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January 27, 2007, 01:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 08:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read December 01, 2008, 05:52:52 PM #876

Haha, I think we are all excited. When I went on Friday, kapat, tada, and Matsuura were all complaining about the current sticks not working. Maybe Acme will be a place to set world records now...
Read December 01, 2008, 09:22:40 PM #877

i wish there was a ferry from bremerton to tukwila.

or maybe just a helicopter.
Read December 01, 2008, 09:31:27 PM #878

If you can get to Seattle, there is a chance I can pick you up and take you to Acme. Granted, it would be a fairly short (2 hourish) visit but this is a possibility if you ever need a ride to Acme.
Read December 02, 2008, 06:43:39 AM #879

nah i don't NEED a ride so to speak, it's just the most incovenient arcade for me to get to.

either drive 65.4 miles and pay bridge toll, or take the ferry and drive like 20 miles. lose lose. except for the win of acme.
Read December 03, 2008, 12:32:53 PM #880

Bill, any chance we could be seeing this game in the future?

Seems like it would be a sweet game to get later on.
Read December 03, 2008, 03:54:32 PM #881

Never say never to that one.  But honestly, I'm not sure yet if this game is any good.  We will see how testing goes.  Lot's of new music type games coming out next year.  We need to figure out if any of them are going to be worthwhile.
BTW, what is the community's initial thoughts on the GH arcade machine?
Read December 03, 2008, 05:01:50 PM #882

(if GH = Guitar Hero) From what I've heard of the Guitar Hero arcade attempts, I didn't see stuff that makes the arcade version special.

DDR and the other Bemani all have been successful from Arcade -> home because the home features different stuff, while still missing parts from the Arcade. That makes both entertaining. Putting the same game we have at home in an arcade doesn't do anything for me. It would feel like I'm at a gamestop playing the game at one of their in-store kiosks.
Read December 03, 2008, 11:31:09 PM #883

Agree with the comment about a GH arcade machine - would much rather see the money put toward upgrading GF/DM to one of the newer V series mixes.
Read December 04, 2008, 08:18:02 AM #884

(if GH = Guitar Hero) From what I've heard of the Guitar Hero arcade attempts, I didn't see stuff that makes the arcade version special.
This is how I feel.  The thing about existing Japanese music games is that they offer an experience in the arcade that cannot be replicated at home (without a lot of money)
Now a GH game would attract the casual, one-time gamer a lot more while existing music games tend to attract a more dedicated niche crowd who will continue to put money into the game over an extended period of time.. the question is would casual interest in GH be enough to allow it to make money for as long as some of these older music games have?
Read December 04, 2008, 02:57:43 PM #885

Bill, any chance we could be seeing this game in the future?

Seems like it would be a sweet game to get later on.

I second that request.

In other news, I went to Acme on Tuesday to try and play some ITG for once without having ridiculous amounts of background noise. No matter when I go or what I try, it seems that SOMEONE crawls out of a hole in the wall and starts that damn air hockey game. Every time, it never fails. It's actually a running joke around my friends and I that whenever we play, that machine will inevitably be used within 5 minutes. And so far our theory has not been disproved.

Seriously, can we either move ITG to the back (this would probably be what the Acme staff desires, seeing how they dislike how "loud" it is. Or can you move the hockey table away from the three dance games? It's super distracting and makes playing for accuracy really difficult for an audio player like myself.

On another note, I kept getting pad misses on the 1P Down arrow. Not just me, but my two buddies also. It didn't happen too frequently, but I was getting it about once every other song.

End Report.
Read December 04, 2008, 05:16:03 PM #886

Are you sure that being near air hockey is worse than being near Pop 'n Music, as far as noise is concerned?  (This is not a complaint about PnM, but it's in the back of the room.)
Read December 05, 2008, 02:14:41 PM #887

The majority of the time I can get down to Acme is on the weekends and at almost ANY point on Saturday or Sunday all three dance machines are in constant use along with the air hockey table. I think that if the three dance games could be equally distributed in the room it would help a LOT to reduce the sound pollution. I don't care where the air hockey, ITG, or DDR machines are. I just think it's funny that they're all crammed together in the front, which creates an audible clusterf*ck when they're all in use.

