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You cannot use Japanese in a thread title =O
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February 11, 2007, 02:59:31 PM
In this thread, let's speak Japanese! (You don't have to translate everything to English, I'm just doing that so that people who don't speak Japanese know what this thread is for)
このスレで日本語を話しましょう! (全部英語に翻訳しなければいいけど、 今その事して他の日本語をしゃべません人々の為から)
じゃ、 みんな、 どんなアニメの方が一番好きですか? 僕のは、 たぶんIrresponsible Captain Tylorですよ!
(注意: 僕の文法はとても下手。)
February 11, 2007, 03:18:13 PM
Quote from: "AlphaConqerer"
じゃ、 みんな、 どんなアニメの方が一番好きですか? 僕のは、 たぶんIrresponsible Captain Tylorですよ!
(注意: 僕の文法はとても下手。)
Happy Redneck
February 11, 2007, 09:53:54 PM
Genki desu. Omfg romaji
February 11, 2007, 10:16:24 PM
yay i have a pirated copy of XP without Japanese language support so I just get question marks.
February 11, 2007, 10:26:26 PM
February 11, 2007, 10:32:34 PM
phylicia desu.
heh might as well practice first year so i don't lose it >>
February 11, 2007, 10:41:29 PM
元気です。 ただは?
ラブヒナも好きですか? やった! へへ、 あ、 僕もエクセルサーガ好きけど、実は全部まだ見ることありませんでした、 多分 エピソド 14まで見た。 でも 終わりたいよ。 ま、 すぐダウンロドするかな?
Gana, kana, to kan'ji wo kakemasen kedo, mada yomemasu ka? Sore nara, boku ha gana, kana, to kan'ji de kakitsukimasu yo. Mondai nara, oshiete kudasai. これを読めますかな? とりあえず、 フィリシアさんはロマンジで書ければよろしいです。
で、 フィリシアさんもアニメとか好きですか? ベマニ以外趣味は?
あ、 たぶん ぼく の かんじ は むずかしすぎ ですか。 それ なら、 おしえて ください。
February 11, 2007, 10:46:35 PM
February 11, 2007, 10:47:29 PM
hahaha, hai hai...
nani wo wakarimasen desu ka? boku no gana, kana, mo kanji? romanji dake yomu koto dekimasu ka? oshiete kudasai.
February 11, 2007, 11:05:09 PM
Quote from: "AlphaConqerer"
元気です。 ただは?
ラブヒナも好きですか? やった! へへ、 あ、 僕もエクセルサーガ好きけど、実は全部まだ見ることありませんでした、 多分 エピソド 14まで見た。 でも 終わりたいよ。 ま、 すぐダウンロドするかな?
僕は...ままです。たくさん宿題があります。 今日、宇和島屋に行きたかったですけど、来週に行くつもりです。 火曜日に、日本語212の中間試験があります。 勉強しなくてはいけません。
エクセルサーガは、残るのエピソドをみなければならない! とても面白いです。声優は違いけど、まだ大好きです。
February 11, 2007, 11:13:00 PM
I can't figure this out.
Happy Redneck
February 11, 2007, 11:21:31 PM
*waiting for James to pwn everyone*
February 11, 2007, 11:22:08 PM
You still didn't answer my question. I asked what you CAN read...can you only read romanji? Can you read katakana? Can you read hiragana? Can you read any kan'ji? Tada and I will not exclude you, as we want everyone to practice, but I can't help you if you don't help me first. =D
声優が変わったの? えーマジ?でも新しい声優は大丈夫と言えば、 見続います。
うわじま屋はいい店だよね? 素敵、 そんな所あります! 紀伊国屋もあってよかった! すぐそこに行って新しいマンガを買うべき。 いい勉強ですぞ!
宿題で試験も頑張って下さい! 日本語212ですか? でも多田さんもこんな上手? ありえない。 (笑)
mysterio: It's not about anyone pwning anyone else. It's just to converse, preferably in Japanese. If James comes and "pwns" us, that's cool but I hope he isn't expecting a conversation in return (cuz we won't understand what he's saying; though I myself have no experience with his expertise).
