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February 04, 2007, 09:43:30 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Rules are here:

We're going to be using a two wolf, one seer format.

24 hours to vote, 24 hours for a kill.

Post here if you're game. If we have enough people by the end of the night, I can send out roles and this this shebang started.

Read February 12, 2007, 11:20:29 PM #151

The thing is, Tada, it's only one of them, not both. Undecided
Read February 12, 2007, 11:23:27 PM #152

Quote from: "BLueSS"
The thing is, Tada, it's only one of them, not both. Undecided

One's being stealthy, and one's just being quiet, I guess.

Voting Cynic, because I trust Jonathan.
Read February 13, 2007, 12:51:37 AM #153

Jumping out with "I'm the seer guys" randomly is actually a bit suspicious, even if Jerrad's been a suspect for a few rounds, and it is obviously suicide without knowing both wolves.  But the truth will come out quickly enough (seeing as how we're right at the end of the game and all).  Mark is decreasingly suspicious, though he is, as Jerrad noted, really emphasizing the fact that he's "human."  Laura's generally lurking, which is a bit suspicious.  Tada hasn't jumped on random parts of posts as evidence, which could mean he's getting used to the game and figured out what makes you seem suspicious or that he had been trying to draw attention and then fade away a bit toward the end.

I really doubt Jon's claim to be seer, but Jerrad seems to stand out the most right now.  Not sure who ranks where after that, though.

@Tada: what I learned at the Denny's games was that as soon as you open your mouth to accuse somebody, no matter how you try to back it up, you're a suspect.  As such, I've only posted to joke around, agree/disagree with other accusations, or point out suspicious posts.  I was the seer (aka "Kyle Ward") for a game and died in the first round, knowing who one wolf was, simply because I didn't set up my accusation properly.  And throwing in that I was the seer obviously would've done nothing, since half the room was openly against me before voting began.  My lurking is very justified, since I'd prefer to see the game not turn into a series of flash judgements.

Also, thanks to the auto-lynchings, this game really sucked... they wouldn't be so bad early on in a bigger game, but this was too small for them to count as nightly lynchings (and Wes' opting out in the first round really shouldn't have counted).
Read February 13, 2007, 12:51:43 AM #154

Well, shit. This looks pretty inevitable since I've already got three votes, so I might as well come out with it. You guys are gullible idiots.

I will admit that my vote for lhet on the first night was random, but I took a look at him that night, and tried for the rest of the game to get some momentum on him before I would get voted out for whatever reason. He is one of the wolves. The other nights, I learned that AlphaConquerer was HUMAN, and DancingTofu was as well. Way to go, guys. :|

I have my suspicions to the other wolf, as I already said. BlueSS seems really intent on killing me (and even lying to try to convince you guys) for some reason; he had no way of knowing I was the seer before now, so I really don't get it.

Have fun dying.
Read February 13, 2007, 01:17:09 AM #155

Quote from: "Jon and Jerrad"
I'm the seer guys

No, I'm Sparticus.  Cool
Read February 13, 2007, 09:15:10 AM #156

I am sparticus.
Read February 13, 2007, 10:47:08 AM #157

DMN really should have given us a larger amount of time to register; we probably could have gotten more people that way.  Having only a ~12 hour window to register wasn't really enough.
Read February 13, 2007, 11:39:20 AM #158

Quote from: "cynic"
DancingTofu was as well. Way to go, guys. :|

That would have been the stupidest seer use this game could have had. (But you're not, so it wasn't).

And actually the day is over because Jerrad has 4 votes:
Myself, Tony, Lhet, Tada = Instalynch.
Read February 13, 2007, 01:54:37 PM #159

Just in case the day isn't over, I am NOT voting for Jerrad because I've been suspicious of BlueSS from day one and so I'm more inclined to believe Jerrad. If Jerrad IS correct, Lhet IS the other wolf. Nonetheless, I'm STILL sticking to BlueSS.
Read February 13, 2007, 02:47:27 PM #160

Quote from: "BLueSS"
That would have been the stupidest seer use this game could have had. (But you're not, so it wasn't).

Huh?  I didn't see anything from him that blatantly said wolf/not wolf, and out of everyone who started, he's one of the people we're least likely to know the normal behavioral patterns of.  Might not have been the greatest use of a seer's turn, but it's far from the worst thing Jerrad could have done if he was the seer. I mean, DT was about as suspicious as Alpha (to me at least) and you supposedly went after Alpha... should I say you wasted a turn if you were actually the seer?  You're either going a bit overboard to regain everyone's trust after Jerrad's stunt or you're actually the wolf and Jerrad was the seer.  Not sure which, but you're sticking out more than Jerrad ever did now.
Read February 13, 2007, 03:30:40 PM #161

Quote from: "ancsik"
out of everyone who started, he's one of the people we're least likely to know the normal behavioral patterns of.  Might not have been the greatest use of a seer's turn, but it's far from the worst thing Jerrad could have done if he was the seer. I mean, DT was about as suspicious as Alpha (to me at least) and you supposedly went after Alpha... should I say you wasted a turn if you were actually the seer?

