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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Returning to scene after a long break, looking for people to dance with.
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January 04, 2012, 02:51:45 AM
Hi guys,
I've recently started playing 4-panel dancing games again after
a hiatus of about four years. My favorite is definitely ITG2. I
played on the machine at Lloyd Center Tilt! not even 10 times
and now I've read that it's gone. :(
I've checked around sites like and others, but I
don't see any other ITG machines in the area. Does anyone know
where the nearest ITG machines are that are in good condition?
I live in SE Hillsboro but don't mind travelling into Portland. Seattle
or Tacoma are a bit out of my range though.
Also, I'm kinda new to the area and am looking to make some new
friends. Playing alone is not nearly as fun as playing with
someone. I know that there was a group that hung-out at Tilt! on
Fridays. I showed up there a couple times on a Friday and
everybody seemed pretty chill. Is everyone going to move to some
other location now?
Or does anyone want to meet up and play some DDR, ITG, or PIU?
I'm no expert compared to the people I used to play with, or some
of the people I've seen play at Tilt!, but I can pass the easier 9s
without too much difficulty.
I've seen on this board that some players have machines in their
garages. I know I probably won't get invited to those since I'm a
stranger, so does anyone want to hang out and play some DDR
and get to know me so I won't be a stranger anymore? lol
I have a pretty open schedule, so I can meet whenever. I also
would like to start playing 5-panel dancing games. I know Big
Al's in Vancouver and Beaverton have PIU machines. I don't know
much about the 5-panel scene. Any recommendations on where to
play or good websites about PIU like ddrfreak or itgfreak? I've
been out of the rhythm-game genre for far too long. I feel like a
newbie again.
Anyway, it seems like the whole scene isn't what it used to be not
even five years ago. I'd like to do what I can to revive or keep
alive what's left, so if anybody ever wants to go dance, hit me
January 04, 2012, 04:49:10 AM
I'm from WA, but I've been down to Vancouver and Portland a few times.
It seems most play Pump down there just cause they are the best machines right now. Also because it's a good game.
There's a PIU PRO2 at Big Al's in Beaverton, OR and a PRO2 at Big Al's in Vancouver,WA
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
January 05, 2012, 09:57:19 AM
Hello and welcome! I would recommend Narrows Plaza Bowl in Tacoma for a nearby ITG machine to you in decent condition, though it's an upgrade cabinet. It should be within 20-30min of Hillsboro. Or if you feel like an extra drive for a really high quality ITG machine, you can go to Acme Bowl in Tukwila where many of us play nowadays.
Again, good to have you with us; hope to see you around!
doin' work
January 05, 2012, 10:52:28 AM
Hey. Welcome back, Sophos.
I'd totally be down for steppin with ya if I'm in the area.
Most of the time I hit up Acme, in Tukwila, which I'm 25 minutes North of. Narrows isn't completely out of my range either.
The Almighty Tallest
January 05, 2012, 02:48:11 PM
Quote from: Gerrak on January 05, 2012, 09:57:19 AM
It should be within 20-30min of Hillsboro.
Um, try 2+ hours. =\,+or&daddr=tacoma,+wa&hl=en&gl=us&dirflg=d&geocode=Ff-ftgId4FKr-Cl55bxWXwWVVDGG7TNqhv8pfQ%3BFY0F0QId_aWz-ClnlWUr7lSQVDGCnrDrB5whYg&t=h&z=8&vpsrc=0
I don't think there're any ITG machines in the greater Portland area at the moment. I do remember hearing that there was one at the Great Wolf Lodge. It's not close, but it is closer than Tacoma and I think there's a dedicab there.
Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 02:49:49 PM by Suko
January 06, 2012, 09:12:12 PM
Unfortunately the state of the 4-panel scene in Portland is not good. Pretty much every arcade with a machine has pad problems now, and no more ITG2. One of the Century Theaters may have a playable Supernova 1 machine, but it's a pain in the ass to check when they require buying a movie ticket just to get into the arcade. Maybe there's a playable DDR somewhere in Vancouver, Washington? I dunno...
