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January 27, 2007, 01:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 08:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
TMN (Taylor)
Read September 06, 2014, 10:48:03 AM #3426

Hey can we have someone update the Orange Chicken's Grooves pack by downloading the new synced version (here: on the machine please?

If you want to get it added right away then just go here:

Create an account by clicking register and then once you are logged in click new ticket, put the link to your pack in the description and submit it. That is the way tony wants us to submit our packs. Smiley
Read September 06, 2014, 04:59:09 PM #3427

Went to ACME today and apparently they're closed for a private event. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Sad
Read September 06, 2014, 08:34:08 PM #3428

Went to ACME today and apparently they're closed for a private event. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Sad

Damn it. Wish I would have seen this during work. Now I'm kinda stranded nearby.
TMN (Taylor)
Read September 07, 2014, 08:41:39 AM #3429

Went to ACME today and apparently they're closed for a private event. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Sad
Lol I figured this out the hard way too Sad
I think I will go today though.
Read September 07, 2014, 09:33:57 PM #3430

Go to the 'Promo Calendar' page of their web site when you want to double-check their schedule.  The event that closed them on Saturday was listed there.
Read September 09, 2014, 05:07:05 PM #3431

I would just like to say DDR X3 is the shit, and everyone needs to play it.
Read September 09, 2014, 05:55:02 PM #3432

Everyone should just play Roppongi Evolved, all the time. Best song. Best stepchart.
Read September 09, 2014, 08:16:26 PM #3433

Bad news everyone,

I just got word from Bill saying that Abbye and I can no longer work on the stage at ACME. The management at ACME doesn't want us working on the stage any longer and the only way we will be able to is if Tony or Laura are present.

It is extremely difficult to do this since Tony and Laura are usually available only during the weekends and unfortunately I work during the weekends. In knowing this, if the stage malfunctions during the week, it will be out of commission until I am able to meet up with Tony or Laura and the only way this is possible is if I take a day off of work or Tony/Laura can meet me during the late evening on a weekday (6-9 PM).

The only way I will be able to work on the stage without Tony or Laura's supervision is if I work for Masterman Vending Co., which obviously won't happen.

My other options are as follows:

I teach Bill's technicians how to modify and upkeep the stage. Personally, I find this to be rather impractical for Bill and his techs.

The other option is this,

I remove the modding entirely. Without our ability to work on the stage, as I mentioned before, if something goes wrong, it is out of commission for a while.


BILL JUST MAKE ME A PART OF YOUR TEAM!  Grin I will work for nothing... seriously, I will work for absolutely $0.00. Just give me the option to go into the stage...

Looks like we are out of options my friends... where do we go from here? Sad

« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 08:27:58 PM by APHR »
Read September 10, 2014, 07:48:47 AM #3434

My other options are as follows:

I teach Bill's technicians how to modify and upkeep the stage. Personally, I find this to be rather impractical for Bill and his techs.
Or another option:
What about teaching Laura how to make the modifications some weekday, and then Laura performs the maintenance on the weekends when she goes?
Read September 10, 2014, 09:13:23 AM #3435

Here's the deal.

The reason I get to keep working on the machines in light of the new policy is that Bill and I decided we needed to do SOMETHING to be able to keep the dance games maintained, and tl;dr I'm actually working for Masterman Vending AS A TECH now. As in fixing the pads and so on at ACME is my job. So I can go maintain the stage during the day, weekdays included, and actually pretty much literally any time. I am PNWBemani's gopher now. Aside from the five-to-seven days a month that I'm usually traveling for Bemani events, I will be available to get to ACME within a few hours' notice at most times. So meeting up with me shouldn't be a problem.

Tony is still only available on weekends, because he has a full-time day job, but we are different people with entirely different schedules.

That said, we should probably meet up in the next couple of days so you can teach me how to maintain the modding, Chris; Weekdays during the day OR evening work fine. I'm happy to try to coordinate schedules with you when you want to do work yourself, but in the event that we can't sync up sometimes, I should know how to fix stuff myself. Smiley

For everyone else: I'm gonna work on a bigger post with information about what to do and how to get stuff fixed re: sensors and other maintenance requests for the dance games at ACME bowl. Smiley

« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 04:34:00 PM by Laura »
Read September 10, 2014, 09:41:16 AM #3436


Sounds like a plan. We should plan a time to meet up and discuss what we can do about this.  Smiley
Read September 10, 2014, 02:38:11 PM #3437

Okay, so here is that bigger post I promised I'd make.