February 11, 2007, 11:48:32 PM
Quote from: "AlphaConqerer"
声優が変わったの? えーマジ?でも新しい声優は大丈夫と言えば、 見続います。
うわじま屋はいい店だよね? 素敵、 そんな所あります! 紀伊国屋もあってよかった! すぐそこに行って新しいマンガを買うべき。 いい勉強ですぞ!
英語の吹き替えは第14回から、エクセルの声優を変えました。 見た時、日本語を何もしりませんでした。
紀伊国屋はいいけど、とても高いです。 時々、ピンクゴジラに行きます。 行った事がありますか?
宿題で試験も頑張って下さい! 日本語212ですか? でも多田さんもこんな上手? ありえない。 (笑)
Happy Redneck
February 11, 2007, 11:51:19 PM
Quote from: "AlphaConqerer"
mysterio: It's not about anyone pwning anyone else. It's just to converse, preferably in Japanese. If James comes and "pwns" us, that's cool but I hope he isn't expecting a conversation in return (cuz we won't understand what he's saying; though I myself have no experience with his expertise).
I meant like pwning you guys in a good friendly way. And I remember reading somewhere in the AIJ boards that he's very fluent in Japanese so yeah
February 11, 2007, 11:55:11 PM
いいえ、上手です (笑) ま、 冗談けど、 僕も上手じゃないだろう?
あ、英語の声優ですか? あ、 わかりました。 だいたい英語のダーブを見ません、 サーブタイトルの方が好き。
実はピンクゴジラを聞くことあまりませんーどこで? 紀伊国屋は高いけど、 翻訳しなかったマンガはそんな高くないでしょう? 5ドルとか。。。
Quote from: "DJ Mysterio"
I meant like pwning you guys in a good friendly way. And I remember reading somewhere in the AIJ boards that he's very fluent in Japanese so yeah
Ah, well I don't like being pwned, as noone does =P, but then Tada and I have basically been saying that we suck at Japanese the whole time, so it's not like pwning us would be very difficult. ANyhow, do you want to converse in Japanese too? If so I will type in romanji or hiragana/katakana for you.
Happy Redneck
February 12, 2007, 12:53:08 AM
Sure I'll join in. GO EASY ON ME GUYS. Only in my 2nd year of high school Japanese
Sukina mono wa nan desu ka?
Anata no shumi wa nan desu ka?
Nihon ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Nan o shimasu ka?
Derudo wo motte kita kudasai (lol i'm so retarded)
Uh.....can't think of anything else good to say. I need to refresh my Japanese
Btw type in Japanese so I can learn a thing or two. No romaji
February 12, 2007, 12:54:32 AM
Chris - I wasn't familiar with a lot of the vocabulary you used, and even when I looked it up, I couldn't translate some of it, so I couldn't figure out your question. I've only studied first year, and my education is surely lacking, plus I'm out of practice. I know hiragana, I learned kana but forgot a bunch of it, and kanji, oh man, can't really make sense of any kanji anymore D: Also, I can't view any of those three with my copy of windows because I don't have Japanese language support.
(unless someone here could rip the files from their XP CD and help a sista out!!
Edit: lol I'm pretty pathetic, I can't understand some of your vocabulary travis
February 12, 2007, 01:29:45 AM
Quote from: "pantsu"
get it now ahahahahahahhahaha
also: ラクエン
Happy Redneck
February 12, 2007, 01:31:43 AM
Haha I noticed that earlier I just kinda forgot to say something
Phylicia > Knowing Japanese vocab doesn't make you pathetic. You're cool
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 12, 2007, 01:38:54 AM
That's all; I suck too much to say anything fluent.
