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Werewolf Again. Game Over, Konami Lawyers Win!
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Mighty Florist
June 03, 2007, 11:30:46 PM
Anyone want to try another game of Werewolf on the board?
I'll recap the rules I'm using if anyone doesn't know/remember how to play.
I'm shooting for starting next week (Monday, June 11th) with a 7pm PDT lynch and a 9pm PDT night order deadline. If that doesn't work for enough people, I'll move it.
Things would work out best if:
You have *at least* 10 minutes to post during the 'day' (just m-f; weekends are off)
You have at least 10 minutes to send me PMs during the 'night' (7-9pm)
You have some form of instant messenger (or check your email a lot).
If you've got more time than that, well splendid.
Let me know if you're in. We'll need at least 7/9/11/15 people to play. Obviously more people=more fun.
Mighty Florist
June 03, 2007, 11:56:04 PM
The Jist:
This town/village/condominium complex has been invaded by werewolves. These ravenous beasts prey on the villagers by night, but are virtually indistinguishable from their prey during the day. Thankfully the hangman's noose isn't the only trick up the tasty villagers collective sleeves. Because seriously, how would they hide it?
The Rules:
After 'Dawn', all throughout the day, the villagers collaborate to discuss, debate, and any other fancy word you prefer for 'yell at each other', trying to determine which of the seemingly innocent members of their flock happen to be low down dirty werewolves in their spare time. The werewolves, who look, sound, and taste just like villagers, try to weasel their way into blaming innocent people. Once the mob comes to a decision on who they want dead, that person is lynched, and removed from the game. Finally, the villagers return to their condos, and 'Dusk' occurs. (Hanging people is hard work.)
After 'Dusk', throughout the night (which is only 2 hours long, don't ask), the werewolves go to town. Not literally, but hey, whatever floats their boat. Together, they choose one villager to make a snack out of, and that person is removed from the game. The wolves should beware though; they aren't the only players who stay busy during the night...
The game revolves each actual day between Dawn, day, Dusk, and night until:
The Goals:
The Good Guys have one goal in mind; kill all of the stinking werewolves.
The Bad Guys also have one track minds, except they're pretty partial to werewolves themselves. Not a big fan of killing them. Instead, their goal is to stay undetected and whittle the villagers down to an equal number; at which point there's really no point in hiding anymore, since now there is no longer a pitchfork weilding mob left to retaliate.
Mighty Florist
June 04, 2007, 12:25:45 AM
The Good Guys:
Villagers. (Between 4 and 9 Villagers, depending on the amount of players) Your basic dude. Tastes pretty good. Doesn't do anything special, but one should never underestimate the power of the people. Especially when they all want to kill you.
Seer. Not your basic dude. During the night, when most of the village is off in dreamland, he can take a look at any one player and determine whether or not they are a werewolf. Ownership of a fursuit will not automatically set off seer vision.
Priest. (Only with 9+ players) Not even close to your basic dude. During the night, they can choose any player who has already died, and determine what character they actually are... er, were. When they weren't dead.
Hunter. (Only with 9+ players) Pretty much your basic dude, except owns a gun. Normally when the final player count comes down to 1 Werewolf and 1 Villager, the Bad Guys win. If the count comes down to 1 Werewolf and 1 Hunter though, the Good Guys win, because guns are awesome.
The Bad Guys:
Werewolves. (2 werewolves, but 3 with 15 players) During the night, they are allowed to freely (privately) communicate with each other, and select one of the non-werewolves to remove from the game. Communication may be used to critique the texture and flavor of the victim, but it is not recommended.
Sorceror. (Only with 9+ players) A normal human with a particular disdain for their own species. During the night, this twisted individual can look at any one player and determine if they are the Seer character or not. Doesn't work on wolves, except to say 'Not the seer' and Villagers except to say 'Not the seer', or the Priest or the Hunter except to say 'Not the seer'. Viewing one's self will return 'Is an idiot', however.
June 04, 2007, 11:11:20 AM
Heh, as long as you don't make the game where the humans are practically outnumbered from the start again, I'm in. :-P
where da white women @
June 04, 2007, 01:22:38 PM
Don't tell ne1 but I think I'll be a werewolf.
