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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 24, 2015, 04:09:14 PM #3376

My accomplishment is that I've gone 5+ weeks without a single game of DDR or ITG.

Seriously though, it sucks. I'm fat and need the exercise, but I can't due to a fall I had in February. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and hope that I'll be able to ITG again soon.

Also, it's been pretty quite around here lately, so I thought I'd make a post just because.
Read March 24, 2015, 05:57:39 PM #3377


Also, good luck with getting better, Scott! I pray for you brudda

I guess i'll add a new accomplishment here too:
I finally finished my packs of over 100 songs without killing myself Smiley

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:59:25 PM by KLOC (Lil Kevin) »
Read April 22, 2015, 10:27:20 PM #3378

My songs are finally on the ACME machine and when I found out I think I may have squealed lol. Also I was actually able to pass some 15s.
Man, a lot of my easier non-stamina/speed charts are really fun to play on pad

whoops accidentally hit out of the score screen
Read August 26, 2015, 03:15:43 AM #3380

I haven't taken a score dump in a while. Here we go:

I'm surprised I was able to FA so well.

My first 17. Seemed like a 16. Still, stupidly fast.

I did this just to see if I could re-pass it and I beat my old score.

Trying to practice FAing the TranceMania pack.

I was always afraid of these 200BPM 15s for some odd reason.

I was also afraid of this one.

Oh wow I beat my old best scores and I did this cold.

It's about time.

Gave this a shot.


Oh okay I beat the previous score lol.


So I felt like trying to own the NOISIAStreamz pack and this is some of what I've done recently. So far I'm taking the high scores on all of the charts.

I also had a Pendulum day on Friday. Why? Because reasons.

Wow this is the first time I've ever FEC'd a kind of hard to FEC 11. Look, I even got a cool judgment count!

One great, and it was during the easier timing sections. Wtf.

This is much harder than I thought it'd be to FEC this.

Whoo, barely past 90%.

I can hardly understand when I used to 70% 13s.

Yeesh, I got lazy.

Favorite song.

Got lazy on this too. These two wet Pendulum songs have annoying one-foot-in-one-corner kinds of streams.

I habitually pulled out my phone to take a picture of the screen and I didn't even realize I wasn't on the results screen yet.

I've 97%'d this before but I just got lazy on this. Just needed a Pendulum score.

Of fuckin' course I did this one. But I have FC'd this before. .-.

Wow I'm shocked I could 96% this.

I don't think I've passed this one until now.

No need to be afraid of this anymore.

What the fuck man I'm just easily brushing through 16s now. Fuckin' Pendulum 16s.


Then I redid this right after work.
Read August 27, 2015, 02:36:02 PM #3381

Awesome progress, Kevin! : ]
Read August 30, 2015, 02:15:22 AM #3382

Thanks, Dr. Z!

I've been really hauling a lot. Today I screamed like a fuck on My Turn Is Your Turn.

pretty sure I just turned ACME's arcade into the most ghetto club ever

I failed the first time

didn't think i'd make it, idk why i'm just so afraid of 200bpm streams

played this with Vincent
somehow I made it cold

wait what

oh okay I did it lol finally
very last song and I started work at 12 and I never left ACME until closing lol

« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 02:20:40 AM by KLOC (Lil Kevin) »
Read September 02, 2015, 01:18:19 PM #3383

Damn Kevin you're a beast now. I have zero stamina these days. I saw that 17 pass up at the top! Really great job man.

Only recent stuff I've done is quad a lot of 11's and 12's and I star'd Bright Star(15) yesterday.
Also AAA'd Paranoia Survivor and Kakumei.
Read September 02, 2015, 10:48:53 PM #3384

Damn Kevin you're a beast now.

no i'm not lol i don't know how to play itg
i haven't quadded anything in my life

i only stream lol
Read September 20, 2015, 10:57:11 PM #3385

More scores. Nothing really new. Just repasses.

I will own the NOISIA pack.

Oh. So hyper. Nearly lost it.




This song is pain.

Yay. Forgot who I passed this with.

Read September 25, 2015, 01:09:13 AM #3386

So I've been having multiple Pendulum Days...

I'm almost done conquering the Pendulum pack. All I have left is Spiral. I think I've at least 90%'d everything 14 and lower.

The NOISIA Pack is almost all mine...

Read September 30, 2015, 01:32:44 AM #3387

I would say this is a legitimate 17 pass.


It's done.

I'm done. I've passed every single Expert Pendulum Act I chart.

Does I get a Pendulum achievement now? Cheesy

NOISIAStreamz is MINE.


« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 02:18:44 AM by KLOC (Lil Kevin) »
Read October 01, 2015, 02:19:22 AM #3388

Am I the only one dumping scores now?

Anyway this was a tough repass.

No, now THIS is what I consider a legitimate 17 pass.

I have officially passed all of Pendulum Act 1:

Read October 07, 2015, 02:04:17 AM #3389

Fucking hauling it


This was harder than I expected

Basically 150bpm

Second set after work yesterday? How?

Second set after work tonight

Played right after the Kirby Medley. Shit, this was really hard. I held a full combo for like 15% of the song and then bam, everything was sloppy to the end.

I play hard.
Read October 26, 2015, 07:24:48 PM #3390

I've AAA'd all of DDR Except
Maxx Unlimited
Sakura ONI

I recently AAA'd Sakura Heavy and Xepher Oni so those are pretty sweet.

I just got a SN2 for my machine so i'm starting to AAA that game as well.

Haven't played ITG in over a month? yeah.
Read November 09, 2015, 06:13:05 PM #3391


Read December 03, 2015, 12:24:06 PM #3392

I bought a DDR Betson SN1 cab.
I haven't really played to hard since my PSMH AAA and probably will take a break until I get both cabs all fixed up and running newer DDR.
Read February 27, 2016, 06:12:03 PM #3393

So I ended up AAAing Sakura Oni and Bag and now I only have
The Legend of Max (2 greats as of yesterday)
PSMO (1 great as of yesterday)
Maxx Unlimited (6 greats as of yesterday)
So i've officially SDG'd all of Extreme and now I just need to keep drilling these last three songs.
It's looking like I get PSMO before LOM in some weird twist of fate.
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