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August 05, 2007, 08:43:13 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

This thread is solely for those random impulses you get to go play DDR, but don't want to go alone. Post where you want to go and when here, and maybe someone will go with you!

To kick it off, I want to go to Tilt! tomorrow around three or four. Gonna play some sheat. Come one come all!
Read January 10, 2009, 02:48:44 AM #151

I won't be going out tomorrow, but I intend to be at the Clackamas Town Center Mall's Theatre Starcade at 1:00pm on Sunday.  From 2 on, I can't guarantee I'll be around, as I might be heading off to Avalon with a friend to catch up on DMX.
Read January 10, 2009, 10:59:53 AM #152

i'll try and show up around 1 so i can meet you and play for a bit.  Smiley  see ya then.
Read January 13, 2009, 10:26:27 PM #153

I wound up getting there about 25 minutes late (bike problems).  I went in and didn't see anyone playing DDR, so I went to Avalon instead to play some DanceManiaX and Panic Park.
Read January 14, 2009, 08:48:43 AM #154

Tomorrow, ITG, sometime around 2 I guess.
Read January 14, 2009, 07:31:52 PM #155

we must have just missed each other. i was there right at 1pm and stayed until 1:30 but no one showed up so i left.  wish we could have met.  we will have to try again soon... disco, sorry, can't go during the day...gotta work to pay the bills...
Read January 15, 2009, 02:05:42 AM #156

I figured it was something along those lines.  It didn't help that I ran into friends from high school every 2 or 3 minutes after I got there, so I wound up locking up my bike around 1:25 and not getting to the arcade until 1:44. D:

I did notice that they had the area blocked off, but when I asked the attendant if I could go over to the arcade to check if a friend of mine was there, she just let me through.  Did you have any troubles getting in?  I've heard they finally fixed the player 2 pad, so I really want to check it out, since I haven't played doubles on a decent SuperNOVA cabinet yet.
Read January 15, 2009, 06:50:38 PM #157

It's my birthday.

I had a party planned for Big Al's last night but only Sean and Wes showed up, which was very chill, but I would like to see more of you guys!

So, we are thinking of going to either Tilt! or Ground Kontrol sometime tomorrow. I'm having lunch at Todai first at 1PM, then heading out to one of the two from there. Why don't you come to Todai either at 1 or a little later, and then we'll head out from there? Ok sounds gooooooood

Seeya then

I would have came if I could have Sad

Anyways, probably going to be at Tilt tomorrow.. I'll probably end up being there from 4-7 or so.
Read January 18, 2009, 04:33:17 AM #158

Might do something monday, maybe.

Anyway, my birthday is next Saturday.  Anyone want to hang out at GK or go buy pornoz or something?  Actually, I don't have any ID right now, so maybe just GK lol.
Read January 21, 2009, 12:48:51 AM #159

GK huh? I'd go, although it's my other friend's birthday party later in the day. (He's turning 20 though, less important.)

And uh, get your ID son!
Read January 21, 2009, 01:11:43 AM #160

I'll just carry my birth certificate or something ;P
Read January 22, 2009, 12:34:55 AM #161

GK apparently has Bubble Bobble now.... maybe I'll go on Saturday
Read January 22, 2009, 10:42:50 PM #162

Might do something monday, maybe.

Anyway, my birthday is next Saturday.  Anyone want to hang out at GK or go buy pornoz or something?  Actually, I don't have any ID right now, so maybe just GK lol.

If you mean the Saturday that is coming up in two days, I can probably make it.. text muh phone or something.
Read January 22, 2009, 10:51:50 PM #163

Yup, the 24th

Your PM makes more sense now. Tongue

BBH: Is it finally actually there?  YEEEESSSSSS!
Read January 28, 2009, 09:57:21 AM #164

GK apparently has Bubble Bobble now.... maybe I'll go on Saturday

every time I get tired of that place and all my favorite games being broken in some way or another, they bring something new in to draw me back
Read January 28, 2009, 11:16:35 AM #165

A little heads up for you guys. They're getting 96.
Read January 28, 2009, 07:52:28 PM #166

and all my favorite games being broken in some way or another

I suppose I should point out that on the Bubble Bobble cabinet, 1P's joystick is on the right side and buttons on the left

....  :\

A little heads up for you guys. They're getting 96.

y do u li
Read January 29, 2009, 01:04:16 AM #167

Oddly enough, that's actually how I'm accustomed to playing Bubble Bobble, thanks to MAME.  Unfortunately, it's NOT how I'm used to handling a joystick and two buttons.  I didn't get a chance to play last weekend.  We'll see how I adapt.
Read January 29, 2009, 09:51:50 AM #168

I suppose I should point out that on the Bubble Bobble cabinet, 1P's joystick is on the right side and buttons on the left
That's some IIDX shit right there.  Right side pride!

I'm still miffed at GK for how beat their Smash TV controls are.  I was enjoying the co-op runs in that more than Sunset Riders where I was more or less tagging along on your 1cc

Not to mention Battle Zone still isn't in playable shape
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