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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 08, 2012, 10:22:53 PM #2326

I'll be here again Friday evening (probably will be my weekly day), now that the machine will be back by then  Smiley I hope you all had fun at the con, had I returned to DDR/ITG sooner i would have come, but it's important to get the maximum amount of practice/dollar i can.
Happy Redneck
Read April 09, 2012, 02:59:54 PM #2327

Please tell me the Pump NX at Sakura Con is going to Acme...
Read April 09, 2012, 05:16:34 PM #2328

We are thinking about it.  I was hoping Laura would start a poll, to see if everyone would mind Super Nova being gone for NX.
Read April 09, 2012, 05:40:22 PM #2329

The Supernova machine is only infrequently played (by anyone else) while I'm there.  I will continue to play it if it is there, or will switch to whichever of Pump/ITG happens to be open at the time if Pump is swapped in.

When is ITG due back to Acme from SakuraCon?
Read April 09, 2012, 05:48:59 PM #2330

ITG went back last night about 7:00 P.M.
Read April 10, 2012, 04:44:17 PM #2331

Acme is having a private event tomorrow, April 11 from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.  All arrow smashing is now squashed during that time. 

Other Acme news.  Yes, I know this is not likely to excite anyone here, but we are setting up a new Triotech Typhoon motion simulator there in the morning.  We needed something almost as big as that crane to make the crane seem more in place, haha.
Read April 14, 2012, 01:11:30 AM #2332

There currently isn't any bar on the right side of the ITG cab. Looks like Typhoon got set up next to it, but it's presently out of order. It's pretty easy to hear the dance machine; now start working on your no-bar skillz people.
Read April 14, 2012, 07:31:17 AM #2333

Yes, no bar raping permitted this weekend.  The bar is back at the shop for welding repairs. 
Read April 14, 2012, 10:31:45 AM #2334

As per the long winded angry-ish message I just left you after I left you a not-very-urgent 'the bar needs maintenance soon-ish', can you please fix these things during the week, rather than prime-time weekend when everyone wants to play? I mean come on... The screws just needed to be tightened, that was it; they were all loose. Nothing was about to break. I was going to play today... And tomorrow... Just please get it back as soon as possible (even unwelded with just the screws tightened like was requested...)


Oh btw post #500. Zing! Lets make it a good one...

So to contribute to the SN/Pump debate, James said
I'm probably a minority among the regulars, but if SN2 got swapped out for Pump, I'd honestly have no reason to go to Acme ever.
While I'll go to Acme for ITG obviously, I don't ever play pump either, because I just don't like it as well, and it's really nice to be able to stay warmed up on DDR when ITG is being used (as in, it keeps me playing ITG longer and keeps me from simply leaving when more than 2 or 3 other people are there). I think taking out the second 4-panel for a 5-panel is not a good trade, and many people who frequent Acme for 4-panel would be very upset. A much better exchange would be SN2 for Pump AND DDR Extreme (which Acme would be presumably fine with, since they wouldn't just be 'downgrading SN2'). We really should keep 2 4-panel machines there though, the lines get pretty ridiculously long as-is with the best ITG machine around. People come to Acme for 4-panel and to reduce that to 1 machine would really not be a good move, in my opinion and observation, and would effectively reduce the amount I, and probably others, play at Acme. Thanks for the consideration  Smiley

« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 11:12:50 AM by Gerrak »
Read April 14, 2012, 11:53:25 AM #2335

At Allan,
I just tried to hear your phone message, but you are very broken up and hard to understand.  But after reading your above post, I did get the jist of it all.

Yes, our tech's responded to your loose bar complaint.  After the allen bolts you can see were tightened, there was no difference.  So, the tech pulls tha stage aart to see where the area where the bar mounts.  The area we previously welded a couple times has come totally apart this time.  They could not save it with a weld job, the metal is shot and weakened, so we are having to make a complete base plate assembly.  Andamiro has none, special order from Korea taking several weeks.  So, we are rebuilding it in house so it can be back together by Monday night.

Allan, can you not rape the bar to your hearts content on the left player one side? 
Read April 14, 2012, 02:33:21 PM #2336

Allan, can you not rape the bar to your hearts content on the left player one side?

All I can say is
I believe Gerrak went today so he may know the condition if he tested p1 side

Maybe we could get Allan to start playing on the Left side for now ; )

Yes, Allan, try the left side, he should know real fast if the problem is gone?