June 04, 2007, 05:58:28 PM
I'll be in, but only if we can get like 10 others.
June 05, 2007, 06:33:39 PM
I'll be in! Why not?
The Wise Fool
June 05, 2007, 07:46:09 PM
Count me in.
June 06, 2007, 09:29:22 AM
I've never played this game before. But I have played Mafia in real life, which is pretty similar and really fun. So I'd like to try this out.
June 06, 2007, 08:54:54 PM
I'm in, seeing as how I was about to win the last one before it was called off.
Mighty Florist
June 07, 2007, 10:55:20 AM
That's 7. We can work with that, but even just 2 more would make the game that much more interesting.
June 07, 2007, 12:28:04 PM
(Shortest post ever.)
(Dammit, now it's not, since I made that comment.)
June 07, 2007, 05:16:42 PM
Oh yeah, just because I told DJ I wanted to play a lot doesn't mean that everyone else on the internet knows that. In.
June 07, 2007, 06:56:58 PM
Sure, what the hell.
Mighty Florist
June 08, 2007, 11:24:34 AM
We can also work with 10. Anyone else thinking about signing up? 11 is another one of the sweet spots for player count.
June 09, 2007, 12:08:17 AM
I'll try, I might be terribly bad at it though
June 09, 2007, 10:15:26 AM
I'm pretty much in. depends on how long this lasts though. like how many days.
Mighty Florist
June 09, 2007, 10:57:08 AM
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
I'm pretty much in. depends on how long this lasts though. like how many days.
2 players will be eliminated every day. Though the game will start monday (6/11), the first lynch won't be until tuesday (6/12). (To give the wolves time to strategize, and everyone else a chance to distrust each other.)
With 12 players, if we don't hit a victory condition before then, we will be down to 4 by friday night (6/15, again, no weekends), and the game will absolutely be over next monday night (6/18).
I'll be happy to have the first lynch actually monday if everyone chimes in (via pm, no need to clutter the thread any moreso than it already is) and says they'd want that.
Also open to counting friday as a weekend so people can do things other than sit in front of their computers that night; just let me know.
Mighty Florist
June 09, 2007, 11:12:45 AM
(Anyone else wants to jump in, you've got until about 5pm on sunday, before I start PMing the players their roles.)
To vote for someone to be lynched, simply post "[vote [playername]]" in bold. e.g:
[vote Mighty Florist]
Use user names, as I don't know all of your real names, and that way we can cut down on the confusion when someone votes for "-=hidden=-".
You may change your vote as many times and as often as you like, simply
[vote Someone Else]
I will attempt to post a running total every few hours or so, but no guarantees that it will be posted, and if it does, no guarantee that it'll be correct. That one's on you.
I'll accept all reasonable typos, but if you really want someone dead, at least try to spell their name correctly. Also, try not to edit posts at all, but definitely don't edit posts that contain your votes. If you want to say something slightly different, say it later.
If you are absolutely certain that nothing will sway you in your decision to end someone's life, you may make a nightfall vote. (Which will be a real pain when some smartass decides to create the username 'Nightfall' just in time for the next game). Just make a new post voting nightfall along with your new vote. For example:
[Vote Mighty Florist]
[Vote Nightfall]
Voting nightfall MUST be done with a new vote, even if you're voting for the person you've already have your vote on. Timestamps are important.
No vote after 7pm will be counted, regardless of how well it's formatted, or how many cherries you put on top when you ask me to.
Voting Addendum:
You may
[Unvote All]
This is essentially 'I wish to remove my vote for someone, and currently vote for no one'. You can choose to vote for someone at any time after that too.
You may also
[Vote No Lynch]
These are pretty much the same, except you can nightfall 'no lynch', whereas you can't nightfall a nonexistant vote after you've already removed your vote from the tally.
Mighty Florist
June 09, 2007, 11:14:24 AM
Voting Ties:
Ties will be broken by Longest Held Vote in this game. e.g. If the tally is:
John Doe: 4 - Ray( 3 ), Egon( 4 ), Venkman( 5 ), Slimer( 7 )
Jane Ray: 4 - Billy( 1 ), Jimmy( 2 ), Linda( 6 ), Abobo( 10 )
Jimbo Me: 2 - Mary( 8 ) , Amelia( 9 ), Fran( 11 )
Even though John Doe has 4 votes, and I even put him on the top to illustrate my point, Billy was the first person to vote for someone, and therefore Jane Ray will have their mortal coil shuffled off for them.
