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January 27, 2007, 11:00:32 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

why isnt this one posted yet? oh yeah i forgot, only the cool people play drummania Cool not GF though, just DM
i'll start it off with getting an A on concertino in blue ext. and SS on less ext.
on drummania of course Cool

ok fixed. now there wont be as many threads for single games Smiley
Read May 16, 2007, 10:41:26 PM #76

42nd place on Score Hero for Bad Reputation, FC.
Read May 21, 2007, 07:12:44 PM #77

3 Greats and a miss on VITALIZE! Bass Extreme.

That was painful, but it was pretty cool to get the Premium Encore on GF!
Read June 09, 2007, 11:03:23 PM #78

Read July 11, 2007, 10:50:58 PM #79

whoa... that's pretty good, zach. you've gotten a lot better.
i went to gameworks today to play some drummania and taiko and got some decent scores for dm.

thats my new favorite song right there
Read July 18, 2007, 01:30:51 AM #80

192246 Radium Eyes Ex,  FC No whammy.
Read July 19, 2007, 08:18:29 PM #81

this song on ext. (97)

rolling1000toon ext. (74) FC

i also S'd agnus dei ext (92)
and i A'd one of the new long songs on ext which was a 92
Read July 20, 2007, 01:32:56 AM #82

mykl... you should come over and hangout sometime... i just got my DM koc (small but better than nothing) and my popn setup is really nice
Read July 20, 2007, 10:40:07 PM #83

that'd be cool but i doubt i'd be heading up to tukwila anytime soon.
more dm stuff...
i'll S this pretty soon. it's another 92 :O

oh and i cleared a 10 on taiko and i'm about to clear another 10
Read July 21, 2007, 10:39:39 AM #84

I'm still amazed at the Toccata S. I can get like 1% away from an S on Tamayura but can't even clear Toccata. The patterns in that are hella confusing. ~_~
Read July 21, 2007, 11:10:20 AM #85

Nice work on the DM scores, Mykl. You've gotten really good, really fast. Love rolling1000toon! :O
Read July 25, 2007, 09:34:34 PM #86

some other people should post dm scores...
i'll post my scores from today. enjoy
i don't know how i SSd this... there's one part that always messes me up (64)

Sd this long song (92)

Sd another 92

and guess what

i'm just gonna edit this since most of you guys don't seem too interested in drummania
but yeah, got a B on model dd5 ext. (94)

doesn't look like too great of a score, but for those that don't know, model songs are a pain. although this is probably the best model song
Read July 28, 2007, 01:14:27 PM #87

I played Taiko no Tatsujin 10.  Considering it's probably not even a week old (Everywhere had 9 at the beginning of my trip), I think that's accomplishment enough. Tongue
Read July 28, 2007, 02:53:09 PM #88


Yeah, Model DD5 is pretty awesome. It's my favorite! At least it has some recognizable rhythm, unlike the rest of them.
Read July 31, 2007, 07:19:06 PM #89

now i have to S it
Read August 01, 2007, 11:29:22 PM #90

I have 4* on Jordan Expert.

5* Freebird, Hangar 18, and Beast and the Harlot, and most anything bellow the 8th set on 360.

I've 100%'d a couple songs on expert, but I can't remember which.
Read August 18, 2007, 11:43:30 PM #91

Did you guys actually get some Bemani upgrades down there in Seattle?  What all do you guys have now?  Owner up here says were getting V4 at the end of September.

Got this First Try:

Read August 18, 2007, 11:49:43 PM #92

Whoa, haven't seen you in a while, man.  What's happenin' thar in Canadialand?

Nice score btw.  I don't really play GF, but a solid 1808 perfect combo seems pretty good no matter how you look at it.

573xxxxxx ftw.  Does it give you a 573 score for any SS, or just for that song?
Read August 19, 2007, 12:08:24 AM #93

that's for agnus dei played 4 times on nonstop

we have a lot of gf 11/dm 10 down here Sad
you guys are lucky up there...  getting v4...
Read August 19, 2007, 10:00:16 AM #94

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Whoa, haven't seen you in a while, man.  What's happenin' thar in Canadialand?

Nice score btw.  I don't really play GF, but a solid 1808 perfect combo seems pretty good no matter how you look at it.

573xxxxxx ftw.  Does it give you a 573 score for any SS, or just for that song?

Lol no.. that score is very hard to come by, and is completely random.  Most songs only yield about 80~100,000,000 for SS's/Excellents, depending on the number of notes, and also wails.  Every time a wail icon shows up, and you successfully flail your guitar around and activate it, you get a point bonus of 3000 multiplied by your current combo.  So if your playing Agnus for example.. and you miss the wail at the very end, you lose upwards of 1,000,000 points.  Thus, if you break combo, and have low combo, you get much much lower score for losing out on the wailing bonus.  Also theres a neat little trick where when the wail icon shows up, if you wait for 1 complete beat (not sure how many bars it is, I just do it by feeling), and then wail, you get extra points.  It's known as a delay wail.  Thus, it's not like DDR where there is an arbitrary max score (100,000,000 is it?) for every song.  Every song is different depending on the number of notes, max combo, and how good the player is at getting delay wails.  Every song does have a max score for hitting every delayed wail EXACTLY perfect, but only the best players can achieve that.

That probably went over everyones head, but I don't care =].

Also uhhh:  What I actually meant to say was Gameworks actually has bemani now??  Last I heard the only thing they ever had was DDR.. and that's it..
Read August 19, 2007, 01:22:27 PM #95

Cleared Day Dream ADV (90)
Cleared Childrens Sketchbook ADV (89?)
Cleared Die Zauberflotte(?) ADV (89?)

Finished unlocking V2 thanks to the help of my sisters hahaha
Read August 19, 2007, 05:05:21 PM #96

Quote from: "checkrox"

Also uhhh:  What I actually meant to say was Gameworks actually has bemani now??  Last I heard the only thing they ever had was DDR.. and that's it..

First of all, holy shit, that is a ridiculously good set. I am finding myself slowly getting Excellents on 30-50 level songs. The thing I hate about GF is that I often end up with more misses than greats (usually only 1 or 2 q_q).

Yeah, Gameworks got GFDM11/10, Pop'n FEVER, and Taiko 9. It's pretty awesome, but I'm not sure how long the machines will stay in good condition.
Read August 19, 2007, 09:32:05 PM #97

Ah, yeah, I'm familiar with wails and stuff.  The scoring system was similar for DDR forevah ago, but (as of Extreme, I think), the max score became 1 million x the foot rating, and as of SuperNOVA, the max score is 10,000,000 for all songs.  In SN2, the score is completely percentage-based, but displayed as x,xxx,x00.  So, 1,000,000 = 100%, 9,900,000 (AAA) = 99% (*** lulz).

Actually, SN2 is basically gonna be ITG with harder timing and toasties. Tongue
Read August 20, 2007, 09:33:41 PM #98

Clear Little Prayer ADV (~78)

i seem to be improving.  I can pass a 90 but fail some songs in the 60-70 range Sad
Read August 21, 2007, 12:44:45 AM #99

Not like anyone cares about Guitar Hero scores, but I 5*'d Play With Me from 80's edition.
The Wise Fool
Read August 23, 2007, 12:47:42 PM #100

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Actually, SN2 is basically gonna be ITG with harder timing and toasties. Tongue

And no R21, and super recessed panels, and shitty IIDX cuts, and dancers, and stupid hard songs, and no mines, hands, or rolls, and horribad syncing, and announcers, and ES/OMES, and with more 10s than 9s.
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