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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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January 31, 2007, 12:48:19 PM
This thread had to start some time. Although I've seen exactly zero people post that didn't already talk to eachother already, the aim is to have more people show up, right? Yes.
About me.
name: James
age: too old
how to find me: I'm 5'9 and half asian. Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever
I show up at ACME bowl every now and then.
I like DDR more than ITG for the most part but give both equal playtime, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am what can be generalized as a "scorer." That is, I play to get the highest score possible on everything.
My tag is "5DAI" on ITG/IIDX or "GODAI" on DDR usually. Sometimes other names if I feel like it.
I am a pretty darn good simfile maker (as judged by me) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints. I take requests but they don't get fulfilled a lot for the same reason.
Nice to meet you.
doin' work
September 01, 2011, 08:58:15 PM
Howdy Isra.
Hope to see ya at Acme some time.
September 24, 2011, 05:01:20 AM
the name's Jeremy / "Kid Tuesday". score initials i use are KTUE or KTU or JDC. i don't play nearly as often as i used to back in the day, as i've grown horribly out of shape and lost most of my stamina over the years, but i can still play old scale 9s and easy 10s on DDR and ITG. i'll play a game or two here and there, mainly at B&I or Dorky's if i'm around there. that's about all i've got to say for now...
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 02, 2011, 09:42:08 AM
Been away from Acme for far too long and I've gotten fatter(if that's possible).
I'm about 5'7, overweight, short-ish hair and with glasses. I usually play ITG and I bar rape cause if I played no bar, I'd fall and break my kneecap.
Jeez man don't be so hard on yourself.... Welcome back
3vi1 5hR0OmS
November 04, 2011, 07:44:19 PM
Hello everyone! This is 3vi1 5hR0OmS, also known as "NNY" on DDR, ITG, & PIU. I'm fairly new to the forum. I'm slowly transitioning from 4-panel to 5-panel, so you'll most likely see me at Power Play getting my Pump on. I'm that fat guy who hangs with M477 sometimes.
Bemani Traveler
November 04, 2011, 09:20:43 PM
I haven't posted on this thread yet, have I?
Hello, I'm ledgam3r1279. I have played DDR since I was a kid, but it has been only one or two years since I played doubles, which I love to do now. I can pass just about every song except for some 18s (new scale). I might even be (dare I say it) the best doubles player in the region right now. I'm currently in Eugene, but I have lived in Portland all my life.
Now if only I can find an arcade without any pad crap . . .
See my journey to the top:
March 16, 2012, 10:38:58 PM
Name: Phil
Age: 24
Appearance: 5'6" / Filipino / Hoodie & Jeans / Bringing Sexy Back. You'll know its me if you see my keys/badge hanging off my belt loop.
Goods: I'm the guy who carpools Matt (M477) and Johnny (3vi1 5hR0OmS) time to time. You won't see me ever playing by myself. Played PIU/DDR/ITG back when it was available at the now non-existent Sunset Bowl, and haven't been playing as serious since then. Still flirt with PIU at Power Play, and DDR at Gameworks time to time though. Don't be afraid to say hello if you see me, I don't bite.
March 19, 2012, 06:32:54 PM
Name: Kelsey
Age: 17
Appearance: 5'2", white, female, short/small, darker blonde.
I've been playing DDR since I was 10 with my older brother on my old PS2, and I honestly know nothing else but that. I stalk garage sales for lightly used DDR pads and games. I have only competed once, and of course my first opponent was Blue Mystic... I love the DDR community and want to get into it more and see if I really am any good or not, but either way I still love it. I'd love to get to know everyone and learn as much as I can because I feel like I have been stuck in my own DDR world.
The Almighty Tallest
March 19, 2012, 09:30:12 PM
Welcome to the forums Kelsey. We're happy to have ya.
You said that you played against Blue Mystic? Isn't he in the mid west or something?
Are you local to the Northwest, or are you just posting on our awesome forums to hang out with us cool kids?
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
March 21, 2012, 10:37:16 AM
Oh wow lots of new people! Welcome!
Name: Allan "Gerrak"
Age: 25
Appearance: See pic on left
Hit up Acme bowl if you guys want people to play with (for DDR/ITG anyway)! There's usually at least someone down there playing almost every evening at some point, and friday/saturday afternoons and evening/nights are often quite active with players!
