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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
[Arcade] Dave & Buster's Clackamas - Happy Valley, Oregon
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November 13, 2014, 11:12:24 AM
[center][size=16pt][b]Dave & Busters Clackamas[/b][/size] [url=]Webpage[/url] 11860 SE 82nd Ave Suite 4020 Happy Valley, Oregon[/center]
Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 10:24:31 PM by BLueSS
October 10, 2015, 11:16:32 AM
The Fiesta 2 pads are actually in really nice condition. Machine is pretty quiet though, makes it hard to play some of the songs.
February 09, 2016, 07:08:20 PM
Just moved here a few months ago. Figured I would update this thread as this machine is still in very good working condition. Play here fairly often. On rare occasions the P2 pad is wobbly but they have fixed it very quickly each time.
I prefer it over going to Big Als so far because the times I have driven out to there the machine has always had some sort of issue.
February 10, 2016, 11:08:00 AM
The Fiesta2 is pretty great.
Big Al's in Vancouver has a great Pump Pro2, Big Al's in Tigard has a pretty machine with atrocious pads but a good SN2.
I like computers
April 02, 2016, 03:56:58 AM
As of this week, the cabinet has been upgraded to Pump It Up Prime (FINALLY). The pads are in decent shape for now.
The cabinet is not connected to the internet, which means that USB sticks cannot be used and that the "full mode" code must be entered EVERY. DAMN. TIME. you play. It also means that there are no unlocks possible for this cab, and there will the no new content. Thanks, Andamiro, for that brilliant engineering decision.
I am going to talk with the arcade techs this coming week, during mid-day when the arcade is empty and they have spare time. My hope is that I can walk them through connecting the cabinet to the internet, so that unlocks, etc. are possible.
April 02, 2016, 11:47:58 AM
Sweet, I haven't been there for a while now, I'll have to check it out. Is it still on stretched 4:3 or did they upgrade to a newer PCB?
April 04, 2016, 08:12:49 AM
I am excited for this. Have not been down in a few weeks to play but will swing by this week for sure.
April 07, 2016, 12:37:23 AM
Went and played a few games tonight. It's in fantastic condition, didn't have any pad misses playing up to 11's, not sure if you'd have trouble with higher difficulties. Definitely coming here more often on Wednesdays. Hopefully it gets an internet connection soon, I'd love to play more songs.
It's in 16:9 now instead of 4:3 stretched, thank god.
I wonder if they have the Prime marquee hanging around somewhere? The Fiesta2 one is still up.
Prime marquee is in the machine now.
Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 12:18:25 AM by Limewirelord
April 15, 2016, 01:41:11 PM
D&B got this baller Luigi's Mansion game. Short and easy but kind of amusing to play.
April 30, 2016, 02:52:43 AM
The machine freezes a lot in doubles play. Literally every other mode works fine, including co-op.
April 30, 2016, 02:13:49 PM
lol this happened to me last Saturday. My buddy was playing doubles and doing just fine playing 15's and I hop on and play a 7 and it freezes so badly i fail. Played the same song again and it didn't freeze the same way and I was able to pass. Something is definitely wrong.
April 30, 2016, 06:54:17 PM
I went down yesterday and it froze very briefly only one time. It was on doubles though. Played a few more rounds mostly doubles and it didn't happen again. Sooo at least it seems infrequent.
May 01, 2016, 04:09:34 AM
Quote from: HRCam on April 30, 2016, 06:54:17 PM
I went down yesterday and it froze very briefly only one time. It was on doubles though. Played a few more rounds mostly doubles and it didn't happen again. Sooo at least it seems infrequent.
Were you a white guy playing doubles right around 6 or 7? If you were, dayum you were wrecking face and way better at doubles than I am.
May 01, 2016, 08:24:53 PM
I cant remember what time it was honestly lol. But I tried a few of the new songs, that Sugar Conspiracy?? lv17 is a great chart. White guy in a hat though.
May 02, 2016, 01:27:01 PM
I don't remember a hat, just a white guy. I was eating and watching the start of the game and saw you (or someone) wrecking face when I went to wash my hands.
May 02, 2016, 07:33:42 PM
Ill probably swing by there again Wednesday night around 730 ish. Barely made a dent in all the new charts I want to try. Woot Prime.
