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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read February 01, 2014, 09:34:49 PM #2876

@Everyone, can we please not have people in this nice community insulting each other without properly addressing the issue at hand? It doesn't help to keep going back and forth flaming each other, and we don't have to get into unnecessary war and grudges here.

This is the most cliche way of saying this, but please be adults. Do not let your emotions control how you argue and cause you to sputter out direct insults instead.
Read February 01, 2014, 09:47:21 PM #2877

Obviously there is some hostility- I sent you and Laura both a message but I feel a public apology is needed as well. Laura, I do apologize for say "Do you have crush on the lad" I didn't mean it offend you by any means. As I said in the message I'm naturally an asshole. Nextly, as far as me messing with the cabinet. I never actually got access into it before I could a fellow by the name of Ben told me about the guy name Tony which I heard negative feedback on so I spoke to him and he said he didn't feel comfy enough with anyone touching the actual machine so I left it alone. Hopefully this water under the bridge. Anyways, my apologies again to you Laura.

I got your PM and wasn't sure whether to respond here or there, but I feel like this is a good teachable moment for everyone, so I'm gonna do it publicly.  

First off, RE: the machine modding incident at ACME, I don't agree with your perspective that your previous experience modding machines should have in any way  led you to the assumption that it is okay to mod this (or ANY) machine without express permission from its owner.  Even assuming that you do 100% know what you're doing with this build of oITG, which is completely custom - as in vhyd actually made changes to the code for this one specific instance of oITG running on this one specific machine -  it is still not your machine to modify.  It is mvco's, and it is up to him to decide who does and does not get to modify it, and you failed to do your due diligence by ascertaining this fact and asking him yourself before you tried to make changes to it.  Nonetheless, I would have been more than happy to have this discussion without even the slightest trace of attitude if I felt as though you had been open to it.  

Which brings me to my second point.  The reason we all got a little testy with you is that when we tried to politely explain to you how things work around here (both in person at ACME and on these forums - I was the girl who was with Ben on Thursday night,) you rattled off your completely irrelevant ITG modding "credentials" instead of simply acknowledging that you had made a faux pas, and when I called you out on it, you did not help your case by replying with facetious sexual advances (for the record, Tony keeps me plenty satisfied.)  It's not an "I'm offended" thing, it's that it was profoundly annoying, and when simply being polite didn't seem to do the trick I had to move on to other options.  

For the record, I am more than willing to let this be water under the bridge and start over, but dude, you gotta keep that attitude in check.  We don't take kindly to that sort of thing here in the Pacific Northwest. Smiley      

Edit: Also, everyone else, time to rein it in and be polite.  Orange Chicken is right to tell us to act like adults, and he's like the youngest person on these forums.  

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 09:55:52 PM by SomeLauraChick »
Read February 01, 2014, 10:22:28 PM #2878

Zeppy, don't even think about it. <3

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 10:26:08 PM by SomeLauraChick »
Read February 01, 2014, 10:39:02 PM #2879

I'm sorry but that's ridiculous to pay someone to add songs to a machine and few extra mods. That machine is nothing special other than its a OpenITG Linux arcade build with a few tweaks because anyone that has hacked any machines knows that the linux version was better to use but had some issues with it. (Yes, I've have hacked machines with OpenITG Linux,Windows, and the original right after the lawsuit)  I'm sorry I just can support something as paying someone to add a few things to a machine. That is my personal opinion on this subject.

Read February 01, 2014, 10:52:18 PM #2880

Ok, I take it back, I'm fine with this
Read February 02, 2014, 03:45:55 AM #2881

Hi Iori241,

Mind explaining what you meant by this PM...  Cheesy

"i wasn't going to respond to this shit initially, but i'll bite since this will be fun. you're going out of your way to attack me on the forums. i'd like to point out that the kind of entitlement (especially in regards to adding songs/fixing machines) that this new ponyfucker is displaying is identical to yours displayed not even 3 pages before. the only reason you didn't get backlash for fucking with the machine have been around marginally longer."

Don't play these stupid child games. What I was referring to were your degrading use of the words like "retard" and "austists." What are you saying? What is that supposed to mean? Think about what you are saying. These are hurtful and hateful words.

