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More Achievements?
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June 16, 2011, 09:35:31 PM
So, I've been playing a lot of WoW lately (yes make fun of me : p ) and part of the reason I like it is for winning achievements for things both silly and difficult. Well that got me thinking that we should have more dance game achievements on the forums here that one can collect. Everything from pass this crazy thing to things like great attack proficiency sound interesting to me. If anyone else agrees then maybe we can start coming up with ideas : )
June 16, 2011, 10:45:08 PM
There's your classic achievement standbys:
Pass X songs on X difficulty
Fail a song on X difficulty
Pass a nonstop sequence
AA a song
AAA a song
BF a song
Let's get more creative!
"Caught Unaware"
Miss the pause in Sweet Sweet Love Magic or Healing Vision Angelic Mix. (There are probably other songs that qualify.)
"But I Like This Song!"
Play the same song nine times in a row.
"Great Attack Champion"
Full combo a song with only Greats.
"All's Well That Ends Well"
Get D rating by virtue of messing up at the end.
Get one of the more difficult songs (previously 10+ foot) on Random.
"Do You Feel Lucky?"
Play a session with only Random.
Have two players both get AA rating.
Have two players both get AAA rating.
Do one of the more difficult songs on your 3rd song and fail.
"Almost, But Not Quite"
Fail on the last step in a song.
June 16, 2011, 11:35:20 PM
"But I Like This Song!"
Play the same song nine times in a row.
This is a dangerous one to have with me, especially given the fact that there's now a chart to the Mentos song.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
June 17, 2011, 10:59:12 AM
To be fair, probably since they're shown off to the left here
They shouldn't be too too numerous. Things like
"Caught Unaware"
Miss the pause in Sweet Sweet Love Magic or Healing Vision Angelic Mix. (There are probably other songs that qualify.)
Wouldn't really take any effort to do except on the part of the moderators to deal with giving it to everyone who wanted it.
But things like
"Great Attack Champion"
Full combo a song with only Greats.
Would be cool for people to try to get since it's extremely difficult.
I also think the "Freestyler" achievement should be attainable besides attending the one tournament it referred to several years ago. Like maybe perform a decent Freestyle routine with at least a few dance games people there.
I should probably keep off this thread though hehe....
June 17, 2011, 02:42:18 PM
Eight Stars achievement = frustration commence.
The Almighty Tallest
June 17, 2011, 03:20:30 PM
I know I talked with Tom and Dan about this a year ago. I don't see why a competent programmer couldn't make a program to read the stats.xml and actually give achievements based off the information contained there. Granted, only certain data is provided in the xml file, which would limit what achievements it could verify...But I considered taking this a step further and making an achievements MOD that could be installed over OpenITG and would give player's achievements that would up their "Dance Score". It's all pie-in-the-sky ideas, but having something actually incorporated into OpenITG would be really cool, IMO.
June 17, 2011, 04:48:13 PM
While only certain data is stored in .XML files. It could be expanded, you could have it look out for certain data in the last song played as in "did they get all greats this time? yes? unlocked achievement"
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
June 21, 2011, 05:53:50 PM
Ooh yeah, we should do achievements off the stats.xml
There should be one for "Most Experienced" player in the world.
Eh hehehehe
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