The other day, Bill Masterman received some bad news from the management at ACME bowl. Due to concerns about insurance/safety and being able to keep track of who has permission to modify cabinets and who doesn’t (apparently, guests frequently go up to the front desk and say “HEY, THOSE GUYS ARE MESSING WITH THE MACHINE! YOU SHOULD STOP THEM!” when we’re around,) ACME management (NOT Bill himself) has placed the constraint on Bill that non-employees are no longer allowed to modify arcade hardware in any way.

The TL;DR of this situation is as follows: Only employees of Masterman Vending can work on the pads/cabinets in any capacity. This means fixing broken sensors, any sort of modding, adding songs and themes to the machine, installing new hardware, etc.

Obviously this is a problem. The DDR/ITG community has always been on top of all of this stuff for itself, and even though there’s always some in-fighting, I think that we can all agree that it’s better to have someone who knows the ropes and is involved with the community working on the machines. So, here’s what we came up with: I now work for Masterman Vending as a tech, as opposed to just a tournament organizer, ACME knows this, and I’m allowed to do maintenance on behalf of the community, since I am a paid employee of Masterman Vending.

Here is what this means for you:

1. Please do not work on or (obviously) attempt to hack machines at ACME bowl. If they continue to see the community as a problem, they may instruct Bill to remove the dance games altogether, and then we all lose. If you enjoy playing dance games at ACME bowl, please have some foresight and do not ruin it for the rest of us.

2. Instead, if you need any work done, send me a PM on the forums. Now that this is my job, I will be checking them very regularly, and will be able to take care of most pad maintenance requests very quickly. The goal is that the new “Employees only” rule will not affect the community, because I will take on whatever the community was doing in my capacity as an employee. Please do note that I have to schedule times to do anything that involves power tools in advance prior to opening or after closing.  

3. I have historically made it very clear that anything Tony does re: ITG software is Not My Job. Since I’m taking on being the liaison for the entire community, this is no longer true. I am not a software developer, and most oITG concerns will still be run through Tony, but you can at least express them to me. I plan on maintaining a list of requests for Tony that we can go over on weekends when he’s free to go to ACME. HOWEVER, please keep in mind that Tony and I are different people with different schedules, and you cannot reasonably expect me to perform specialized tasks that only Tony understands on any timescale other than his.

4. Because of what is at stake here (we stand to have these games removed entirely if we can’t cooperate with ACME’s requests,) I will, unfortunately, have to report anybody I see attempting to work on machines without permission. You guys are my friends; please don’t put me in that position.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Laura

« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 04:33:24 PM by Laura »
Read September 10, 2014, 03:52:22 PM #3438


Also, Laura, would I be able to schedule appearance with you so that I may have permission to work on the pads as well? I've been assisting Chris with lots of pad maintenance as well and I think I could help out with keeping the pads playable for all. It's kind of upsetting that certain customers have misunderstood this pad-modifying as ruining the machine.

Thank you.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 03:59:39 PM by KLOC (Lil Kevin) »
Read September 10, 2014, 04:13:38 PM #3439

KLOC, the staff would be on your back right away if they see someone other than our employee working on the machine.  Sorry, but they are not going to bend on this, or authorize anyone else.  Sad deal, this whole thing.  But we are trying to make the best of it.  Laura, already being an existing employee of ours, was the savior when it came to the demand that only our payrolled, and most importantly insured, employee's are allowed to crack open the machines. 

Sorry to all about this.  It was just getting frustrating for Acme to know who was and who should not be working on the machines.

The entire community involvement was a very cool thing, and you all did an awesome job between all of you, and especially Chris and Rose.  Great appreciation is extended for this!  We love you all.  :-)
Read September 10, 2014, 04:15:17 PM #3440

The deal is that if you need anything done with the pads, let's coordinate. I'll meet up with you, and you can tell me what you want done and I'll even put a credit in so you can test it.
Read September 10, 2014, 04:39:27 PM #3441

Read September 11, 2014, 10:36:51 AM #3442

Hey guys, a quick DDR update!

 I'm going to ACME before opening tomorrow to finish countersinking X3. The sensitivity should be great on both sides, since we moved a couple of sensors around last weekend when we started the job. X3 is going to be SO phenomenally playable, you guys.

