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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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January 31, 2007, 12:48:19 PM
This thread had to start some time. Although I've seen exactly zero people post that didn't already talk to eachother already, the aim is to have more people show up, right? Yes.
About me.
name: James
age: too old
how to find me: I'm 5'9 and half asian. Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever
I show up at ACME bowl every now and then.
I like DDR more than ITG for the most part but give both equal playtime, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am what can be generalized as a "scorer." That is, I play to get the highest score possible on everything.
My tag is "5DAI" on ITG/IIDX or "GODAI" on DDR usually. Sometimes other names if I feel like it.
I am a pretty darn good simfile maker (as judged by me) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints. I take requests but they don't get fulfilled a lot for the same reason.
Nice to meet you.
May 11, 2009, 01:18:41 AM
I usually stop by at the HUB at 3:30 for 2/3 games so if you're there on not-Tuesday weekdays, you'll see me.
Coincidentally, I have visited Tech City Bowl in Kirkland a few times over summer and they have an Extreme machine there. DDRFreak has it listed. Fairly decent location/machine.
June 18, 2009, 09:26:31 AM
I don't think I ever really posted here, and I've been meeting some cool people down at Acme.
I'm Sara, 22 years old, and I originally hail from Rhode Island. (This is not part of New York. Talk to me if you're confused and I'll beat it into you with a map. And a brick.) I will be attending BCC for a couple Econ courses this summer, which will hopefully be followed by me transferring to UW for International Studies.
You'll see me mostly hanging out at Acme Bowl with Laura and Tony (both awesome chicks). I'm originally a DDR player since 3rd Mix, but I've been transitioning very slowly over to ITG. I can comfortably play 9s and 10s, trying to make my way into 11s.
Hope to see you around!
The Almighty Tallest
June 18, 2009, 10:33:02 AM
Welcome. Hope you enjoy your summer here, the Pacific NorthWest has some of the best summer weather in the US, make sure you don't play too much DDR and miss it!
Quote from: Tricksy on June 18, 2009, 09:26:31 AM
You'll see me mostly hanging out at Acme Bowl with Laura and Tony (both awesome chicks).
Also, I didn't know Tony was a chick? =]
June 18, 2009, 10:35:06 AM
Quote from: Suko on June 18, 2009, 10:33:02 AM
Welcome. Hope you enjoy your summer here, the Pacific NorthWest has some of the best summer weather in the US, make sure you don't play too much DDR and miss it!
Also, I didn't know Tony was a chick? =]
Tony's last name is Chick, so it's kind of an inside joke, and Laura is his new wife. So Mr. and Mrs. Chick sustain many of my jokes.
The Almighty Tallest
June 18, 2009, 11:12:18 AM
Quote from: Tricksy on June 18, 2009, 10:35:06 AM
Tony's last name is Chick, so it's kind of an inside joke, and Laura is his new wife. So Mr. and Mrs. Chick sustain many of my jokes.
I didn't know that...Lawlz.
June 18, 2009, 01:30:57 PM
Indeed. Which is why my e-mail address is "somelaurachick." And various other jokes.
Secret he doesn't want you to know: "csik" is just the original spelling of his last name; "ancsik" isn't some cool sounding made up name, it's just short for "ANthony Chick."
...has trouble with "slow songs"
June 18, 2009, 04:18:23 PM
Sounds Russian. (or Ukranian? Maybe Polish)
November 24, 2009, 03:09:20 AM
So, PNW's been getting a lot more traffic and I keep seeing new members popping up. I thought that maybe if I bumped this thread, some of them would notice it and introduce themselves. What's up guys? Wanna say hello and tell us who you are?
November 24, 2009, 08:25:30 AM
hey, im max. live down in Olympia, been playing DDR on and off for 5 years about and just recently got back into it. I usually play at the tilt arcade in capital mall. other than that, just an average player..i did pick up ITG for ps2..won't be playing much DDR now : P
November 25, 2009, 01:43:44 AM
I'm quite sure a good deal of you have seen me already. but,
My name is nimesh, I mainly go by neem, nemo, or "NIMM" as seen on the machine. I got back into the ITG/DDR tournament circuit this summer.
I live in Federal way, meaning ACME is my arcade of choice.
Sri Lankan descent, but born and raised here, and finishing up highline CC to soon attend UW for engineering. I work at American Eagle Outfitters
in the southcenter mall.
