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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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January 31, 2007, 01:48:19 PM
This thread had to start some time. Although I've seen exactly zero people post that didn't already talk to eachother already, the aim is to have more people show up, right? Yes.
About me.
name: James
age: too old
how to find me: I'm 5'9 and half asian. Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever
I show up at ACME bowl every now and then.
I like DDR more than ITG for the most part but give both equal playtime, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am what can be generalized as a "scorer." That is, I play to get the highest score possible on everything.
My tag is "5DAI" on ITG/IIDX or "GODAI" on DDR usually. Sometimes other names if I feel like it.
I am a pretty darn good simfile maker (as judged by me) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints. I take requests but they don't get fulfilled a lot for the same reason.
Nice to meet you.
where da white women @
June 24, 2007, 03:00:14 AM
...has trouble with "slow songs"
June 25, 2007, 12:38:59 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
I love cooking. I'm thinking of being a professional chef.
I'm throwing a barbeque 2 weeks from now, will have grilled fish, kabob, hamburgers, 2 salads, and pies. I'll be making about half of it.
As for what I build, I've built my own DDR pads, and I have 6 arcade sticks I've either modified or built from scratch.
Nice. I've been wanting to build a PC arcade stick, but I figure I should probably make some DDR pads first, 'cause I've got people waiting for me to make some of those.
July 28, 2007, 03:46:58 AM
Hi, I'm Toph, I live in Hawaii and I'm going to UW next year as a freshman. One time, Davyn stayed at my house for 3 days and 2 nights. It was fun. We played Der Wald. Incredible song.
July 28, 2007, 04:04:12 AM
Holy crap Washington is getting Toph! Yeah!
July 28, 2007, 07:40:33 AM
haha, let me guess - computer science or engineering?
all those slow songs, I swear
July 28, 2007, 09:57:09 AM
Quote from: "DR. APARTMENT"
haha, let me guess - computer science or engineering?
I was totally about to say the same thing. Am I the only person in the PNW studying something outside of CS?
Toph: can't wait to chill with you when you move up. I'm a fan of your sims omgsh :oops:
where da white women @
July 29, 2007, 01:45:58 AM
July 29, 2007, 10:13:42 AM
Quote from: "discovolante"
Am I the only person in the PNW studying something outside of CS?
Nah, I'm in business - marketing... I'm not a big fan of programming.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 30, 2007, 01:34:38 AM
Gonna start doing arch texture in a cup love years.
July 30, 2007, 04:01:16 AM
Quote from: "discovolante"
Quote from: "DR. APARTMENT"
haha, let me guess - computer science or engineering?
I was totally about to say the same thing. Am I the only person in the PNW studying something outside of CS?
Toph: can't wait to chill with you when you move up. I'm a fan of your sims omgsh :oops:
Yeah, UW's CS department, its prestige, and the fact that I'm in it (Woo!) are the only things keeping me in WA. If I didn't make it in, I'd be looking at transferring as we speak.
August 05, 2007, 10:18:59 PM
Quote from: "BLueSS"
haha, let me guess - computer science or engineering?
I kinda want to do physics or pre-medicine. :G Japanese on the side too since I'll be starting with Japanese 311 most likely and I want to go fluent.
Thanks for welcoming me q:D you guys are cool
waits the zealot...
August 05, 2007, 10:57:24 PM
Quote from: "Toph"
you guys are cool
Totally the most true thing in the thread.
August 05, 2007, 11:02:48 PM
Quote from: "Toph"
Thanks for welcoming me q:D you guys are cool
haha, you say that like you were expecting us not to be.
where da white women @
August 06, 2007, 09:00:04 PM
bluz kluz
August 09, 2007, 09:06:43 PM
niga pat is hella tite
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 09, 2007, 09:36:20 PM
Quote from: "zeppy_gorrila"
bluz kluz
u rmbr steve?!
August 24, 2007, 10:36:42 PM
Ah Steve.... rest in peace ;-; What's Joe supposed to be again? Cousin? Brother? Evil twin? I mean, wtf, stealing Steve's show, his house AND HIS DOG?!
Psh, not cool.
Anyway, I'm TAD/Teep/Risa/Charlie's Hot Sister. I have had 17 years of life thus far (working on that 18th year). I'm not good at da bemani games, but it's that or ski ball.... or FNF.... VROOOM! When I went to Bullwinkle's the other day I got a giant crab stuffed animal out of the giant crane. First try, baby, oh yeah!
I like to play Dance ManiaX oodles and much, Didder is pretty fun too, though I don't play it enough to escape from Light Mode (or Basic, or w/e it's called in SuperNova). I don't like Guitar Freaks. Or guitar hero(s?). At all, ok? I played Pump it Up Pro up at Big Als and I think I may be in love, that is a fricken goe-ji-us kah-ben-et! But it's a long bike ride away, I don't have the energy to make such a long distance relationship work out.
If I ever chance to place on a high score board I attempt to put in the name TAD, but some times I'm less than sucessfull. I believe my highscore at Big Als is credited to TAA or TA, not sure which.
Oh, and I'm really bad at making short posts. Yeah. Dont' know how to stop typing....
