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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read November 26, 2009, 04:49:31 PM #1351

I don't know how many of you will actually find this relevant, but I figured I'd post this tidbit from the ACME website:

Thanksgiving, Thursday 11.26.09 Open Bowl from 4pm to Midnight

For those of you who don't have something to do today, or are in a situation similar to me and Tony, wherein your relatives live 5 minutes from ACME Bowl, you may want to consider heading down there. We will probably show up between 7 and 8.
Read November 26, 2009, 05:33:39 PM #1352

I read about that. I would have tried to make it down there if it wasn't an hour away. I will be trying to head down there tomorrow, try to make myself feel better and work out. Hopefully Ill see you guys down there.
Read November 27, 2009, 05:09:38 PM #1353

ITG's 1P Right Arrow is giving out misses.  Couldn't pinpoint it perfectly, but it's either the bottom or right sensor, more likely the bottom one, given that outer sensors don't matter that much.
Read November 28, 2009, 02:14:20 PM #1354

Amending prior claim about ITG: 1P right still needs work.  2P left gave me some weird issues when moving my foot down->left; couldn't pinpoint the problem, but it's likely the bottom sensor as well, based on the movement that triggers problems.
Read December 02, 2009, 07:01:39 PM #1355

Thanks for the info on ITG2.  I went through it myself earlier today, and replaced a few sensors.  Please let me know how that works out on your next visit.
Read December 02, 2009, 07:03:31 PM #1356

Awe, almost forgot.  A few price reductions went down at Acme today.
Pop N, now 50 cents
Blazeblue, now 50 cents
Primeval Hunt 75 cents.

For whatever it's worth.

Read December 03, 2009, 10:31:43 AM #1357

Bill, think you could make SuperNova 4 stages for .75? I really loved playing Max 2 when you had it because I really felt like I got my money's worth when I did.

Also, could you please turn up the bass on the SuperNova machine? The volume (while a bit low) is playable, but the bass is rather weak.
Read December 05, 2009, 12:59:13 AM #1358

Update Report: The volume on the ITG3 Machine is severely low. There were 4-5 of us: Gerrak (Allan), Me (NiMM), Tuanh, Travis, and another regular from 7:30-9:30pm playing tonight. Without even mentioning the issue, each of us asked each other why the volume was so quiet. Earlier this week when going to ACME, Gerrak and I had no problems with the volume of the machine, as it was the same as before tonight. However tonight it was near a point of barely hearing the song from a player's point of view. Of course it wasn't something wrong with the machine itself as restarting wouldn't rectify the issue. Being a rather quiet stepper, (most of us were), the steps were pretty much all either player could hear, resulting in mainly sight reading. The immediate consensus among the group of regulars that were present was that the volume just perfect the way it was before the change. Generally, we are there a couple times a week, and noted that the volume change was very recent. I also called and left a message with Masterman Vending to notify them of the issue, and am posting here to bring light to it as well. I understand word of this will spread fast with the volume on the machine being the way it is.

Please note when I first arrived on the scene, it wasn't too crowded, as there were 2-3 others only on Initial D racing games, so the enviroment's noise wasn't the issue, because even on a busy busy friday night a week ago with Rambo, Guitar Hero, Air Hockey, crowds, and the other DDR blazing in play, we would hear the music more loudly and clearly than the volume it was tonight. If anyone has any questions or curiosities about the issue, feel free to contact me or definitely visit ACME (if you can) to see for yourself.

P.S. Thank you Bill for your work on the sensors, I seemed to have little to no problems when playing today, pad wise. I would also like to extend my thanks to you and the others for your maintenance and care on the machines, because most places with dance games are never maintained, and we feel it is helpful that the condition of the machines is kept well. Hopefully the volume issue will be rectified soon and placed back to the previous volume.
Read December 07, 2009, 02:45:23 AM #1359

Update: I went on Saturday and it looks like the problem has been resolved, with volume set back to normal. Thank you!
Read December 13, 2009, 01:40:49 PM #1360

So I played Supernova 2 this weekend in Canada. Oh my god, that game is absolutely amazing. Seriously, Supernova 2 is a massive improvement over Supernova. Not only are there a bunch of good new songs but there's also the issue of completely fixed syncing. Timing is so so so much better than it was on Supernova 1. If you see any cheap kits going for this, Bill, I would highly recommend getting it. X might be the worst DDR to have ever been released, but Supernova 2 is seriously awesome. Definitely on par with if not better than Extreme. In addition, no arcade in the area (to my knowledge) has it, so that'd be another advantage over Gameworks and the likes. Tongue
Read December 13, 2009, 02:10:51 PM #1361