Pending Amazon delivering it when they say they will, I will also bring my BRAND NEW dustbuster and vacuum out the pads, because DANG do they need it.
Read September 11, 2014, 02:32:54 PM #3443

I wanted to personally second that no one except Bill should EVER speak to Acme management. Anyone who does so has almost certainly done our entire community a dangerous disservice.
Read September 11, 2014, 03:27:59 PM #3444

I wanted to personally second that no one except Bill should EVER speak to Acme management. Anyone who does so has almost certainly done our entire community a dangerous disservice.
Unless you want to tell them "Thanks for running a fun arcade" or something along those lines. Thanking them should be encouraged whenever possible.  Smiley
Read September 11, 2014, 04:42:06 PM #3445

I knew I liked you BlueSS!  :-)  Kill em with kindness.
Read September 11, 2014, 08:22:28 PM #3446

I liked you all.

My life really sucks now.

It's not fun.

It won't be anymore.

I was kind of looking for an excuse to off myself.
Read September 11, 2014, 10:16:04 PM #3447

Hey, I'm sure it's not as bad as it may be seems and you've got a lot of supportive friends here in this community if you're feeling low. I'm one of them, and you're welcome to call or text; I'll send my number. I've been through some shitty times too so I'd be happy to chat about whatever. You're a talented bright guy, shouldn't have to feel so distressed. Just throw me a text, and we can talk it out.

Read September 11, 2014, 10:30:11 PM #3448


Please understand that we all love each other here and we love you. I know that there are gaming differences and differences in life but is it because we are passionate about what we do. I know at times we spiral out of control and we lose sight of what really matters, but we always reconvene into a wholesome yet crazy group. Our emotions run high because we care about this game, because we want this beautiful community to thrive, and because we care about one another.

There will always be differences among each another but Abbye and I will be there in a heartbeat if one of our own is in trouble, and I know others would do the same for us. Remember, it isn't ITG that keeps our friendships strong, but the bonds that we've created through this game.

Kevin, I see so much potential in you, in ITG and in life. You have a passion and enthusiasm that cannot be paralleled. You've brought such a bright ray of light into our community and I cannot image a world without you. I have learned so much from you over the short time I've known you. I've learned to be more comfortable with myself, to be more enthusiastic, and to  simply enjoy life as it is.

You've taught me to keep my eyes fixed on the sun, even on a cloudy day...even on a cloudy day! I'LL KEEP MY EYES FIXED ON THE SUN! 
Read September 11, 2014, 11:39:07 PM #3449

I remember the first time I met you. Chris and I were dancing away on ITG, occasionally glancing over at DDR, we watched you in curiosity. Pretty good I thought.  But it wasn’t that you were playing DDR that caught our attention. A kid running by unknowingly dropped some quarters on the ground.  I sort of expected the money was up for grabs and maybe you take it. You ran towards the money and went after the kid instead. Wow, not what I would expect from a little kid. Well this little kid is in fact 17 years old.  

We would watch you play ITG on occasion and notice your transition from DDR to ITG. You were so eager to get better. I never had seen so much thirst from anyone. Flooding the Bemani pages, eager to hear and listen to any insight from any player. How can I get Faster? Where can I get more stamina? So insatiable, that every word of advice wasn't able to fill you up.  You had to keep playing!

ITG meet up arrangements unexpectedly grew bigger. We met your alter ego, a horse of some sort. I couldn't help but giggle, Wow this is weird but strangely amusing.  A little girl froze in fascination and you never broke character.  Now I know The Ninja and Mr. Business are less known to others, but I promise they do exist.

Unsuspectingly, our little Kevin became our little stamina Kevin, war cries and all. You are a big goofball that always makes me laugh. I have learned to let go because of you and not care so much about what others are thinking. Your enthusiasm for the game and community is like no other.

Kevin I am here for you and so is the community

« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 11:48:33 PM by Rose »
Read September 12, 2014, 10:36:12 AM #3450


Please understand that we all love each other here and we love you. I know that there are gaming differences and differences in life but is it because we are passionate about what we do. I know at times we spiral out of control and we lose sight of what really matters, but we always reconvene into a wholesome yet crazy group. Our emotions run high because we care about this game, because we want this beautiful community to thrive, and because we care about one another.
Ditto on this. People in the community here really do have each others' interests in mind, and we all have our highs and lows. I feel comfortable sharing a lot of personal experiences with others like Laura/Tuan/etc because they can be nice supportive peeps~
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