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Weapons / Gun Control Tangent
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September 30, 2014, 03:45:13 PM
Quote from: KLOC (Lil Kevin) on September 29, 2014, 10:42:55 PM
Okay, just an FYI for everyone and forgive me if I over-dramatize the story below:
To sum it up the best I can,
Today, as I was playing ITG, someone behind me (young looking face, but was smoking cigarettes, so possibly a very young adult) decided it was funny to kick my legs while I was streaming at about 166BPM. Pretty dangerous because my life went down and dangerous in general because I almost fucking fell forward but I held the bar.
I told him to stop at first, when he was simply placing his foot on the pads. He persisted and kicked my legs.
I stopped and failed my first song and proceeded to threaten to call the security and they run off like
I saw them run across the street to the mall and sort of just stall there until the security guard and I left their sight.
This is just a warning to all of you in case something like this happens to you.
I almost wanted to retaliate and kick back, but please refrain from doing this. If it happens, go get security right away, don't even mention it, because it will result in the offenders running away.
I was technically a victim of assault today, and shit can get serious just from this. I could've pressed charges but I didn't because honestly I didn't have time, but if it happens, you have the ability to do so.
This is in no way respectful to other guests on this property or just anywhere.
Worst part is, those guys probably weren't drunk. Probably just stupid kids.
concealed weapons are ALWAYS a good idea, just saying. whether it be a knife or whatever you need to always have an answer to hood rats. i was stabbed like ~6 years ago over something music related and didn't really have an answer save my fists, now i do. one thing to keep in mind is that people only attack targets they perceive as weak or that will take little effort to entertain a gain. i used to be a little more timid with strangers, and after that incident i worked on being firm and now carry myself with much more confidence. i don't know how firm you were with these people but get in their face and tell them to fuck off next time, then stepoff and straight up ask them for a dollar and take their pictures for reference. if this doesn't work ask acme to refund your game and tell them to review the security footage.
unfortunately many places now ban weapons, making criminals the only people allowed to protect themselves. it's unfortunate we don't live in utopia but maybe the most important life lesson is that at the end of the day you only have yourself. it's also the shittiest life lesson that is one of the hardest to swallow: the police aren't going to give a fuck about a kid getting beat up, acme will to a degree but not care too much, and your friends and family will do a varying degree to help you if they are even there. at the end of the day it's going to come down to you vs bullies/assholes/thieves/whatnot. i know that you're not the biggest guy in the universe but you, like anyone else, has it in you to stand up to cowards like this. their perception is everything. if they see you as more trouble than it's worth, they'll back off and be pussies about it. be ready for these fucks the next time. at the end of the day playing itg is what matters most and if you hold your ground convincingly you can play it unmolested. i have a lot of stories of people fucking with me at arcades and as i got older and conveyed myself with the necessary confidence to impress seriousness, people backed the hell off. we may have our differences about how the game is played but we still share the same brotherhood in playing itg and having to deal with shit like this occasionally. you can do this dude.
Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 03:59:26 PM by THOT CATALOG
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 01, 2014, 01:33:54 PM
Suko is right in that most people play singles and this would cut MV income significantly, and many of us don't want to always feel obligated to share the pad during our set if, say, we are working on timing or generally just want to be left alone to do our thing. It's a cool idea to promote more group play, but I really think people should just be willing to spend the few bucks. As far as fail, I don't really see this as necessary but might be feasible; I doubt it would change much for people.
In any case, welcome! Good to have you here.
Ok also about this assault thing:
concealed weapons are ALWAYS a good idea, just saying. whether it be a knife or whatever you need to always have an answer to hood rats.
This is really awful advice. You don't need to be bringing weapons everywhere, and should NEVER EVER bring them into Acme.
unfortunately many places now ban weapons, making criminals the only people allowed to protect themselves
Criminals aren't "allowed" to protect themselves with such weapons in a no-weapon area. Such a defense would itself amount to a crime, regardless of the circumstances, and would certainly result in an arrest.
the police aren't going to give a fuck about a kid getting beat up
This is not true at all. Police have incentives and are commended for putting away violent criminals and further, you are entitled to
financial reparations in the event an assaulter is caught. You could just buy your own machine and then some with the money you'd get from such a case.
In other words, don't listen to that advice... It's the advice of someone who doesn't understand the American legal system. If someone assaults you at Acme,
immediately get security and have them arrested
. Press charges for assault, and sue them. Act like an adult in the face of 'punks' and wield the weapons adults use: police and lawyers. If someone is disturbing your play, say, by standing on an arrow, threaten security once, then retrieve them if they do not comply and I guarantee Acme will throw them out (they have for me before for much less).
October 01, 2014, 02:49:31 PM
gerrak, why are you turning kloc's assault into a soapbox for your political agenda?
if gonna take that self righteous route then
1) constitutional right, there's literally nothing wrong with bringing a weapon with you somewhere unless it's clearly stated otherwise. risk adversity is fair and having a weapon does not actually put anyone at risk, intent does.
