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Poll: Location?
(Voting closed: February 28, 2007, 11:42:28 PM)
Poll Results Location?
Milwaukie Wunderland ( -  2 (15.4%)
The Avalon ( -  1 (7.7%)
Ground Control ( -  9 (69.2%)
Lloyd Tilt! -  1 (7.7%)
Total Voters: 9
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Location Rating: 0 Point Rating ( 0 Ratings)
February 28, 2007, 11:42:28 PM - ORIGINAL POST -


Ground Kontrol, March 31st.  Those of us who are 17 or older or have a legal guardian with us or are too good to get carded will most definitely go see The 300 afterwards.

General Disclaimer: Nothin' illegal please.
Read April 02, 2007, 09:27:57 AM #76

DDR Clone Wars biach! Cool
Read April 02, 2007, 07:28:16 PM #77

Clone wars?  Is that a vote for In The Groove 2? Wink
Read April 02, 2007, 09:58:47 PM #78

No way, Jose.  We should all dress up as storm troopers and have a blind tournament.
Read April 02, 2007, 10:28:03 PM #79

Holy balls, man; I'd dress up as Chewy. >8D
Read April 02, 2007, 11:08:07 PM #80

I'd dress up as Yoda or even Wicket Warrick!  Cool

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
Read April 02, 2007, 11:11:48 PM #81

It's like Kumoricon without the Japanophiles! Shocked
Read April 02, 2007, 11:17:03 PM #82

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
It's like Kumoricon without the Japanophiles! Shocked

Or perhaps those cat ear artists and dating games anyway!  :lol:

I heard next Labor Day weekend (gosh it's still too far from now) it's supposed to be organized differently because of that merger. Hopefully it doesn't filter the quality in any way.

Noah Eaton
Read April 02, 2007, 11:20:19 PM #83

It's slowly moving North; this makes me mad.  It's not even going to be in Oregon this year.  How lame is that?  They also haven't replied regarding my StepMania machine.  If I finish it before the con and wind up not being able to bring it, I'm going to punch babies. :x
Read April 02, 2007, 11:42:15 PM #84

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
It's slowly moving North; this makes me mad.  It's not even going to be in Oregon this year.  How lame is that?  They also haven't replied regarding my StepMania machine.  If I finish it before the con and wind up not being able to bring it, I'm going to punch babies. :x

Didn't it start in Eugene, then went to Portland, and now this?

By 2059 they'll have Kumoricon in Whitehorse at this rate. Perhaps on the shore of the Beaufort Sea by 2099!  :roll:

Noah Eaton
Read April 02, 2007, 11:48:54 PM #85

I think it's always been in Portland, but most of the fancy new hotels are in the north side of the metro area.  It's too big for the Oregon Convention center.  The problem with it moving north is transportation.  Most of the people who go to k-con get there by trimet bus, and this year it's not covered by any trimet route.
Read April 05, 2007, 02:45:49 PM #86

I hope Kumoricon is never held at the DoubleTree by Lloyd Mall ever again so I can ignore it entirely.  In my experience there are people who like anime, and cool people who happen to like anime for some reason.
Read April 05, 2007, 03:53:09 PM #87

hooooo boy.

Kumoricon = waiting for fucking Inuyasha to finish playing Tell easy three times in a row. #)(%*

also seeing Bryant in his boxers lol
Read April 05, 2007, 03:53:24 PM #88

oh, and getting hit on by Man Faye. *shudder*
Read April 05, 2007, 07:56:46 PM #89

Wait... the real Man Faye was there?  Or just a copycat?
Read April 05, 2007, 09:53:39 PM #90

Yeah; that's one of the reasons I'm bringing a shitload of DDR shit to Kumoricon, if they'll let me.  That way, I don't have to tolerate n00bs failing Butterfly on beginner three times in a row on my SM machine, because they won't know how to find it on my StepMania. xD

Seriously, guys, come to Kumoricon if I have my StepMania machine built by then and they agree to my terms.
laharl sama
Read April 06, 2007, 04:03:33 PM #91

I was the fat guy...I.E one of the three in the right. It has come my attention that you are all kick to the izass,also I wanted to compliment on the guy who made my dream of seeing duble max 300 on heavy A'ed. my god holy shit, that was teh mega super asome.I was charles friend when we were there. I will have to get a pick up and running soon.but yes let us do this again
Read April 06, 2007, 04:31:20 PM #92

Hey everyone, that's Steve.  He fails at typing. ;P
Read April 06, 2007, 05:45:27 PM #93

Quote from: "Kyrandian"
Wait... the real Man Faye was there?  Or just a copycat?

