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January 31, 2007, 01:48:19 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

This thread had to start some time.  Although I've seen exactly zero people post that didn't already talk to eachother already, the aim is to have more people show up, right?  Yes.

About me.  

name: James
age: too old
how to find me: I'm 5'9 and half asian.  Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever Smiley
I show up at ACME bowl every now and then.  
I like DDR more than ITG for the most part but give both equal playtime, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.  
I am what can be generalized as a "scorer." That is, I play to get the highest score possible on everything.  
My tag is "5DAI" on ITG/IIDX or "GODAI" on DDR usually.  Sometimes other names if I feel like it.  
I am a pretty darn good simfile maker (as judged by me) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints.  I take requests but they don't get fulfilled a lot for the same reason.

Nice to meet you.
Read February 07, 2007, 08:59:34 AM #51

Nah, I got there first. Of course, by "balance problem" in my case, people mean "Laura sucks at walking" and/or "incredibly mild vertigo," but you know. I'm assuming, though, that what you have is something legitimate like meniere's or bpv.

In any case, welcome to our community-- I suspect we'll see you around before you move here as you search for a job?
Read February 07, 2007, 08:43:32 PM #52

hi guys
Read February 07, 2007, 08:55:10 PM #53

Laura, it sounds like Arka already has a job offer.

Arka, I'm guessing you were a music major?  :-P
Read February 07, 2007, 11:34:55 PM #54

Ethan, whats up with that custom title :C
Read February 07, 2007, 11:43:24 PM #55

Hey, I play(ed) the oboe too. Was probably one of the best high-school age oboists in the state (Not that there are that many)
However, I haven't played for a few years due to no band or other obligation to.
Read February 08, 2007, 08:25:17 PM #56

Read February 08, 2007, 08:47:17 PM #57

Quote from: "OneMoreLaurvely"
Nah, I got there first. Of course, by "balance problem" in my case, people mean "Laura sucks at walking" and/or "incredibly mild vertigo," but you know. I'm assuming, though, that what you have is something legitimate like meniere's or bpv.

Possibly not - I still haven't been able to get anyone to give me a confident diagnosis.  The disorder is neurological in origin, which doesn't really surprise me as neurological problems of various stripes run in my family.  (Though I never had any problem of this sort until I came down with and recovered from a viral illness last year.)  I have no knowledge beyond that since my family has discouraged me from seeking treatment by a neurologist.  (Kids, never settle near your parents.  You'll regret it for years to come.  :lol: )

Quote from: "OneMoreLaurvely"
In any case, welcome to our community-- I suspect we'll see you around before you move here as you search for a job?

Sort of.  I've pretty much decided where I'm going to work, but I do need to fly out for placement interviews with different groups within the company.  (And, uh, if I really bomb those I'll have to find someplace else to work quick.)  That'll happen around mid-April or so.

I'm also hoping to come out on a home-hunting trip sometime, but we'll have to see how well that goes.  I'm not looking forward to the prospect of trying to find housing within ~40 mins of Redmond.

Quote from: "BLueSS"
Arka, I'm guessing you were a music major?

Nah - computer science / mathematics / physics [/ electrical engineering / computer engineering] multimajor.  Good guess, though!  :twisted:
Read February 08, 2007, 09:17:47 PM #58

Quote from: "I AM ERROR"
Best zelda character ever. Zelda II, for the uninitiated.
Read February 08, 2007, 10:09:36 PM #59

Ark: Let me know if you're having trouble finding work. I'm a technical recruiter and might be able to help you out in your field of Computer Science.
Read February 08, 2007, 10:35:49 PM #60

Quote from: "OneMoreLaurvely"
Geez, why does everyone want the Japanese babes? I know an American chick right here who needs some lovin'.

...His name's Tony. Wink
I don't know; I think the Canadians and British Chicks are cuter myself.
In fact, I've only seen one hot full-blood Japanese chick in the flesh, but then again I haven't seen all that many full-blood Japanese chicks.

However, I'm a close acquaintance of a very cute half-chinese girl, an extremely cute full-blood Korean girl, a psychotic-yet-cute Cambodian girl, and then an absolutely Gorgeous half-Korean girl who was my first girlfriend and my only ex.
But those details can be immediately shot down by the huge amount of adorable white girls I know.

Hey, Arka, I'm the primary PNW n00b. Smiley
Read February 08, 2007, 11:13:52 PM #61

Quote from: "I AM ERROR"

is that you in the avatar?

nvm... looked at gender hahahahah
Read February 08, 2007, 11:22:30 PM #62

Quote from: "DancingTofu"

Until they smile. OH!

I need a job.
Read February 08, 2007, 11:35:44 PM #63

Quote from: "pantsu"
Quote from: "I AM ERROR"

is that you in the avatar?

nvm... looked at gender hahahahah

lol thanks!
Read February 08, 2007, 11:59:15 PM #64

avatar is hot lololol
Read February 09, 2007, 12:21:20 AM #65

Haha I was hopeful too that this forum was getting:

1+ girl
1+ hot asian
Read February 09, 2007, 12:26:00 AM #66

Quote from: "CSBrokaw"
Quote from: "DancingTofu"

Until they smile. OH!

I need a job.
Ironically, I used to watch a British comedy about some Dentist back before I forgot what channel BBC was.
Read February 09, 2007, 12:26:18 AM #67

says that he goes to acme bowl yet i dont have a guess of who he is :/

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Quote from: "CSBrokaw"
Quote from: "DancingTofu"

Until they smile. OH!

I need a job.
Ironically, I used to watch a British comedy about some Dentist back before I forgot what channel BBC was.

bob and margaret?
Read February 09, 2007, 12:28:34 AM #68

Quote from: "pantsu"
says that he goes to acme bowl yet i dont have a guess of who he is :/

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Quote from: "CSBrokaw"
Quote from: "DancingTofu"

Until they smile. OH!

I need a job.
Ironically, I used to watch a British comedy about some Dentist back before I forgot what channel BBC was.

bob and margaret?
They have titles?
I never noticed.
Read February 09, 2007, 12:29:52 AM #69

there was a cartoon i watched for awhile called Bob and Margaret.

about a dentist and his wife
Read February 09, 2007, 12:34:43 AM #70

Nah, not a cartoon.

It was on right after that show with the creepy lady who's obsessed with making everything disgustingly formal and lame, and she has a husband who's Mr. reasonable and 2 sister's, one of whom is married to a useless lump of alcohol and fat, and the other one is a 50-year-old biker chick.
Needless to say, I wind up watching that show whenever I see that it's on.
Read February 09, 2007, 01:25:49 AM #71

Quote from: "phylicia"
Haha I was hopeful too that this forum was getting:

1+ girl
1+ hot asian

rembmer we haz me huny so itz lyk +100^100 girl +100/0 hot azn 8-)
Read February 09, 2007, 01:29:51 AM #72

Quote from: "zeppy_gorrila"

[/the universe]
Read February 09, 2007, 10:09:27 AM #73

uh yeah word to that matt Tongue
Read February 09, 2007, 04:12:37 PM #74

I've got a badly photoshopped 'fro; do I get to be hot azn now?
Read February 09, 2007, 04:26:44 PM #75

No, just a black guy.  :wink:
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