Damn. Well I guess I've got no choice. I don't know why people are so violent with the bar... Thanks for rebuilding that in any case! Your indefatigable upkeep of the machine is, as always, greatly appreciated by all of us  Smiley

« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 02:35:43 PM by Gerrak »
Read April 14, 2012, 02:38:35 PM #2337

Thanks for the nice response, glad you are not going to kill of any of us next time we walk in, haha. 
this all makes me laugh, remembering back about 10 years ago when players from outside the state were saying that Washington promotes bar raping.  I remember one of those guys from Oregon telling me we should remove the bars from all our DDR cabinets up this way.  Good times, back in those days.  :-)
Read April 14, 2012, 07:42:22 PM #2338

If I recall, California actually made us our very own image macro of the Space Needle bar raping.  I wonder if Met or Foy or any of the old crowd still have that image saved!
Read April 15, 2012, 06:41:16 AM #2339

I remember that, funny! 
Read April 20, 2012, 10:16:08 PM #2340

Came here today from 7:30-9. No ITG players were there, but lots of people in the arcade, so I went in for a load of runs Smiley Hope to catch you guys next week. I come every friday evening.
Read April 21, 2012, 04:33:06 PM #2341

Have they fixed the USB drive on the ITG2 Dedicab at Acme yet?  I want to start playing there, but I really hate that I cannot play my custom songs.
Read April 21, 2012, 05:22:23 PM #2342

The USB drives are still out of order unfortunately. It is a very complicated fix and being worked on. However it should be noted there are over a thousand custom songs on the machine already, I can't imagine being unable to find things to play...
Read April 21, 2012, 05:27:13 PM #2343

True gerrak, but I really had my heart set on the few songs on my thumb drive and really needed a decent pad and bar to try them out on.  Having a ton of songs is awesome and all, but if I have no familiarity whatsoever, I just find myself randomly scrolling with nothing to play.
Also, I noticed the song list is SIGNIFICANTLY chopped down when you select doubles...  The songs are definitely catered to 4-panel players.
It's all good--I'll drive up there once in a while, but will probably stick with Narrows until the machine is fixed.
Thanks for the update!
Read April 22, 2012, 04:46:26 PM #2344

Wanted to give you guys a heads-up: on the marathon Caddywhompus, the third song is supposed to be Changes from ITG1, instead it's some other song named Changes on the machine. This makes the course weird since the mods were designed for the original one.
Read April 25, 2012, 01:20:22 AM #2345

When I was there earlier today the ITG left coin slot wasn't registering coins. There have been a fair number of issues with the coin slots. Is it possible to just swap them for a more reliable intake?
Read April 26, 2012, 11:21:29 AM #2346

The coin slot has had many problems and been serviced and/or replaced many times. It never really breaks entirely though; if it eats your quarter, first try pushing the coin release. This usually makes the machine take said quarters. If this doesnt work, it means one or more coins are stuck somehow; pull out the coin thing just a tad (it's locked, but you can pull it out just a tad) and give it a GENTLE whack to loosen the coin(s). Don't hit it too hard, and don't repeatedly hit it, especially after it's taken or spit back out your coins, but this generally fixes it. Hope this helps.
Read May 01, 2012, 09:48:16 AM #2347

These F-ing guys at this huge tournament in California in June want to use the resynced versions of ITG 1/2 for their crutch-ass tournament. Can we get these on the machine so I can jerk off over my scores too without regard for real skill in timing? I.e. "practice".

Also, can we PLEASE get the USBs fixed promptly so I can work on Groovestats before this tournament? It's actually been about 8 months now that it's been broken. I thought this was handled finally, as in, you said it was finished a month ago. I mean what is going on? "busy" is one thing, "complicated fix", understandable, but this should be done by now. I've had a couple HIGHLY experienced Linux programmers willing to look at it and you guys have refused any outside help, so please can we get this fixed already? If this isn't fixed by June I'd kind of like to just take the computer to Cali myself to find someone there to fix it, which would be a massive hassle and would leave the machine unplayable for that weekend Tongue Not to badger you about it for the thousandth time...

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 02:17:09 PM by Gerrak »
Read May 01, 2012, 11:52:11 AM #2348

In Gerrak's defense, it has been quit a long time. And he's been pretty patient and understandable (at least for Gerrak). =D
Read May 01, 2012, 02:15:04 PM #2349

 Grin Thanks Suko!

No I really didn't mean to be mean or rude about it... I just now am starting to have major reasons to need that thing fixed finally, and the fix was supposedly done and ready to go at Sakuracon almost a month ago! Also my timing and especially my speed have gone up significantly since the USBs breaking and I'd like to get my GS to a 99.70 (i.e. top 50) before this tournament...

Though evidently theyre holding it on an upgrade cabinet -.- Which I hope isn't a POS

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 06:25:02 PM by Gerrak »
Read May 03, 2012, 09:44:17 PM #2350

I went to acme hoping to play some piu but missed out lol.  Dont care much for the custom songs and theme on itg so i was out pretty quick
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