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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 15, 2013, 08:30:34 PM #2426

I'll probably be there a bit afternoon for Pump. Gotta have my k-pops!
Read March 16, 2013, 04:12:40 PM #2427

lol ^ I see what u did there
3vi1 5hR0OmS
Read March 16, 2013, 11:47:24 PM #2428

Had a pretty good workout on Fiesta 2 earlier today Smiley
Read March 19, 2013, 12:00:35 AM #2429

Fiesta 2 has been updated to v1.10

New songs:

Crayon - G-Dragon

Rockhill - Beltaine

Enjoy! Cheesy
Read March 19, 2013, 11:19:43 PM #2430

Fiesta 2 has been updated to v1.10
thanks dog. i'll be at acme a few times next week i hope. spring break!!!
Read March 20, 2013, 09:25:11 AM #2431

Is DM V3 really back here or has the front page just not been updated ?
Read March 21, 2013, 09:18:55 AM #2432

No, Acme doesn't have the DM V3 (unless it was just re-added within the last week or so, but I don't think so).

I've updated the location info at Z-i-V and you shouldn't see V3 on the top post anymore.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 09:37:23 AM by BLueSS »
Read March 22, 2013, 02:22:10 AM #2433

V3 was sold. It won't be coming back. Sad
Read March 26, 2013, 12:21:38 AM #2434

This is 3-weeks late, but no more stage break on Pump. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Read March 26, 2013, 05:26:28 AM #2435


Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that Acme will not have ITG or PIU from this Wednesday through Sunday.  Games are going to Sakuracon for the weekend.  Games will be returned to Acme Sunday night around 7:30 P.M.

Thanks for your understanding.
Read March 26, 2013, 01:39:07 PM #2436

Just wanted to say thanks for moving the Pump machine away from the wall a little bit! I always felt like I was going to punch the wall when playing on the 2P side.
Read March 26, 2013, 02:05:26 PM #2437

Just got a message from Gerrak that ITG isn't booting.  I'm trying to set aside some time to take a look at it tonight, though I won't be able to until around 10:00, so ITG's down for the day. And then getting pulled for SC tomorrow.
Read March 26, 2013, 02:21:00 PM #2438

Holy crap, did not hear about that until now.  Hope it goes well tonight, Tony.  The guys are scheduled tomorrow, Wednesday, to be at Acme to put it on the truck around 11:00 A.M.
I will check back to the forum here in the morning to see your updated status, hopefully it will be going okay.
Read March 26, 2013, 02:35:07 PM #2439


Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that Acme will not have ITG or PIU from this Wednesday through Sunday.  Games are going to Sakuracon for the weekend.  Games will be returned to Acme Sunday night around 7:30 P.M.

Thanks for your understanding.
Oh Sad I better get down there today then...are the games free at the anime thing? Anyone know if I can get a pass for just Friday? Going back to Hawaii on Saturday...
Read March 26, 2013, 04:52:14 PM #2440

Games are free, and I believe you can get a one day pass for Friday.
Read March 27, 2013, 07:41:40 AM #2441

Ugh why you gotta take the machine so early today? I was gonna play if it was working... Crowds and exploded machine prevented the last 2 days I've gone -.-

Along those lines, Tony did you manage to fix the problem?

Also yeah Davyn, you can get a pass for $50 for just Friday at the door (and probably stay as late into the night as you like and no one would mind, or just play all day).
Read April 07, 2013, 01:39:30 PM #2442

Who the hell thought this was a good idea? The machine has a ton of new songs and to have the timer re-activated is stupid. Change this immediately!
Read April 07, 2013, 01:43:57 PM #2443

Not to mention the pads are giving so many errors its unplayable. Who ever did this is a fucking moron...
Read April 07, 2013, 02:56:22 PM #2444

Dear self-entitled APHR, please take 2 deep breaths, and then continue reading this post.

First, I moved your posts to the Acme thread, where the discussion about Acme's machines are. There's no need to make a new topic for machine questions about Acme.

Second, Acme is managed by mvco here on the forums, and he's much friendlier when not being swore at (he reads these posts).

Third, considering it wasn't this way previously, maybe this was an accidental setting left on from Sakuracon. Or maybe there's another reason.

Instead of yelling at Bill, let's ask him what the reason for the change was. I'm sure he can help get this resolved. Smiley
Read April 07, 2013, 03:11:50 PM #2445

In response to APHR. Take two more breaths.

The machine got a LOT of play for Sakura Con. The new songs are from the event and most of them will be taken off but probably not all(pendulum, sharpnelstreamz, packs that matter)

As for the pad issues they were thought to be caused by the vibration of the weaker floor from the con and lots of pad work was done but still they weren't great. There might be some new sensors needed or repaired but Tony or Bill i'm sure will take care of that.

regarding the timer being on, that will be fixed when the packs are removed obviously. 

Also while I'm here I wanted to address Bill.
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to letting us use your machines for the Sakura Con event!

Also I wanted to say that you MIGHT want to think about making new arrow panels for your cabinet. They are starting to concave pretty hard.
One possible solution I have your you in the mean time is to have the arrows point inwardly so that the more flat/unused part of the arrow gets more attention because players play on the inside/inner most part of the arrow.

