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January 27, 2007, 02:10:04 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM by BLueSS »
Read March 08, 2007, 10:00:01 PM #301

Argument Breaker (and page breaker, evidently)

So, how about A2A at acme on saturday? You know you want to.
Read March 08, 2007, 10:27:23 PM #302

Quote from: "mvco"
Maybe we should swap it with the 5 key 7th append at Narrows?  Doubt that is going to be a popular idea, but we could do it if anyone wanted a different cabinet for awhile.
I would be up for that. Cheesy

I really miss not playing BMIII, and certainly wouldn't mind a lack of arcade IIDX for a while.
Read March 08, 2007, 11:22:21 PM #303

Quote from: "Gorrum"
I only see 5 ppl play IIDX regularly at ACME, me,  james, amber, davyn, and mykl. i know i dump nearly $10 to that machine whenever i'm there.

i put about 5bucks into it every visit and i rarely ever see amber play IIDX :/

I would like to see the BMIII machine at acme Smiley
it would be nice to play something that i cant play at home
Read March 08, 2007, 11:34:43 PM #304

I don't have all that much to contribute to the IIDX discussion, as I don't really play IIDX,  but HOLY COW would I be up for a good round of A2A on Saturday. :>
Read March 08, 2007, 11:56:38 PM #305

the quote in your sig is quite legendary...
Read March 09, 2007, 06:07:11 AM #306

Quote from: "tada"
Godai> It's been a year and four months.  I've played it to death.  What, do I have to promise I will put x amount of money per week for y years into IIDX, or promise that I would love it forever?  I'm not obligated to do either.  This is the whole reason Konami releases new versions of Bemani games.  If they didn't, a lot of people would have stopped playing by now.  What's happening at Acme is pretty much that on a smaller scale.  Also, what makes you think I would get sick of a DD after one month or two?  You cannot read my mind and extrapolate my behavior.

You don't seem to understand. I'm not a retard, I know that people get bored of things.  If that weren't true, there would be no such thing as innovation, it is a waste of time and money.  I get bored of things.  It happens.  
The difference is in that I, and just about everyone else here, don't then make suggestions contingent only on personal gain and bitch about the things I don't like at every chance I get.  You've been whining about 8th style way longer than the current age of "1 year 4 months" or whatever, so don't even pull that "it's been longer than a year, dipshit" crap on me.  Oh I paraphrased that.  I thought I'd mention it because you tend to call people out on imperfect quoting.

I'm not saying you're going to get tired of DD after a month or two.  I'm saying that it'll only be a matter of [short] time before you constantly complain about it being outdated or broken or not perfect or some other minor flaw that makes it even remotely not worth 100% of your attention, time, and money.  
I can very much observe your past behavior and make predictions based on it, I don't see how you think that is impossible or not allowed or something, whatever you are saying by "can't."  Usually when I make posts in response to "upgrade plz" (no matter who), Bill ignores it.  This time he took the time to make humor out of the situation.  That says something to me about your post with the scrapping (and maybe he's tired of my senseless and possibly ignorant posts too oops), but I'll leave it up to you to try to figure out human psychology.  Wait, you're bad at that nm

sneaky discreet edit because it's not worth making a new post: I remember saying back on ITGf that tada ignores certain posts -- the relevant case in this situation being "when losing an argument..."
Read March 09, 2007, 07:02:09 AM #307

Wow, sounds like there is some interest in a BM swap.  More opinions, please before we pull the trigger.  We could swap them possibly next week.  
James, I actually get a grin with your posts.  :-)
Read March 09, 2007, 08:58:19 AM #308

Quote from: "OneMoreLaurvely"
I don't have all that much to contribute to the IIDX discussion, as I don't really play IIDX,  but HOLY COW would I be up for a good round of A2A on Saturday. :>

Sweet.  I'll bring it. Cheesy
Read March 09, 2007, 10:26:35 AM #309

Quote from: "mvco"
Wow, sounds like there is some interest in a BM swap.  More opinions, please before we pull the trigger.