John Doe: 4 - Ray( 3 ), Egon( 4 ), Spangler( 5 ), Slimer( 7 )
Jane Ray: 3 - Jimmy( 2 ), Linda( 6 ), Abobo( 10 )
Jimbo Me: 3 - Mary( 8 ), Amelia( 9 ), Fran( 11 ), Billy( 12 )
In this example, Billy has changed his mind at the last minute. This time John Doe bites the dust. Because 4 is bigger than 3.
(I'll see what I can do about putting the vote order in the tally too. Again, no guarantees.)
Mighty Florist
June 09, 2007, 11:19:56 AM
Communicating, or the lack of it:
During the Day:
Not posting is a perfectly valid tactic. What better way to not draw attention to yourself than to pretend you don't exist? If you don't post, I'll assume you are doing it intentionally.
During the Night:
If you fail to send me night orders in time (before 9pm):
Seer: You'll get a random negative view.
Sorceror: You'll get a random view. (There's a difference; this game is slightly tilted towards the good guys.)
Priest: You will get information on a random dead player.
Wolves: You will target the villager that posts the least.
Villagers: Good for you.
June 09, 2007, 02:57:26 PM
Thank you for not using the no vote = die rule that DMN used. I almost got kicked because he gave us an unrealistically short (1/2 normal time + on weekend) tiebreaker.
June 09, 2007, 10:31:50 PM
This looks like a good excuse to get more (re-)active with the board again, so I wouldn't mind signing up as well if you'll have me. =D
Rules look good in that they can take into account certain things the previous game brought up as problematic, so that's good.
EDIT: Oh, an aside, I will be working so I'll likely not be able to get on until late nights most days; I'd prefer the first lynching to take place later rather than sooner. Also, 9pm is a bit difficult for me to get an order or vote in, but I will try and, if I can't, well we have those rules in place to take care of it.
Mighty Florist
June 10, 2007, 01:37:04 AM
Quote from: "AlphaConqerer"
This looks like a good excuse to get more (re-)active with the board again, so I wouldn't mind signing up as well if you'll have me. =D
Rules look good in that they can take into account certain things the previous game brought up as problematic, so that's good.
EDIT: Oh, an aside, I will be working so I'll likely not be able to get on until late nights most days; I'd prefer the first lynching to take place later rather than sooner. Also, 9pm is a bit difficult for me to get an order or vote in, but I will try and, if I can't, well we have those rules in place to take care of it.
To clear that up, Night Orders can be sent at any time after dawn is posted. They are simply
by 9pm. Dawn will usually be posted before 10pm.
Sending them closer to the time they're due is usually more effective. For example, the seer sends in their night orders early in the day to view a particular person. If that particular person ends up getting lynched, then that's not very helpful. (In this particular case, the seer will recieve a random negative view.)
To clear THAT up, if the person the seer or sorceror views is the same person that the wolves target that night, the seer and sorceror will still get their information (whether the person they viewed is a wolf or is the seer respectively), and then that person ends up dead.
June 10, 2007, 04:09:14 PM
Quote from: "Mighty Florist"
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
I'm pretty much in. depends on how long this lasts though. like how many days.
2 players will be eliminated every day. Though the game will start monday (6/11), the first lynch won't be until tuesday (6/12). (To give the wolves time to strategize, and everyone else a chance to distrust each other.)
With 12 players, if we don't hit a victory condition before then, we will be down to 4 by friday night (6/15, again, no weekends), and the game will absolutely be over next monday night (6/18).
I'll be happy to have the first lynch actually monday if everyone chimes in (via pm, no need to clutter the thread any moreso than it already is) and says they'd want that.
Also open to counting friday as a weekend so people can do things other than sit in front of their computers that night; just let me know.
okay, so I guess I was signed up, though I will be out of town and away from a computer on saturday the 16th, so about monday being the last day, I may not be able to do this
Let me know if this is okay or not (being that signup closed 10 minutes ago)
sorry if this is any inconvenience
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Werewolf Again. Game Over, Konami Lawyers Win!
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