You'll always find me with a white headband, and nike shoes if I am playing. I can do 11's comfortably(90+%), along with a healthiful amount of 12's and other 12's slowly being added into that comfort zone. I'm in a relentless pursuit and promise to improve day by day =] I like to meet new and old players, so be sure to say hey if you see me!
Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 01:45:40 AM by neempoppa
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
November 25, 2009, 12:53:02 PM
I'm Allan
I'm a math teacher at Green River Community college, play at Acme usually 4+ times per week in the evening. If you play there you've probably seen me wiping down the bottom of my shoes obsessively. Can do any song in-game from ITG 1-3 + Rebirth, but often like to play no-bar or even freestyle
Hit me up if you want to play a set, I'm the suave mother fucker in black.
November 26, 2009, 10:27:08 AM
My name is Kaira (Kai is usually what I put in the machine), I'm 21 years old and I haven't played in any arcades in nearly two years. Thinking about changing that now, though, especially since my computer just died leaving me with not much else to do at home until it is fixed. I work pretty close to the ACME bowl so I might just take a bus up there every once in a while after work or on the weekends. I have horrible stamina (I did even before the two years of not playing, so it has to be much worse by now...) so I mostly play "slower" songs, but do tend to funk it up with some freestyle if I can. Also, I can't stand to play singles, it's doubles all the way for me unless it's on battle mode. (therefore I'm usually playing ITG more often than DDR since the upgrade to doubles is free.)
November 27, 2009, 04:23:20 PM
Quote from: DancingTofu on June 18, 2009, 04:18:23 PM
Sounds Russian. (or Ukranian? Maybe Polish)
Geographically (but not linguistically) close: Hungarian. Well, most likely. Name of a region that no longer exists under that name from the Hungarian Empire, which may or may not lie within modern Hungary's borders and we believe was a Hungarian name. Also, name a region where most people didn't have last names into the mid-1800's, so there are a few distinct Chick families in the US (as it was phonetic, the US was pretty bad when it came to non-phonetic-in-English names, and the best thing people from unnamed families could think of when asked by US immigration officials was I'm "NAME of PLACE"). That's right, absolutely no relation to Jack Chick, that's an entirely different family for at least 8 (likely more) generations.
Rule of Cool
Assistant to the Regional Manager
December 10, 2009, 01:17:32 AM
Okay... my first post.
My name is Erik, I'm a freshman at UW. I go to the DDR machine in the HUB games room pretty often, but not with enough regularity to get to know any other DDR players. So, I joined this forum because it looked like a good place to start.
If anyone cares enough to know, I'm at a decent skill level. I can pass most 8-foot songs and some 9-foot. I played a lot back home on the crummy plastic mats, so it was a bit of an adjustment using the arcade ones, but I think I'm getting used to them. I always play with normal options and without the hand-bar (not that I'm anal about it being the "real" way to play, I just prefer it). I hope I can get good enough at some point to be able to participate in events or whatever.
Thanks in advance for tolerating my noobiness, and I'm happy to hear any advice you might have for me at this point. Please let me know if you're also a UW student, I'd love too meet up and play some DDR together regardless of disparities in skill level.
The Almighty Tallest
December 10, 2009, 08:27:49 AM
It's good to see new people getting into the game. I don't play at the UW machine, so I can't say who is/isn't there to meet, but most of us hang out at Acme bowl in Tukwila a few times a week. I'm glad to see another no-bar player in the area. Kudos to you.
January 31, 2010, 08:13:18 AM
I guess I'll make a mark here.
I'm Aaron with the impossibly long last name, and although I tend to get caught up/bogged down with development and forum cleanup on my own domain, I do get around the web from time to time, so hello. I'm not from the NW US, and the closest I get to there is my parents living in BC, but should I head back to visit them, I might try to make a stop down in Seattle if enough are interested in meeting up.
I live north of Ikebukuro (Tokyo), and tend to play at the BSG in Ikebukuro or Leisure Land 2 in Akihabara. Quite a few come to Japan to visit or for other various reasons, so feel free to look me up if you come over and we can chill, maybe arrange a dinner with Akudaikan + friends too.
Skill Level is a subjective opinion, but I can still AAA 9s under the old DDR scale or get 14s under the DDRX scale. It has been a little while since I got a 10 (0r 15+ under DDRX), but I'm just trying to polish off as much of the game as possible.
btw, BlueSS, I put the links you mentioned on the link page as well. Thanks for the info.
January 31, 2010, 10:10:16 AM
Awesome and welcome, Aaron. The links page looks pretty complete.