I'm fine either way since I don't play Beatmania.  But I do know some peeps in Tacoma that would like to try out that IIDX 8th Style for a bit.
Read March 09, 2007, 11:34:14 AM #310

i approve of the swap Cheesy

i need to find a floppy disk now
Read March 09, 2007, 12:37:34 PM #311

i wouldn't mind swapping.. it'd save me like 40 miles of driving, but on the downside it doesnt give me an excuse to spend the weekend in seattle.

either way i don't care. as long as its somewhere.
Happy Redneck
Read March 09, 2007, 01:04:02 PM #312

I approve of the swap as well. I know plenty of people that'd would go nuts once they see IIDX at Narrows.
Read March 09, 2007, 01:15:56 PM #313

I'm definitely for swapping.
Read March 09, 2007, 01:22:42 PM #314

Swap please. While I love IIDX, I don't really feel like playing much 8th at the moment (and I don't think anyone feels like listening to me playing World Wide Love anymore). The only thing I would like is that you return the machine to Acme should we get an upgrade. No, this is not a request for the upgrade, I just would like to be able to play DD if we get it. Cheesy
Read March 09, 2007, 02:43:01 PM #315

going to acme in a little, again.

about the switching of the iidx... i kinda like it being at acme. i mostly play either that or drummania (and now itg once in awhile cuz of my new usb Shocked)
but if everyone else is all for the swap, i really don't mind
Read March 09, 2007, 05:32:37 PM #316


Haha, now I need to dig out my BMIII floppy.

Also, the magicade thing that has Speed Coin. Everyone loves Speed Coin. (Those that do not love Speed Coin will love Speed Coin upon playing)

Thanks, Bill!
Read March 09, 2007, 05:38:35 PM #317

Quote from: "metroid23"

Haha, now I need to dig out my BMIII floppy.

Also, the magicade thing that has Speed Coin. Everyone loves Speed Coin. (Those that do not love Speed Coin will love Speed Coin upon playing)

Thanks, Bill!

Ultracade's back?

Sweet, I'm 100% on for tomorrow night then. Smiley  Not tonight though, since I have a Japanese final tomorrow morning (at 8:30  :x ).
Read March 09, 2007, 06:24:16 PM #318

Sorry, I was asking to swap in the Ultracade, too. Because everyone loves Speed Coin and that is something that I think we can -all- agree on Smiley
Read March 09, 2007, 06:27:08 PM #319

Looks like a swap is going to go down as most everyone is ready for a change.  Look for it the middle of next weeks, maybe Wednesday.  Met, will work on an Ultracade.  Wish people would play those more.  Always seems to be the low earner in most places.  Makes no sense as the multi game idea is cool.
Read March 09, 2007, 06:31:51 PM #320


Well, I'm still going for A2A purposes.
Read March 09, 2007, 06:39:50 PM #321

Quote from: "mvco"
Looks like a swap is going to go down as most everyone is ready for a change.  Look for it the middle of next weeks, maybe Wednesday.  Met, will work on an Ultracade.  Wish people would play those more.  Always seems to be the low earner in most places.  Makes no sense as the multi game idea is cool.

I think people are intimidated that they have to pick which game they want to play? Unfortunately, when I go to ACME, I'm stuck waiting around to play DM/Beatmania with nothing else that interests me (although, watching large drunk men bash at that punching game is pretty fun). I think Ultracade might do that because it has variety.

Thanks for all the support here, Bill. I think a lot of people take things like this for granted as just something that's expected. To have an arcade operator that actually moves machines based on customer feedback is totally unheard of most of the time. I appreciate your willingness to help!
Read March 09, 2007, 07:44:54 PM #322

Bill, how good does the arcade touch machine do compared to Ultracades? I didn't get to play the Ultracade back in Everett much, but it seemed like a great machine to me. :-)
Read March 09, 2007, 07:48:13 PM #323

What I really want to know is how well that stock car game does...
Read March 09, 2007, 07:55:58 PM #324

The arcade touch does not do real great, either.  Stock Car Challenge is easily about the 6th-7th best game there.  Good variety for the adults and familys when they come through.  But I still suspect we will rotate it towards the end of summer.
Read March 09, 2007, 10:06:19 PM #325

haha speed coin... that was like one of the few games i played on ultracade back when casey's was still around.
bill> the right drum stick's chord on drummania came off so just letting you know before someone takes off with it Smiley
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