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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Kumoricon 2007
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...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 03, 2007, 11:21:26 PM
Anyone going? Anyone bringing pads, games, et cetera?
I'm going to be bringing my computer with stepmania, a pad, and all my PS2 bemani (BMUS, Max, Max2, Ex2, SN, ITG)
Oh, and anyone interested in room-sharing?
You can pre-reg for $35 until August 10. $40 at the door.
Oh, and "A minors is anyone under the age of 18"
all those slow songs, I swear
August 04, 2007, 12:30:04 AM
A more appropriate question:
Who likes getting accosted by furries and cosplayers?
No offense Kumoricon.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 04, 2007, 01:16:40 AM
Game room's fairly safe as long as you have a boring outfit and don't talk to anyone who plays typical japanophile songs. (SOB, Buttfly, etc)
all those slow songs, I swear
August 04, 2007, 07:44:38 AM
They smell me out from a mile away. I HATE IT. It's like they know that I can't stand them and want to make my life more miserable. What if I cosplay, would that make it easier? Maybe I'll go as Dr. Wiley or something.
More Awesome Than The Day Is Long
August 04, 2007, 03:11:31 PM
No thanks, it's taken me two years to regain my energy source after Naruto stole it from me on the sidewalk outside Kumoricon 2005. I'd prefer to not lose it again.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 04, 2007, 10:02:57 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
They smell me out from a mile away. I HATE IT. It's like they know that I can't stand them and want to make my life more miserable. What if I cosplay, would that make it easier? Maybe I'll go as Dr. Wiley or something.
That's weird. I just told people I was cosplaying as Che Guevera and they backed off. The weeaboos because they had no idea what I was talking about, and the other people because Che Guevera had killed their grandfather in 1952.
Although if that doesn't work for you, you could just act like I do in RC or Gaia. That scares lots of people away. Don't be nice to people. If they don't back off when you're a Grade C Asshole, try acting crazy, that works perfectly as well.
Yes, I know all sorts of ways to make people ignore me.
where da white women @
August 06, 2007, 09:08:21 PM
anime sucks
all those slow songs, I swear
August 06, 2007, 09:09:55 PM
Nah, punching them and/or running is a lot easier.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 06, 2007, 09:23:03 PM
If there's only one person (or less) who can beat me at DDR again this year, I'm gonna be pissed.
Yeah I'm just going for giggles and possible profit. I'm pretty sure people will be willing to give me money if I play DDR in my Tofu costume. Or at the very least pocky.
all those slow songs, I swear
August 06, 2007, 09:23:49 PM
*flashback to Andrew West Horton playing Max300 in a Wiimote suit* <333333333
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 06, 2007, 09:27:04 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
*flashback to Andrew West Horton playing Max300 in a Wiimote suit* <333333333
I think we've discussed this before.
btw, this event will be videotaped, but you'll probably have to suffer a commentary by Steve, so yeah.
Although I'll probably play in my Tofu costume at home too once I get a worthy homepad built.
August 07, 2007, 07:33:09 AM
Judging from the website, It looks like they won't be holding a ddr tournament this year. Am I missing anything?
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 07, 2007, 11:27:58 PM
Are you serious? You can't have an Anime Con without a DDR Tourney!
If they won't hold one, then Steve and I will hold one in his room.
August 08, 2007, 11:23:51 AM
might be going... about 25% chance
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 08, 2007, 11:08:36 PM
I'll go get my 4-sided die.
August 11, 2007, 01:38:13 PM
Pete Ellison (aka Kid Whatever) will be promoting his "euro" label Diskowarp at the con - I'll be helping him at the D-Warp booth. He's slated to DJ a set before the DDR tournament - so, I guess that means there is one? Is the tourney not announced in the forum?
More Awesome Than The Day Is Long
August 11, 2007, 02:22:11 PM
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 12, 2007, 07:24:25 PM
Quote from: "phylicia"
Pete Ellison (aka Kid Whatever) will be promoting his "euro" label Diskowarp at the con - I'll be helping him at the D-Warp booth. He's slated to DJ a set before the DDR tournament - so, I guess that means there is one? Is the tourney not announced in the forum?
Cool, I'll make sure to look for you guys if I happen to stray from the game room.
ROFL :lol:
August 26, 2007, 02:12:47 PM
So according to the
, SAturday is the DDR tourney with Pete DJing.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 26, 2007, 09:26:29 PM
Okay, I'll make sure to save my Tofu costume for Sunday then, unless you guys think I should compete in it.
Some vendor booths that caught my eye:
Ground Kontrol (131)
Things From Another World (133) <-- Milwaukie FTW
Dark Horse Comics (315, 414) <-- Moar Milwaukie LOL
Obviously Disko Warp too.