January 31, 2010, 10:54:53 PM
Uh... yeah. Old intro thread is old. Maybe we should *all* reintroduce ourselves...
I'm Laura. (Yes, really. Go figure!) I'm married to Tony, who posts as ancsik on this forum. He's a software developer. I'm back in school getting my Bachelor's Degree after taking a few years off to work office jobs. It's weird being a Junior in college when three years ago I was a Junior in college! Anyway, so there's that. My ultimate plan is to go to law school.
I've been playing dance games since 2001, and while I'm one of the worst players around, I'm one of the most devoted to the community. I love to run tournaments, host get-togethers, and do everything I can to facilitate fun for my nerd forum buddies. I basically grew up with the DDR community, as I started posting on my local dance game forums when I was thirteen - because of that, it holds a special place in my heart. My favorite music games are Pop'n Music and Drummania.
Uh... yeah. Maybe that was too much? Anyway, let's see what everyone else has to say about themselves as an update!
February 01, 2010, 02:26:08 PM
Hi, I'm Hollie (yeah, it's obvious). I'm a Senior at DigiPen in Redmond. I've been playing ddr/itg for quite a while but I'm just now breaking into the 11's. I like to play without the bar, so my first success at a real 11 was Charlene no bar. I like to go to acme pretty often, I'm making an effort to improve since I've been in the 10's for a couple years now without much progress. I'm also trying to get more involved with what's left of the community because you guys are a lot of fun. I'm pretty much up for going to ddr with people as long as I can make it there. I started way back in the day on 3rd mix, so I was originally a ddr fan but I've grown to like itg more overall. I'm always happy to play some extreme though! I also like playing pump even though at times it feels a little like I'm trying to re-learn how to walk.
all those slow songs, I swear
February 02, 2010, 05:46:50 AM
No complaints in that regard though. Nice to meet you Hollie!
Um, I'm discovolante/discovigilante/AIDZ, from Portland, although I'm studying abroad in Sapporo, Japan right now. I've played dancing games since about 2005 when another user on this board, Phylicia, brought me to an arcade and taught me how to use the bar and stuff. I'd say when I left America I was a really shitty DDR player, now I'm just kind of shitty. I went from having a stagnating 97 AAA's to 231 in about three months by playing on a Japanese X cabinet. I like competing in tournaments much more than just playing alone, the direct competition and social aspect is just so much more fun. I also play ITG, Pop'n, Pump badly and Stepmania pretty decently. When I come back to P-town you can catch me playing DDR at Ground Kontrol and ITG at Tilt, though I hope there's a better location by the time I'm back for both games. Right now I play at a dinky arcade called Archie/Adores which allows smoking but has a bunch of weirdos and is cheap. I like it a lot.
I'm 21, a Japanese major, although my goal right now is to graduate and then move into sports journalism (maybe in Japan maybe not). I normally study at Portland State University but am at Hokkaido University right now. I love burritos and music and movies and sports and all that shit. I swear too much and can't keep a train of thought. Anyway nice to meet you all again.
April 26, 2010, 12:06:47 AM
Welcome to the forums, Michael! I should try to meet up with you some time when you're at PG.
doin' work
April 26, 2010, 12:42:37 AM
Welcome Michael.
My name's Zach. I'm new here myself, and I live in Redmond as well presently. I'm a senior at the UW. Aside from DDR and ITG, I really like playing tennis whenever I get the chance. Presently I visit AcmeBowl or EvergreenLanes about once every other week. Always looking for new game challenges to conquer, whether it's marathon or gimmicks songs, but I don't have enough skill to pass any 13-block difficulty ones yet.
It's been cool meeting a couple more players in person this month (James and Moses). Hope to continue playing against you all occasionally in the future; the practice is appreciated :]
July 12, 2010, 12:09:21 PM
Hey all. My name is Gerrit.
You may have met me ddring with Zach over at Evergreen lanes before, but i usually stick to my house. Anyways, I'm not horrible, 9's are pretty easy for me, but tens and elevens give me trouble. I will eventually make it over to ACME to play their ITG machine, so I look forward to meeting more of you soon.
The Almighty Tallest
July 12, 2010, 02:39:00 PM
Hey Gerrit. I used to play DDR @ Evergreen all the time until about a month ago. Have I meet you there, or did you just start playing @ Evergreen recently?
July 15, 2010, 02:27:42 PM
you have definitely met me there. I remember you. hard to miss a 6 foot something giant of a man AAing any of the maxes on their DDR 4th. I usually come with Dr. Z, Zach.
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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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