February 12, 2007, 02:49:10 AM
僕もたいていサーブタイトルでアニメを見ます。 でも、エクセルサーガの英語の声優がいいです。
ピンクゴジラはファミコンの店です。 輸入したのゲームを売ります。 宇和島屋の近くにあるんです。 そこで、「漢字そのまま楽引き辞典」というDSのゲームを買いました。 毎晩、寝る前に、使います。 寝るを手伝います。 お前は僕が変だと思っているでしょう。^_^
February 12, 2007, 03:07:16 AM
Sorry dudes, Tada was chatting with me right off the bat so we weren't trying to leave you all in the dust; I just realized he could understand me and thus got carried away.
Quote from: "DJ Mysterio"
Sure I'll join in. GO EASY ON ME GUYS. Only in my 2nd year of high school Japanese
Sukina mono wa nan desu ka?
Anata no shumi wa nan desu ka?
Nihon ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Nan o shimasu ka?
Derudo wo motte kita kudasai (lol i'm so retarded)
Uh.....can't think of anything else good to say. I need to refresh my Japanese
Btw type in Japanese so I can learn a thing or two. No romaji
Haha, no probs. Can I use kan'ji? For now I'll just use kana and gana.
1.) 僕はアニメにマンガにえをかいてうたいてドラムにフリズビーも好き。 ミスチリオさんは?
2.) 趣味 (しゅみ) か。 じゃ、 ベマニかな。。。うたう事で。。。かく事で。。。ええとう。。。それ 以上かな。。。
3.) はい、日本へ行った事あります! じつは、 日本で â€えいかいわ†(English conversation school) の 先生だった! その しごと は 一年間半 の あいだ に しました。 それ で、 去年 (きょうねん) の 十一月のすえに ワシントン州 へ もどりました。
4.) 今 求職 (きゅうしょく)しています (right now I'm job-hunting)。 でも、 いっぱい しごと の めんせつ が もらいました で、 すぐ 新しい しごと を はじめる かもしれません (I might soon get hired)。
5.) デルド? デルドってなに? â€DI RU DO" かな? 。。。スケベ.
じゃ、 ミステリオさんの番。
Quote from: "phylicia"
Chris - I wasn't familiar with a lot of the vocabulary you used, and even when I looked it up, I couldn't translate some of it, so I couldn't figure out your question. I've only studied first year, and my education is surely lacking, plus I'm out of practice. I know hiragana, I learned kana but forgot a bunch of it, and kanji, oh man, can't really make sense of any kanji anymore D: Also, I can't view any of those three with my copy of windows because I don't have Japanese language support.
(unless someone here could rip the files from their XP CD and help a sista out!!
Edit: lol I'm pretty pathetic, I can't understand some of your vocabulary travis
I have a copy of WinXP Pro (legal) but you can borrow it if we can set up when to give it/get it since you don't need a clean install, you only need a few files; you should be able to get the language files from it but I'm not 100% certain. But really I thought any copy of WinXP had lang support you just had to install it from the CD; are you certain you can't get it? Well, let me know.
Okay, so I'll use about the same level with you on Japanese as I have with DJ Mysterio. Why don't you start by answering his 5 questions (except the 5th one...I'm not exactly sure what he's asking but...=P my assumption is he meant to say...well...yeah. Anyhow).
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
That's all; I suck too much to say anything fluent.
If you think of anything else feel free to join in, or just start by answering DJ Mysterio's questions (except for 5) =P
Also, do you really want my phone number? :lol: じゃ、 僕の電話番号 (でんわばんごう) は (秘密) です! (秘密=himitsu)
最後は、 多田さん:
今僕は眠い過ぎですよ! 明日 返事 絶対 書いてくれますよ! 約束です! じゃ、 又!
whew! Don't know if I'll be able to respond like that to everyone all the time, but...^_^;;;
February 12, 2007, 03:46:37 AM
Someone installed XP with their CD or something, and I don't have access to that. Yeah, I understand that's where the language support files are. If the files are able to be ripped, I can install the files directly instead of through the CD. Language support installer gives you the option.
I will answer those questions later... xD heh
February 12, 2007, 07:28:10 AM
いいえわかりません♪♪ www ><
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