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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read October 27, 2013, 10:14:11 PM #2776

Hi guys. I'm a newfag to these forums and somewhat a new Sunday regular to the ACME. Name's Kevin.

Not sure what a "newfag" is but welcome.
Read October 28, 2013, 12:55:51 AM #2777

Not sure what a "newfag" is but welcome.

Hey, Chris

Oh shoot. Just in case someone might take the "-fag" suffix as offensive...
Read October 28, 2013, 10:54:34 AM #2778

Welcome to the forums, Kevin!  There's actually an introduction thread located here if you want to tell us a little bit more about yourself! Smiley

Also, just to make my stance as the mod clear, because the concern was brought up to me and I never really formally explained this anywhere:

I want PNWBemani to be a safe space, but I also don't want it to be a nanny state.  In as much, genuine hate speech (such as calling an LGBT or minority member of the forums a slur for the obvious intended purpose of hurting their feelings, threatening to beat someone up, etc) will not be tolerated.  However, I also still have a little bit of a libertarian streak, and have no intent to censor language on its own basis, even if I don't love it (I personally stopped using the word "fag" in all contexts when I realized that I had some friends who were hurt/upset by it, even when it wasn't meant as an insult.)  

Basically, your rights do not end where my feelings begin, and I'm not ever going to edit a post solely because it contains a "bad word" - there has to be ill will there, too, and here there clearly wasn't - but I do want to make it clear that even if you're only using it in the 4chan context, some members of this forum won't appreciate use of the "-fag" suffix.  (Some members also probably don't appreciate when we all go on an FP quoting spree and drop N-bombs like we were Scotty D (GET IT LOL) but again, freedom of speech reigns in the absence of ill will.)  

Edit: The link to the thread actually works now.   Tongue

« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 11:02:32 AM by SomeLauraChick »
Read October 28, 2013, 07:13:17 PM #2779

Basically, your rights do not end where my feelings begin, and I'm not ever going to edit a post solely because it contains a "bad word" - there has to be ill will there, too, and here there clearly wasn't - but I do want to make it clear that even if you're only using it in the 4chan context, some members of this forum won't appreciate use of the "-fag" suffix.

Oh, okay sorry. I guess I was acting like a "newfriend" by saying that here.

Well, it's nice to finally get to have access to know you all better now!
Read October 30, 2013, 07:27:06 PM #2780

HI KEVIN DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM BY MY USE OF CAPS LOCK!?!?!? I bet you can guess Smiley Smiley Smiley
Read October 30, 2013, 10:55:20 PM #2781

Hey everyone!

Just posting to let everyone know that I've redone the pads at ACME! I've noticed that the foam that I was using was sliding and moving around a little more than I wanted. I did noticed that Player 1 and 2 have been false triggering and/or getting stuck with the old foam, probably as a result of the foam moving around. So, I've started using a Rubber Foam that adheres far better and doesn't move around. Still need to tinker with the pads to get them up to 100% but they are fully functional at the moment.

There are false triggers that still occur on the Player 1 side but they are few and far between. I'm going back tomorrow to continue working on the pads. I haven't necessarily figured out why the Player 1 side Right Arrow is false triggering but with a little more work I'm sure I can fix it.

The Player 2 side Left Arrow, inner sensor had a few screws that were out so I screwed them back in. I'm not entirely sure what this particular piece is called but it is now fixed!  Tongue

I wanted to make note that I'm going to be trying some thinner pieces of foam/cardboard to help flush the pads even more. Any suggestions for a super thin piece of foam/cardboard we be greatly appreciated!

To Recap:
  • Both pads work well with the exception of a few false triggers on the Player 2 side.
  • New Rubber Foam is now in use.

As always, feel free to contact me via text message or though the forums if there are any issues with the pads!

Thanks!  Roll Eyes

Read October 31, 2013, 04:01:36 PM #2782

HI KEVIN DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM BY MY USE OF CAPS LOCK!?!?!? I bet you can guess Smiley Smiley Smiley


or not lel


I'm sorry that I don't know your name.. but I'm pretty sure you know that I know that you know that I know you're that girl who I can best remember encouraged Hollie about the ankles

« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 04:03:49 PM by OrangeChicken »
Read October 31, 2013, 07:03:46 PM #2783

Just posting to ask if Bill and his team can spare a few sensors for me. I've been working on the ITG 3 pads at Acme Bowl for about a month keeping them at 100% and keeping them maintained but it seems there are some issues that I cannot address myself.