Nice to have you all! Hopefully see you around
March 21, 2012, 01:37:49 PM
Name: Mark (usually use 'GOU' for scores)
Age: 24
Appearance: Glasses, white, brown messy hair, blank black t-shirt (almost always, because for some reason I bought a 10 pack).
I started playing DDR sometime in 2005 on a home pad, and spent a fair amount of time in the arcade (Narrows), though my lack of income made it more of a social thing. I went to a lot of tournaments and meetups and met a lot of people and was working on completing the 12s, then college got harder and I found other hobbies/means of exercise. A little while ago I went to Acme, discovered how amazing the machine was, and basically rediscovered ITG. Currently trying to go there and play as much as I can, and finding that I'm already quite a bit better than I was in the past due to being in better shape now.
5 > 4
March 21, 2012, 02:57:50 PM
Name: Matt (although u guys probably knew that already) :3
Current age: 24
Appearance: 5' 9-10", Filipino, glasses, energetic, etc.
I mostly hang out @ Power Play in Bellevue. Yes, that's me with a ton of records on the Pump machine there.
I'm always open to playing with people, so don't be bashful. When I'm not playing Pump, I'll occasionally play a little DDR here and there. Just recently, I began playing ITG after about a six month hiatus.
You can usually find me hanging with Phil (Phil2049) and/or Johnny (3vi1 5hR0OmS). Just look for the somewhat nerdy guy who tries to push them above their arrow-smashing limits.
March 21, 2012, 06:57:47 PM
I figured I should renew myself here.
Name: Kevin (if my username wasn't painfully obvious)
Age: 22
Apperance: 6' 1-6' 2ish, dark rim glasses.
Been playing since 2003, moved to WA in 2008. Played ITG out here ever since, but I completely disappeared several months back with the occasional emergence at Power Play, but I've recently been going back to ACME late at night. Surprisingly no one is ever there. I played for months on a friends machine because they are realy close to where I live. Then Digipen (my school) took over my life and now I play about every 2 weeks.
Suffice to say I'm not a challenge to most people on this forum anymore. But hey lets play regardless!
March 21, 2012, 08:26:05 PM
Hurray for becoming a reintroduction thread as well.
Well, this is a new profile because I forgot the password to my old one and the e-mail it was linked to, but I am in fact the Tyrgannus of years ago that started such legendary threads as the DDR/ITG accomplishment thread.
Name: Wes
Age: 23
Appearance: 6'3'', big (no need to lie 'bout it), jeans and black New Balance, currently short hair but it was recently quite shaggy.
I started playing during the second half of the DDRMAX2 era but got more serious during DDR Extreme, so I wanna say 2002ish, but don't quote me. I played for 5 years and then after a few tournaments (one of which I got 3rd place, highest ranking I've eve gotten cuz y'all are better) I quit in 2007, mostly due to college and long distance relationship eating up all the time I had, or at least a lot of it. I got a metal pad for Christmas and have found no reason NOT to try and get back into it and have since somewhat gotten back into the "rhythm" of things (see what I did tharr?) despite the large amount of stamina I need to build back up.
I'm social to a fault, so if you see me I'll probably talk to you and want to play a few rounds. I'm not ready for the really hard stuff again, but I'm working on it. I usually play double anyway. Ask me to do a double 10 no bar!
April 14, 2012, 10:46:51 PM
Name: Andrew
Age: 20
Appearence: 5'9", wear glasses, half asian, longish hair
This is the first time I've really introduced myself to this site although many of you probably already know me by now. I mostly play ddr (and some pop'n) at gameworks, though I try to go to ACME during the weekend to play itg. I go to UW currently so for anyone else who goes there feel free to say hi if you see me.
Also, I'm the guy who won the ddr tournament at sakuracon this year do I get some sort of achievement for this?
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
April 15, 2012, 04:11:20 PM
Yes most of us do know you and it's good to finally have you on the forums! I do also believe you are due for the 1st Place achievement for winning the Sakuracon Iron Man DDR Tourney
April 21, 2012, 12:14:26 PM
Quote from: Andyz on April 14, 2012, 10:46:51 PM
Also, I'm the guy who won the ddr tournament at sakuracon this year do I get some sort of achievement for this?
Yep! You now have the award.
April 21, 2012, 04:35:23 PM
I don't think I have ever properly introduced myself...
Name: Shaun
Age: Old enough
Appearance: Short, skinny, bald guy
Experience: Started heavily playing in 2001 when our campus got two DDR Machines (5th mix and 3rd mix).
