass this. I want to mention that Chris had pad trouble on his side, its not like I legitimately beat him. Even though I would like to think that I did Smiley

I played streamline right after Spiral. A first pass for me but a super bad FA combo argh!!!!
Read January 29, 2014, 10:24:24 PM #2987

I'm pretty sure that Andy is a cheater...  Undecided
Read January 29, 2014, 11:20:45 PM #2988

Passed Moonlight - CZ on Pro2 [singles 13].. stamina seems to be slowly improving.
Read January 30, 2014, 01:34:59 AM #2989

I'm pretty sure that Andy is a cheater...  Undecided

Woah! Hey now I worked really hard for these but you guys know what we're playing on so these scores make a lot of sense.
If you think I'm cheating you should see the shit Evan is doing these days. Lets just say that 17s and 18's are a regular thing lol

Also Sean is beasting really hard too it's nuts.

Evan's side has new sensors now so it's not great for FS atm because I know he's got a high 88 on this.
Also if you notice he destroyed that 17 that I played the 16 of monstrous
Evan did this while he was sick lol

He also beasted marunochie survivor and got a solid 85 for the 18 of magic cycles.
He's working on the zonda 220 version of call of the hound right now and it's nuts.

Great job Abbey! you're killing it! Spiral is SUPER hard imo. Keep beasting Cheesy

« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:36:37 AM by AndyBurnsDDR »
Read January 30, 2014, 02:38:09 PM #2990


Guys are getting too good, haha! Amazing work. We need to beast it up again very soon!
Read January 30, 2014, 09:56:44 PM #2991

As you can see, I climbed up and down a lot of mountains but I made it through Smiley

Andy, Evan and Sean you guys are getting even crazier good!!!!!!

« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 02:38:10 AM by Rose »
Read January 30, 2014, 11:46:40 PM #2992

Okay sight read on this. Short patterns but exhausting to me.

and now.. BEHOLD:

Woot! Less intense than Encoder, but it's a good transition from 12s.

Although prior to this I was failing several different Pendulum 13s I saved for my final rounds.
Read January 31, 2014, 10:29:12 AM #2993

Way to beast Andy on your achievements. Stop getting so good Smiley

A good sight read for me. Super happy that I was able to pass this. I want to mention that Chris had pad trouble on his side, its not like I legitimately beat him. Even though I would like to think that I did Smiley

I played streamline right after Spiral. A first pass for me but a super bad FA combo argh!!!!

Abbye you are getting sooo goooooddd omg :3 <3 <3 <3.... So proud of you... I guess I'll post some scores here for motivation. I'm going to have to try to beat your score on spiral though >Smiley you beat my best!!! BTW YOU SHOULD MAKE A GROOVESTATS ACCOUNT PLZ. Ian works really hard to improve it and its getting super good now. and I'm working on the app for it and all Cheesy

« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 10:59:59 AM by Pez »
Read January 31, 2014, 10:45:11 AM #2994

here are some recent scores of mine for the past week (plus valiant as a challenge for abbye)! nothing really sticks out tho... been travelling due to downs/visiting LA + got really stressed out trying to help out parrax with his US visa issues n' stuff so I haven't been able to take it that seriously the last couple weeks...

owned this on a sightread. ACME needs Cirque du Lykan. Like seriously. TONY!!!!

I think the breakdown for this was only 32-24-48.... I guess its kind of a 16 since its 185...

Definitely a mid 14

fatting through this

This one is actually a really rough sightread to FA. Really brutal 194 candle stream for 32 measures basically. Thats the whole chart.

shoutouts to chris, abbye, chino, ian, west coast BEST COAST.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 10:52:37 AM by Pez »
Read February 01, 2014, 12:10:33 AM #2995

Ok so I was really reluctant to play HyperioxX. I played with Sara and failed. I played with Chris and failed. Tried to play on my own and failed. So I finally freaking passed it. Not the best score but got to keep on trying.

Tried this song out today considering I need to work on 190+ bpm. Part of this process includes not being lazy and playing songs that hurt

Sara your timing is insane!!!!I havent seen this chart yet but hopefully we can get this pack at Acme. You are doing awesome just keep playing and keep posting. We got to try and keep up with the boys of PNW Smiley

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 12:22:13 AM by Rose »
Read February 01, 2014, 12:38:14 AM #2996

Read February 02, 2014, 10:17:21 AM #2997

Ok so I was really reluctant to play HyperioxX. I played with Sara and failed. I played with Chris and failed. Tried to play on my own and failed. So I finally freaking passed it. Not the best score but got to keep on trying.

Tried this song out today considering I need to work on 190+ bpm. Part of this process includes not being lazy and playing songs that hurt

Sara your timing is insane!!!!I havent seen this chart yet but hopefully we can get this pack at Acme. You are doing awesome just keep playing and keep posting. We got to try and keep up with the boys of PNW Smiley

Nice job hauling. Chris asked me for some links to download the new packs:

Tachyon Epsilon (full difficulties):
Spectrum (full difficulties):
Cirque du Lykan (partial difficulties):
Cirque du Veyron (partial difficulties):
Your Streaming Again (full difficulties):
Your Streaming Even More (full difficulties):

« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 10:19:53 AM by Pez »
Read February 02, 2014, 10:55:32 AM #2998

so with Epsilon the novice charts are some of the 15s and up and are good charts but you won't be able to play them unless you move all the Expert charts to edits. The alternative is to turn off novice mods but that would be a bad idea imo for a public arcade.
Read February 02, 2014, 11:53:25 AM #2999

so with Epsilon the novice charts are some of the 15s and up and are good charts but you won't be able to play them unless you move all the Expert charts to edits. The alternative is to turn off novice mods but that would be a bad idea imo for a public arcade.

What about just making the novice charts edits?
Read February 02, 2014, 12:39:31 PM #3000

I guess but to me it makes more sense to knock out the Experts because realistically less than 10 people in the world can pass the expert charts and chance are most of them couldn't pass them on the ACME machine. That being said moving the novice to easy at least gives you a chance to save the scores on the machine because a few of those lower novice charts can actually be passed.
Do edits save data? have screen BG images? tell you step info? I legit don't know that stuff so if it does all that then I guess you could do it that way, you'd just have to remember that in that pack all the songs you want to pick are edits for the most part.
And i'm not being silly Ben I don't know if you've seen that pack but I think the easiest Easy chart is like a hard 16 lol but the novice has an 11 and some 15's and stuff haha. That's just for a handful of charts some of the songs start at like 18 and 19 on novice or some bullshit lol.

also since i'm here

« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 12:43:13 PM by AndyBurnsDDR »
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