I realize they're up front because they're the "hot attractions", but I'm just voicing my observations as a regular player and offering some advice that may (or may not) alleviate the problem.
Read December 05, 2008, 05:13:36 PM #888

Good news, new Sanwa sticks on Tetris

Bad news, gues where the Acme administration offices are located?  Yup, on the other side of the back arcade wall.  And whatever makes noise back there penetratrates that wall pretty well.  Hence why no dance games are on the back wall or in that area.  Also why Pop N got moved to that other wall.  :-(
Read December 06, 2008, 08:07:52 PM #889

If it's ITG music, I don't see who would like it.   Grin
Happy Redneck
Read December 07, 2008, 11:08:37 PM #890

no one goes to acme on fridays and saturdays anymore =(
Read December 09, 2008, 02:17:04 PM #891

It's been a while since I've been there; usually every Saturday night I'm there, but work has occupied most of my time (same with school work).
Read December 12, 2008, 08:59:40 AM #892

Wow, lots of people were there on Thursday night playing the new Blue Blaze fighter. I remember reading about that game months ago, but I knew right when I saw it that it was created by the guys who did Guilty Gear. The art style is so similar, but way more fluid and beautiful in Blue Blaze. It was too crowded for me to try playing, but I'll definitely give it a go sometime later.
Read December 20, 2008, 12:16:11 PM #893

I went there a week or two ago...  Playing BlazBlue was pretty cool, Max2 was in ok condition, ITG2 was ok, and SN2 was fine--though it was cool to see a Pop'n Music...
Decent arcade may visit again.
Read December 26, 2008, 09:40:21 PM #894

ITG 2 is eating quarters again Sad

MAX2 is fine as usual Smiley
The Wise Fool
Read December 28, 2008, 07:57:07 PM #895

Hey, I haven't been here in a while but it was because of the snow

I will be there soooooooooon to play Ti and bemani

Blue Blaze
You mean Blazblue, right?

Read December 29, 2008, 01:00:58 AM #896

Same. I hope Ti's income hasn't completely dropped off while I have been gone. Not that I wouldn't buy it if it was for sale, but... Wink
Read December 30, 2008, 08:06:33 PM #897

so i went today and I was angry that my usb didn't read and it read as "NoName" so i couldn't play any songs Sad. Anywhoo, TGM is pretty fun yet hard. Didn't get to play BlazBlue because it seemed hard. The problems I saw were the Initial D v2 right side's volume was EXTREMELY high or maybe it was because i was playing tgm but i found it pretty loud compared to everything else so if you Mr. Masterman could turn it down that would be sweet. ITG2 is still eating quarters on both sides(thanks to the guy who paid for me) and the soda vending machine stole my 1.50 so don't get B4.
Read December 31, 2008, 03:01:59 AM #898

No pat it's not just you, the IDV2's volume on the right side is really really loud, haha. Also I think it's really cool that we have TGM3 with Sanwa sticks and it's the only one in the country. Maybe in a future time (read: WHEN I GET BACK FROM ENGLAND IN A FEW DAYS) I'll start cementing plans for a tournament. Maybe. Or I might just be lazy and leave it to Ezzelin. We'll see. Hmm.
Read December 31, 2008, 02:44:42 PM #899

Also bump because I'm feeling happy and excited for New Year's Eve which is in 1.5 hours here. I'm ordering a set of Sanwa OBSN-30 (these are the screw-in ones, not snap-in) buttons for my arcade stick at home and since it's really just efficient and I'm feeling generous I'm going to order a complete extra set of 8. Will they end up on the TGM3 cabinet? Depends on whether Bill wants my belated Christmas present. If not, there's always someone who's gonna want a spare set of nice shiny super sensitive Sanwa buttons!
Read December 31, 2008, 05:16:53 PM #900

 Grin. Any words on that itg3 mod thing?!
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