As far as me working on the machine, it was just to help the community. I have the green light from my peers and the green light from Bill the owner. So if you have a problem with me working on it, that is your problem and you can deal with it. You are mistaking this sense of entitlement that you claim that I have with wanting to try and better our community. There is nothing wrong with asking for updates and there is nothing wrong with modding the pads to better the overall gameplay experience. Let me restate this... I will put packs on the machine MYSELF if I was able to, I wouldn't ask for anyone's help or any aid as long as I was giving the "okay" from Bill. I am not attacking you, I'm attacking your ignorance. Lets put it this way, I'm just calling you out because of the stupid shit you've been saying on the forums. You are making this a personal attack and you obviously feel so threatened to come at me with such hostility.

Grow the fuck up.

I'm done talking to you.
Read February 02, 2014, 04:20:19 AM #2882

Hey Tony or Laura,

I just wanted to say that the packs that I'm requesting are from but the webpage seems to be down at the moment and I can't send you the links.

Thanks!  Grin
Read February 02, 2014, 05:07:29 AM #2883

Unfortunately, Chris, once you've "internetted" enough, you'd see that the terms "autists" and "spergs" are used much more loosely to just address anyone they see fit. It's almost like it no longer becomes offensive to the community, but to outsiders of such culture, it is.
I had also forgotten about that when I used the term "newfag," being completely unaware that the "-fag" suffix still has a very offensive connotation to it.

It's best to play along or just ignore the comment you found offensive. It's only feeding attention for more conflict.
Read February 02, 2014, 05:07:46 AM #2884

omg why am i still awake
Read February 02, 2014, 09:12:33 AM #2885

Hi Iori241,

Mind explaining what you meant by this PM...  Cheesy

"i wasn't going to respond to this shit initially, but i'll bite since this will be fun. you're going out of your way to attack me on the forums. i'd like to point out that the kind of entitlement (especially in regards to adding songs/fixing machines) that this new ponyfucker is displaying is identical to yours displayed not even 3 pages before. the only reason you didn't get backlash for fucking with the machine have been around marginally longer."

Don't play these stupid child games. What I was referring to were your degrading use of the words like "retard" and "austists." What are you saying? What is that supposed to mean? Think about what you are saying. These are hurtful and hateful words.

As far as me working on the machine, it was just to help the community. I have the green light from my peers and the green light from Bill the owner. So if you have a problem with me working on it, that is your problem and you can deal with it. You are mistaking this sense of entitlement that you claim that I have with wanting to try and better our community. There is nothing wrong with asking for updates and there is nothing wrong with modding the pads to better the overall gameplay experience. Let me restate this... I will put packs on the machine MYSELF if I was able to, I wouldn't ask for anyone's help or any aid as long as I was giving the "okay" from Bill. I am not attacking you, I'm attacking your ignorance. Lets put it this way, I'm just calling you out because of the stupid shit you've been saying on the forums. You are making this a personal attack and you obviously feel so threatened to come at me with such hostility.

Grow the fuck up.

I'm done talking to you.

okay, i sent this via PM because i didn't want to shit up the topic. you're telling me to "grow the fuck up" but i'm the one acting mature and not spreading drama in this topic. remind me how i'm being immature here?

if you've been here for any period of time you can clearly see that a good deal of the playerbase genuinely has autism/aspergers and other mental conditions. this isn't even an insult but a fact, evidenced by the self-referential tournament names like "S.P.E.R.G.I.N" etc. i think you're the only one with an issue here. if you're taking this personally and are genuinely retarded (could be now that I've had this post thrown at me) i'm sorry. otherwise there is no reason for me to apologize.

bill is a business owner and tony works on the machine. whether it's for your own good or a group's... if you feel that you have the right to work on machines without contacting either or both that is the definition of entitlement my friend. i don't see how in any way i'm being "stupid". oh, and if you're going to bother playing the sjw game and start calling me out for saying "retard" i can easily do the same with you typing out "stupid". you're the one who initially posted in this thread with a callout directed at me, so i have no clue where the credence behind your threat claim comes.

i sincerely hope you're done talking to me (i think you're the kind of person that i can't convince with logic given the maturity doublethink), but given maturity issues that you've displayed then i'm counting on a response.
Read February 02, 2014, 09:48:09 AM #2886

1. Speedcores 1, 2, and 3
2. Trancemania
3. All the Cirque Du *Blank* Packs
4. Updated Sharpnel Packs
5. The new Tachyon Packs

1. and Not seeing a third...
2. Not seeing it, search turned up nothing
3. Search turned up nothing
4. + parts 2 and 3?
5. DE has 4 Tachyon packs available. I thought we had them all already, but I grabbed the most recent in case we're missing it. If there are others, I'm not seeing them.