May 09, 2016, 06:05:47 PM
Played some of the older charts on doubles the other day. Tons of screen freezing, didn't fail but came close a few times. Extremely annoying.
July 12, 2016, 07:08:57 PM
Machine is online now and on 1.14 now. 4 more updates to go.
n00b Sauce
July 13, 2016, 02:26:45 PM
Nice! Did you bug them about it? Last we check it looked like there was an Ethernet cable plugged from the machine into a router but it was still offline
July 13, 2016, 11:32:43 PM
Quote from: NWKJ on July 13, 2016, 02:26:45 PM
Nice! Did you bug them about it? Last we check it looked like there was an Ethernet cable plugged from the machine into a router but it was still offline
No, I just went in and noticed there were scores saved and then checked on my next credit. I dunno who to bug about the patches being behind. They also need to do a manual patch after 1.17 because Andamiro done fucked up.
July 17, 2016, 12:57:13 AM
It's up to 1.17 by now. Apparently what happened is I went in a couple weeks ago, filled out an online survey off the kiosk receipt, checked "Disagree" on "Are all the games you played working properly?" and told them that it still wasn't online or patched and there's occasional freezes, and the next Monday I got an response email from one of the managers saying that they got it online and patching, but also saying that they couldn't replicate the freeze glitch.
I didn't get a receipt tonight to send in a new survey on (used the counter instead of the kiosk because I had a coupon), but I saw the freeze glitch happen only 2 or 3 times over the course of a few hours. After it happened the last time, I tried to set up a camera so I could get video of it happening, but I couldn't get it to freeze again the rest of the night, even on the same songs, and my iPod eventually ran out of battery trying to record it all anyway. If I had to guess, I'd suspect there's some dust blockage or an intermittent fan issue somewhere inside causing a video card to overheat occasionally, but being able to provide video evidence to the D&B staff of "This right here. This is what's going wrong." would probably get them troubleshooting it.
Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 01:00:04 AM by Tresjin
August 16, 2016, 09:08:34 PM
Hey guys, I just got into Pump after finding out there was a machine at Dave and Busters which is near where I live. Have been going at least every Wednesday for the past month because I want to get good at the game haha. Is anyone still playing regularly here? It would be nice if I could get some advice or be apart of the community as I have been playing DDR for a awhile, but can't wrap my head around some of the patterns in PIU and I want to see how you pros do it.
I want to say thanks to Tresjin for getting the machine online. Unfortunately it seems to still be stuck at 1.17 and I wish to upgrade it, but not sure if I can talk to anyone there or when it would be a good time to have the machine down for updating. Don't want to ruin it for everyone!
Bemani Traveler
August 17, 2016, 12:05:36 PM
I've been there a few times recently, and I've been enjoying the game so far given how great the condition of the pads are. I'm also much more familiar with DDR patterns over PIU patterns, but you'll get used to them if you play long enough.
Although, I still confused about how USBs work in the game. I registered an account online and everything, but the machine doesn't seem to recognize my USB at all. I'm not sure if it's because the machine is not updated or what.
Makes me wish Andamiro implemented something similar to e-Amusement passes like Konami does.
August 17, 2016, 01:28:27 PM
Quote from: ledgam3r1279 on August 17, 2016, 12:05:36 PM
I've been there a few times recently, and I've been enjoying the game so far given how great the condition of the pads are. I'm also much more familiar with DDR patterns over PIU patterns, but you'll get used to them if you play long enough.
Although, I still confused about how USBs work in the game. I registered an account online and everything, but the machine doesn't seem to recognize my USB at all. I'm not sure if it's because the machine is not updated or what.
Makes me wish Andamiro implemented something similar to e-Amusement passes like Konami does.
You need an FAT32 formatted drive, IIRC. Regarding the 1.18 update, no idea how to engage that conversation since you need to do a manual update since Andamiro broke shit and you can't get online updates on 1.17.
August 19, 2016, 04:08:47 AM
You just need to figure out how to get them to read
and go through the USB update process. It's not too complicated, and once it's to 1.17.1 it should continue with the automatic online updates.
August 22, 2016, 12:36:59 PM
Guys who regular there have you asked about DDR Ace yet? I posted on their FB page but I hear it's very unlikely. Every time you guys go someone should ask about it. I'd be there 2 or 3 times a week of there was Ace and Prime.
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
[Arcade] Dave & Buster's Clackamas - Happy Valley, Oregon
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