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Dear S.A.D. sufferers...
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March 05, 2007, 11:23:24 PM
Welcome to hell!
Heck, even I'm starting to feel for you guys. And I just washed my car ;__;
March 05, 2007, 11:25:39 PM
the weather here is awesome
More Awesome Than The Day Is Long
March 05, 2007, 11:26:48 PM
I couldn't believe how happy I was today simply because it was sunny outside.
March 05, 2007, 11:30:13 PM
That makes me happy, because work is really slow when it rains.
March 05, 2007, 11:30:30 PM
Bill should buy a coin-operated light box. He'd make a killing.
March 05, 2007, 11:31:14 PM
Aren't the air hockey lights white/natural lights? ;)
March 05, 2007, 11:42:15 PM
You can thank the current high pressure that we have sitting over the PNW. Within the next 24hrs the edge of the low pressure system off the coast will be moving in, creating a cold front. The result will be the formation of cumulus clouds until the system moves through or dies, resulting in that wonderful liquid sunshine the PNW loves so much.
And in case you were wondering my Weather final is next Monday. 8-)
And here's a
link to a weather loop
in case anyone's curious.
March 05, 2007, 11:47:13 PM
Rain=liquid sunshine???
March 05, 2007, 11:48:36 PM
Meteorology in the PNW is quite....interesting. Two mountain ranges and an ocean....yeesh.
As far as geological predictions go, we're fairly unpredictable.
March 05, 2007, 11:54:30 PM
I'm not sure that Japan would be much better, although maybe more awesome.
March 05, 2007, 11:58:18 PM
Quote from: "Lhet"
I'm not sure that Japan would be much better, although maybe more awesome.
I've been told that the weather's not nearly as bad as WA. Also, almost nowhere else gets these damn 100% overcasts as often as we do. If I can't move there, hopefully I can go somewhere else in the US.
March 06, 2007, 12:09:08 AM
You can't generalize Japanese weather =P there are areas of it that are similar in ways to the Pacific NW, but overall it's quite different I would say. The region I lived in, Okayama, had a lot of sunshine; in fact I would say the months from January-March had more sunshine than April-June (June being the main time of the rainy season there). Even so, the rain they get in Japan is much different from the droplets we get out here.
The Wise Fool
March 06, 2007, 05:54:56 PM
I've heard that Tokyo summers suck, weatherwise, 'cause they're crazy hot and muggy.
However, this topic is about the weather a few thousand miles to the west of that.
Today I was REALLY HAPPY because it feels like springtime. Sunshine FTW!
March 06, 2007, 07:10:51 PM
I am going there on vacation in late July-early August. That's the comfortable middle between the rainy season and typhoon season, and I'll be able to take some summer classes at UW, so that seems like a perfect fit. I would have gone during spring break, but more than one week > one week.
Also, I'll take hot if the alternative is 400% overcasts.
waits the zealot...
March 06, 2007, 08:20:24 PM
I don't think I suffer from S.A.D., but I noticed that everybody was incredibly happy today, probably due to the fact that it was nice outside. It really improved my mood, that's for sure!
March 08, 2007, 04:31:14 PM
Quote from: "Tyrgannus"
Meteorology in the PNW is quite....interesting. Two mountain ranges and an ocean....yeesh.
As far as geological predictions go, we're fairly unpredictable.
i read that and i was like 'meteors.. wtf is he talking about?' lol
anyways, having one gorgeous day every 2 weeks makes everyone really appreciate that day i think ha. i've only been living here for like a bit over a month now though and i'll be honest it's getting kind of old
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Dear S.A.D. sufferers...
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