And I'll throw some new CMods on there. I'd been waiting to mess with the theme, since I'd been hoping to just get Simply Love running (since it comes with plenty of mods), but that theme's been a source of all kinds of fun so far.

EDIT: I've got what I found loaded to my drive, and that'll all go on the machine today for sure. If someone can provide me links to the remaining packs before I go to Acme today, I'll grab those before I go, otherwise it'll probably be next weekend for the rest of the new content.

EDIT2: Found at least some of the remaining packs elsewhere.

@Bill: forgot to mention, 2p coin mech's upper anchor pin broke off, so it's not actually held in place at all anymore. Needs to be replacement, most likely.

@Everyone: Use the left coin slot for now.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 10:39:03 AM by ancsik »
Read February 02, 2014, 10:21:45 AM #2887

The search engine on Divinelegy kinda sucks, but Trancemania can be found by going to the simfile archive on the site and then clicking on "Community Packs" first link underneath Simfile Packs. All of the packs are then shown by alphabetical order.
The 4 tachyon packs on Divinelegy are the ones already on the machine. I'm pretty sure Chris was talking about either tachyon epsilon or spectrum (though both of these packs are so hard that I'm not sure if any of us could pass any of the songs on them haha). Mad Matt has 2 videos on youtube dedicated to each pack, called Tachyon Epsilon and Tachyon Spectrum Pack with the link for each pack on each video. I'm not sure about the other ones though
Read February 02, 2014, 10:45:17 AM #2888

To clarify, I don't endorse taking PMs public except in the case where they're already more or less copypasta'd into the thread for me already.  I wouldn't have posted my reply to IfC.NiNe if he hadn't pretty much repeated the contents of his PM to me in this thread to begin with, and if I didn't think it would be useful for other people to read what I had to say to him.  I'm not gonna delete any existing posts but please stop now before it gets shitty.  

I also want to make it clear that I don't have a problem with what APHR does RE: the pads.  He got permission from Bill Masterman to work on them, so it's not quite the same situation as it was with the other dude.  

I also want to clarify that I may be a little bit lax on autism jokes in contrast to other types of humor (such as the "newfag" incident) because pretty much everyone I know with confirmed, diagnosed asperger's or autism does tend to find that sort of thing funny.  Tony came up with S.P.E.R.G.I.N. standing for "Stepcharts Produced by Enterprising Rhythm Gamers In the Northwest," and it's no secret that that's what he's got going on.  That said, I can certainly appreciate why someone might find that sort of thing upsetting.  

Basically, hey guys, there was a problem and I tried to fix it and maybe I was a little bit too much of an ass in the process, but I'd like it to be water under the bridge now so can we get back on track and only talk about uploading packs to the machine yo?
Read February 02, 2014, 10:49:12 AM #2889

A lot of the new packs are mirrored on - That got me the Cirques, Tachyon Epsilon, and Trancemania. I'm running out of space on my USB drive at this point, so I'm calling my search good for the day. I'll try to get the rest of the requested packs up and running next weekend.
Read February 02, 2014, 12:06:57 PM #2890

Tachyon Epsilon (full difficulties):
Spectrum (full difficulties):
Cirque du Lykan (partial difficulties):
Cirque du Veyron (partial difficulties):
Your Streaming Again (full difficulties):
Your Streaming Even More (full difficulties):

This was posted to the accomplishments thread from sara
Just incase Tony missed it
Read February 02, 2014, 12:56:02 PM #2891

Thanks Sara for helping me out! The webpage was messed up and I couldn't look up the packs myself.  Cheesy

Thanks Andy for reposting what Sara found into this thread!  Cheesy

And thanks to Tony to hooking us up with your time! Grin
Read February 03, 2014, 07:41:21 AM #2892

You're Streaming [Even] More and Tachyon Spectrum are queued up on my drive for my next trip to Acme. Cirque du *, Tachyon Epsilon, two speedcore packs, Sharnelstreamz v2, and Trancemania are all on there as of yesterday, as are Piece of Cake (3|4). Some of the new songs aren't public-venue appropriate and need to be removed, I'll be taking individual offenders back off within a week - I'd be grateful if people could let me know if they find anything inappropriate. The biggest sources of such content seem to be the Speedcore and Sharpnel packs, but there's a lot of new content and I haven't looks at most of it.