August 28, 2007, 12:21:03 AM
But Things kinda IS Dark Horse, or at least they work so closely that it doesn't matter all that much that there's a difference. >.>
Umm.... I'll be at K-con too, m'kay? Everyone wants to go see Charlie's Hot Sister again, right? *shifty eyes* come on, I know you all have $40 bills in your pockets, right?
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 29, 2007, 12:19:12 AM
I wonder if they'd take 10 Pi dollar bills.
Oh, and apparently there's some thing going on at BackSpace (right next to GK) on Thursday where you can register for K-Con for $35. Not sure how, unless they have some random person sitting at a registration desk with a bunch of badges there, but whatever, chance to save $5 or something.
And Things is DarkHorse's little group of retailer buddies. They get there stock from stuff DarkHorse gets and produces, and add a small side-profit for DarkHorse.
Anyone dressed as a Spartan who doesn't spend at least 4 hours at each of the DarkHorse booths is a poser who should be killed by an army of Meowths.
'cause posers can't handle Persians.
August 29, 2007, 12:07:21 PM
:lol: Wow, took me a couple read-throughs of that last paragraph.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 03, 2007, 10:32:48 PM
I was hoping to keep people updated as the con progressed, but the Hilton's a load of ass and makes you pay for their WiFi, although all they advertise is that they have powerful, reliable WiFi connection for guests. :/
Day 1:
arrived at 6:30 or so, went up to our room (on the top mo'fuggin' floor), dumped my shit. Went to the game room to check what they had for pads, and found out they just had the same neglected CF's as last year and an AfterBurner that had been hit by a bomb. I practiced a little, tried to set up the AB with my stepmania, gave up because I didn't want to mess with the global offset and AB's lag with EMS USB2 adapters. So, I played some more, hit up the MOTHAFUGGIN JOUST NIGGAZ and got all 6 daily buzzahdz, as always, then the tourney started. I helped get everyone together and shit, then we started some wonky qualifier-esque rounds which only a handful of people actually understood. Once we got it down to 16 players, we started a standard format, single-elimination PA tourney using DDRMAX US PS2, best 2 out of 3. For the semifinals, we used DP percentage and SuperNOVA US PS2, best 2 out of 3, and for the final match, we switched it to best 3 out of 5, which worked well in my favour, 'cause I lost the first 2 songs, then won the next 3.
And I got first.
Fun facts: all the other finalists were girls. I had the longest hair of all competitors.
Phylicia was DQ'd 'cause she wasn't there when the tourney started, otherwise, the competition for second and third would have been really intense.
So then, I went to the dance, generated a rave circle, mislanded a flip, saved my honour with some intense headbanging, then went back to gaming, played a round, and went upstairs at 12midnight. We partied hard, ate Hello Kitty fruit snacks, and then went to bed. I slept with Steve (GHEY), and Charlie's hot sister slept with Charlie's hot she-friends. We had a couple other people on the floor.
Day 2:
Woke up at 7:30 for some hellish reason, bummed around for long time. Eventually went downstairs and diddered some moar. Some decent scores:
3g on Love<3Shine (SN)
11g on Love is Dreaminess
24e on Mellow and 2 FUCKING PAD MISSES (stole my fuckin' ***)
Again, all six daily scores on Joust. Talked to Art a bit. Wandered around looking for places to spend money for a few hours, gave up, played more didder, nothing worth talking about. Went to another "rave" at 11, danced around a bit, reverse-bowed at Jesus, hugged Jesus, did the MOST EPIC INTERP DANCE I'VE EVER DONE EVER, involving a slow, brutal death, an epic revival, and some krazeh headbangin'. Then, I went and posed with Jesus for a bit. Left at 12midnight, went upstairs, and watched some Azumanga Daioh. HOOOOOOOOOLYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIT that shit is trippy. No wonder anime people are crazy. Went to sleep.
Day 3:
Woke up at 10, played some ninja burger, packed my shit, yelled at Steve, went downstairs for the ramen-eating contest, left because all they had was heavily beef-flav'd shit. Played DDR instead, 8 on True Love, died on the second ending jack on Max 300 no bar on not-enough-sleep (DDRMAX JP), Jousted (only bothered to get the top 4, 'cause I was tired as hell), missed the Wii Sports tourney, blahblahblah, ending ceremonies were cool, END.
Then, there was a big gap between 5 and 10. Not sure what happened there. Pretty sure I made a bookshelf and ate a massive Boca Burger and a buttload of fries.
September 07, 2007, 11:22:00 PM
I went and didn't DDR at all XD I don't belong on this forum XD I'm going to end all of my sentences with XD instead of periods XD Until it annoys me. Should I have capitalized the "i" in instead? Bon and Sa are pretty hot she-friends <3 it was an honor to get to sleep with them >w< the jokes write themselves, and they are pretty horrible authors.
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Kumoricon 2007
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