I have no idea, but it sucked fucking cock either way. He was hairy and a little bit fat.
Read April 06, 2007, 06:28:26 PM #94

Quote from: "discovolante"
Quote from: "Kyrandian"
Wait... the real Man Faye was there?  Or just a copycat?

I have no idea, but it sucked fucking cock either way. He was hairy and a little bit fat.
Sounds like Steven. Smiley
Read April 06, 2007, 07:25:39 PM #95

Quote from: "laharl sama"
I was the fat guy...I.E one of the three in the right. It has come my attention that you are all kick to the izass,also I wanted to compliment on the guy who made my dream of seeing duble max 300 on heavy A'ed. my god holy shit, that was teh mega super asome.I was charles friend when we were there. I will have to get a pick up and running soon.but yes let us do this again
That was a AA lol.

P.S. Kumoricon.
Read April 09, 2007, 09:12:23 PM #96

Hahahahaha narutards

I played PSMO no-bar in a 3-layer whatsit outfit from Bleach (the Soul whatsit peoples, with they're funky robe things).  I borrowed it from someone who thought that it + my hair would equal win.  It pretty much did.

I actually managed to make it halfway through somehow, even though I always fail it within 25 seconds at the arcade. Tongue
Read April 11, 2007, 07:20:05 PM #97

Quote from: "discovolante"
hooooo boy.

Kumoricon = waiting for fucking Inuyasha to finish playing Tell easy three times in a row. #)(%*

also seeing Bryant in his boxers lol

Eh?   :lol:  

I almost went to the get together last week, but ended up making an impromptu road trip to SF to see infected mushroom and christopher lawrence instead
laharl sama
Read April 13, 2007, 02:45:40 PM #98

hell ya. who dosnt like that guy...  

no not that fat guy narutard. I mean at GK I was the fat guy ya knowummmm fater than bbh.  I would say I was probly the least talebnted heavy player there. and I think charles played that narutard at k con... by the way. I had and Idea. instead of a dancing tofu. when I saw your hair that one day the first thought that poped in my mind was holy shit he could totalty pull off mitsurgi from SC. and if not owell. ohhhh and are yall going to k con this year... does enyone wanna go up on a room if charles plan fail to finish the stepmani cabnet by then I think its a good plan ehhh.
Read April 13, 2007, 10:10:47 PM #99

Quote from: "laharl sama"
Jesus-cubes confirmed, who fails to derive pleasure out of that male?[ellipsis]  

Negative, not that obese male Narutard.  I mean at GK, I was the fat guy, yes know :mykl: fatter than bbh.  I would say I was by far the least talented extremely heavy player there. and I think TOFU played that Narutard at Cloudcon[ellipsis]  By the way, I committed a thought crime; instead of a Dancing Tofu, when I saw your hair that one day, the first thought that pooped out of my mind was, "Holy shit he could totally pull off Mitsurugi from SC!" and if not, George Orwell.  Oh, and are yell going to Cloudcon this year?[ellipsis]  Does anyone wanna bang me up in a room if something goes terribly wrong and prevents the completion of the TOFU TOWER on schedule?  I think its a good plan, eh?

I translated your post into crude English so people could actually read it. Smiley

btw, I don't think BBH is really fat.  Last I checked, he was about average-ish as far as body fat goes, although I'm sure he weighs plenty because he's kind of tall.

You want fat?
Go buy a cube of lard.

And change your username already.
Read April 13, 2007, 10:50:56 PM #100

I weigh like 145. I didn't know that was fat nowadays!
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