I wholeheartedly second Supernova 2, if it's even feasible. I played it in CA once and it was actually pretty fun.
Read December 13, 2009, 02:18:24 PM #1362

Isn't there a problem with the Dedicabs though? I hear getting SN 2 as an upgrade is better than buying a new machine...
Read December 13, 2009, 02:29:39 PM #1363

Last I heard, they were making you buy an entire new cabinet.  Anyone heard anything otherwise?  Not much mention lately within the industry circles.  If we could get an upgrade hkit, I am interested!
Read December 13, 2009, 02:37:12 PM #1364

Yeah, I'm sure Betson would only distribute with a new cabinet. That being said, I'm sure there are kits floating around now since a lot of arcades in Japan just upgraded to X instead of buying new cabinets. I'll check into it!

EDIT: Never mind! Betson does sell it! This must be a new development; I don't recall those ever being available before.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 02:41:30 PM by KevinDDR »
Read December 14, 2009, 09:26:44 AM #1365

Issues with the left pad,right arrow, on the ITG machine. Played 2 songs, and by about half way through the 2nd song, it was maybe reading 20% of the time when I hit it. Didn't get a chance to call it in.
Read December 15, 2009, 05:38:45 PM #1366

ITG player 1 right arrow should be all good now.  Please let us know if any more issues arise.

On SN2 upgrades, Betson is all sold out on the kits.  now checking through other distributors to see if any unsold NOS ones are laying around out there.  I also learned that very few of these kits were produced and sold.  Not surprising to me, as SN was nothing short of a total pig, so no wonder everyone was leery about putting more money in the pig trough, haha.
Read December 15, 2009, 06:05:29 PM #1367

Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. It's a little funny too how Konami managed to blow it with SN1, absolutely get it perfect with SN2, and then completely fail horribly with X. Oh well, SN2 is definitely worth it if you can manage to find a kit. It's pretty cool too, since they released all of the unlock codes for SN2 so players can at least be on a similar level to people in Japan with e-amuse.
Read December 19, 2009, 03:49:49 PM #1368

gonna show up here later tonight probably if anyone wants to join.
I need to my groove back with ITG, because I'm too good at DDR now and I want to play some UBER ENDURANCE KILLING SONGS

Edit: nevermind, I just became SUPER busy in one minute haha

« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 03:56:32 PM by Keby »
Read December 19, 2009, 06:38:41 PM #1369

FYI, SN is down until Monday when we should be recieving a new chassis for it's monitor.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
Read December 19, 2009, 07:10:17 PM #1370

Ugh, Bill, I feel your pain. Monitor problems suck.

Oh, also! We were there last night, and one of the buttons on pop'n was stuck so far down that we couldn't play it. It was the blue replacement button on the bottom row. Smiley

Happy Redneck
Read December 20, 2009, 04:04:09 AM #1371

Acme looks weird now lol
Read December 20, 2009, 11:13:54 AM #1372

In what way?
Read December 20, 2009, 12:46:35 PM #1373

Thanks for the info, Laura.  that should be corrected right about now as the tech just arrived there.  Please report back if there is still any problem.

Acme got some layout changes, as the Basketball games had to be moved from the back wall.  The offices are right behind that wall, and you can imagine what it sounded like in there when balls were being thrown.
Yeah, looks different.  In your opinions, good different, or bad?
Read December 20, 2009, 04:09:50 PM #1374

Let's see.

ITG3 - check
GFDM V3 - Check
Pop'n - Check
BlazBlue - Check

....yup. Looks fine to me.
Happy Redneck
Read December 20, 2009, 07:44:36 PM #1375

In your opinions, good different, or bad?
When I saw the basketball games I immediately thought "ok those should go near the back they look weird in the middle" but like you said the offices are behind that wall so it wouldn't work out. I don't know what to say about those. I like where Supernova is right now for some reason. ITG would be better there imo but that probably won't happen. Oh and it feels like Rambo is a little too close to ITG, it feels weird to play. And the floors are really sticky from the moving. But I like how Supernova finally got moved. It's been in the same spot ever since it's been there

« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 07:46:25 PM by BlackWarGreymon »
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