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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Returning to scene after a long break, looking for people to dance with.
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January 04, 2012, 02:51:45 AM
Hi guys,
I've recently started playing 4-panel dancing games again after
a hiatus of about four years. My favorite is definitely ITG2. I
played on the machine at Lloyd Center Tilt! not even 10 times
and now I've read that it's gone. :(
I've checked around sites like and others, but I
don't see any other ITG machines in the area. Does anyone know
where the nearest ITG machines are that are in good condition?
I live in SE Hillsboro but don't mind travelling into Portland. Seattle
or Tacoma are a bit out of my range though.
Also, I'm kinda new to the area and am looking to make some new
friends. Playing alone is not nearly as fun as playing with
someone. I know that there was a group that hung-out at Tilt! on
Fridays. I showed up there a couple times on a Friday and
everybody seemed pretty chill. Is everyone going to move to some
other location now?
Or does anyone want to meet up and play some DDR, ITG, or PIU?
I'm no expert compared to the people I used to play with, or some
of the people I've seen play at Tilt!, but I can pass the easier 9s
without too much difficulty.
I've seen on this board that some players have machines in their
garages. I know I probably won't get invited to those since I'm a
stranger, so does anyone want to hang out and play some DDR
and get to know me so I won't be a stranger anymore? lol
I have a pretty open schedule, so I can meet whenever. I also
would like to start playing 5-panel dancing games. I know Big
Al's in Vancouver and Beaverton have PIU machines. I don't know
much about the 5-panel scene. Any recommendations on where to
play or good websites about PIU like ddrfreak or itgfreak? I've
been out of the rhythm-game genre for far too long. I feel like a
newbie again.
Anyway, it seems like the whole scene isn't what it used to be not
even five years ago. I'd like to do what I can to revive or keep
alive what's left, so if anybody ever wants to go dance, hit me
The Almighty Tallest
June 22, 2012, 04:26:21 PM
Quote from: NWKJ on June 22, 2012, 03:36:53 PM
Is this the same Suko that Mute made a video of on his youtube channel?
Probably. Did Mute get pissy enough to make a video about me? I feel honored.
A little more info: Someone on my Youtube channel suggested I release my stepcharts onto AIJ, so I did. Soon after, Mute just tears into'em. Claiming they're poorly synced and terrible. I try to defend them, citing that a good number of players in this community have nearly quaded them. He and some others continue to rant and I gave up trying to argue with them about it. I don't really care what that guy thinks/says. IMO, he's everything that's wrong with the ITG community right now. In some PMs he sent to me, Aaron himself agrees. That's all I'm going to say about that.
Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 04:43:49 PM by Suko
Happy Redneck
June 25, 2012, 12:56:18 AM
Quote from: Suko on June 22, 2012, 04:26:21 PM
Probably. Did Mute get pissy enough to make a video about me? I feel honored.
He's just trying to show you how to sync stuff, but kind of in a condescending way.
The Almighty Tallest
June 25, 2012, 10:10:57 AM
Iron Man. Are you going to fight HULK or team up with him to form the AVENGERS?
Happy Redneck
June 25, 2012, 04:43:56 PM
We're going to team up and get those bus bullies in New York.
The Almighty Tallest
June 25, 2012, 05:09:37 PM
Pretty cute for a Vanilla face
August 02, 2012, 06:10:06 PM
I'm signing on here for the first time in a few years when I made this account and did nothing with it. But if there are some sort of pseudo Portland/metro area meetups, and you are ok with someone new joining in, I'd love to meet up with people. When I was actively playing dance games I was in Central Oregon so I'm only well versed with DDR but I'd love to get more into ITG then the little that I've played. I just have limited folks to play with, haha.
I can pass 9's on ITG from the bit I've played at Tilt.
August 02, 2012, 07:41:34 PM
Quote from: PiggyNukka on August 02, 2012, 06:10:06 PM
I'm signing on here for the first time in a few years when I made this account and did nothing with it. But if there are some sort of pseudo Portland/metro area meetups, and you are ok with someone new joining in, I'd love to meet up with people.
I'm not aware of any regular meetups, but I'm still willing to go dance with whomever so long as I have a few days notice. Big Al's has half-price Wednesdays after 6:00 P.M. which is probably the closest thing to a regular meetup from what I've heard.