2) you don't understand the point: criminals naturally don't follow or care about laws. they will bring weapons or do whatever they want with no regard for the law. there is no "certainty" to a criminal's arrest either. kloc's assault in itself is proof that criminals do not have regard for authority.
3) i think you're going to have to substantiate this because if you honestly want to discuss this there is empirical evidence supporting that police wait longer to respond to more dangerous areas and more dangerous crimes. reparations help (if you can even get them), but do not repair lost lives, limbs, ability, time etc.
October 01, 2014, 04:35:31 PM
Quote from: i'm the shit on October 01, 2014, 02:49:31 PM
3) i think you're going to have to substantiate this because if you honestly want to discuss this there is empirical evidence supporting that police wait longer to respond to more dangerous areas and more dangerous crimes. reparations help (if you can even get them), but do not repair lost lives, limbs, ability, time etc.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 02, 2014, 04:05:08 PM
gerrak, why are you turning kloc's assault into a soapbox for your political agenda?
It's not a political agenda, it's called being an adult. Further, Acme has security cameras, so you have proof of anything that goes down and you need only demand they be arrested. If they wont arrest them, pull out your phone and record the cops not arresting them and put it online and sue the police. It's really simple, adults use the weapons of the law: police and lawyers. Children and fools use physical weapons. Also Acme doesn't allow weapons, so you shouldn't be bringing them in anyway, even if you are so paranoid as to carry such a thing around with you all the time.
October 03, 2014, 01:59:29 AM
Quote from: Gerrak on October 02, 2014, 04:05:08 PM
It's not a political agenda, it's called being an adult. Further, Acme has security cameras, so you have proof of anything that goes down and you need only demand they be arrested. If they wont arrest them, pull out your phone and record the cops not arresting them and put it online and sue the police. It's really simple, adults use the weapons of the law: police and lawyers. Children and fools use physical weapons. Also Acme doesn't allow weapons, so you shouldn't be bringing them in anyway, even if you are so paranoid as to carry such a thing around with you all the time.
security cameras did not prevent what happened, lawyers and police didn't either: lawyers and police are reactionary measures and not preventative.
jmeisberg nailed it:
Quote from: jmeisburg on October 01, 2014, 04:35:31 PM
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
i already acknowledged acme doesn't allow guns, so why are you pushing your political agenda with loaded language? why are you turning this into insulting weapon owners?
i didn't know children were allowed to own weapons, that's very new to me. between 39-50% of american households own firearms and i doubt all of those fit your mold of "fools and children" and "paranoid". how about the additional segment of the population that owns non-firearm weapons? i don't see why self preservation (which should come #1 in anyone's book) is a paranoid endeavor, but then again i do realize like the other thread you're going to use emotionally charged language like "fools and children" to supplant your points. in the last couple of threads you've made unproductive responses to reasonable posts. you've outright ignored a lot of points and instead pushed your own talking points and opted to talk crap instead. kloc displayed a lot of maturity in the last debate thread by coming forward and conceding points as well as bringing new talking points to the table. this is all i ask: to have an adult discussion like i had with him.
Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 02:22:27 AM by i'm the shit
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 03, 2014, 04:47:27 PM
My point is not to use physical violence to solve your problems. I don't care if you own a gun for protection of your home or if you want to carry it somewhere shady, but Acme isn't the place for such things, and alternate options are available.
That being said, some relevant statistics about, say, owning a gun. These are
, not political statements:
Regions and states with higher rates of gun ownership have significantly higher rates of homicide than states with lower rates of gun ownership. (1)
On average, states with the highest gun levels had nine times the rate of unintentional firearms deaths compared to states with the lowest gun levels. (2)
A federal government study of unintentional shootings found that 8% of such shooting deaths resulted from shots fired by children under the age of six. (3)
Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense (4)
( (1) Nat’l Ctr. for Injury Prevention and Control, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Leading Causes of Death Reports, 1999-2010, for National, Regional, and States; (2) Matthew Miller, Deborah Azrael & David Hemenway, Firearm Availability and Unintentional Firearm Deaths; (3) U.S. General Accounting Office, Accidental Shootings: Many Deaths and Injuries Caused by Firearms Could Be Prevented; (4) Center for Injury Control, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University: Injuries and deaths due to firearms in the home)
Thanks for your consideration! Go look at the
rather than an idealized argument though. As someone who had a gun trained on them by a roommate in their own home because I came home unexpectedly late one time, I can personally vouch for the dangers of owning a gun out of irrational fear of constantly needing self-defense measures that can easily kill.
Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 04:49:44 PM by Gerrak
October 03, 2014, 07:46:20 PM
Quote from: Gerrak on October 03, 2014, 04:47:27 PM
don't think i don't look at data, that's an assumption. i've had guns pointed at me too. i don't let a negative experience cloud my facuities of reason. did you read my last post? i said not to bring weapons to acme. and you're right: this is a personal agenda given your experience that also qualifies as political. personal experience, as powerful as it may be, is not a counterpoint to statistics and data
1) what about the rates about violent crime as a whole when people own guns? oh wait...
it looks like nations with stricter gun control have higher violent crime rates... what about america? how about a city with mandatory gun ownership in each household? i think the results speak for themselves:
from 1982 through 2010 there were only 4 people killed, with 1982-2006 being murder free.
i think kennesaw, even with its ONE recent incident of gun violence is a shining example of what gun ownership can accomplish.
2) if you don't own guns they can't go off!??!?! how is this a productive statistic to discuss when compared with violent crime? what matters is people dying violent deaths: whether i'm shot or stabbed i die just the same. as the first point illustrates, violent crime is reduced with gun ownership.
3) see point 2, you're missing the point of gun DGU and ownership. 1991 study... couldn't you find anything more recent? probably had difficulty because most modern weapons have load indicators on them. the study size is small at 107, and with only 9 of those (your 8% figure) dying from this out of the millions of americans living safely with guns. i don't see what 9 people dying establishes.
4) see point 2 yet again you're making the same point thrice. there's also this spike with correlation to no DGU
i believe this discussion is beyond the scope of this thread. it should be continued in pm from here on out if you wish to have it. i appreciate the tone in which you're discussing this, for the record.
Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 07:51:06 PM by i'm the shit
The Almighty Tallest
October 03, 2014, 08:25:48 PM
You're in Washington state and trying to defend guns. Good luck getting people to understand guns =/= sentient baby killing death robots.
Re: Gerrak's stats:
I hate statistics like these. Almost all of them are "no duh" facts that come with something being prevalent in a society or group. I bet Cities with more cars per capita also have more instances of drunk driving, vehicular deaths, and uninsured drivers. It's just one of those obvious things that happens when more of anything is within a society. Also, I would point out that "Facts" 2,3, & 4 are all stuff that are preventable. (Also, they're basically all the same "fact", just with slightly different wording to make more bullet points) Unfortunately, many gun owners aren't very responsible. The same is true for cars and car owners. But here in America, cars are so engrained in our lives that all the deaths and damage done by vehicles and bad drivers is just an everyday thing we've grown numb to.
Note: I own firearms and actually support gun ownership, but I don't like the proliferation of handguns in'm kind of not the "normal view" either way. I'm a complicated and unique snowflake.
Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 08:53:14 PM by Suko
DJ Yoshitaka
October 03, 2014, 09:06:48 PM
I dont own any guns but I have a huge ass sword by my bed. Not sharp but it Is heavy enough to mess somebody up.
October 03, 2014, 09:55:50 PM
Quote from: QQQ on October 03, 2014, 09:06:48 PM
I dont own any guns but I have a huge ass sword by my bed. Not sharp but it Is heavy enough to mess somebody up.
is it a katana
October 03, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
okay, iori, so why should i, a kid, carry a weapon to a family-appropriate bowling alley?
i don't think i should be doing that
October 03, 2014, 10:10:42 PM
Quote from: KLOC (Lil Kevin) on October 03, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
okay, iori, so why should i, a kid, carry a weapon to a family-appropriate bowling alley?
i don't think i should be doing that
maybe you should read the multiple posts where i said you shouldn't? even in the first post i said that many places banned weapons. doh. maybe reconsider your post
also, "family" is not a qualifier here that actually makes a difference, it's that a private institution doesn't want something on their property. families own guns. kids younger than you are shooting them and being responsible.
Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 10:15:15 PM by i'm the shit
DJ Yoshitaka
October 04, 2014, 07:55:52 AM
Quote from: i'm the shit on October 03, 2014, 09:55:50 PM
is it a katana
Nah its similar to a claymore.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 04, 2014, 09:15:12 AM
I support the right to bear (reasonable) arms also (as it's a constitutional right obviously). My stats were more to support the idea that many people are too attached to the idea that they may imminently need their gun to defend themselves at all times, when in reality they will probably go a lifetime without any real cause to use it. Some police go a whole career without firing their gun in the line of duty, rightfully so. The point is just to deter this violent gun-culture as we have one of the highest firearm homicide and accidental shooting rates of any first world country. It's just a 'don't use violence to solve your problems' argument, because you shouldn't.
That being said:
I dont own any guns but I have a huge ass sword by my bed. Not sharp but it Is heavy enough to mess somebody up... ...its similar to a claymore.
^ This is my favorite idea
October 05, 2014, 12:10:50 AM
Quote from: i'm the shit on October 03, 2014, 10:10:42 PM
maybe you should read the multiple posts where i said you shouldn't? even in the first post i said that many places banned weapons. doh. maybe reconsider your post
also, "family" is not a qualifier here that actually makes a difference, it's that a private institution doesn't want something on their property. families own guns. kids younger than you are shooting them and being responsible.
oh okay, sorry iori i thought i remembered somewhere that you told me to bring a concealed weapon of my own
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