I've noticed that a few sensors on both sides, players 1 and 2 are dead and some of them have split and are now not functional. This is probably the reason why the pads have been false triggering. I don't have access to the sensors nor do I know where to obtain them so I am turning to you for some help. Would it be possible for me to grab a few spare sensors from you guys?

Also, it would help tremendously if I can get access to the sensor input while I work on the pads so I don't spend $1 just to see if the pads are functional, fail, and then put in another $1 to fail again because the pads aren't working. Of course the modding is all on me and was my decision so if access to the sensor input is not possible I completely understand.

Thank you for your consideration!
Read November 01, 2013, 05:24:42 AM #2784

Sure, we can hook you up with some sensors.  We have someone going to Acme this morning.  I will have them leave a few sensors.  We will hide them where you can retreive them.  We will put them behind the machine, just laying on the floor.  So just pull the cabinet out a bit and look down.
Read November 01, 2013, 11:59:19 AM #2785

Sure, we can hook you up with some sensors.  We have someone going to Acme this morning.  I will have them leave a few sensors.  We will hide them where you can retreive them.  We will put them behind the machine, just laying on the floor.  So just pull the cabinet out a bit and look down.

Fantastic! Thank you so much! Hopefully, replacing a few dead sensors will help with the false triggering and make the pads better than before!

I'll keep people posted with the status of the pads since it is Friday and I'm pretty sure people will be going to play.

Updates on the Player 1 and 2 pads:

Both sides seem to be working well, player 1 side especially! Both sides are as flush as they possible could be without to many complications. The player 2 side however is still giving me a little bit of trouble.

I've noticed that when the Player 2 side is flush with the center panel, more pressure is required to trigger the pads. This is probably a result of the new foam I've been using, so I might redo them with the old foam. The old foam requires far more maintenance and the causes the pads to be less flush but if that is what it takes for the pads to be more responsive, I'll take it.

I've replaced 2 sensors in the player 2 side, one on the up arrow (sensor closest to the center panel), and one on the left arrow (sensor closest to the center panel). Both are now fully functional and with zero false triggers! Yay!

The only real big issue I wanted to address with the up arrow on the player 2 side is that foot switching feels impossible with the foam. When I would play a foot switch chart or charts with rapid up arrows, it doesn't register the second hit unless I stomp harder. It is the least responsive panel out of all of the other panels on the machine. Single notes are no problem, or when they are spaced out in a stream, but not when they are back to back up arrows. Even with the old foam, foot switching/double up arrows weren't responding well. I'm not sure how to make it so foot switching/double up arrow notes are possible... Any suggestions?

As far as the Player 1 side goes, even with the new rubber foam everything works really well, no issues, no problems!

Footswitching, streaming, double up arrow'ing, 240 bpm'ing, etc'ing... all good!  Roll Eyes


I just wanted to let everyone know that on Sunday, November 3, I will be going to Acme to fix the player 2 side around noon, so if you are planning on playing at that time, please make note that the player 2 side won't be available for about 30 mins to an hour. This maintenance is to address the couple issues I've mentioned up top and to redo the foam modding to make the player 2 side panels work at 100%!

Thanks for your understanding,


« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 12:01:42 PM by APHR »
Read November 03, 2013, 07:31:59 PM #2786

Also, I installed the new USB ports yesterday. They're the ugly thing taped to the front of the machine where the hub used to be

Hey, I was at the ACME today at around 3pm.

Right when I walked into the arcade, I noticed some middle-school kids playing around the machine and wasting their money on it (not actually playing but just blindly stepping and being goofy little brats) and some of them were picking at the USB ports, sort of wobbling it around. They stopped as soon as they realized I was standing right behind them and I displayed a little bit of anger at them.

I'd just like to let you know in case they might've fucked it up.
Read November 04, 2013, 12:54:03 AM #2787

Hey, I was at the ACME today at around 3pm.