As far as 5-panel goes, yes there are Pump Pro 2 machines at both the Beaverton and Vancouver Big Al's locations. The Beaverton one costs $1.25 for 3 songs and Vancouver costs $1.10 for 3 songs, so it gets pricy unless you go on Wednesday half price nights. Myself and a few others often go on Wednesdays for a bit. Completely understandable if you're not that familiar with Pump compared to DDR, but Pro 2 is a great game with a lot of new chart styles to play if you primarily play DDR. Plus the machines have stood up very well with practically no pad problems, compared to how bad DDR pads have gotten. (Beaverton Big Al's has a Supernova 2 machine, the P2 side used to be great but it is slowly degrading and dropping a lot of steps)
January 10, 2012, 01:33:34 AM
Thanks for all the responses. It's good to know that there are
some decent ITG machines in the Seattle area, but since I'm
currently without a car, I'm limited to places that TriMet can
take me. :/
I'll probably end up trying to pick up PIU at Big Al's in
Beaverton. Unfortunately, Wednesdays are about the only days
where I *can't* go.
I was thinking about heading to Big Al's in Beaverton this Friday.
Anyone want to meet up there sometime around 6 P.M.?
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
January 10, 2012, 09:04:37 AM
Um, try 2+ hours. =\
I think I misspelled it or something and got a WA location nearby. Though I can't recreate said search, so simply disregard what I said
January 14, 2012, 09:30:17 AM
I showed up at Big Al's in Beaverton Friday night. Only complaint
I have is there were no fans at the machines. I'll probably bring
my own next time. Didn't get a chance to play Supernova but the
pads on PIU Pro2 were better than I've ever seen on any machine and
the volume was at a nice level.
I'll definitely be making regular rounds there.
A group of people showed up and played a set. It looked like they
may have been regulars but they only played one set and then
disappeared before I could ask them if they were from If you were, sorry I didn't get a chance to say
I'm actually kind of surprised how easily I was able to pick up
PIU, having never played a 5-panel game before. I was bummed out
that I didn't get a chance to play my Take Me Back edit on the ITG
machine formerly at Tilt!, but getting to play it on PIU was really
awesome. (Take Me Back is one of my favorite songs of all time,
either played on a machine or simply listened to for enjoyment.) I
probably played it half a dozen times that night lol.
Anyway it's good to be back in the scene again.
March 25, 2012, 02:18:52 AM
Just wanted to say Hi, and that I just moved to Portland. If you want to hit up Ground Kontrol or Tilt just let me know and i'll be there.
March 25, 2012, 11:58:21 PM
Sure, I'm planning on going to Ground Kontrol this Wednesday because they're having Free Play night. If you're not familiar, they close briefly and reopen at 5:00 P.M. with all machines set to free play. It's only a $5.00 cover to get in the door. If you're interested, I would recommend getting there as close to 5:00 as you can because they reach their maximum capacity quickly and a line forms outside.
I also want to say that my Wednesday night obligations have ended and I will most likely be at Big Al's in Beaverton Wednesday nights from now on unless I decide to go to Ground Kontrol's Wednesday night free play parties. I met two people at Big Al's last Wednesday that said they used to be regular posters here but haven't been active for awhile.
On a final note, I live about a mile away from Park Lanes in Hillsboro. If anyone on the westside ever wants to dance there, hit me up. Their DDR Extreme machine has very good pads on the 2p side. The 1p side is unplayable, so forget about doubles, but the 2p side is better than Ground Kontrol's DDR Ex and Big Al's SN2.
March 26, 2012, 02:52:55 AM
I went today to just check it out. Right side is better than the left, if you can handle looking hard left and the hella loud music. I will most definitely meet you on wed. I need to have a regular session with new people. Only reason I'm going there is because it's cheap, But I do want to check out these other machines. Should be some good arrow smashing. See you there.
March 27, 2012, 01:16:31 AM
Alright, I'll be there around 5:00. I haven't been to a Free Play party at GK in a couple months but DDR didn't seem to be a very popular game the two times I last went, so finding me shouldn't be too difficult.
If there happens to be a crowd at the machine, I'll be the one wearing a shirt with a yellow blowfish on it. It's the mascot for the operating system I use and because I'm such a big geek, I have several of them and wear them frequently.
May 12, 2012, 01:12:32 AM
Add one more guy for Hillsboro. Figure I'll make myself known.
I'm a former regular from Narrows back in 2005/2006. Was living in Japan until last June; basically been playing at Park Lanes periodically since I moved to Hillsboro.
