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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 25, 2014, 01:30:16 PM #3151

Next is Kirby Medley, right?

Yes! I want to pass that so bad >__<

But all the treasure popping out during the Cave Offensive song got meh
Read March 25, 2014, 02:37:00 PM #3152

Yes! I want to pass that so bad >__<

But all the treasure popping out during the Cave Offensive song got meh

Hey Kevin Chris C. (Blonde Chris) is going to pick you up from wherever Friday night so we can carpool to Oregon for the tournament : ) We are gonna take my car... It's going to be me, Ben, Chris, and Kevin in my car (wanted to give all the people who don't have cars/driving further first dibs on carpooling since its much harder for them Sad ) Who else is gonna go??? Chris, Abbye, are you guys going to? Smiley It's going to be suppperrr fun to hang out!
Read March 25, 2014, 02:44:02 PM #3153

Chris said he had a work thing but you should steal Abbye!
Read March 25, 2014, 02:45:59 PM #3154

Read March 26, 2014, 10:26:29 PM #3155

First ever Pendulum 14 pass! Didn't even do the 13 for this one.

Practicing my stamina.

Way to go on another Pendulum 13. I've noticed my form is starting to get MUCH better. I don't die as easily as before even on 170+BPM streams.

Redid my first 14 pass.. but this time I didn't feel as exhausted or wanting to give up.


Aw yiss

Saved this for my last set... Hot damn, didn't think this would be possible in a thousand years.

Not sure what's going with me tonight, but I was pushing myself past my usual limit. Maybe it doesn't exist. But I think this is only because I've been playing at least three times in this week (Saturday, Monday, and tonight). I may not play this well again soon. I want to keep this momentum x_x

EDIT: I also passed DJ Sharpnel's For You (Expert 13) but my phone's camera was being weird and the photo for it ended up corrupt >_<

« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 10:30:43 PM by Kevin the Orange Chicken »
Read March 26, 2014, 11:45:05 PM #3156

@Kevin Almost went myself tonight but wasn't sure if the machine was back up and running. Too bad I couldn't see you beast it Smiley I cant believe you passed some of this stuff. Keep it up!!!
Read March 27, 2014, 12:47:55 PM #3157


Getting so gooooood! Congrats man! I wish I was there to watch you beast!

Next up 15? World Sound?!?
Read March 27, 2014, 03:10:14 PM #3158


Getting so gooooood! Congrats man! I wish I was there to watch you beast!

Next up 15? World Sound?!?

That, Blood Sugar, and Axle Grinder...

I am gonna grind up my blood sugar so bad
Read March 27, 2014, 06:13:41 PM #3159

That, Blood Sugar, and Axle Grinder...

I am gonna grind up my blood sugar so bad

Kevin way to beast Crush! That is not an easy 14 imo. Great work!
I'm super excited for you to be at the tournament and for the beast sessions afterward!
Read March 30, 2014, 08:48:14 PM #3160

Back from Andy's DDR/ITG tournament. It was really fun Smiley

I'm super excited for you to be at the tournament and for the beast sessions afterward!

I think you for having me Cheesy

I passed this song, called "One," don't remember the artist
the reason this shot is in the ending screen is because after i passed this, the results screen was skipped by accident before i could take a picture lol
but i suppose there's not much of a point of making every 13 a big deal now since there's too many of those being passed by me
passive voice

not a good idea to play right after eating a shitload of food from the Olive Garden


acually wuz moar lyk 13
Read March 31, 2014, 01:40:52 PM #3161

I still get tripped up in this.

My 1st attempt at this mess

Maybe I should retry the D22...
Read April 02, 2014, 09:01:25 PM #3162

I used to fail this even after doing sets of 13s. I passed this on my first set. Wow. I hope to pass much harder shit

Read April 05, 2014, 03:24:59 PM #3164

also got 8 on Max300SMMMChallenge at the tournament
and got 10 and two misses on Max Unlimited.
Read April 05, 2014, 11:46:22 PM #3165

Really ballin' at ACME last Thursday.
I only wish I had passed those 15s I failed.
And I was so very close to passing Showdown's 14. :/

Anyway, I'm performing and passing more 13s and 14s than I had ever expected and I'm glad Smiley

I made it through the first major stream of Quadraphinix's 15 but then I messed up in the beginning of the last part! (I didn't have video footage of me attempting this for some reason)

Next time!

« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 12:31:01 PM by Kevin the Orange Chicken »
Read April 06, 2014, 12:30:22 PM #3166

@Kevin Whats even more beast is your drink of choice is a bottle of coke. You play hard!!!

Nice work Kevin Smiley
Read April 06, 2014, 07:12:45 PM #3167

Haven't been playing too much so I haven't been posting. It feels good to finally make some new personal bests.

This was long overdue. I finally tried Still Grey.

Chris insisted I try this song out. Super awesome chart but my score is too ugly for me. I need to work on this one.

Playing 16's are still new for me. I have to work at passing them consistently. I guess I cant stop playing.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 07:15:21 PM by Rose »
Read April 07, 2014, 01:27:19 PM #3168

Holy hell that's so impressive! Still Grey hurts so much imo. Great work!
Read April 07, 2014, 08:48:28 PM #3169

Wow, passed this on my 3rd song of the day. #W00t.

Sightread :3

'nother sightread.

Despite having been able to pass both Crush and Propane Nightmares 14s within my first two sets of the day, I couldn't beast as much as I had hoped for. Still failing Quadriphinix, Blood Sugar, and Axle Grinder (but that's okay because obviously 15s are way out of my league lol).

I need someone to threaten to kick me if I fail Dx (no actually, don't do that)
3vi1 5hR0OmS
Read April 07, 2014, 08:54:40 PM #3170

2 of my screen shoots form Power Play earlier.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 08:58:22 PM by 3vi1 5hR0OmS »
Read April 07, 2014, 09:35:54 PM #3171

@Andy Hey Thanks Andy. Still Grey definitely hurt. My stomach was in knots so much in the last minute or so of the song. Its weird but streaming at 174 is harder for me than it is to stream at 180. I feel like my form stays tighter albeit my score was lower on Orbital Strike but I felt better. One thing for sure is I need to keep playing them and not write them off and never play it again.
Read April 07, 2014, 09:43:43 PM #3172

I know exactly what you mean. I think all 180 is easier to stream and less tiring. Still Grey just has the worst patterns but honestly back 2 you is worse imo. Definitely don't write them off. I still play pendulum to make sure I still, "got it" but at a certain point 175 stream starts to feel super easy.
Read April 09, 2014, 10:34:56 PM #3173

I think I'm more of a salad wrap, actually.
Or maybe orange chicken.

Guess who finally didn't keep failing 15s for once.

Dis mudderbetch.

But I really have to stop being lazy and only thinking of surviving hard songs. I have to get used to FAing at the least 10s or something. This is what's gonna keep me from actually doing well in difficult songs.

Anyway, I'm glad this happened for once.
I remember the day when I was a total newbie who couldn't even pass Lucky -Remix- (11), and now I'm forcing myself to play stuff like Quadriphinix (15) and warming up with Self vs Self (13). Yayz.
Read April 10, 2014, 11:24:10 AM #3174

Congratulations! I've yet to pass my first ITG 15... (15s in PIU aren't nearly as hard!)
Read April 10, 2014, 08:07:02 PM #3175

@Kevin Congratz!!!! I cant believe you already got your first 15. Awesome job on You got the Cash Reserves too. That chart is pretty hard. Smiley Keep pushing it. It took me a really long time to pass my first 15.

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