Right when I walked into the arcade, I noticed some middle-school kids playing around the machine and wasting their money on it (not actually playing but just blindly stepping and being goofy little brats) and some of them were picking at the USB ports, sort of wobbling it around. They stopped as soon as they realized I was standing right behind them and I displayed a little bit of anger at them.

I'd just like to let you know in case they might've fucked it up.

Thanks Kevin for letting us know.  Shocked
Read November 08, 2013, 03:55:09 PM #2788

Guys I'm fizzling out.  Sad

Seriously contemplating quitting this game. I can't handle our pads at Acme, even with the foam they are janky as fuck. I can't figure out what's wrong with it I've been tweaking the pads for the past 2 weeks and they are still false triggering, getting stuck, etc. Also can't handle playing the same shit over and over again. I'm being extra dramatic, lol.

Maybe my time has come to say my goodbyes.  Sad

« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 04:06:51 PM by APHR »
Happy Redneck
Read November 08, 2013, 06:41:18 PM #2789

take your beasting to pump
Read November 08, 2013, 06:57:28 PM #2790

I can't handle our pads at Acme, even with the foam they are janky as fuck. I can't figure out what's wrong with it I've been tweaking the pads for the past 2 weeks and they are still false triggering, getting stuck, etc.
I really thought that was just me sucking at ITG today. So the pads are having trouble?

Maybe my time has come to say my goodbyes.  Sad

Nuuuu.. don't leave
Read November 08, 2013, 07:51:14 PM #2791

Yeah the pads are a bit janky. I'm not sure what's going on, I've done everything I could but nothing seems to be working. Probably going Sunday to try to fix them again but we will see.

Annnnddd.... Screw pump! 4panel4life!
Read November 09, 2013, 04:20:33 PM #2792

Annnnddd.... Screw pump! 4panel4life!

That's a shame because I would've loved to see you beast this one day. Sad

^ That is the only singles chart I haven't passed yet.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:22:35 PM by M477 »
Read November 09, 2013, 06:34:32 PM #2793

Does anyone know if there's a way I could instantly contact Tony (csik) about adding some songs? He doesn't seem to be active on the forums here.
Read November 10, 2013, 12:23:16 AM #2794

Does anyone know if there's a way I could instantly contact Tony (csik) about adding some songs? He doesn't seem to be active on the forums here.

Yeah, he isn't on the forums often...  Tongue

You might be able to catch him at ACME on Saturday or on Sunday. I see Tony on Saturday morning time to time.  Shocked
Read November 12, 2013, 12:56:36 AM #2795

So... may I propose a request? I'd like someone to train me to get better at difficult songs with streams like Pendulum's pack. I really enjoy the songs and I think I should get better at those songs because then I can try other artists.
Read November 12, 2013, 01:09:55 AM #2796

So... may I propose a request? I'd like someone to train me to get better at difficult songs with streams like Pendulum's pack. I really enjoy the songs and I think I should get better at those songs because then I can try other artists.

Hey Kevin, Abbye and I are going to be at ACME this Sunday, around 3ish so if you wanted to play with us you are more than welcome!  Roll Eyes

We are practically there everyday so whenever you want to meet up just hit me up.
Read November 12, 2013, 01:38:46 AM #2797

Hey Kevin, Abbye and I are going to be at ACME this Sunday, around 3ish so if you wanted to play with us you are more than welcome!  Roll Eyes

We are practically there everyday so whenever you want to meet up just hit me up.

I try to make it every Sunday as much as I can.
Hopefully see you guys this following Sunday if I can afford it!
Read November 12, 2013, 06:29:12 PM #2798

i still haven't been up here since before the ITG3+ custom stuff started to get put on the cabinet... i need to get the hell up there and try out some of that new stuff...

also i gotta get more funds... looking forward to christmas and all that...
Read November 14, 2013, 11:13:02 PM #2799

Who's going this weekend (either Saturday or Sunday) at around noon?

I'd like to come train on some Pendulum and their streams :3
Read November 17, 2013, 05:39:18 PM #2800

@ Kevin,

Hey Kevin, Abbye and I were there today. Thought you'd show up!  Shocked

We can always beast next time. Roll Eyes

Also, the Player 1 and 2 side have been given some TLC! They are functioning pretty well, so if something malfunctions let me know.
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