Would be cool to meet up with others sometime. I know DDR has generally died out here stateside (whereas it's somewhat revived in Japan), and although I like not having to wait to play, it'd be nice to see at least one other person who even knows how to play =P
I'm totally up for going to Big Al's too; went there tonight and did PIU Pro 2 for the first time. Good stuff. And *now* I hear about the Wednesday nights... meh. =P
Happy Redneck
May 12, 2012, 02:39:57 AM
Hey I remember you. You probably don't remember me, but I'm a big asian guy, always hung out with a skinny asian guy (and still do). Damn I'm miss the old Narrows days...
May 12, 2012, 09:32:34 AM
Ahh yes, Narrows... Sadly I think they still have the exact same DDR machines as 6 years ago? Minus one or two perhaps, but nothing new?
Acme was nice, and that was one reason I missed the US for: all the extra songs on the ITG2. Still nice to visit there when I'm in WA for visiting friends, but this isn't often.
But, work has brought me to Hillsboro, so making due with what's around here. Sad though that Tilt had to sell their ITG; only got to play it 2 nights before it got sold...
Anyway, enough nostalgia/complaining =) Glad to at least find online that there's someone other than me still doing this around here.
The Almighty Tallest
May 12, 2012, 09:33:15 PM
If you know of ANY place to DDR near Lake Oswego, let me know. I visit my buddy down there regularly, but I don't know of any DDR machine nearby.
Happy Redneck
May 13, 2012, 04:29:08 AM
I'm not sure when they took out Extreme, but Supernova is still there.
The Almighty Tallest
May 13, 2012, 09:08:10 PM
Quote from: Junpei Iori on May 13, 2012, 04:29:08 AM
I'm not sure when they took out Extreme, but Supernova is still there.
Where, exactly?
Happy Redneck
May 14, 2012, 01:38:52 AM
Oh sorry, Narrows.
May 14, 2012, 07:43:20 AM
I'm thinking of going to Big Al's (Beaverton) this Wednesday around 8pm, maybe 7:30. If anyone's up for it (or if anyone's a regular who was planning to go anyway), hope we can meet up =)
I like computers
May 14, 2012, 03:06:44 PM
I may go, I am a "regular" there though I've been busy lately with stuff. I'd say there's an 80% chance of me going.
May 22, 2012, 01:21:12 PM
Quote from: Vultaire on May 12, 2012, 01:12:32 AM
Would be cool to meet up with others sometime. I know DDR has generally died out here stateside (whereas it's somewhat revived in Japan), and although I like not having to wait to play, it'd be nice to see at least one other person who even knows how to play =P
Sure, I live in Hillsboro too and have been playing at Big Al's and Park Lanes. Let me know if you ever want to dance. I get bored being the only one dancing too.
I'd also be interested in talking about living Japan. I definitely want to do the JET programme when I get my degree and spend at least a year living there, preferable more.
Quote from: Suko on May 12, 2012, 09:33:15 PM
If you know of ANY place to DDR near Lake Oswego, let me know. I visit my buddy down there regularly, but I don't know of any DDR machine nearby.
Big Al's in Beaverton is probably the closest place, unless your friend lives way east in Lake Oswego. Then it's probably tied between Big Al's, Ground Kontrol, and Lloyd center Tilt!.
Big Al's has Supernova2 and PIU Pro2. GK has DDR Extreme and Tilt! has DDR X IIRC. So your choice on where to go may be influenced by that.
The Almighty Tallest
May 22, 2012, 01:38:32 PM
Quote from: Sophos on May 22, 2012, 01:21:12 PM
Big Al's in Beaverton is probably the closest place, unless your friend lives way east in Lake Oswego. Then it's probably tied between Big Al's, Ground Kontrol, and Lloyd center Tilt!.
Big Al's has Supernova2 and PIU Pro2. GK has DDR Extreme and Tilt! has DDR X IIRC. So your choice on where to go may be influenced by that.
Thanks for the suggestions. I was hoping there'd be something in a bowling alley or something within a mile or two. Sigh, I remember ~2005 when it seemed like there was a DDR machine in every neighborhood.
Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 01:58:22 PM by Suko
n00b Sauce
June 22, 2012, 03:36:53 PM
Is this the same Suko that Mute made a video of on his youtube channel?
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Returning to scene after a long break, looking for people to dance with.
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