Issue tracker is up, but still needs to be configured. Hoping to have it ready to go within the next few days.
Read February 03, 2014, 12:46:35 PM #2893

Thank you so much for putting some new stuff up for us and thanks for your time.

Much appreciated.  Wink
Read February 03, 2014, 03:53:43 PM #2894

Issue tracker is up: here

Still need to do some other configuration for things like email-to-ticket conversion, but I'm getting there. Once I have the email hooks set up, you'll be able to email me a link to a pack (with the subject being "Subject: <pack name>") and I'll automatically get notifications.

For now, if you want to get a pack on the machine, you can register normally and then file a ticket through the "New Ticket" button in the upper navbar. All you need to do is put the pack name in the subject line and a link to the pack in the body, then post it. If ever a pack goes on the machine and something is wrong with it (missing files, wrong version, etc), you simply look up the ticket and reopen it with an appropriate comment (and a link to the updated pack if appropriate) and I'll get a notification.

The issue tracker includes a wiki; my plan is to fill out both Acme-specific and general OpenITG-on-Linux documentation as I come up with things worth writing down on the wiki. I'll also rig up source control management to have an offsite backup of the Acme configuration at some point.

EDIT: @Programmers: No one gets to bitch about Trac vs. their preferred issue tracker. Trac was the simplest option that I've worked with before and it keeps the ticket workflows pretty lightweight compared to other options I've used. Basically, it's more than enough for our use case.

EDIT2: Forgot to ever mention that I removed Kevin's Kevinin' Kevins and added CMods per request. Never tested the CMods, so if they aren't there, I forgot some stupid part of the process and will get them working next time I'm there.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 04:04:55 PM by ancsik »
Read February 03, 2014, 07:28:50 PM #2895

Hey Tony,

Not sure which CMods you've put on the machine but the only one that showed up was the 950. Also, Trancemania didn't show up.

Thanks again!
Read February 03, 2014, 08:44:11 PM #2896

Hey Tony just want to say Thanks for putting some new packs on the machine Smiley
Read February 03, 2014, 11:26:49 PM #2897

EDIT2: Forgot to ever mention that I removed Kevin's Kevinin' Kevins and added CMods per request. Never tested the CMods, so if they aren't there, I forgot some stupid part of the process and will get them working next time I'm there.

Thanks for removing the pack!

I'm currently working on writing a whole 'nother pack, so it'll be a while until I request anything from you.
Read February 04, 2014, 08:17:12 AM #2898

Alright, added Trancemania to the list of packs to add next time I'm there. Will also take a look at the CMods - it should have every Cx00 and Cx50 from C450 to C950 now.

Also set up a new email address ( for handling pack requests. Still getting the final plumbing set up to pipe emails from Gmail to the issue tracker, so emailing a pack request there won't do anything yet (any queued emails will get converted over once the plumbing is in place), but I think I'll have it up and running sometime today.

EDIT: The email pipeline is working for everyone now. If you register an account on the tracker, it'll tie your email address back to your username, otherwise it'll just list the reporter by email address. Either way, I should be able to get it to email on update, so that when I add a pack and close the ticket, you automatically get an email pointing this fact out. That way, whoever wanted the pack in the first place always finds out immediately, whether or not I post to the boards about it.

EDIT2: Queued a pair of anime packs I hadn't seen before on my drive in addition to all the other stuff waiting to go on the machine.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 02:57:41 PM by ancsik »
Read February 04, 2014, 04:10:43 PM #2899

Could we maybe keep a running list of all the packs somewhere? I like to be able to at least run though charts on SM when I'm unfamiliar with the chart.
Read February 04, 2014, 04:58:29 PM #2900

Going forward, every pack will have a corresponding ticket, each of which will have a link to the pack. I'll try to get a listing of the other packs in some form - I'll just backfill some placeholder tickets when I have time.

After that, I'll set up a report which just dumps all the pack tickets on one page, and then anyone should be able to look it up pretty easily.

EDIT: Pack List (WIP)

« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 11:05:17 AM by ancsik »
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