Unfortunately I can't make it to Big Al's on Wednesday nights. I encountered some regulars at Big Al's on Fridays and Saturdays on occasion but I broke my toe a few months ago and had to put my dancing on hiatus. Now that's it's mostly healed, I want to start dancing again.
There's also Ground Kontrol's Free Play parties twice a month, but their DDR machine is not in the best condition. It's playable, but expect to get just enough pad-misses to be annoying without getting to the level of outright fury. It's also gets hot as hell in there.
ITG is my favorite rhythm game, but Tilt! sold their machine a while ago. So unfortunately the only choices are DDR or PIU. :(
There's a DDR Ex machine at Park Lanes in Hillsboro. As of a few months ago, the 1p side was unusable and it had no unlocks, but the 2p side was almost perfect. I go there to get my fix of all the songs that aren't on SN2 at Big Al's. The arcade there is almost always empty and it's very quiet, so it's a nice place to dance if you're way out on the west-side like I am.
Pretty cute for a Vanilla face
August 02, 2012, 09:50:03 PM
Well I'm down to meet up sometime to play with you if you want for sure. I'll have to go check out Big Al's on Wednesday as I haven't gone yet because I've heard the machine was spendy (1.25 a play or something).
I usually play at GK since it's a few blocks away from my college. I just went tonight and 1P I was getting constant down misses but 2P seemed to be working decently. And I wasn't aware that Tilt sold their ITG machine, gahhhhh. That freaking blows. I'm not too big on PIU.
Well, I'm gonna add you on aim, since I def need more people to play with and we can figure something out. And I'll probably lurk around the Oregon forums for a month or so and see how this place is hanging now (Seems like it's p dead though).
Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 09:57:08 PM by PiggyNukka
August 03, 2012, 03:15:36 AM
Still alone in southern oregon ;_ ;
August 03, 2012, 11:01:04 PM
Quote from: PiggyNukka on August 02, 2012, 09:50:03 PM
Well I'm down to meet up sometime to play with you if you want for sure. I'll have to go check out Big Al's on Wednesday as I haven't gone yet because I've heard the machine was spendy (1.25 a play or something).
I was there last Tuesday and they've reduced PIU and DDR to $1.00 a play. On Wednesdays after 6:00 that will obviously drop to $0.50 which is the same as GK, so have fun at Big Al's!
Quote from: PiggyNukka on August 02, 2012, 09:50:03 PM
I usually play at GK since it's a few blocks away from my college. I just went tonight and 1P I was getting constant down misses but 2P seemed to be working decently. And I wasn't aware that Tilt sold their ITG machine, gahhhhh. That freaking blows. I'm not too big on PIU.
Have you played PIU Pro? I was not into PIU when I played it way back when so I was skeptical of it too but I found that PIU Pro is so unlike regular Pump that most people in the scene don't consider PIU Pro to be in the same franchise as regular Pump because it's "too much like ITG" because PIU Pro's stepcharts are stylistically more like ITG than regular PIU or DDR.
PIU Pro runs on Stepmania like ITG and many of Kyle Ward's songs are there too. If you aren't aware, he's ITG's version of DDR's Naoki. His many aliases include: Banzai, KaW, Inspector K, K-Bit, Smiley, ZiGZaG, and possibly more. I'm a big fan of his music so that was a major factor that drew me to PIU Pro.
Quote from: PiggyNukka on August 02, 2012, 09:50:03 PM
Well, I'm gonna add you on aim, since I def need more people to play with and we can figure something out. And I'll probably lurk around the Oregon forums for a month or so and see how this place is hanging now (Seems like it's p dead though).
I haven't been on AIM in ages. I'll try to sign on more. Feel free to email me through the forums as well. I really miss having people to dance with. I've met some people at Big Al's that said they used to be active on these forums but don't sign on much anymore, but they still play PIU Pro and DDR. These forums are a bit slow but there are still people out there that play despite that.
Quote from: pantsuuuu on August 03, 2012, 03:15:36 AM
Still alone in southern oregon ;_ ;
If you're ever in town up north, hit me up and we'll dance.
I have a friend that recently moved to Corvallis that I want to visit sometime next year. Are you anywhere nearby or are you more in the Medford/Klamath Falls area?
edit: I see you started the Klamath Falls arcade thread so I'm going to assume you're somewhere near there.
Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 11:03:29 PM by Sophos
August 04, 2012, 11:15:48 AM
Klamath falls. have a popn cab that needs love if anybody is in the area
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Returning to scene after a long break, looking for people to dance with.
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