Play style: Prefer no-bar, but will use the bar for incredibly difficult songs. Also, I like to play doubles with no-bar. Not much for PA/FA style--just like to play and have fun; stress relief and cardio burn.
I usually play at Narrows, but occasionally visit Acme (score tag is TCK or TSF ^_^ TCK). Pending work schedule; I am either in my military uniform playing in combat boots or my service dress uniform playing in low quarter dress shoes. If I am not playing right after work; you will usually see me playing or at the Narrows/Acme bar having a drink in between DDR/ITG sets.
I just uploaded shots of my "arcade" in Afghanistan during my 2011-2012 deployment:;in=39
I am quite happy with the cobalt flux pad; definitely will be buying a couple more of these.
Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 04:39:56 PM by thechibiknight
The Almighty Tallest
April 21, 2012, 08:46:57 PM
Quote from: thechibiknight on April 21, 2012, 04:35:23 PM
I am quite happy with the cobalt flux pad; definitely will be buying a couple more of these.
They stopped making these about half a year ago. You can only get them second hand now.
November 09, 2012, 01:55:34 PM
Hey all, I'm new. I'm Aimee... 31, live in outer SE Portland and work in downtown.
Up until 3 weeks ago, I hadn't played any DDR in like 5 years, but I started playing in 2001. I like to think of myself as old school, with my favorite mixes being 3rd-5th. I use to frequent the Beaverton Wunderland, sometimes Avalon or Gateway.
I found these forums while looking for a machine to play on, I'm glad that Ground Kontrol still has their machine! I'm also hoping to find some of my old DDRInfinity friends... especially a Mike L. (shinafox? or something like that). I was diz, my husband was ryo (Richard).
The Almighty Tallest
November 09, 2012, 11:07:46 PM
Welcome to the forums Aimee. I live up in Seattle, but I hope you find some local people to play with. Enjoy the community!
February 07, 2013, 04:07:06 AM
Hi everybody, my name is Keisuke!
I will be travelling abroad to study English in Cheney, Washington starting February 16th until mid-July.
I play DDR with Flaire here in Tokyo and he introduced me to this forum. He said I would be able to make a lot of really good friends here.
I look forward to meeting everyone and playing rhythm games together.
If you could help me find all of the rhythm game locations, I would really appreciate it. Especially ITG!
I'm counting on you
(Edited by Flaire)
P.S.: If anyone has the ogglengthpatch, it would be very much appreciated~
The Almighty Tallest
February 07, 2013, 12:03:56 PM
Hello, welcome!
The best place to (publicly) play ITG2 in the area is at ACME Bowl in Tukwila.
There are also a lot of private ITG2 machines in the area, but those are on invitation only.
Ogg Length Patch: I suggest using this application. It will do the ogg patch for you, but it will also completely conform any songs you have to work best on your USB drive.
P.S. As far as I know, the USB hub at Acme isn't working right now, so you might not be able to play custom songs off your drive. The machine is loaded with hundreds of custom songs, though, so there should be plenty to play.
February 07, 2013, 01:07:05 PM
@Suko: If he's in Cheney (near Spokane), I don't think he'll be playing too much at Acme or on anyone's private machines, unless he's up for an 8 hour round trip drive just to play a little ITG. Personally, I can't comment on Eastern WA arcades, since I haven't crossed the mountains in almost 10 years.
The Almighty Tallest
February 07, 2013, 01:57:56 PM
Quote from: ancsik on February 07, 2013, 01:07:05 PM
@Suko: If he's in Cheney (near Spokane), I don't think he'll be playing too much at Acme or on anyone's private machines, unless he's up for an 8 hour round trip drive just to play a little ITG. Personally, I can't comment on Eastern WA arcades, since I haven't crossed the mountains in almost 10 years.
Good point. The closest ITG2 machine will be in Spokane, WA at Wonderland.
I don't think it's in great shape, but it should be playable.
February 10, 2013, 08:53:04 PM
I heard from my friend "now In Cheney's PIU the USB is not available
because of its old machine"
now I also heard the USB is not available Seattle's Arcades (ITG2).
but do I must have the USB?
@Suko:you help me a lot before, but I can't say well about appreciating.
I try to do my best but I can't have enough my English skill
but then if you don't mind, please help me a lot from now on.
Thank you very much for telling me about Arcades information and Ogglengthpatch!
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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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