Read April 07, 2013, 03:30:18 PM #2446

I was going to say, I know nothing about the timer, but I guess that has been explained.  More of a question for Tony, who knows the machines innards. 

Which particular arrow is giving problems?

We will look in to a complete set of replacment pads.  Hope they are within reason cost wise, we could just replace them all.  :-)

Read April 07, 2013, 03:51:46 PM #2447

Hey Bill

Tony and I were having trouble with the Player 2(right side) up arrow during the tournament and we found a problem sensor. We rotated them until there wasn't an issue and then unplugged the problem sensor.
We assumed there was too much bounce from the floor that was giving miss fires on the pads but I guess we were wrong about that.
If there are any other issues I wouldn't know because i haven't seen the machine since the Con

Ehh arrows aren't exactly "cheap" but I'm hoping you're looking into finding/making ITG arrows because DDR arrows are horrible in comparison.

I personally have an ITG2 upgrade cab which is an old DDR machine running a boxor and we have DDR arrows and they are super stiff in comparison.

Here is a photo of a friends upgrade cab and he made these arrows

they tiles came from a company called Tap Plastic's here in Portland

I also got info from Kyle Ward(co inventor of ITG) about the exact material
 they are made from and he sent me this link.

hope any of this helps. Just trying to keep that beautiful machine alive.

EDIT: I've also heard that Pump middle tiles fit into dedicabs and are the same material because they are made from andamiro however i've never been able to test this theory. But since you own both you could check this out. And if they don't fit perfectly you could always have tap plastic's cut them or you.
Decal's are a whole other story

« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 03:55:46 PM by AndyBurnsDDR »
Read April 07, 2013, 05:50:51 PM #2448

No idea what happened with regard to the setting changes, but everything is almost back to where it should be.

Things I fixed today:
- Timer is turned off again
- Arrows no longer navigate the menus (I have no idea how that got turned on)
- Attract sequence is turned off again
- 1p left and 2p up are at least a little better
- It costs a dollar to play rather than 25 cents

Things I didn't fix today:
- Menu scroll rate is back to the ITG default (i.e. super slow)
- 2p down started acting up just before I left

I'll figure out what's up with the scroll rate in time for my next visit, and if Bill's techs haven't fixed the down arrow by then, I'll take a look at it then as well. For reference, all of the sensor issues as of late generally stem from the sensors being overly sensitive and/or the sensor brackets being too loose or too tight - usually tweaking the sensor brackets is enough to make the errors go away (except during Sakuracon because of the bouncy floor).

Regarding replacement arrows, Andamiro-made ITG dedicabs are, for the most part, a reconfiguration of Pump GX cabs (most obviously 4 panels instead of 5, plus different decals). I've seen it stated somewhere (don't remember where) that most of the parts are swappable (brackets, sensors, at least some of the electronics - I'm pretty sure the ITG arrows are identical to the Pump GX center panels, since that would save some manufacturing costs) and that Andamiro still makes replacements for most/all parts for GX cabs, so you should be able to get official replacements for the arrows (and optionally, the missing corner brackets) from Andamiro directly, though they probably don't produce the ITG decals anymore, so you'd either get blank arrows or yellow center panels from them. Assuming all of that is accurate (it all makes enough sense that I believe it is), Andamiro parts are most likely to actually fit, plus Andamiro's standardized, mass produced parts would most likely be a whole lot cheaper than custom orders at local manufacturers.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 06:17:59 PM by ancsik »
Read April 07, 2013, 08:54:55 PM #2449

Let it be known that I never post on here about pad maintenance and complain about every minor thing, but I would like to bring this up once even if it falls on deaf ears.

While I seem to be the only person who plays on the Acme ITG machine that has this problem and I recognize this (and I have no idea why), the up arrow on the 1p side always gives me tons of misses per song, yes the left pad not the 2p side which other people have had issues with. I have had a few witnesses so this and while they think it's weird and always comment that the arrow never bothers them, they will also admit that it doesn't fire for me almost 80% of the time.

I know I'm not the best player in the community and thus it might be easy to brush this off as improper tech but all 7 other arrows always work fine for me. I often attempt double and I theorize that the up arrow might be TOO SENSITIVE and giving me misfires before I even get to it. I am either the biggest guy that plays this machine or at least close to it and I'm probably the biggest guy who plays doubles. My added weight means I probably step with greater force and give it a higher chance to misfire when I hit adjacent arrows. I know this seems like a stretch and no one else seems to have this issue with this arrow on this machine, but I do not have this issue ever on the Supernova 2 or any other well maintenanced 4-panel game. Even if you're positive the 1p up arrow is perfectly fine, it would be unbelievably awesome if you would at least humor me. It renders doubles completely unplayable for me the way it is now.
Read April 08, 2013, 02:11:50 AM #2450

Last time I played on the 1p side was last sat. And I can say with confidence that the up and right arrow were giving all my errors (up arrow the most). I noticed that if you hit the up arrow a certain way itll give me a decent (i dont get decents when it comes to pad errors, usually way offs). 2p was okay but still gave errors as well. I think if you could tweak it back to the way it was prior to sakura con, things should be fine...

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