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 25, 2007, 10:58:51 PM
Like dis
More Awesome Than The Day Is Long
August 29, 2007, 05:43:12 PM
um...ask me...i'll answer and i dn't judge so feel free to tlk...i promise i wn't bite...well...i wn't bite hard ^_^...itz hard to piss me off...but wen u do i suggest u get out of my way cuz itz usually for somethin big and i will hunt u down and slam ur fuckin head thru a brick wall...i am pretty clumsy...i fall off balance alot (itz hilarious to watch)...and i like to pretend to be manikins...(i'm an utter failure at that)...i quit in trying to make life better...good thingz will happen to me'll write more wen i get bored again...well i'm bored again so u know wat i'm gna do?? WRITE SOME MORE!!...letz see...watz interesting bout me, well i have a BIG..............(lmao stop thinkin dirty)...HEART...i am generally a nice guy i swear...i kan find something fun to do with basically enything if i'm bored enuf...i have my super hyper momentz, wutever u do dn't give me a cupcake, 3 mountain dew's, and a slice of pizza or else i get (az my frnd charlies hot sis wud say) murderously hyper...i dn't know wat else to write but i'm sure i'll think of something later i guess thatz it for now...i'll c'ya wen i decide that i dn't have a life again HEY!!! I THOT OF SOMETHING ELSE B4 I LEFT...I REALLY LIKE TO PUT DOWN ELLIPSES (i think thatz how u spell it)...they r those three periods that come together lmao...and yes they do have a name. what does this make 3 weeks now?? well Bonjour, OH MON DIEU!! je parle francais...c'etait magnifique non?? LMAO...and yes i do speak french...with a not too shabby accent either, i'm only smart when ppl dont luk...d'accord, c'est tres barbant dans ma maison maintenant (itz really boring in my house rite now...for all those french challenged ppl) revoir...hi again...well here iz somethin interesting about me, i'm a ninja, my ninja name iz TRAUMA and four of my frndz r ninjas also...there iz Spaz, Tweaker, Mother, and Duck Tape (actually i think she changed her name)...but we are also whales and together we make the POD...i am Trauma because i waz on the trampeline and my frndz tried to flip me and gave me a head concussion (which iz not as exciting as it soundz)lol...i so wish we got that on now there iz like a minute added on to the life that i dn't remember...well i thot u shud know that so TOOTLES cuz i need to migrate to the fridge and chow down on sumtin...(i eat a lot)!! favorite holiday iz Thanksgiving...Christmas left me w/ too many bad memories for me to be psyched for it...well another day another thing to say (i just haven't thot of it yet)...i absolutely hate the taste of pie, it completely disgusts me...and also if i have been stuck inside the house for too long or really bored i tend to have conversations w/ myself (sumtimes even in french or arabic...yes i'm egyptian too), or i do things like write this extremely long thing...jeeze...i hope that there izn't a limit on this thing... i just realized somethin, in the beggining i said just ask me, but it seems like i'm tellin u enyway... i like ~hardcore ~metal ~screamo ~emo ~alternative ~sum rap... ~NO COUNTRY!!! ~and other random stuff like techno and trance ...i only watch movies when i'm grounded cuz i have notin else to do unless itz w/ my frndz at movie theaters cuz it gets me out of the freckin house...oh well, um...i am pretty physical, i like to wrestle ppl down, or tackle them...i luv animals to death...i kan usually stand eny movies like Hostil or The Hills have Eyes, but if i c animals getting hurt or torchered i kan't stand it, it either makes me cry or gets me very angry ( seems that i'm gettin deeper as the days go by...well until next time c ya) ...if u want 2 know enything else just ask me and dn't be so az the Britz wud say...SO PIP PIP AND CHERIO THEN...or TA TA FOR NOW MA DARLING
August 30, 2007, 12:22:19 AM
i can't believe i actually read all that. it may have been worth it.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 30, 2007, 12:45:45 AM
That got me wet.
August 30, 2007, 10:20:34 AM
XD Oh! So THAT's how you stop typing! Das ist wunderbar! Ich lerne auch viel Englisch von dir, danke schoen fuer alle die helfen!
September 10, 2007, 03:53:51 PM
I just moved into the Portland area about a month ago. I was just lurking until I had a car worked out, but the announcement of Shock Troopers at Ground Kontrol forced a reply.
I like music games mostly unbiasedly.. Primarily IIDX. Once I get an apartment settled, I'll be able to unpacked my setups including a Yahama DTX drumset and host some get-togethers or something.
I also like 2D fighters of almost any sort but I'm a newb. Also I haven't had a challenge since college, so I'm looking to get back into fighting games. I'm prolly best at Guilty Gear XX and mediocre over a wide spectrum of other titles.
September 10, 2007, 04:48:43 PM
Quote from: "TAD"
XD Oh! So THAT's how you stop typing! Das ist wunderbar! Ich lerne auch viel Englisch von dir, danke schoen fuer alle die helfen!
l'allemand est pour nazis, mdr
September 10, 2007, 05:04:29 PM
Quote from: "Schlagwerk"
I just moved into the Portland area about a month ago. I was just lurking until I had a car worked out, but the announcement of Shock Troopers at Ground Kontrol forced a reply.
I like music games mostly unbiasedly.. Primarily IIDX. Once I get an apartment settled, I'll be able to unpacked my setups including a Yahama DTX drumset and host some get-togethers or something.
I also like 2D fighters of almost any sort but I'm a newb. Also I haven't had a challenge since college, so I'm looking to get back into fighting games. I'm prolly best at Guilty Gear XX and mediocre over a wide spectrum of other titles.
The new version of Melty Blood AC for PC has an unofficial netplay client that supposedly works wonders. I've yet to try it, so I can't say from personal experience, but I've heard a lot of good things. I feel you on the lack of fighting games, though. I haven't found a single decent player at anything except Marvel in Spokane, and there was a disturbing lack of fighting games at PAX a couple weeks ago.
I've never been to Portland, though, so I don't know what the scene is like there.
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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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