The reason I choose Alpha for the second day is because the vote for that day (before the quitter) for Lhet was Tada, Cynic, Pantsu, and Alpha.
I knew cynic was a wolf, pantsu got killed in the night, so it was between Alpha and Tada. I wasn't expecting him to be a wolf, but I wanted to be sure he was a human so if I died he would know what's going on (because I was working with him after that).

Here's a little hypothetical, if cynic indeed was the seer, why did he never check on who I was? Since he already had Lhet as a "wolf" why wouldn't he check on me, as for two days I constantly wanted him gone?

There's no way I can't help but stick out now... because everything I say is either 100% true or a 100% lie.
Read February 13, 2007, 07:41:27 PM #162

Cynic is hit in his weak spot for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

5 players remain....

Read February 15, 2007, 02:01:57 PM #163

Is the game dead?
Read February 15, 2007, 02:40:06 PM #164

ur ded
Read February 15, 2007, 03:08:13 PM #165

It's been too long, gotta auto-lynch the wolf.
Read February 15, 2007, 03:13:16 PM #166

It has been a very dull game... most of us just seemed to have lost interest.
Read February 15, 2007, 03:19:28 PM #167

I say DMN gets phantoms and is autolynched, game over.
Read February 15, 2007, 05:54:31 PM #168

I'm calling this; as I've had way too much shit to do in the past week or so, and I can't make the time for this. Sorry.
Read February 15, 2007, 06:06:52 PM #169

Well, Laura was human, leaving the last wolf to be Tony.
I was the seer, wasn't lying, and I would have voted Tony.
Read February 15, 2007, 06:13:06 PM #170

So, Nintendo and Sony employees put aside their differences and everyone gets along?  Or does everyone die?

BTW, I was a human.

Suggestions I have for the next game:
- Always give at least 24 hours for any phase.
- Leave the registration open longer.  Perhaps put a disclaimer saying not to participate if you cannot dedicate at least one visit to the forums a day.
Read February 15, 2007, 06:15:01 PM #171

Quote from: "BLueSS"
Well, Laura was human, leaving the last wolf to be Tony.
I was the seer, wasn't lying, and I would have voted Tony.
Yeah, I lied. I was a wolf.

I was going to lie about the seer thing if I was going to be lynched even if you hadn't, bluess. Tony was most likely would have got bluess tonight, and I'm really not sure how the game would've went from there. I'm not sure if there was enough suspicion on him to get a majority vote... but we'll never know. :\
Read February 15, 2007, 06:22:29 PM #172

Quote from: "BLueSS"
Well, Laura was human, leaving the last wolf to be Tony.
I was the seer, wasn't lying, and I would have voted Tony.

You shouldn't kill someone you have a grudge on, during Day 1. I knew it from the start  :evil:
Read February 15, 2007, 06:44:53 PM #173

@CSB: Jerrad's idea, not mine.  Plus you really were asking for it.  My idea was Zach's death whenever that happened, since Jerrad thought a "random kill" was in order, and Zach is plenty random.

And actually, I had sent in my kill for Tada, since Laura was [privately] extremely suspicious of Jon and Mark (and killing Jon would point to me or Laura, since he was claiming it was one of us, and I'd stuck out a little more than her all game), so I could've held an indefinite tie at minimum, and if lucky, gotten him lynched, letting me kill Mark or Laura and win.
Read February 15, 2007, 09:57:42 PM #174

Heh, well I was human obviously =D glad my trust in Jon was well-founded; when he contacted me about being the seer I admit I was a bit doubtful.  I do resent being killed though; I was a little surprised, as I thought the wolves would go after tada that night.

Anyhow, I thought the game was fun, though it didn't have much roleplay and the rules were a little fuzzy, particular in regard to people getting kicked.  Also, I wonder about the aspect of PMs between players.  Obviously I think the wolves should be able to PM, but I was surprised when Jon contacted me.  Sure it's not against the rules, but it just seems to me like a situation similar to what happened here could happen in many online games, as long as the wolf doesn't get the seer early on.

Furthermore, having the seers and wolves period at the same time meant Jon was free to use his skill and then report to me on any findings before he would be killed (if he was), which is a different event order than what I saw in DJ's games.  I'm not saying "DJ" was correct in his method, since his were the first games I played, but I'm wondering if what Jon did (discover cynic and then check me out, saw I was a human, and relayed info and tactics to me before the end of the 2nd night/ie Pantsu's death) is an intended scenario.

In any case, personally I'd like to play another one of these games, but we'd need to follow the rules a bit closer and I think longer time periods (at least 24 hours each) would be good; what I'd do for the seer and wolf round is I'd withhold the answer to the seer's inquiry until the same time I'd announced the wolves' kill.  And I appreciate that DMN was perhaps trying to keep the game more compact and thus the sign-up period was a bit short; I would give a 48-hour sign up period at least if we wanted to craft a larger more complex game.

In any case, yes there were rough spots but thanks DMN, I had a lot of fun =D  

I think we need to make a rule that CS can't be killed in the first round from now on =P
Read February 15, 2007, 10:05:40 PM #175

I guess I was an obvious human here. xP
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